Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\lib\org\ietf\jgss\GSSException.class
Êþº¾ 4 ¥ # $ . 5 6 7 8 : < > ? F G H J K L N P Q R V W (Mechanism level: ()I ()Ljava/lang/String; ()V (I)V (I)Z ) <clinit> <init> (A later token has already been processed .An expected per-message token was not received BAD_BINDINGS BAD_MECH BAD_MIC BAD_NAME BAD_NAMETYPE BAD_QOP BAD_STATUS CONTEXT_EXPIRED CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED Channel binding mismatch Code ConstantValue DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL DEFECTIVE_TOKEN DUPLICATE_ELEMENT DUPLICATE_TOKEN Defective credential detected Defective token detected &Duplicate credential element requested Expired credentials detected FAILURE $Failure unspecified at GSS-API level GAP_TOKEN GSSException: I Invalid input status selector Invalid name provided J LineNumberTable Ljava/lang/String; NAME_NOT_MN NO_CONTEXT NO_CRED &Name contains multi-mechanism elements !Name of unsupported type provided No valid credentials provided OLD_TOKEN Operation unauthorized Operation unavailable >Security context init/accept not yet called or context deleted SourceFile "Specified security context expired StackMapTable -The token was a duplicate of an earlier token 'The token's validity period has expired !Token had invalid integrity check UNAUTHORIZED UNAVAILABLE UNSEQ_TOKEN Unsupported QOP value Unsupported mechanism requested [Ljava/lang/String; append getMajor getMajorString getMessage getMinor getMinorString java/lang/Exception java/lang/String java/lang/StringBuilder major majorString messages minor minorMessage org/ietf/jgss/GSSException serialVersionUID setMinor toString validateMajor Úq?5Dà° _ ` a g (IILjava/lang/String;)V (ILjava/lang/String;)V -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; b = e = c B f B d X "