Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\lib\com\sun\imageio\plugins\png\PNGMetadataFormatResources.class
Êþº¾ 4· Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å æ ç é ê ë ì í î ï ð ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü þ ÿ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`bcefghijklmnopqruvwxyz{|}~???????????????????????????????? ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬® ()V <init> A background palette index 'A blue value to be used as a background A compressed text entry 'A gray value to be used as a background ;A grayscale background color, for Gray and GrayAlpha images 7A grayscale value that should be considered transparent (A green value to be used as a background A histogram entry A localized text entry A palette entry 5A palette index that should be considered transparent ,A palette index to be considered transparent *A palette index to be used as a background &A red value to be used as a background A set of unknown chunks A suggested palette entry A text entry 4An RGB background color, for RGB and RGBAlpha images 2An RGB value that should be considered transparent Code IHDR IHDR/bitDepth IHDR/colorType IHDR/compressionMethod IHDR/filterMethod IHDR/height IHDR/interlaceMethod IHDR/width LineNumberTable PLTE PLTEEntry PLTEEntry/blue PLTEEntry/green PLTEEntry/index PLTEEntry/red 3Significant bit information for RGB palette entries +Significant bit information for RGB samples ,Significant bit information for RGBA samples 6Significant bit information for gray and alpha samples ,Significant bit information for gray samples SourceFile )The 4-character type of the unknown chunk ;The CIE x coordinate of the blue primary, multiplied by 1e5 <The CIE x coordinate of the green primary, multiplied by 1e5 :The CIE x coordinate of the red primary, multiplied by 1e5 :The CIE x coordinate of the white point, multiplied by 1e5 ;The CIE y coordinate of the blue primary, multiplied by 1e5 <The CIE y coordinate of the green primary, multiplied by 1e5 :The CIE y coordinate of the red primary, multiplied by 1e5 :The CIE y coordinate of the white point, multiplied by 1e5 %The IHDR chunk, containing the header 3The ISO tag describing the language this iTXt entry &The PLTE chunk, containing the palette /The bKGD chunk, containing the background color "The bit depth of the image samples !The blue value of a palette entry +The blue value of a suggested palette entry ,The blure value to be considered transparent ,The cHRM chunk, containing color calibration The color type of the image The compressed text The compression method 5The compression method used to store this ICC profile 4The compression method used to store this iTXt entry 5The compression used for image data, always "deflate" 5The day of the month when the image was last modified <The filtering method used for compression, always "adaptive" %The frequency of this histogram entry *The gAMA chunk, containing the image gamma +The gray value to be considered transparent "The green value of a palette entry ,The green value of a suggested palette entry ,The green value to be considered transparent 1The hIST chunk, containing histogram information !The height of the image in pixels )The hour when the image was last modified /The iCCP chunk, containing an ICC color profile 1The iTXt chunk, containing internationalized text "The image gamma, multiplied by 1e5 The index of a palette entry &The index of a suggested palette entry )The interlacing method, "none" or "adam7" The keyword The localized text +The minute when the image was last modified 7The month when the image was last modified, 1 = January The name of this ICC profile ;The number of horizontal pixels per unit, multiplied by 1e5 3The number of significant bits of the alpha samples :The number of significant bits of the blue palette entries 2The number of significant bits of the blue samples 2The number of significant bits of the gray samples ;The number of significant bits of the green palette entries 3The number of significant bits of the green samples 9The number of significant bits of the red palette entries 1The number of significant bits of the red samples 9The number of vertical pixels per unit, multiplied by 1e5 :The pHYS chunk, containing the pixel size and aspect ratio )The palette index of this histogram entry The red value of a palette entry *The red value of a suggested palette entry *The red value to be considered transparent The rendering intent 6The sBIT chunk, containing significant bit information .The sPLT chunk, containing a suggested palette 7The sRGB chunk, containing rendering intent information =The second when the image was last modified, 60 = leap second The tEXt chunk, containing text 6The tIME chunk, containing the image modification time 3The tRNS chunk, containing transparency information The text %The translated keyword for iTXt entry 2The transparency associated with the palette entry 0The unit specifier for this chunk (i.e., meters) The width of the image in pixels )The year when the image was last modified *The zTXt chunk, containing compressed text )Unknown chunk data stored as a byte array UnknownChunk UnknownChunk/type UnknownChunks [Ljava/lang/Object; bKGD bKGD_Grayscale bKGD_Grayscale/gray bKGD_Palette bKGD_Palette/index bKGD_RGB bKGD_RGB/blue bKGD_RGB/green bKGD_RGB/red cHRM cHRM/blueX cHRM/blueY cHRM/greenX cHRM/greenY cHRM/redX cHRM/redY cHRM/whitePointX cHRM/whitePointY 6com/sun/imageio/plugins/png/PNGMetadataFormatResources gAMA gAMA/value getContents hIST hISTEntry hISTEntry/index hISTEntry/value iCCP iCCP/compressionMethod iCCP/profileName iTXt iTXtEntry iTXtEntry/compressionMethod iTXtEntry/keyword iTXtEntry/languageTag iTXtEntry/text iTXtEntry/translatedKeyword java/lang/Object java/util/ListResourceBundle pHYS pHYS/pixelsPerUnitXAxis pHYS/pixelsPerUnitYAxis pHYS/unitSpecifier sBIT sBIT_GrayAlpha sBIT_GrayAlpha/alpha sBIT_GrayAlpha/gray sBIT_Grayscale sBIT_Grayscale/gray sBIT_Palette sBIT_Palette/blue sBIT_Palette/green sBIT_Palette/red sBIT_RGB sBIT_RGB/blue sBIT_RGB/green sBIT_RGB/red sBIT_RGBAlpha sBIT_RGBAlpha/alpha sBIT_RGBAlpha/blue sBIT_RGBAlpha/green sBIT_RGBAlpha/red sPLT sPLTEntry sPLTEntry/alpha sPLTEntry/blue sPLTEntry/green sPLTEntry/index sPLTEntry/red sRGB sRGB/renderingIntent tEXt tEXtEntry tEXtEntry/keyword tEXtEntry/value tIME tIME/day tIME/hour tIME/minute tIME/month tIME/second tIME/year tRNS tRNS_Grayscale tRNS_Grayscale/gray tRNS_Palette tRNS_Palette/alpha tRNS_Palette/index tRNS_RGB tRNS_RGB/blue tRNS_RGB/green tRNS_RGB/red zTXt zTXtEntry zTXtEntry/compressionMethod zTXtEntry/keyword zTXtEntry/textNast ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; Ô Ó ²´ PNGMetadataFormatResources.java !°² Ô Ó è *·µ± ñ d³ è  ªm½¯Y½±YSY0SSY½±YSY2SSY½±YSY SSY½±YwSY3SSY½±Y|SYSSY½±YxSYSSY½±YzSYSSY½±Y?SY8SSY½±Y?SYBSSY ½±Y?SYGSSY ½±Y?SYSSY½±Y?SYJSSY½±Y?SYKSSY ½±Y?SY SSY½±Y?SY_SSY½±Y?SYeSSY½±Y¡SY&SSY½±Y?SY%SSY½±Y§SY#SSY½±Y«SY$SSY½±Y£SY"SSY½±Y°SYfSSY½±Y±SYSSY½±Y·SYgSSY½±Y¹SYiSSY½±YºSYSSY½±Y½SYjSSY½±YÄSYkSSY½±YÅSYSSY½±YÊSYSSY½±YÇSYSSY½±YÎSYrSSY ½±YÏSYSSY!½±YvSYSSY"½±YtSYsSSY#½±YSYpSSY$½±YSYHSSY%½±YSY4SSY&½±YSY9SSY'½±YSY>SSY(½±YSY@SSY)½±YSYOSSY*½±Y 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