Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\db\lib\org\apache\derby\loc\m43_en.properties
#Fri Nov 02 12:23:02 PDT 2012 43X42.U=Has distinct aggregate 42Z23=Attempt to modify an identity column ''{0}''. 43X60.U=Index Row to Base Row ResultSet for {0} 42Z50=INTERNAL ERROR\: Unable to generate code for {0}. 42Z41.U=Ordered null semantics on the following columns\: 42Y24=View ''{0}'' is not updatable. (Views are currently not updatable.) XSRS9.S=Record {0} no longer exists XCZ02.S=Invalid parameter ''{0}''\=''{1}''. 42X25=The ''{0}'' function is not allowed on the ''{1}'' type. 43Y14.U=Union ResultSet 42X52=Calling method (''{0}'') using a receiver of the Java primitive type ''{1}'' is not allowed. XRE08=Replication slave mode started successfully for database ''{0}''. Connection refused because the database is in replication slave mode. 43Y32.U=Begin Execution Timestamp XCY03.S=Required property ''{0}'' has not been set. 43Y50.U=Delete VTI 43X15.U=row locking XBCXT.S=Cannot re-encrypt a database with a new boot password or an external encryption key, when database is in the log archive mode. 42Y42=Scale ''{1}'' is not a valid scale for a {0}. 43X33.U=next time in milliseconds/row 44X05.U=next error 42X16=Column name ''{0}'' appears multiple times in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. 42Z32.U=total time breakdown\: 43X51.U=Hash Scan ResultSet for {0} using {1} {2} 42X43=The ResultSetMetaData returned for the class/object ''{0}'' was null. In order to use this class as an external virtual table, the ResultSetMetaData cannot be null. 42X70=The number of columns in the table column list does not match the number of columns in the underlying query expression in the table definition for ''{0}''. 21000=Scalar subquery is only allowed to return a single row. 43Y05.U=Number of writes to hash table 43Y23.U=Statement Text 42Y33=Aggregate {0} contains one or more aggregates. XSLAQ.D=cannot create log file at directory {0}. 42X07=Null is only allowed in a VALUES clause within an INSERT statement. 42Y60=Invalid value, ''{0}'', specified for hashLoadFactor override. Value must be greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0. 42X34=There is a ? parameter in the select list. This is not allowed. 43X06.U=End Subquery Number 42X61=Types ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' are not {2} compatible. 43X24.U=constraint
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