Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\db\lib\org\apache\derby\loc\m20_en.properties
#Fri Nov 02 12:23:01 PDT 2012 42879=The ORDER BY clause may not contain column ''{0}'', since the query specifies DISTINCT and that column does not appear in the query result. 2D521.S.2=COMMIT or ROLLBACK invalid for application execution environment. XN019.S=Error executing a {0}, server returned {1}. 2D521.S.1=setAutoCommit(true) invalid during global transaction. 4251B=PUBLIC is reserved and cannot be used as a user identifier or role name. XJ059.S=Cannot close a connection while a global transaction is still active. XSDBA.D=Attempt to allocate object {0} failed. XJ077.S=Got an exception when trying to read the first byte/character of the BLOB/CLOB pattern using getBytes/getSubString. J101=Cannot load the network server class, {0}. {1} Check the integrity of your derbynet.jar file. XSDAB.S=cannot set a null time stamp XSTA2.S=A transaction was already active, when attempt was made to make another transaction active. 01J12=Unable to obtain message text from server. See the next exception. The stored procedure SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGE is not installed on the server. Please contact your database administrator. 40XT0=An internal error was identified by RawStore module. XSLB9.S=Cannot issue any more change, log factory has been stopped. XJ095.S=An attempt to execute a privileged action failed. J020=secret cryptographic key XJ068.S=Only executeBatch and clearBatch allowed in the middle of a batch. 4250C=User(s) ''{0}'' must not be in both read-only and full-access authorization lists. J110=security mechanism not supported D008=error editing database service.properties, backup aborted\: {0} XJ086.S=This method cannot be invoked while the cursor is not on the insert row or if the concurrency of this ResultSet object is CONCUR_READ_ONLY. XSAS3.S=The type of a row inserted into a sort does not match the sort''s template. 42XAA=The NEW value of generated column ''{0}'' is mentioned in the BEFORE action of a trigger. This is not allowed.
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