Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\com\sun\corba\se\impl\encoding\CodeSetCache.java
/* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.corba.se.impl.encoding; import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; /** * Thread local cache of sun.io code set converters for performance. * * The thread local class contains a single reference to a Map[] * containing two WeakHashMaps. One for CharsetEncoders and * one for CharsetDecoders. Constants are defined for indexing. * * This is used internally by CodeSetConversion. */ class CodeSetCache { /** * The ThreadLocal data is a 2 element Map array indexed * by BTC_CACHE_MAP and CTB_CACHE_MAP. */ private ThreadLocal converterCaches = new ThreadLocal() { public java.lang.Object initialValue() { return new Map[] { new WeakHashMap(), new WeakHashMap() }; } }; /** * Index in the thread local converterCaches array for * the byte to char converter Map. A key is the Java * name corresponding to the desired code set. */ private static final int BTC_CACHE_MAP = 0; /** * Index in the thread local converterCaches array for * the char to byte converter Map. A key is the Java * name corresponding to the desired code set. */ private static final int CTB_CACHE_MAP = 1; /** * Retrieve a CharsetDecoder from the Map using the given key. */ CharsetDecoder getByteToCharConverter(Object key) { Map btcMap = ((Map[])converterCaches.get())[BTC_CACHE_MAP]; return (CharsetDecoder)btcMap.get(key); } /** * Retrieve a CharsetEncoder from the Map using the given key. */ CharsetEncoder getCharToByteConverter(Object key) { Map ctbMap = ((Map[])converterCaches.get())[CTB_CACHE_MAP]; return (CharsetEncoder)ctbMap.get(key); } /** * Stores the given CharsetDecoder in the thread local cache, * and returns the same converter. */ CharsetDecoder setConverter(Object key, CharsetDecoder converter) { Map btcMap = ((Map[])converterCaches.get())[BTC_CACHE_MAP]; btcMap.put(key, converter); return converter; } /** * Stores the given CharsetEncoder in the thread local cache, * and returns the same converter. */ CharsetEncoder setConverter(Object key, CharsetEncoder converter) { Map ctbMap = ((Map[])converterCaches.get())[CTB_CACHE_MAP]; ctbMap.put(key, converter); return converter; } }
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