Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\com\sun\corba\se\impl\naming\cosnaming\NamingUtils.java
/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.corba.se.impl.naming.cosnaming; import java.io.*; import org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent; public class NamingUtils { // Do not instantiate this class private NamingUtils() {}; /** * Debug flag which must be true for debug streams to be created and * dprint output to be generated. */ public static boolean debug = false; /** * Prints the message to the debug stream if debugging is enabled. * @param msg the debug message to print. */ public static void dprint(String msg) { if (debug && debugStream != null) debugStream.println(msg); } /** * Prints the message to the error stream (System.err is default). * @param msg the error message to print. */ public static void errprint(String msg) { if (errStream != null) errStream.println(msg); else System.err.println(msg); } /** * Prints the stacktrace of the supplied exception to the error stream. * @param e any Java exception. */ public static void printException(java.lang.Exception e) { if (errStream != null) e.printStackTrace(errStream); else e.printStackTrace(); } /** * Create a debug print stream to the supplied log file. * @param logFile the file to which debug output will go. * @exception IOException thrown if the file cannot be opened for output. */ public static void makeDebugStream(File logFile) throws java.io.IOException { // Create an outputstream for debugging java.io.OutputStream logOStream = new java.io.FileOutputStream(logFile); java.io.DataOutputStream logDStream = new java.io.DataOutputStream(logOStream); debugStream = new java.io.PrintStream(logDStream); // Emit first message debugStream.println("Debug Stream Enabled."); } /** * Create a error print stream to the supplied file. * @param logFile the file to which error messages will go. * @exception IOException thrown if the file cannot be opened for output. */ public static void makeErrStream(File errFile) throws java.io.IOException { if (debug) { // Create an outputstream for errors java.io.OutputStream errOStream = new java.io.FileOutputStream(errFile); java.io.DataOutputStream errDStream = new java.io.DataOutputStream(errOStream); errStream = new java.io.PrintStream(errDStream); dprint("Error stream setup completed."); } } /** * A utility method that takes Array of NameComponent and converts * into a directory structured name in the format of /id1.kind1/id2.kind2.. * This is used mainly for Logging. */ static String getDirectoryStructuredName( NameComponent[] name ) { StringBuffer directoryStructuredName = new StringBuffer("/"); for( int i = 0; i < name.length; i++ ) { directoryStructuredName.append( name[i].id + "." + name[i].kind ); } return directoryStructuredName.toString( ); } /** * The debug printstream. */ public static java.io.PrintStream debugStream; /** * The error printstream. */ public static java.io.PrintStream errStream; }
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