Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\com\sun\corba\se\impl\orbutil\threadpool\ThreadPoolImpl.java
/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.corba.se.impl.orbutil.threadpool; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Closeable; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.orbutil.threadpool.NoSuchWorkQueueException; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPool; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.orbutil.threadpool.Work; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.orbutil.threadpool.WorkQueue; import com.sun.corba.se.impl.orbutil.ORBConstants; import com.sun.corba.se.impl.orbutil.threadpool.WorkQueueImpl; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.monitoring.MonitoringConstants; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.monitoring.MonitoredObject; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.monitoring.MonitoringFactories; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.orb.ORB; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.monitoring.LongMonitoredAttributeBase; import com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging.ORBUtilSystemException; import com.sun.corba.se.impl.orbutil.ORBConstants; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.logging.CORBALogDomains; public class ThreadPoolImpl implements ThreadPool { // serial counter useful for debugging private static AtomicInteger threadCounter = new AtomicInteger(0); private static final ORBUtilSystemException wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get(CORBALogDomains.RPC_TRANSPORT); // Any time currentThreadCount and/or availableWorkerThreads is updated // or accessed this ThreadPool's WorkQueue must be locked. And, it is // expected that this ThreadPool's WorkQueue is the only object that // updates and accesses these values directly and indirectly though a // call to a method in this ThreadPool. If any call to update or access // those values must synchronized on this ThreadPool's WorkQueue. private WorkQueue workQueue; // Stores the number of available worker threads private int availableWorkerThreads = 0; // Stores the number of threads in the threadpool currently private int currentThreadCount = 0; // Minimum number of worker threads created at instantiation of the threadpool private int minWorkerThreads = 0; // Maximum number of worker threads in the threadpool private int maxWorkerThreads = 0; // Inactivity timeout value for worker threads to exit and stop running private long inactivityTimeout; // Indicates if the threadpool is bounded or unbounded private boolean boundedThreadPool = false; // Running count of the work items processed // Set the value to 1 so that divide by zero is avoided in // averageWorkCompletionTime() private AtomicLong processedCount = new AtomicLong(1); // Running aggregate of the time taken in millis to execute work items // processed by the threads in the threadpool private AtomicLong totalTimeTaken = new AtomicLong(0); // Name of the ThreadPool private String name; // MonitoredObject for ThreadPool private MonitoredObject threadpoolMonitoredObject; // ThreadGroup in which threads should be created private ThreadGroup threadGroup; Object workersLock = new Object(); List<WorkerThread> workers = new ArrayList<>(); /** * This constructor is used to create an unbounded threadpool */ public ThreadPoolImpl(ThreadGroup tg, String threadpoolName) { inactivityTimeout = ORBConstants.DEFAULT_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT; maxWorkerThreads = Integer.MAX_VALUE; workQueue = new WorkQueueImpl(this); threadGroup = tg; name = threadpoolName; initializeMonitoring(); } /** * This constructor is used to create an unbounded threadpool * in the ThreadGroup of the current thread */ public ThreadPoolImpl(String threadpoolName) { this( Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(), threadpoolName ) ; } /** * This constructor is used to create bounded threadpool */ public ThreadPoolImpl(int minSize, int maxSize, long timeout, String threadpoolName) { minWorkerThreads = minSize; maxWorkerThreads = maxSize; inactivityTimeout = timeout; boundedThreadPool = true; workQueue = new WorkQueueImpl(this); name = threadpoolName; for (int i = 0; i < minWorkerThreads; i++) { createWorkerThread(); } initializeMonitoring(); } // Note that this method should not return until AFTER all threads have died. public void close() throws IOException { // Copy to avoid concurrent modification problems. List<WorkerThread> copy = null; synchronized (workersLock) { copy = new ArrayList<>(workers); } for (WorkerThread wt : copy) { wt.close(); while (wt.getState() != Thread.State.TERMINATED) { try { wt.join(); } catch (InterruptedException exc) { wrapper.interruptedJoinCallWhileClosingThreadPool(exc, wt, this); } } } threadGroup = null; } // Setup monitoring for this threadpool private void initializeMonitoring() { // Get root monitored object MonitoredObject root = MonitoringFactories.getMonitoringManagerFactory(). createMonitoringManager(MonitoringConstants.DEFAULT_MONITORING_ROOT, null). getRootMonitoredObject(); // Create the threadpool monitoring root MonitoredObject threadPoolMonitoringObjectRoot = root.getChild( MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_MONITORING_ROOT); if (threadPoolMonitoringObjectRoot == null) { threadPoolMonitoringObjectRoot = MonitoringFactories. getMonitoredObjectFactory().createMonitoredObject( MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_MONITORING_ROOT, MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_MONITORING_ROOT_DESCRIPTION); root.addChild(threadPoolMonitoringObjectRoot); } threadpoolMonitoredObject = MonitoringFactories. getMonitoredObjectFactory(). createMonitoredObject(name, MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_MONITORING_DESCRIPTION); threadPoolMonitoringObjectRoot.addChild(threadpoolMonitoredObject); LongMonitoredAttributeBase b1 = new LongMonitoredAttributeBase(MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS, MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_DESCRIPTION) { public Object getValue() { return new Long(ThreadPoolImpl.this.currentNumberOfThreads()); } }; threadpoolMonitoredObject.addAttribute(b1); LongMonitoredAttributeBase b2 = new LongMonitoredAttributeBase(MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_NUMBER_OF_AVAILABLE_THREADS, MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_DESCRIPTION) { public Object getValue() { return new Long(ThreadPoolImpl.this.numberOfAvailableThreads()); } }; threadpoolMonitoredObject.addAttribute(b2); LongMonitoredAttributeBase b3 = new LongMonitoredAttributeBase(MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_NUMBER_OF_BUSY_THREADS, MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_NUMBER_OF_BUSY_THREADS_DESCRIPTION) { public Object getValue() { return new Long(ThreadPoolImpl.this.numberOfBusyThreads()); } }; threadpoolMonitoredObject.addAttribute(b3); LongMonitoredAttributeBase b4 = new LongMonitoredAttributeBase(MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_AVERAGE_WORK_COMPLETION_TIME, MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_AVERAGE_WORK_COMPLETION_TIME_DESCRIPTION) { public Object getValue() { return new Long(ThreadPoolImpl.this.averageWorkCompletionTime()); } }; threadpoolMonitoredObject.addAttribute(b4); LongMonitoredAttributeBase b5 = new LongMonitoredAttributeBase(MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_CURRENT_PROCESSED_COUNT, MonitoringConstants.THREADPOOL_CURRENT_PROCESSED_COUNT_DESCRIPTION) { public Object getValue() { return new Long(ThreadPoolImpl.this.currentProcessedCount()); } }; threadpoolMonitoredObject.addAttribute(b5); // Add the monitored object for the WorkQueue threadpoolMonitoredObject.addChild( ((WorkQueueImpl)workQueue).getMonitoredObject()); } // Package private method to get the monitored object for this // class MonitoredObject getMonitoredObject() { return threadpoolMonitoredObject; } public WorkQueue getAnyWorkQueue() { return workQueue; } public WorkQueue getWorkQueue(int queueId) throws NoSuchWorkQueueException { if (queueId != 0) throw new NoSuchWorkQueueException(); return workQueue; } /** * To be called from the workqueue when work is added to the * workQueue. This method would create new threads if required * or notify waiting threads on the queue for available work */ void notifyForAvailableWork(WorkQueue aWorkQueue) { synchronized (aWorkQueue) { if (availableWorkerThreads < aWorkQueue.workItemsInQueue()) { createWorkerThread(); } else { aWorkQueue.notify(); } } } private Thread createWorkerThreadHelper( String name ) { // Thread creation needs to be in a doPrivileged block // if there is a non-null security manager for two reasons: // 1. The creation of a thread in a specific ThreadGroup // is a privileged operation. Lack of a doPrivileged // block here causes an AccessControlException // (see bug 6268145). // 2. We want to make sure that the permissions associated // with this thread do NOT include the permissions of // the current thread that is calling this method. // This leads to problems in the app server where // some threads in the ThreadPool randomly get // bad permissions, leading to unpredictable // permission errors (see bug 6021011). // // A Java thread contains a stack of call frames, // one for each method called that has not yet returned. // Each method comes from a particular class. The class // was loaded by a ClassLoader which has an associated // CodeSource, and this determines the Permissions // for all methods in that class. The current // Permissions for the thread are the intersection of // all Permissions for the methods on the stack. // This is part of the Security Context of the thread. // // When a thread creates a new thread, the new thread // inherits the security context of the old thread. // This is bad in a ThreadPool, because different // creators of threads may have different security contexts. // This leads to occasional unpredictable errors when // a thread is re-used in a different security context. // // Avoiding this problem is simple: just do the thread // creation in a doPrivileged block. This sets the // inherited security context to that of the code source // for the ORB code itself, which contains all permissions // in either Java SE or Java EE. WorkerThread thread = new WorkerThread(threadGroup, name); synchronized (workersLock) { workers.add(thread); } // The thread must be set to a daemon thread so the // VM can exit if the only threads left are PooledThreads // or other daemons. We don't want to rely on the // calling thread always being a daemon. // Note that no exception is possible here since we // are inside the doPrivileged block. thread.setDaemon(true); wrapper.workerThreadCreated(thread, thread.getContextClassLoader()); thread.start(); return null; } /** * To be called from the workqueue to create worker threads when none * available. */ void createWorkerThread() { final String name = getName(); synchronized (workQueue) { try { if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { createWorkerThreadHelper(name); } else { // If we get here, we need to create a thread. AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { return createWorkerThreadHelper(name); } } ); } } catch (Throwable t) { // Decrementing the count of current worker threads. // But, it will be increased in the finally block. decrementCurrentNumberOfThreads(); wrapper.workerThreadCreationFailure(t); } finally { incrementCurrentNumberOfThreads(); } } } public int minimumNumberOfThreads() { return minWorkerThreads; } public int maximumNumberOfThreads() { return maxWorkerThreads; } public long idleTimeoutForThreads() { return inactivityTimeout; } public int currentNumberOfThreads() { synchronized (workQueue) { return currentThreadCount; } } void decrementCurrentNumberOfThreads() { synchronized (workQueue) { currentThreadCount--; } } void incrementCurrentNumberOfThreads() { synchronized (workQueue) { currentThreadCount++; } } public int numberOfAvailableThreads() { synchronized (workQueue) { return availableWorkerThreads; } } public int numberOfBusyThreads() { synchronized (workQueue) { return (currentThreadCount - availableWorkerThreads); } } public long averageWorkCompletionTime() { synchronized (workQueue) { return (totalTimeTaken.get() / processedCount.get()); } } public long currentProcessedCount() { synchronized (workQueue) { return processedCount.get(); } } public String getName() { return name; } /** * This method will return the number of WorkQueues serviced by the threadpool. */ public int numberOfWorkQueues() { return 1; } private static synchronized int getUniqueThreadId() { return ThreadPoolImpl.threadCounter.incrementAndGet(); } /** * This method will decrement the number of available threads * in the threadpool which are waiting for work. Called from * WorkQueueImpl.requestWork() */ void decrementNumberOfAvailableThreads() { synchronized (workQueue) { availableWorkerThreads--; } } /** * This method will increment the number of available threads * in the threadpool which are waiting for work. Called from * WorkQueueImpl.requestWork() */ void incrementNumberOfAvailableThreads() { synchronized (workQueue) { availableWorkerThreads++; } } private class WorkerThread extends Thread implements Closeable { private Work currentWork; private int threadId = 0; // unique id for the thread private volatile boolean closeCalled = false; private String threadPoolName; // name seen by Thread.getName() private StringBuffer workerThreadName = new StringBuffer(); WorkerThread(ThreadGroup tg, String threadPoolName) { super(tg, "Idle"); this.threadId = ThreadPoolImpl.getUniqueThreadId(); this.threadPoolName = threadPoolName; setName(composeWorkerThreadName(threadPoolName, "Idle")); } public synchronized void close() { closeCalled = true; interrupt(); } private void resetClassLoader() { } private void performWork() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { currentWork.doWork(); } catch (Throwable t) { wrapper.workerThreadDoWorkThrowable(this, t); } long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; totalTimeTaken.addAndGet(elapsedTime); processedCount.incrementAndGet(); } public void run() { try { while (!closeCalled) { try { currentWork = ((WorkQueueImpl)workQueue).requestWork( inactivityTimeout); if (currentWork == null) continue; } catch (InterruptedException exc) { wrapper.workQueueThreadInterrupted( exc, getName(), Boolean.valueOf(closeCalled)); continue ; } catch (Throwable t) { wrapper.workerThreadThrowableFromRequestWork(this, t, workQueue.getName()); continue; } performWork(); // set currentWork to null so that the work item can be // garbage collected without waiting for the next work item. currentWork = null; resetClassLoader(); } } catch (Throwable e) { // This should not be possible wrapper.workerThreadCaughtUnexpectedThrowable(this,e); } finally { synchronized (workersLock) { workers.remove(this); } } } private String composeWorkerThreadName(String poolName, String workerName) { workerThreadName.setLength(0); workerThreadName.append("p: ").append(poolName); workerThreadName.append("; w: ").append(workerName); return workerThreadName.toString(); } } // End of WorkerThread class } // End of file.
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