Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\db\lib\org\apache\derby\loc\m45_en.properties
#Fri Nov 02 12:23:02 PDT 2012 43Y16.U=Update ResultSet using {0} locking 42Y26=Aggregates are not allowed in the GROUP BY list. 22001=A truncation error was encountered trying to shrink {0} ''{1}'' to length {2}. 43Y52.U=Delete Cascade ResultSet using 43X17.U=Rows deleted XBCXV.S=Encryption of an encrypted database with a new key or a new password failed\: {0} 43X35.U=stop position 42X54=The Java method ''{0}'' has a ? as a receiver. This is not allowed. 42Z16=Only columns of type VARCHAR, CLOB, and BLOB may have their length altered. 42Z34.U=open time (milliseconds) \= 43X53.U=Hash key is column number 42X81=A query expression must return at least one column. 43X71.U=Last Key Index Scan ResultSet for {0} using index {1} 42Z70=Binding directly to an XML value is not allowed; try using XMLPARSE. 42Y44=Invalid key ''{0}'' specified in the Properties list of a FROM list. The case-sensitive keys that are currently supported are ''{1}''. 43Y07.U=Eliminate duplicates 42Y71=System function or procedure ''{0}'' cannot be dropped. 42X45={0} is an invalid type for argument number {1} of {2}. 43Y25.U=Bind Time XSLAS.D=Log directory {0} not found in backup during restore. Please make sure that backup copy is the correct one and it is not corrupted. 42X72=No static field ''{0}'' was found belonging to class ''{1}''. The field might exist, but it is not public and/or static, or the class does not exist or the class is not public. 42Z07=Aggregates are not permitted in the ON clause. 43X08.U=optimizer estimated cost\: {0,number,\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#0.00} 43Y61.U=Except 42Y08=Foreign key constraints are not allowed on system tables. 43X26.U=Distinct Scan ResultSet for {0} 40001=A lock could not be obtained due to a deadlock, cycle of locks and waiters is\:\n{0}. The selected victim is XID \: {1}. 42Y35=Column reference ''{0}'' is invalid. When the SELECT list contains at least one aggregate then all entries must be valid aggregate expressions. 43X44.U=Grouped Aggregate 43X62.U=for {0} 42X09=The table or alias name ''{0}'' is used more than once in the FROM list. 42Z43.U=Operator 42Y62=''{0}'' is not allowed on ''{1}'' because it is a view. 42X36=The ''{0}'' operator is not allowed to take a ? parameter as an operand. 43X80.U=Rows seen from the right 42X63=The USING clause did not return any results. No parameters can be set. 42X90=More than one primary key constraint specified for table ''{0}''. 42Z25=INTERNAL ERROR identity counter. Update was called without arguments with current value \= NULL.
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