Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\com\sun\org\apache\xalan\internal\xsltc\trax\StAXStream2SAX.java
/* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Iterator; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.DTDHandler; import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver; import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.Locator; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler; import org.xml.sax.ext.Locator2; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.dom.SAXImpl; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException; import javax.xml.stream.events.Attribute; import javax.xml.stream.events.Characters; import javax.xml.stream.events.EndElement; import javax.xml.stream.events.Namespace; import javax.xml.stream.events.ProcessingInstruction; import javax.xml.stream.events.StartElement; import javax.xml.stream.events.StartDocument; import javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent; /** * @author Padmaja Vedula * @author Sunitha Reddy */ public class StAXStream2SAX implements XMLReader, Locator { //private final static String EMPTYSTRING = ""; //private static final String XMLNS_PREFIX = "xmlns"; // StAX Stream source private final XMLStreamReader staxStreamReader; //private Node _dom = null; private ContentHandler _sax = null; private LexicalHandler _lex = null; private SAXImpl _saxImpl = null; //private Hashtable _nsPrefixes = new Hashtable(); public StAXStream2SAX(XMLStreamReader staxSrc) { staxStreamReader = staxSrc; } public ContentHandler getContentHandler() { return _sax; } public void setContentHandler(ContentHandler handler) throws NullPointerException { _sax = handler; if (handler instanceof LexicalHandler) { _lex = (LexicalHandler) handler; } if (handler instanceof SAXImpl) { _saxImpl = (SAXImpl)handler; } } public void parse(InputSource unused) throws IOException, SAXException { try { bridge(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new SAXException(e); } } //Main Work Starts Here. public void parse() throws IOException, SAXException, XMLStreamException { bridge(); } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public void parse(String sysId) throws IOException, SAXException { throw new IOException("This method is not yet implemented."); } public void bridge() throws XMLStreamException { try { // remembers the nest level of elements to know when we are done. int depth=0; // skip over START_DOCUMENT int event = staxStreamReader.getEventType(); if (event == XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT) { event = staxStreamReader.next(); } // If not a START_ELEMENT (e.g., a DTD), skip to next tag if (event != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { event = staxStreamReader.nextTag(); // An error if a START_ELEMENT isn't found now if (event != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { throw new IllegalStateException("The current event is " + "not START_ELEMENT\n but" + event); } } handleStartDocument(); do { // These are all of the events listed in the javadoc for // XMLEvent. // The spec only really describes 11 of them. switch (event) { case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT : depth++; handleStartElement(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT : handleEndElement(); depth--; break; case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS : handleCharacters(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.ENTITY_REFERENCE : handleEntityReference(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION : handlePI(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT : handleComment(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.DTD : handleDTD(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.ATTRIBUTE : handleAttribute(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.NAMESPACE : handleNamespace(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.CDATA : handleCDATA(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.ENTITY_DECLARATION : handleEntityDecl(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.NOTATION_DECLARATION : handleNotationDecl(); break; case XMLStreamConstants.SPACE : handleSpace(); break; default : throw new InternalError("processing event: " + event); } event=staxStreamReader.next(); } while (depth!=0); handleEndDocument(); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } } private void handleEndDocument() throws SAXException { _sax.endDocument(); } private void handleStartDocument() throws SAXException { _sax.setDocumentLocator(new Locator2() { public int getColumnNumber() { return staxStreamReader.getLocation().getColumnNumber(); } public int getLineNumber() { return staxStreamReader.getLocation().getLineNumber(); } public String getPublicId() { return staxStreamReader.getLocation().getPublicId(); } public String getSystemId() { return staxStreamReader.getLocation().getSystemId(); } public String getXMLVersion() { return staxStreamReader.getVersion(); } public String getEncoding() { return staxStreamReader.getEncoding(); } }); _sax.startDocument(); } private void handlePI() throws XMLStreamException { try { _sax.processingInstruction( staxStreamReader.getPITarget(), staxStreamReader.getPIData()); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } } private void handleCharacters() throws XMLStreamException { // workaround for bugid 5046319 - switch over to commented section // below when it is fixed. int textLength = staxStreamReader.getTextLength(); char[] chars = new char[textLength]; staxStreamReader.getTextCharacters(0, chars, 0, textLength); try { _sax.characters(chars, 0, chars.length); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } // int start = 0; // int len; // do { // len = staxStreamReader.getTextCharacters(start, buf, 0, buf.length); // start += len; // try { // _sax.characters(buf, 0, len); // } catch (SAXException e) { // throw new XMLStreamException(e); // } // } while (len == buf.length); } private void handleEndElement() throws XMLStreamException { QName qName = staxStreamReader.getName(); try { //construct prefix:localName from qName String qname = ""; if (qName.getPrefix() != null && qName.getPrefix().trim().length() != 0){ qname = qName.getPrefix() + ":"; } qname += qName.getLocalPart(); // fire endElement _sax.endElement( qName.getNamespaceURI(), qName.getLocalPart(), qname); // end namespace bindings int nsCount = staxStreamReader.getNamespaceCount(); for (int i = nsCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String prefix = staxStreamReader.getNamespacePrefix(i); if (prefix == null) { // true for default namespace prefix = ""; } _sax.endPrefixMapping(prefix); } } catch (SAXException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } } private void handleStartElement() throws XMLStreamException { try { // start namespace bindings int nsCount = staxStreamReader.getNamespaceCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nsCount; i++) { String prefix = staxStreamReader.getNamespacePrefix(i); if (prefix == null) { // true for default namespace prefix = ""; } _sax.startPrefixMapping( prefix, staxStreamReader.getNamespaceURI(i)); } // fire startElement QName qName = staxStreamReader.getName(); String prefix = qName.getPrefix(); String rawname; if(prefix==null || prefix.length()==0) rawname = qName.getLocalPart(); else rawname = prefix + ':' + qName.getLocalPart(); Attributes attrs = getAttributes(); _sax.startElement( qName.getNamespaceURI(), qName.getLocalPart(), rawname, attrs); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new XMLStreamException(e); } } /** * Get the attributes associated with the given START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE * StAXevent. * * @return the StAX attributes converted to an org.xml.sax.Attributes */ private Attributes getAttributes() { AttributesImpl attrs = new AttributesImpl(); int eventType = staxStreamReader.getEventType(); if (eventType != XMLStreamConstants.ATTRIBUTE && eventType != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { throw new InternalError( "getAttributes() attempting to process: " + eventType); } // in SAX, namespace declarations are not part of attributes by default. // (there's a property to control that, but as far as we are concerned // we don't use it.) So don't add xmlns:* to attributes. // gather non-namespace attrs for (int i = 0; i < staxStreamReader.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String uri = staxStreamReader.getAttributeNamespace(i); if(uri==null) uri=""; String localName = staxStreamReader.getAttributeLocalName(i); String prefix = staxStreamReader.getAttributePrefix(i); String qName; if(prefix==null || prefix.length()==0) qName = localName; else qName = prefix + ':' + localName; String type = staxStreamReader.getAttributeType(i); String value = staxStreamReader.getAttributeValue(i); attrs.addAttribute(uri, localName, qName, type, value); } return attrs; } private void handleNamespace() { // no-op ??? // namespace events don't normally occur outside of a startElement // or endElement } private void handleAttribute() { // no-op ??? // attribute events don't normally occur outside of a startElement // or endElement } private void handleDTD() { // no-op ??? // it seems like we need to pass this info along, but how? } private void handleComment() { // no-op ??? } private void handleEntityReference() { // no-op ??? } private void handleSpace() { // no-op ??? // this event is listed in the javadoc, but not in the spec. } private void handleNotationDecl() { // no-op ??? // this event is listed in the javadoc, but not in the spec. } private void handleEntityDecl() { // no-op ??? // this event is listed in the javadoc, but not in the spec. } private void handleCDATA() { // no-op ??? // this event is listed in the javadoc, but not in the spec. } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public DTDHandler getDTDHandler() { return null; } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler() { return null; } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public boolean getFeature(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { return false; } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public void setFeature(String name, boolean value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public void setDTDHandler(DTDHandler handler) throws NullPointerException { } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver) throws NullPointerException { } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public EntityResolver getEntityResolver() { return null; } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler) throws NullPointerException { } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public void setProperty(String name, Object value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public Object getProperty(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { return null; } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public int getColumnNumber() { return 0; } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public int getLineNumber() { return 0; } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public String getPublicId() { return null; } /** * This class is only used internally so this method should never * be called. */ public String getSystemId() { return null; } }
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