Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\db\lib\org\apache\derby\loc\m39_en.properties
#Fri Nov 02 12:23:02 PDT 2012 XRE04.C.2=Connection lost for replicated database ''{0}''. XRE04.C.1=Could not establish a connection to the peer of the replicated database ''{0}'' on address ''{1}\:{2}''. 43X02.U=Any ResultSet 43Y01.U=Index Key Optimization XRE22.C=Replication master has already been booted for database ''{0}'' XCL39.S=The delete rule of foreign key cannot be CASCADE. (A self-referencing constraint exists with a delete rule of SET NULL, NO ACTION or RESTRICT.) 43X20.U=Distinct Scalar Aggregate ResultSet XRE40=Could not perform operation because the database is not in replication slave mode. 42Y11=A join specification is required with the ''{0}'' clause. 42X03=Column name ''{0}'' is in more than one table in the FROM list. 42X30=Cursor ''{0}'' not found. Verify that autocommit is OFF. XSRS5.S=Error copying file (during backup) from {0} to {1}. 42Z01.U=UNTYPED 43X11.U=Node 43Y10.U=Table Scan ResultSet for {0} XSLAM.D=Cannot verify database format at {1} due to IOException. XBCXP.S=Cannot re-encrypt the database with a new boot password or an external encryption key when there is a global transaction in the prepared state. 42X12=Column name ''{0}'' appears more than once in the CREATE TABLE statement. XCL48.S=TRUNCATE TABLE is not permitted on ''{0}'' because unique/primary key constraints on this table are referenced by enabled foreign key constraints from other tables. 42Z10=The Java class bound to a user defined type may not be a class used internally by Derby\: ''{0}''.
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