Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\lib\com\sun\imageio\plugins\gif\GIFImageMetadataFormatResources.class
Êþº¾ 4 £ K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j l m n o p q r s t u v w y z { | } ~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ()V <init> A comment A graphic control extension A local color table entry "A plain text (text grid) extension A set of application extensions A set of comments An application extension ApplicationExtension "ApplicationExtension/applicationID 'ApplicationExtension/authenticationCode ApplicationExtensions Code ColorTableEntry ColorTableEntry/blue ColorTableEntry/green ColorTableEntry/index ColorTableEntry/red CommentExtension CommentExtension/value CommentExtensions GraphicControlExtension !GraphicControlExtension/delayTime &GraphicControlExtension/disposalMethod ,GraphicControlExtension/transparentColorFlag -GraphicControlExtension/transparentColorIndex %GraphicControlExtension/userInputFlag ImageDescriptor ImageDescriptor/imageHeight !ImageDescriptor/imageLeftPosition ImageDescriptor/imageTopPosition ImageDescriptor/imageWidth ImageDescriptor/interlaceFlag LineNumberTable LocalColorTable %LocalColorTable/sizeOfLocalColorTable LocalColorTable/sortFlag PlainTextExtension &PlainTextExtension/characterCellHeight %PlainTextExtension/characterCellWidth &PlainTextExtension/textBackgroundColor &PlainTextExtension/textForegroundColor !PlainTextExtension/textGridHeight PlainTextExtension/textGridLeft PlainTextExtension/textGridTop PlainTextExtension/textGridWidth SourceFile 7The X offset of the image relative to the screen origin The X offset of the text grid 7The Y offset of the image relative to the screen origin The Y offset of the text grid The application ID The authentication code (The blue value for the color table entry The comment "The disposal method for this frame )The green value for the color table entry The height of a character cell The height of the image The image descriptor "The index of the color table entry The local color table &The number of columns in the text grid .The number of entries in the local color table #The number of rows in the text grid 'The red value for the color table entry The text background color index The text foreground color index ;The time to delay between frames, in hundredths of a second 6The transparent color, if transparentColorFlag is true The width of a character cell The width of the image "True if a transparent color exists 8True if the frame should be advanced based on user input -True if the image is stored using interlacing 4True if the local color table is sorted by frequency [Ljava/lang/Object; ;com/sun/imageio/plugins/gif/GIFImageMetadataFormatResources getContents java/lang/Object java/util/ListResourceBundle ? ? ? ? ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; J I ? $GIFImageMetadataFormatResources.java ! ? ? J I V *· ¡± k ? ? V ?$½ ?Y½ ?YSY8SSY½ ?Y SY:SSY½ ?YSYSSY½ ?YSYSSY½ ?Y#SYSSY½ ?YSYSSY½ ?YSYSSY½ ?YSYSSY½ ?YSYSSY ½ ?YSY,SSY ½ ?YSY.SSY½ ?YSYDSSY½ ?YSY7SSY ½ ?YSYGSSY½ ?Y!SY<SSY½ ?Y"SYHSSY½ ?YSY9SSY½ ?YSY>SSY½ ?YSY5SSY½ ?Y SY2SSY½ ?YSY4SSY½ ?YSYFSSY½ ?YSYESSY½ ?YSYASSY½ ?YSYBSSY½ ?Y)SY-SSY½ ?Y*SY/SSY½ ?Y+SY;SSY½ ?Y(SY=SSY½ ?Y%SYCSSY½ ?Y$SY6SSY½ ?Y'SY@SSY ½ ?Y&SY?SSY!½ ?Y SY0SSY"½ ?Y SY1SSY#½ ?YSY3SS° k # x ¢
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