Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\db\lib\org\apache\derby\loc\m24_en.properties
#Fri Nov 02 12:23:02 PDT 2012 01J07=ResultSetHoldability restricted to ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT for a global transaction. J123=the requested command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific condition for which there was no architected message (additional information may be available in the derby.log file on the server) L004=\n------------ END SHUTDOWN ERROR STACK -------------\n 428C1=Only one identity column is allowed in a table. I025=JDBC Driver not available J105=Precision exceeds 31 digits\! XSTB5.M=Creating database with logging disabled encountered unexpected problem. 40XT4=An attempt was made to close a transaction that was still active. The transaction has been aborted. J132=The user name for the connection L013=log record is first but transaction is already in transaction table \: {0} XBCXA.S=Wrong boot password. X0X13.S=Jar file ''{0}'' does not exist in schema ''{1}''. XSDAF.S=Using special record handle as if it were a normal record handle. J114=userid revoked XJ099.S=The Reader/Stream object does not contain length characters J006=deregister AutoloadedDriver L022=WARNING\: Due to a permissions issue accessing the log files, the status of the database has been changed to read only. \n 42XAE=''{0}'' value out of range of datatype ''{1}''. Must be between ''{2}'' and ''{3}''. X0Y30.S=Operation ''{0}'' cannot be performed on object ''{1}'' because ROUTINE ''{2}'' is dependent on that object.
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