Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\db\lib\org\apache\derby\loc\m37_en.properties
#Fri Nov 02 12:23:02 PDT 2012 XRE02=Master and Slave at different versions. Unable to proceed with Replication. 2201Z=NULL value not allowed for {0} argument. X0Y79.S=Statement.executeUpdate() cannot be called with a statement that returns a ResultSet. XCL46.S=SET DEFAULT XRE20.D=Failover performed successfully for database ''{0}'', the database has been shutdown. 43X00.U=Attached to 42X10=''{0}'' is not an exposed table name in the scope in which it appears. XBCXN.S=The external encryption key contains one or more illegal characters. Allowed characters for a hexadecimal number are 0-9, a-f and A-F. XCL19.S=Missing row in table ''{0}'' for key ''{1}''. XCL37.S=The delete rule of foreign key must be {0}. (The referential constraint is self-referencing and the table is dependent in a relationship with a delete rule of CASCADE.) 42X01=Syntax error\: {0}. XRE11.C=Could not perform operation ''{0}'' because the database ''{1}'' has not been booted. XSLAK.D=Database has exceeded largest log file number {0}. 42Y00=Class ''{0}'' does not implement org.apache.derby.iapi.db.AggregateDefinition and thus cannot be used as an aggregate expression. XML00=Failed to locate ''{0}'' API or implementation classes. XML operations are not permitted unless these classes are in your classpath.
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