Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\java\awt\font\TextJustifier.java
/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* * (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - 1997, All Rights Reserved * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - 1998, All Rights Reserved * * The original version of this source code and documentation is * copyrighted and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary * of IBM. These materials are provided under terms of a License * Agreement between Taligent and Sun. This technology is protected * by multiple US and International patents. * * This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed. * Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc. * */ package java.awt.font; /* * one info for each side of each glyph * separate infos for grow and shrink case * !!! this doesn't really need to be a separate class. If we keep it * separate, probably the newJustify code from TextLayout belongs here as well. */ class TextJustifier { private GlyphJustificationInfo[] info; private int start; private int limit; static boolean DEBUG = false; /** * Initialize the justifier with an array of infos corresponding to each * glyph. Start and limit indicate the range of the array to examine. */ TextJustifier(GlyphJustificationInfo[] info, int start, int limit) { this.info = info; this.start = start; this.limit = limit; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("start: " + start + ", limit: " + limit); for (int i = start; i < limit; i++) { GlyphJustificationInfo gji = info[i]; System.out.println("w: " + gji.weight + ", gp: " + gji.growPriority + ", gll: " + gji.growLeftLimit + ", grl: " + gji.growRightLimit); } } } public static final int MAX_PRIORITY = 3; /** * Return an array of deltas twice as long as the original info array, * indicating the amount by which each side of each glyph should grow * or shrink. * * Delta should be positive to expand the line, and negative to compress it. */ public float[] justify(float delta) { float[] deltas = new float[info.length * 2]; boolean grow = delta > 0; if (DEBUG) System.out.println("delta: " + delta); // make separate passes through glyphs in order of decreasing priority // until justifyDelta is zero or we run out of priorities. int fallbackPriority = -1; for (int p = 0; delta != 0; p++) { /* * special case 'fallback' iteration, set flag and recheck * highest priority */ boolean lastPass = p > MAX_PRIORITY; if (lastPass) p = fallbackPriority; // pass through glyphs, first collecting weights and limits float weight = 0; float gslimit = 0; float absorbweight = 0; for (int i = start; i < limit; i++) { GlyphJustificationInfo gi = info[i]; if ((grow ? gi.growPriority : gi.shrinkPriority) == p) { if (fallbackPriority == -1) { fallbackPriority = p; } if (i != start) { // ignore left of first character weight += gi.weight; if (grow) { gslimit += gi.growLeftLimit; if (gi.growAbsorb) { absorbweight += gi.weight; } } else { gslimit += gi.shrinkLeftLimit; if (gi.shrinkAbsorb) { absorbweight += gi.weight; } } } if (i + 1 != limit) { // ignore right of last character weight += gi.weight; if (grow) { gslimit += gi.growRightLimit; if (gi.growAbsorb) { absorbweight += gi.weight; } } else { gslimit += gi.shrinkRightLimit; if (gi.shrinkAbsorb) { absorbweight += gi.weight; } } } } } // did we hit the limit? if (!grow) { gslimit = -gslimit; // negative for negative deltas } boolean hitLimit = (weight == 0) || (!lastPass && ((delta < 0) == (delta < gslimit))); boolean absorbing = hitLimit && absorbweight > 0; // predivide delta by weight float weightedDelta = delta / weight; // not used if weight == 0 float weightedAbsorb = 0; if (hitLimit && absorbweight > 0) { weightedAbsorb = (delta - gslimit) / absorbweight; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("pass: " + p + ", d: " + delta + ", l: " + gslimit + ", w: " + weight + ", aw: " + absorbweight + ", wd: " + weightedDelta + ", wa: " + weightedAbsorb + ", hit: " + (hitLimit ? "y" : "n")); } // now allocate this based on ratio of weight to total weight int n = start * 2; for (int i = start; i < limit; i++) { GlyphJustificationInfo gi = info[i]; if ((grow ? gi.growPriority : gi.shrinkPriority) == p) { if (i != start) { // ignore left float d; if (hitLimit) { // factor in sign d = grow ? gi.growLeftLimit : -gi.shrinkLeftLimit; if (absorbing) { // sign factored in already d += gi.weight * weightedAbsorb; } } else { // sign factored in already d = gi.weight * weightedDelta; } deltas[n] += d; } n++; if (i + 1 != limit) { // ignore right float d; if (hitLimit) { d = grow ? gi.growRightLimit : -gi.shrinkRightLimit; if (absorbing) { d += gi.weight * weightedAbsorb; } } else { d = gi.weight * weightedDelta; } deltas[n] += d; } n++; } else { n += 2; } } if (!lastPass && hitLimit && !absorbing) { delta -= gslimit; } else { delta = 0; // stop iteration } } if (DEBUG) { float total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < deltas.length; i++) { total += deltas[i]; System.out.print(deltas[i] + ", "); if (i % 20 == 9) { System.out.println(); } } System.out.println("\ntotal: " + total); System.out.println(); } return deltas; } }
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