Edit C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\lib\sun\util\resources\en\LocaleNames_en_PH.class
Êþº¾ 4 ? ? @ A B C D E F H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g i j k l m n o p q r t v x y z { | } ~ ? ()V <init> AX Aland Islands CC CD CG CI CS Cocos (Keeling) Islands Code Congo (Brazzaville) Congo (Kinshasa) East Timor GS Galician HK HM !Heard Island and McDonald Islands Hong Kong SAR China Ivory Coast KN Kalaallisut Kuanyama LineNumberTable MO Macao SAR China Nyanja; Chichewa; Chewa Occitan (post 1500); Provençal Ossetic PM PS Palestinian Territory Pashto Punjabi Rhaeto-Romance SJ ST Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Sao Tome and Principe Serbia And Montenegro SourceFile ,South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Svalbard and Jan Mayen TC TL Tonga (Tonga Islands) Turks and Caicos Islands VC WF Wallis and Futuna Western Frisian [Ljava/lang/Object; fy getContents gl java/lang/Object kj kl ny oc os pa ps rm $sun/util/resources/LocaleNamesBundle 'sun/util/resources/en/LocaleNames_en_PH to s w ? ? ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; >