Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\lib\com\sun\imageio\plugins\jpeg\JPEGMetadataFormatResources.class
Êþº¾ 4 L ! " # $ % ' * + , - . 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > A B ()V <clinit> <init> EA Comment marker segment. The user object contains the actual bytes. (A Define Huffman Table(s) marker segment -A Define Quantization Table(s) marker segment (A Define Restart Interval marker segment A single Huffman table A single quantization table XAn unrecognized marker segment. The user object contains the data not including length. Code 5Indicates whether this is a DC (0) or an AC (1) table LineNumberTable SourceFile :The comment as a string (used only if user object is null) 8The number of bits in each table element (0 = 8, 1 = 16) The restart interval in MCUs The table id 'The tag identifying this marker segment [Ljava/lang/Object; [[Ljava/lang/Object; com com/comment 8com/sun/imageio/plugins/jpeg/JPEGMetadataFormatResources commonContents dgtable/qtableId dht dhtable dhtable/class dhtable/htableId dqt dqtable dqtable/elementPrecision dri dri/interval java/lang/Object java/util/ListResourceBundle unknown unknown/MarkerTag / 3 ? @ 4 0 D G F H JPEGMetadataFormatResources.java D F 4 0 &