Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\db\lib\org\apache\derby\loc\m3_en.properties
#Fri Nov 02 12:23:01 PDT 2012 23503={2} on table ''{1}'' caused a violation of foreign key constraint ''{0}'' for key {3}. The statement has been rolled back. XBM0J.D=Directory {0} already exists. XSDA1.S=An attempt was made to access an out of range slot on a page 42610=All the arguments to the COALESCE/VALUE function cannot be parameters. The function needs at least one argument that is not a parameter. 42X89=Types ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' are not type compatible. Neither type is assignable to the other type. 42502=User ''{0}'' does not have {1} permission on column ''{2}'' of table ''{3}''.''{4}''. 42Z87.U=share table 43X97.U=projection time (milliseconds) XIE0K.S=The period was specified as a character string delimiter. 54004=SELECT statement has too many items in GROUP BY, ORDER BY or select list. XSRSC.S=Cannot backup the database to {0}, it is a database directory. 42XA0=The generation clause for column ''{0}'' has data type ''{1}'', which cannot be assigned to the column''s declared data type. 22018=Invalid character string format for type {0}. XD003.S=Unable to restore dependency from disk. DependableFinder \= ''{0}''. Further information\: ''{1}''. 25501=Unable to set the connection read-only property in an active transaction. 42X98=Parameters are not allowed in a VIEW definition. 42601.S.372=ALTER TABLE statement cannot add an IDENTITY column to a table. XSCB1.S=Container {0} not found. 43X88.U=Empty right rows returned 38002=The routine attempted to modify data, but the routine was not defined as MODIFIES SQL DATA. 42601=In an ALTER TABLE statement, the column ''{0}'' has been specified as NOT NULL and either the DEFAULT clause was not specified or was specified as DEFAULT NULL. 40XC0=Dead statement. This may be caused by catching a transaction severity error inside this statement. 22027=The built-in TRIM() function only supports a single trim character. The LTRIM() and RTRIM() built-in functions support multiple trim characters. XSDB0.D=Unexpected exception on in-memory page {0} 43X79.U=Rows seen from the left 42Y97=Invalid escape character at line ''{0}'', column ''{1}''.
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