Edit C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\componentMgr\saltMinion\svtminion.ps1
# Copyright 2021-2023 VMware, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2 <# .SYNOPSIS VMware Tools script for managing the Salt minion on a Windows guest .DESCRIPTION This script manages the Salt minion on a Windows guest. The minion is a OneDir build hosted on https://repo.saltproject.io/salt/py3/onedir/. You can install the minion, remove it, check script dependencies, get the Salt minion installation status, and reset the Salt minion configuration. When this script is run without any parameters, the action is obtained from guestVars (if present). If no action is found, the script will exit with a scriptFailed exit code. If an action is passed on the CLI or found in guestVars, minion config options (master=, etc.) are queried from guestVars. Config options are then obtained from tools.conf. Config options obtained from tools.conf will overwrite any config options obtained from guestVars with the same name. Config options passed on the CLI will overwrite any config options obtained from either of the previous two methods. The order of precedence is CLI options first, then tools.conf, and finally guestVars. This script returns exit codes to signal its success or failure. The exit codes are as follows: 0 - scriptSuccess 126 - scriptFailed 130 - scriptTerminated If the Status option is passed, then the exit code will signal the status of the Salt minion installation. Status exit codes are as follows: 100 - installed 101 - installing 102 - notInstalled 103 - installFailed 104 - removing 105 - removeFailed 106 - externalInstall NOTE: This script must be run with Administrator privileges .EXAMPLE PS>svtminion.ps1 -Install PS>svtminion.ps1 -Install -MinionVersion 3004-1 master= id=dev_box PS>svtminion.ps1 -Install -Source https://my.domain.com/vmtools/salt .EXAMPLE PS>svtminion.ps1 -Clear .EXAMPLE PS>svtminion.ps1 -Status .EXAMPLE PS>svtminion.ps1 -Depend .EXAMPLE PS>svtminion.ps1 -Remove -LogLevel debug #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Install")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Install")] [Alias("i")] # Downloads, installs, and starts the salt-minion service. Exits with # scriptFailed exit (126) code under the following conditions: # - Existing Standard Salt Installation detected # - Unknown status found # - Installation in progress # - Removal in progress # - Installation failed # - Missing script dependencies # # Exits with scriptSuccess exit code (0) under the following conditions: # - Installed successfully # - Already installed [Switch] $Install, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Install")] [Alias("m")] # The version of Salt minion to install. Default is "latest". [String] $MinionVersion="latest", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Install")] [Alias("j")] # The url or path to the repo containing the installers and, preferably, the # repo.json file. This would contain a directory structure similar to that # found at the default location: # # https://repo.saltproject.io/salt/py3/onedir # # The root of this directory preferably contains a file named `repo.json` # which contains the information about the installer versions available. # If this file not available, this script will scan the directory for the # requested version. # # This can handle most common protocols: http, https, ftp, unc, local [String] $Source="https://repo.saltproject.io/salt/py3/onedir", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Install", Position=0, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] # Any number of minion config options specified by the name of the config # option as found in Salt documentation. All options will be lower-cased and # written to the minion config as passed. All values are in the key=value # format. For example: master=localhost [String[]] $ConfigOptions, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Remove")] [Alias("r")] # Stops and uninstalls the salt-minion service. Exits with scriptFailed exit # code (126) under the following conditions: # - Unknown status found # - Installation in progress # - Removal in progress # - Installation failed # - Missing script dependencies # # Exits with scriptSuccess exit code (0) under the following conditions: # - Removed successfully # - Already removed [Switch] $Remove, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Clear")] [Alias("c")] # Resets the salt-minion by randomizing the minion ID and removing the # minion keys. The randomized minion ID will be the old minion ID, an # underscore, and 5 random digits. # # Exits with scriptFailed exit code (126) under the following conditions: # - Unknown status found # - Missing script dependencies # # Exits with scriptSuccess exit code (0) under the following conditions: # - Cleared successfully # - Not installed [Switch] $Clear, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Status")] [Alias("s")] # Gets the status of the Salt minion installation. This command returns an # exit code that corresponds to one of the following: # 100 - installed # 101 - installing # 102 - notInstalled # 103 - installFailed # 104 - removing # 105 - removeFailed # 106 - externalInstall # # Exits with scriptFailed exit code (126) under the following conditions: # - Unknown status found # - Missing script dependencies [Switch] $Status, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Depend")] [Alias("d")] # Ensures the required dependencies are available. Exits with a scriptFailed # exit code (126) if any dependencies are missing. Exits with a # scriptSuccess exit code (0) if all dependencies are present. [Switch] $Depend, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Install")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Clear")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Status")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Depend")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Remove")] [Alias("l")] [ValidateSet( "silent", "error", "warning", "info", "debug", IgnoreCase=$true)] [String] # Sets the log level to display and log. Default is warning. Silent # suppresses all logging output. Available options are: # - silent # - error # - warning # - info # - debug # Logs are placed in C:\Windows\temp and are named according to the action # the script is performing and a timestamp for when the script was run. # This is a sample name: # `vmware-svtminion-<action>-<timestamp>.log` $LogLevel = "warning", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Help")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Install")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Clear")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Status")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Depend")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Remove")] [Alias("h")] [Switch] # Displays help for this script. $Help, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Version")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Install")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Clear")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Status")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Depend")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Remove")] [Alias("v")] [Switch] # Displays the version of this script. $Version ) # Set TLS1.2 as default [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = ` [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Tls12' ################################ HELP/VERSION ################################## # We'll put these functions first because they don't require administrator # privileges to run # Check for help switch if ($help) { # Get the full script name $this_script = & {$myInvocation.ScriptName} Get-Help $this_script -Detailed exit 0 } # This value is populated via CICD during build # $script_version = "SCRIPT_VERSION_REPLACE" $script_version = "1.6" if ($Version) { Write-Host $script_version exit 0 } # Only run on 64-bit architecture if ( [System.IntPtr]::Size -eq 4 ) { Write-Host "This script only supports 64-bit architecture" exit 0 } ################################# STATUS CODES ################################# $STATUS_CODES = @{ "scriptSuccess" = 0; "installed" = 100; "installing" = 101; "notInstalled" = 102; "installFailed" = 103; "removing" = 104; "removeFailed" = 105; "externalInstall" = 106; "scriptFailed" = 126; "scriptTerminated" = 130; 100 = "installed"; 101 = "installing"; 102 = "notInstalled"; 103 = "installFailed" 104 = "removing"; 105 = "removeFailed"; 106 = "externalInstall"; } ################################ REQUIREMENTS ################################## # Make sure the script is run as Administrator $Identity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $Principal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($Identity) if (!($Principal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator ))) { Write-Host "This script must run as Administrator" -ForegroundColor Red exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } ################################# LOGGING ###################################### $LOG_LEVELS = @{ "silent" = 0; "error" = 1; "warning" = 2; "info" = 3; "debug" = 4 } $log_level_value = $LOG_LEVELS[$LogLevel.ToLower()] ################################# SETTINGS ##################################### $global:ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $global:ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $Script:log_cleared = $false $download_retry_count = 5 $script_date = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss" $script_name = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $script_log_dir = "$env:SystemRoot\Temp" # log file name: vmware-svtminion-{0}-20211019152012.log $script_log_base_name = "vmware-$($script_name.Split(".")[0])-{0}" $script_log_name = "$script_log_base_name-$script_date.log" $script_log_file_count = 5 $action_list = @("install", "remove", "depend", "clear", "status") ################################# VARIABLES #################################### # Repository locations and names $salt_name = "salt" $base_url = $Source $default_source = "https://repo.saltproject.io/salt/py3/onedir" $pre_3006_source = "https://repo.saltproject.io/salt/vmware-tools-onedir" # Salt file and directory locations $base_salt_install_location = "$env:ProgramFiles\Salt Project" $salt_dir = "$base_salt_install_location\$salt_name" $salt_bin = "$salt_dir\salt\salt.exe" # Tiamat Builds $salt_minion_bin = "$salt_dir\salt-minion.exe" # Relenv Builds $ssm_bin = "$salt_dir\ssm.exe" $base_salt_config_location = "$env:ProgramData\Salt Project" $salt_root_dir = "$base_salt_config_location\$salt_name" $salt_config_dir = "$salt_root_dir\conf" $salt_config_name = "minion" $salt_config_file = "$salt_config_dir\$salt_config_name" $salt_pki_dir = "$salt_config_dir\pki\$salt_config_name" $salt_log_dir = "$salt_root_dir\var\log\salt" # Files/Dirs to remove $file_dirs_to_remove = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[String] $file_dirs_to_remove.Add($base_salt_config_location) | Out-Null $file_dirs_to_remove.Add($base_salt_install_location) | Out-Null # Old Salt install location left behind by older versions of Salt # Pre 3004 $file_dirs_to_remove.Add("C:\salt") | Out-Null ## VMware registry locations $salt_base_reg = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Salt Project\salt" $vmtools_base_reg = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Tools" $vmtools_salt_minion_status_name = "SaltMinionStatus" try{ $reg_key = Get-ItemProperty $vmtools_base_reg } catch { if (Test-Path $vmtools_base_reg) { $msg = "VMware Tools not installed: $_" Write-Host $msg exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } if (!($reg_key.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains "InstallPath")) { if (Test-Path $vmtools_base_reg) { # Only error out on systems with VMware Tools installed $msg = "Unable to find VMware Tools installation" Write-Host $msg exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } else { ## VMware file and directory locations $vmtools_reg = Get-ItemProperty -Path $vmtools_base_reg -Name "InstallPath" $vmtools_base_dir = $vmtools_reg.InstallPath $vmtools_conf_dir = "$env:ProgramData\VMware\VMware Tools" $vmtools_conf_file = "$vmtools_conf_dir\tools.conf" $vmtoolsd_bin = "$vmtools_base_dir\vmtoolsd.exe" } # If VMTools reg path exists, then we're on a VMTools system if ( Test-Path $vmtools_base_reg ) { $reg_path = $vmtools_base_reg } else { $reg_path = $salt_base_reg if ( !(Test-Path $salt_base_reg) ) { New-Item -Path "$salt_base_reg" -Force } } ## VMware guestVars file and directory locations $guestvars_base = "guestinfo./vmware.components" $guestvars_section = "salt_minion" $guestvars_salt = "$guestvars_base.$guestvars_section" $guestvars_salt_args = "$guestvars_salt.args" $guestvars_salt_desired_state = "$guestvars_salt.desiredstate" ################################ TEST FUNCTIONS ################################ function Get-Version { return $script_version } ############################### HELPER FUNCTIONS ############################### function Clear-OldLogs { $filter = "*$script_log_base_name*.log" -f $Action.ToLower() $files = Get-ChildItem $script_log_dir -Filter $filter | Sort-Object $total_files = $files.Count try { foreach ($file in $files) { if ($total_files -ge $script_log_file_count) { # Remove the file/dir/synlink/junction $file_obj = Get-Item -Path $file.FullName if ($file_obj -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { [System.IO.Directory]::Delete(` $file.FullName, $true) | Out-Null } else { [System.IO.File]::Delete($file.FullName) | Out-Null } $total_files -= 1 } else { break } } } finally { $Script:log_cleared = $true } } function Write-Log { # Function for writing logs to the screen and to the log file # # Args: # Message (string): The log message # Level (string): # The log level. Must be one of error, info, warning, debug. Default # is info [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [String] $Message, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("error", "info", "warning", "debug", IgnoreCase=$true)] [String] $Level = "info" ) $Level = $Level.ToUpper() $level_text = $Level + " " * (7 - $Level.Length) $script_pid = $PID + " " * (5 - $PID.Length) if ( $LOG_LEVELS[$Level.ToLower()] -le $log_level_value ) { $date_time = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd:HH:mm:ss.ffff" $timestamp = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.ffff" $log_message = "[$timestamp] [$level_text] $Message" $log_file_message = "[$date_time] [$script_pid] [$level_text] $Message" if (!(Test-Path($script_log_dir))) { Write-Host "[$timestamp] [INFO ] : Creating log file directory" New-Item -Path $script_log_dir -Type Directory | Out-Null } if (!($action_list -contains $Action)) { $Action = "Default" } if (!$Script:log_cleared) { Clear-OldLogs } $log_path = "$script_log_dir\$script_log_name" -f $Action Add-Content -Path $log_path.ToLower() -Value $log_file_message switch ($Level) { "ERROR" { $color = "Red" } "WARNING" { $color = "Yellow" } default { $color = "White"} } Write-Host $log_message -ForegroundColor $color } } function Get-ScriptRunningStatus { # Try to detect if this script is already running under another process # # Returns True if running, otherwise False Write-Log "Checking for a running instance of this script" -Level info #Get all running powershell processes $filter = "Name='powershell.exe' AND CommandLine LIKE '%$script_name%'" $processes = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter $filter | ` Select-Object CommandLine,ProcessId $process_found = $false foreach ($process in $processes) { [Int32]$process_pid = $process.ProcessId [String]$process_cmd = $process.commandline #Are other instances of this script already running? if (($process_cmd -match $script_name) -And ($process_pid -ne $PID)) { $process_found = $true } } if ($process_found) { Write-Log "Found running instance in PID: $process_pid" -Level debug return $true } else { Write-Log "Running instance not detected" -Level debug return $false } } function Get-Status { # Read the status out of the registry. If the key is missing that means # notInstalled # # Returns the error level number $script_running_status = Get-ScriptRunningStatus Write-Log "Getting status" -Level info try { $current_status = Get-ItemProperty ` -Path $reg_path ` -Name $vmtools_salt_minion_status_name $current_status = $current_status.($vmtools_salt_minion_status_name) Write-Log "Found status code: $current_status" -Level debug } catch { Write-Log "Key not set, not installed : $_" -Level debug $current_status = $STATUS_CODES["notInstalled"] } # If status is 101 or 104 (installing or removing) but there isn't another # script running, then the status is installFailed or removeFailed $list_ing = @($STATUS_CODES["installing"], $STATUS_CODES["removing"]) if (($list_ing -contains $current_status) -and !($script_running_status)) { switch ($current_status) { $STATUS_CODES["installing"] { Write-Log "Found failed install" -Level debug $current_status = $STATUS_CODES["installFailed"] } $STATUS_CODES["removing"] { Write-Log "Found failed remove" -Level debug $current_status = $STATUS_CODES["removeFailed"] } } } if ($STATUS_CODES.keys -contains $current_status) { $status_lookup = $STATUS_CODES[$current_status] Write-Log "Found status: $status_lookup" -Level debug } else { Write-Log "Unknown status code: $current_status" -Level debug } return $current_status } function Set-Status { # Set the numeric value of the status in the registry. notInstalled means to # remove the key # # Args: # NewStatus (string): # The status to set. Must be one of the following: # - installed # - installing # - notInstalled # - installFailed # - removing # - removeFailed # - externalInstall [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet( "installed", "installing", "notInstalled", "installFailed", "removing", "removeFailed", "externalInstall" )] [String] $NewStatus ) Write-Log "Setting status: $NewStatus" -Level info $status_code = $STATUS_CODES[$NewStatus] # If it's notInstalled, just remove the property name if ($status_code -eq $STATUS_CODES["notInstalled"]) { try { Remove-ItemProperty -Path "$reg_path"` -Name $vmtools_salt_minion_status_name $key = "$reg_path\$vmtools_salt_minion_status_name" Write-Log "Removed reg key: $key" -Level debug Write-Log "Set status to $NewStatus" -Level debug } catch [System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException] { Write-Log "Reg key not present: $key" -Level debug Write-Log "Status already set to: $NewStatus" -Level debug } catch { Write-Log "Error removing reg key: $_" -Level error exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } else { try { New-ItemProperty -Path "$reg_path"` -Name $vmtools_salt_minion_status_name ` -Value $status_code ` -Force | Out-Null Write-Log "Set status to $NewStatus" -Level debug } catch { if (Test-Path $vmtools_base_reg) { Write-Log "Error writing status: $_" -Level error exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } else { Write-Log "Error writing status: $_" -Level warning } } } } function Set-FailedStatus { # Sets the status if either add or remove fails, each sets a different # status if it fails switch ($Action.ToLower()) { "install" { Set-Status installFailed } "remove" { Set-Status removeFailed } } } function Get-WebFile{ # Downloads a file from the web. Enables the TLS1.2 protocol. If the # download times out, wait 10 seconds and try again. Continues retrying # until the download retry count max is reached # # Used by: # - Get-SaltFromWeb # # Args: # Url (string): The url for the file to download # OutFile (string): The location to put the downloaded file [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Url, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutFile ) $parent_dir = Split-Path $OutFile if ( !( Test-Path $parent_dir )) { New-Item $parent_dir -Type Directory | Out-Null } $url_name = $Url.SubString($Url.LastIndexOf('/')) $tries = 1 $success = $false while (!$success){ try { # Download the file $msg = "Downloading (try: $tries/$download_retry_count): $url_name" Write-Log $msg -Level debug Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -OutFile $OutFile } catch { Write-Log "Error downloading: $Url" -Level warning Write-Log "Error message: $_" -Level warning } finally { $tries++ if ((Test-Path -Path "$OutFile") ` -and ` ((Get-Item "$OutFile").Length -gt 0kb )) { Write-Log "Finished downloading: $url_name" -Level debug $success = $true } else { if ($tries -gt $download_retry_count) { Write-Log "Retry count exceeded" -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } Write-Log "Trying again after 10 seconds" -Level warning Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } } } } function Get-HashFromFile { # Gets the hash for the file from the hash file which contains a list of # hashes and their files # # Used by: # - Get-SaltFromWeb # # Args: # HashFile (string): The file containing the hashes # FileName (string): The name of the file to search for in the hash file # # Returns: # Returns the hash for the specified file # Errors: # If there is an error, set the failed status and exit with an error [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $HashFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $FileName ) Write-Log "Loading hashfile: $HashFile" -Level debug $lines = Get-Content -Path $HashFile Write-Log "Searching for hash for: $FileName" -Level debug foreach ($line in $lines) { $file_hash, $file_name = $line -split "\s+" if ($FileName -eq $file_name) { Write-Log "Found hash: $file_hash" -Level debug return $file_hash } } Write-Log "No hash found for: $FileName" -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } function Expand-ZipFile { # Extract a zip file # # Used by: # - Install-SaltMinion # # Args: # ZipFile (string): The file to extract # Destination (string): The location to extract to # # Error: # Sets the failed status and exits with a scriptFailed exit code [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ZipFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Destination ) if (!(Test-Path -Path $Destination)) { Write-Log "Creating missing directory: $Destination" -Level debug New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Destination } Write-Log "Unzipping '$ZipFile' to '$Destination'" -Level debug if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) { # PowerShell 5 introduced Expand-Archive Write-Log "Using Expand-Archive to unzip" try{ Expand-Archive -Path $ZipFile -DestinationPath $Destination -Force } catch { Write-Log "Failed to unzip $ZipFile : $_" -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } else { # This method will work with older versions of powershell, but it is # slow Write-Log "Using Shell.Application to unzip" $objShell = New-Object -Com Shell.Application $objZip = $objShell.NameSpace($ZipFile) try{ foreach ($item in $objZip.Items()) { $objShell.Namespace($Destination).CopyHere($item, 0x14) } } catch { Write-Log "Failed to unzip $ZipFile : $_" -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } Write-Log "Finished unzipping '$ZipFile' to '$Destination'" -Level debug } function Add-SystemPathValue{ # Add a new entry to the system path environment variable. Only adds the new # path if it does not already exist. # # Used by: # - Install-SaltMinion # # Args: # Path (string): The target path to add # # Warning: # Logs a warning if the target path does not exist [Cmdletbinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$Path ) $key = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" # Make sure the target folder exists Write-Log "Ensuring target path exists" -Level debug if (!(Test-Path $Path)) { Write-Log "Target path does not exist: $Path" -Level warning } Write-Log "Getting current system path" -Level debug $current_path = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name Path).Path $new_path_list = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[String] Write-Log "Verifying the target path is not already present" -Level debug $regex_path = $Path.Replace("\", "\\") foreach ($item in $current_path.Split(";")) { # Bail if we find the new path in the current path if ($item -imatch "^$regex_path(\\)?$") { Write-Log "Target path already exists: $Path" -Level warning return } else { # Add the item to our new path array $new_path_list.Add($item) | Out-Null } } # Add the new path to the array Write-Log "Adding target path: $Path" -Level debug $new_path_list.Add($Path) | Out-Null $new_path = $new_path_list -join ";" try{ Write-Log "Updating system path" -Level debug Set-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name Path -Value $new_path } catch { Write-Log "Failed to add $Path the system path" -Level warning Write-Log "Tried to write: $new_path" -Level warning Write-Log "Error message: $_" -Level warning } $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") } function Remove-SystemPathValue { # Removes the specified target path from the system path environment # variable # # Used by: # - Remove-SaltMinion # # Args # Path (string): The target path to remove [Cmdletbinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$Path ) Write-Log "Removing from system path: $Path" -Level info $key = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" Write-Log "Getting current system path" -Level debug $current_path = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name Path).Path $new_path_list = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[String] Write-Log "Searching for $Path" -Level debug $regex_path = $Path.Replace("\", "\\") $removed = 0 foreach ($item in $current_path.Split(";")) { # Don't add if we find the new path if ($item -imatch "^$regex_path(\\)?$") { Write-Log "Removing target path: $Path" -Level debug $removed = 1 } else { # Add the item to our new path array $new_path_list.Add($item) | Out-Null } } if ($removed) { $new_path = $new_path_list -join ";" try { Write-Log "Updating system path" -Level debug Set-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name Path -Value $new_path } catch { $msg = "Failed to remove $Path from the system path: $new_path" Write-Log $msg -Level warning Write-Log "Tried to write: $new_path" -Level warning Write-Log "Error message: $_" -level warning } } $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") } function Remove-FileOrFolder { # Removes a file or a folder recursively from the system. Takes ownership of # the file or directory before removing # # Used by: # - Remove-SaltMinion # - Reset-SaltMinion # # Args: # Path (string): The file or folder to remove [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Path ) if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path)) { Write-Log "Path not found: $Path" -Level debug return } $tries = 1 $max_tries = 5 $success = $false while (!$success) { $msg = "Removing (try: $tries/$max_tries): $Path" Write-Log $msg -Level debug try { # Remove the file/dir/symlink/junction if ((Get-Item -Path $Path) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { if (Get-IsReparsePoint -Path $Path) { Write-Log "Removing reparse point" -Level debug [System.IO.Directory]::Delete($Path, $true) | Out-Null } else { Write-Log "Removing directory" -Level debug # Handles nested readonly files Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -Recurse } } else { Write-Log "Removing file" -Level debug [System.IO.File]::Delete($Path) | Out-Null } } catch { Write-Log "Error removing: $Path" -Level warning Write-Log "Error message: $_" -Level warning } finally { $tries++ if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path)) { Write-Log "Finished removing $Path" -Level debug $success = $true } else { if ($tries -gt $max_tries) { Write-Log "Retry count exceeded" -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } if ((Get-Item -Path $Path) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { Write-Log "Taking ownership: $Path" -Level debug takeown /a /r /d Y /f $Path *> $null if ($LASTEXITCODE) { Write-Log "Directory does not exist" -Level debug } } Write-Log "Trying again after 5 seconds" -Level warning Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } } } } function Get-GuestVars { # Get guestvars data using vmtoolsd.exe # They can be set on the host using vmrun.exe # # vmrun writeVariable "d:\VMWare\Windows Server 2019\Windows Server # 2019.vmx" guestVar /vmware.components.salt_minion.args # "master= id=test_id" # # Used by: # - Get-ConfigGuestVars # # Args: # GuestVarsPath (string): # The option to get from the guestvars repository. Likely one of the # following: # - Action: guestinfo.vmware.components.salt_minion # - Minion Config: guestinfo.vmware.components.salt_minion.args [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $GuestVarsPath ) If ( !$vmtoolsd_bin -or !(Test-Path $vmtoolsd_bin) ) { $msg = "vmtoolsd.exe not found. GuestVars data will not be available" Write-Log $msg -Level warning return "" } $arguments = "--cmd `"info-get $GuestVarsPath`"" try { $ProcessInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $ProcessInfo.FileName = $vmtoolsd_bin $ProcessInfo.Arguments = $arguments $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = $false $Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $Process.StartInfo = $ProcessInfo $Process.Start() | Out-Null $Process.WaitForExit() $stdout = $Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() $exitcode = $Process.ExitCode } catch { $msg = "vmtoolsd.exe encountered an error. " + "GuestVars data will not be available" Write-Log $msg -Level warning return "" } if ($exitcode -eq 0) { return $stdout.Trim() } else { return "" } } function _parse_config { # Parse config options that are in the format key=value. These can be passed # on the cli, guestvars, or tools.conf # # Used by: # - Get-ConfigCLI # - Get-ConfigGuestVars # - Get-ConfigToolsConf # # Args: # KeyValues (string[]) # A list of string values in the key=value format # # Returns: # A hash table containing the config options and their values [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String[]] $KeyValues ) $config_options = @{} foreach ($key_value in $KeyValues.Split()) { if ($key_value -like "*=*") { Write-Log "Found config: $key_value" -Level debug $key, $value = $key_value -split "=" if ($value) { $config_options[$key.ToLower()] = $value.ToLower() } else { Write-Log "No config value specified: $key_value" -Level warning } } else { Write-Log "Invalid config format ignored: $key_value" -Level warning } } $count = $config_options.Count Write-Log "Found $count config options" -Level debug return $config_options } function Get-ConfigCLI { # Get salt-minion configuration options from arguments passed on the # command line. These key/value pairs are already in the ConfigOptions # variable populated by the powershell cli parser. They should be a space # delimited list of options in the key=value format. # # Used by: # - Get-MinionConfig # # Return hashtable Write-Log "Checking for CLI config options" -Level debug if ($ConfigOptions) { return _parse_config $ConfigOptions } else { Write-Log "Minion config not passed on CLI" -Level debug } } function Get-ConfigGuestVars { # Get salt-minion configuration options defined in the guestvars. That # should be a space delimited list of options in the key=value format. # # Used by: # - Get-MinionConfig # # Return hashtable Write-Log "Checking for GuestVars config options" -Level debug $config_options = Get-GuestVars -GuestVarsPath $guestvars_salt_args if ($config_options) { return _parse_config $config_options } else { Write-Log "Minion config not defined in guestvars" -Level debug } } function Read-IniContent { # Create a hash table with values from an ini file. Each section will # contain a sub hash table with key/value pairs # # Used by: # - Get-ConfigToolsConf # # Args: # FilePath (string): The location of the ini file to read [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $FilePath ) if (!(Test-Path -Path $FilePath)) { Write-Log "File not found: $FilePath" -Level warning return @{} } $ini = @{} switch -regex -file $FilePath { # [Section] "^(?![#,;])\[(.+)\]$" { $section = $matches[1] $ini[$section.Trim()] = @{} } # key=value "^(?![#,;])(.+?)\s*=(.*)$" { $key,$value = $matches[1..2] $ini[$section.Trim()][$key.Trim()] = $value.Trim() } } return $ini } function Get-ConfigToolsConf { # Get salt-minion configuration options defined in tools.conf. That should # be all keys/value pairs under the [salt_minion] section of the tools.conf # ini file. # # Used by: # - Get-MinionConfig # # Return hashtable if ( !$vmtools_conf_file -or !(Test-Path $vmtools_conf_file) ) { Write-Log "tools.conf not found" -Level debug return @{} } $config_options = Read-IniContent -FilePath $vmtools_conf_file Write-Log "Checking for tools.conf config options" -Level debug if ($config_options.ContainsKey($guestvars_section)) { $count = $config_options[$guestvars_section].Count Write-Log "Found $count config options" -Level debug return $config_options[$guestvars_section] } else { Write-Log "Minion config not defined in tools.conf" -Level debug return @{} } } function Get-MinionConfig { # Get the minion config values to be placed in the minion config file. The # Order of priority is as follows: # - Get config from GuestVars (defined by VMware Tools) # - Get config from tools.conf (defined by VMware Tools - older method), # overwrites guestVars with the same name # - Get config from the CLI (options passed to the script), overwrites # guestVars and tools.conf settings with the same name # - No config found, use Salt minion defaults (master: salt, id: hostname) # # Used by: # - Add-MinionConfig # # Returns a hash table of options or null if no options found Write-Log "Getting minion config" -Level info $config_options = @{} # Get guestVars config, conflicting values will be overwritten by guestvars $gv_config = Get-ConfigGuestVars if ($gv_config) { foreach ($row in $gv_config.GetEnumerator()) { if ($row.Value) { $config_options[$row.Name] = $row.Value } } } # Get tools.conf config first $tc_config = Get-ConfigToolsConf if ($tc_config) { foreach ($row in $tc_config.GetEnumerator()) { if ($row.Value) { $config_options[$row.Name] = $row.Value } } } # Get cli config, conflicting values will be overwritten by cli $cli_config = Get-ConfigCLI if ($cli_config) { foreach ($row in $cli_config.GetEnumerator()) { if ($row.Value) { $config_options[$row.Name] = $row.Value } } } return $config_options } function Get-IsReparsePoint { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Path ) $fd_path = Get-Item -Path $Path return [bool]($fd_path.Attributes -band [IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint) } function Get-IsSecureOwner { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Path ) $acl = Get-Acl -Path $Path $owner = (($acl | Select-Object Owner).Owner).ToLower() if ($owner -eq "nt authority\system") { return $true } if ($owner -eq "builtin\administrators") { return $true } return $false } function Set-Security { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $Owner = "BUILTIN\Administrators" ) Write-Log "Setting Security: $Path" -Level info Write-Log "Getting ACL: $Path" -Level debug $path_acl = Get-Acl -Path $Path Write-Log "Setting Sddl" -Level debug $Sddl = 'D:PAI(A;OICI;0x1200a9;;;WD)(A;OICI;FA;;;SY)(A;OICI;FA;;;BA)' $path_acl.SetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm($Sddl) Write-Log "Setting Owner" -Level debug $path_acl.SetOwner([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]"$Owner") Write-Log "Writing New ACL" -Level debug Set-Acl -Path $Path -AclObject $path_acl } function New-SecureDirectory { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $Path ) if (Test-Path -Path $Path) { if (Get-IsReparsePoint -Path $Path) { Write-Log "Found reparse point: $Path" -Level warning Write-Log "Renaming reparse point (.insecure): $Path" -Level warning Move-item -Path $Path ` -Destination "$Path-$script_date.insecure" | Out-Null $msg = "Insecure reparse point renamed: $Path-$script_date.insecure" Write-Log $msg -Level debug } } if (Test-Path -Path $Path) { if (!(Get-IsSecureOwner -Path $Path)) { Write-Log "Found insecure owner: $Path" -Level warning Write-Log "Renaming file/dir (.insecure): $Path" -Level warning Move-Item -Path $Path ` -Destination "$Path-$script_date.insecure" | Out-Null $msg = "Insecure file/dir renamed: $Path-$script_date.insecure" Write-Log $msg -Level debug } } $tries = 1 $max_tries = 5 while ($true) { # Remove any existing file or directory if it exists if (Test-Path -Path $Path) { Write-Log "Removing existing file/directory: $Path" -Level debug Remove-FileOrFolder -Path $Path } $msg = "Creating secure directory (try: $tries/$max_tries): $Path" Write-Log $msg -Level debug try { New-Item -Path $Path -Type Directory | Out-Null } catch { if ($tries -le $max_tries) { $msg = "Failed to create directory: $Path. Trying again..." Write-Log $msg -Level warning $tries++ continue } else { $msg = "Failed to create secure directory. Try limit exceeded." Write-Log $msg -Level error Write-Log $_ -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } Set-Security -Path $Path if((Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) { # Someone is competing with us if ($tries -le $max_tries) { $msg = "Expected empty directory. Trying again..." Write-Log $msg -Level warning $tries += 1 continue } else { $msg = "Expected empty directory. Try limit exceeded." Write-Log $msg -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } Write-Log "Secure directory created successfully" -Level debug break } } function Add-MinionConfig { # Write minion config options to the minion config file # New-SecureDirectory will handle reparse points and ownership issues New-SecureDirectory -Path $base_salt_config_location # Child directories will inherit permissions from the parent if ( !( Test-Path -path $salt_root_dir ) ) { New-Item -Path $salt_root_dir -Type Directory | Out-Null } if ( !( Test-Path -path $salt_config_dir ) ) { New-Item -Path $salt_config_dir -Type Directory | Out-Null } if ( !( Test-Path -path $salt_pki_dir ) ) { New-Item -Path "$salt_pki_dir" -Type Directory | Out-Null } if ( !( Test-Path -path $salt_log_dir ) ) { New-Item -Path "$salt_log_dir" -Type Directory | Out-Null } # Create additional directories $cache_dir = "$salt_root_dir\var\cache\salt\minion" if ( !( Test-Path -path "$salt_config_dir\minion.d" ) ) { New-Item -Path "$salt_config_dir\minion.d" -Type Directory | Out-Null } if ( !( Test-Path -path "$cache_dir\extmods\grains" ) ) { New-Item -Path "$cache_dir\extmods\grains" -Type Directory | Out-Null } if ( !( Test-Path -path "$cache_dir\proc" ) ) { New-Item -Path "$cache_dir\proc" -Type Directory | Out-Null } if ( !( Test-Path -path "$salt_root_dir\var\run" ) ) { New-Item -Path "$salt_root_dir\var\run" -Type Directory | Out-Null } # Get the minion config $config_options = Get-MinionConfig if ($config_options.Count -eq 0) { Write-Log "No minion config found. Defaults will be used" -Level debug } # These settings are for pre 3004 versions of Salt # Add root_dir to point to ProgramData $config_options["root_dir"] = $salt_root_dir # Add log_file to point to ProgramData $config_options["log_file"] = "$salt_log_dir\minion" $new_content = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[String] $comment = "# Minion configuration file - created by VMTools Salt script" $new_content.Add($comment) foreach ($row in $config_options.GetEnumerator()) { $new_content.Add("$($row.Name): $($row.Value)") | Out-Null } $config_content = $new_content -join "`r`n" try { Write-Log "Writing minion config" -Level info Set-Content -Path $salt_config_file -Value $config_content Write-Log "Finished writing minion config" -Level debug } catch { $msg = "Failed to write minion config: $config_content : $_" Write-Log $msg -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } function Start-MinionService { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $ServiceName = "salt-minion" ) try { $service = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName } catch { switch ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId.Split(",")[0]) { "NoServiceFoundForGivenName" { # We'll hard fail here because the service is not present Write-Log "$ServiceName is not installed" -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } Default { Write-Log $_ -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } } # Not sure this is needed as the Start-Service cmdlet seems to wait until # the service is started before returning $tries = 1 $max_tries = 5 while ($service.Status -ne "Running") { if ($service.Status -eq "Stopped") { # Start the minion service Write-Log "Starting the $ServiceName service" -Level info try { Start-Service -Name $ServiceName *> $null } catch { Write-Log $_ -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } $service.Refresh() if ($service.Status -eq "Running") { Write-Log "Service started successfully" -Level debug } else { if ($tries -le $max_tries) { $msg = "Service not started. Waiting 1 second to try again..." Write-Log $msg -Level debug $tries += 1 Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } else { $msg = "Failed to start the $ServiceName service. " $msg += "Exceeded max tries" Write-Log $msg -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } } } function Stop-MinionService { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $ServiceName = "salt-minion" ) try { $service = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName } catch { switch ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId.Split(",")[0]) { "NoServiceFoundForGivenName" { # We'll return here because we don't need to stop a service that # isn't installed Write-Log "$ServiceName is not installed" -Level info return } Default { Write-Log $_ -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } } # Not sure this is needed as the Stop-Service cmdlet seems to wait until # the service is stopped before returning $tries = 1 $max_tries = 5 while ($service.Status -ne "Stopped") { if (($service.Status -eq "Running") -or ` ($service.Status -eq "Paused")) { # Start the minion service Write-Log "Stop the $ServiceName service" -Level info try { Stop-Service -Name $ServiceName *> $null } catch { Write-Log $_ -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } $service.Refresh() if ($service.Status -eq "Stopped") { Write-Log "Service stopped successfully" -Level debug } else { if ($tries -le $max_tries) { $msg = "Service not stopped. Waiting 1 second to try again..." Write-Log $msg -Level debug $tries += 1 Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } else { $msg = "Failed to stop the $ServiceName service. " $msg += "Exceeded max tries" Write-Log $msg -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } } } function Get-RandomizedMinionId { # Generate a randomized minion id [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $Prefix = "minion", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $Length = 5 ) $chars = (0x30..0x39) + ( 0x41..0x5A) + ( 0x61..0x7A) $rand_chars = $chars | Get-Random -Count $Length $rand_string = -join ($rand_chars | ForEach-Object {[char]$_}) return -join ($Prefix, "_", $rand_string) } ############################### MAIN FUNCTIONS ################################# function Confirm-Dependencies { # Check that the required dependencies for this script are present on the # system # # Return: # Bool: False if missing dependencies, otherwise True $deps_present = $true Write-Log "Checking dependencies" -Level info # Files required by this script $salt_dep_files = @{} # $salt_dep_files["dep_name.exe"] = "path\to\dep_name.exe" foreach ($file in $salt_dep_files.Keys) { Write-Log "Looking for $file in $($salt_dep_files[$file])" -Level debug if(!(Test-Path("$($salt_dep_files[$file])\$file"))) { $msg = "Unable to find $file in $($salt_dep_files[$file])" Write-Log $msg -Level error $deps_present = $false } } return $deps_present } function Get-SaltVersion { # This function is needed for unit testing [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Path ) if ( Test-Path -Path "$Path\salt-call.exe" ) { # 3006 and later packages Write-Log "Running: $Path\salt-call.exe" -Level debug $ver = . $Path\salt-call.exe --version } elseif ( Test-Path -Path "$Path\bin\python.exe" ) { # Pre 3006 Packages $python_bin = "$Path\bin\python.exe" Write-Log "Running: $python_bin" -Level debug $ver = . $python_bin -E -s $Path\bin\Scripts\salt-call --version } elseif ( Test-Path -Path "$Path\bin\salt.exe" ) { # Tiamat Packages Write-Log "Running: $Path\bin\salt.exe" -Level debug $ver = . $Path\bin\salt.exe --version } return $ver.Trim("salt-call ") } function Find-StandardSaltInstallation { # Find an existing standard Salt installation # # Return: # Bool: True if standard installation found, otherwise False # First we'll look for the install_dir registry entry # If we find that, we'll use it to detect the version # This works for 3004 and newer versions of Salt $salt_path = $null try { $dir_path = (Get-Item -Path $salt_base_reg).GetValue("install_dir") } catch {} if ($dir_path -ne $null) { $dir_path = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($dir_path) Write-Host $dir_path if ( Test-Path -Path $dir_path ) { $version = Get-SaltVersion -Path $dir_path Write-Log "Standard Installation detected" -Level error Write-Log "Version: $version" -Level error Write-Log "Path: $dir_path" -Level error return $true } } # We'll look in the old C:\salt location for python.exe # This handles all older versions of Salt if (Test-Path -Path "C:\salt\bin\python.exe") { $version = Get-SaltVersion -Path "C:\salt" Write-Log "Standard Installation detected" -Level error Write-Log "Version: $version" -Level error Write-Log "Path: C:\salt" -Level error return $true } Write-Log "Standard Installation not detected" -Level debug return $false } function Convert-PSObjectToHashtable { param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $InputObject ) if ($null -eq $InputObject) { return $null } $is_enum = $InputObject -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable] $not_string = $InputObject -isnot [string] if ($is_enum -and $not_string) { $collection = @( foreach ($object in $InputObject) { Convert-PSObjectToHashtable $object } ) Write-Output -NoEnumerate $collection } elseif ($InputObject -is [PSObject]) { $hash = @{} foreach ($property in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties) { $hash[$property.Name] = Convert-PSObjectToHashtable $property.Value } $hash } else { $InputObject } } function Get-MajorVersion { # Parses a version string and returns the major version # # Args: # Version (string): The Version to parse [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [String] $Version ) if ( !($Version.Contains(".")) -and ($Version.ToLower() -ne "latest")) { return $Version } try { $parsed_version = [System.Version]::Parse($Version) return $parsed_version.Major.ToString() } catch { # We might hit this if there is text in the minor version $regex = [regex]"^(\d+)\.([\w\-]+)$" $match = $regex.Match($Version) if ( $match.Success ) { return $match.Groups[1].Value } } return "" } function Get-SaltPackageInfo { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $MinionVersion ) if ( $MinionVersion.ToLower() -ne "latest" ) { # A specific version has been passed. # Let's check if we're looking at the default location hosted by Salt # If we are, we'll want to adjust for pre-3006 versions if passed # If the user specified a Source, we just trust they have it set up for # the version they are passing $uri = [System.Uri]($base_url) if ( $uri.AbsoluteUri -eq $default_source ) { # Let's check for a pre 3006 version $major_version = Get-MajorVersion -Version $MinionVersion if ( $major_version -lt "3006" ) { # This is an older version, use the older URL $base_url = $pre_3006_source } else { # This is a new URL, and a version was passed, let's look in # minor if ( $MinionVersion.ToLower() -ne $major_version.ToLower() ) { $base_url = "$base_url/minor" } } } } $enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 try { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$base_url/repo.json" ` -UseBasicParsing if ($response.Content.GetType().Name -eq "Byte[]") { $psobj = $enc.GetString($response.Content) | ConvertFrom-Json } else { $psobj = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json } $hash = Convert-PSObjectToHashtable $psobj } catch { Write-Log "repo.json not found at: $base_url" -Level debug $hash = @{} } $salt_file_name = "" $salt_version = "" $salt_sha512 = "" $search_version = $MinionVersion.ToLower() if ($hash.Contains($search_version)) { foreach ($item in $hash.($search_version).Keys) { if ($item.EndsWith(".zip")) { if ($item.Contains("amd64")) { $salt_file_name = $hash.($search_version).($item).name $salt_version = $hash.($search_version).($item).version $salt_sha512 = $hash.($search_version).($item).SHA512 } } } } if ($salt_file_name -and $salt_version -and $salt_sha512) { $salt_url = @($base_url, $salt_version, $salt_file_name) -join "/" $major_version = Get-MajorVersion -Version $salt_version if ( $major_version -ge "3006" ) { if ( !($base_url.Contains("minor")) ) { $salt_url = @( $base_url, "minor", $salt_version, $salt_file_name ) -join "/" } } Write-Log "Found installer: $salt_file_name" -Level debug Write-Log "Found version: $salt_version" -Level debug Write-Log "Found sha512: $salt_sha512" -Level debug Write-Log "Found URL: $salt_url" -Level debug return @{ url = $salt_url; hash = $salt_sha512; file_name = $salt_file_name; version = $salt_version } } else { # Since there's no repo.json, we need to look in the directory for the # URL and HASH. The version can also be `latest` but expects a symlink # named `latest` that points to the directory containing the latest # version of Salt $salt_file_name = $null $salt_version = $null # Fix URL $major_version = Get-MajorVersion -Version $search_version if ( $major_version -ge "3006" ) { if ( !($base_url.Contains("minor")) ) { $base_url = @($base_url, "minor") -join "/" } } # Invoke-WebRequest will not work on a local file directory so we need # to detect the URL scheme. Use Invoke-WebRequest to get the directory # contents if URL scheme is http/https/ftp. Not tested with FTP if ($base_url -match "^(http\:|https\:|ftp\:).*") { $dir_url = @($base_url, $search_version) -join "/" Write-Log "Looking for version in web directory: $dir_url" ` -Level debug try { $dir_contents = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $dir_url -UseBasicParsing } catch { Write-Log "Directory not found: $dir_url" -Level debug return @{} } # Look for the zip file in the directory foreach ($link in $dir_contents.Links) { if ($link.href.EndsWith(".zip")) { if ($link.href.Contains("-amd64")) { $salt_file_name = $link.href } } } } # Get the directory contents if URL is Drive Letter or UNC elseif ($base_url -match "^(\w\:|\\\\).*") { $dir_url = "$base_url\$search_version" Write-Log "Looking for version in local directory: $dir_url" ` -Level debug try { $salt_file_name = Get-ChildItem -Path $dir_url -Filter "*.zip" } catch { Write-Log "Directory not found: $dir_url" -Level debug return @{} } if ($salt_file_name.Length -gt 0) { $salt_file_name = $salt_file_name[0].Name } } else { Write-Log "Unknown source url type: $dir_url" -Level debug return @{} } # Verify that we found a file name if ($salt_file_name.Length -eq 0) { Write-Log "Zip file not found in directory: $dir_url" -Level debug return @{} } # Since we have a zip file, get the version and sha file from it if ( $salt_file_name.Contains("onedir") ) { $salt_version = ( $salt_file_name -split "-onedir-" )[0].Split("-", 2)[1] } else { $salt_version = ( $salt_file_name -split "-windows-" )[0].Split("-", 2)[1] } $sha_file_name = "salt-$($salt_version)_SHA512" # Get the contents of the sha file try { # We can use Invoke-WebRequest as long as we're looking at a file $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$dir_url/$sha_file_name" ` -UseBasicParsing } catch { Write-Log "Could not retrieve sha file: $dir_url/$sha_file_name" ` -Level debug return @{} } $salt_sha512 = $null # Get the sha out of the sha file ForEach ($line in $response.RawContent.Split([Environment]::NewLine)) { if ($line.EndsWith(".zip")) { $salt_sha512 = $line.Split()[0] } } # Verify that a sha was retrieved if ($null -eq $salt_sha512) { Write-Log "Sha not found in file: $dir_url/$sha_file_name" ` -Level debug return @{} } Write-Log "Found installer: $salt_file_name" -Level debug Write-Log "Found version: $salt_version" -Level debug Write-Log "Found sha512: $salt_sha512" -Level debug return @{ url = @($dir_url, $salt_file_name) -join "/"; hash = $salt_sha512; file_name = $salt_file_name; version = $salt_version } } } function Get-FileHash { # Get-FileHash is a built-in cmdlet in powershell 5+ but we need to support # powershell 3. This will overwrite the powershell 5 commandlet only for # this script. But it will provide the missing cmdlet for powershell 3 [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet( "SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512", # https://serverfault.com/questions/820300/ # why-isnt-mactripledes-algorithm-output-in-powershell-stable "MACTripleDES", # don't use "MD5", "RIPEMD160", IgnoreCase=$true)] [String] $Algorithm = "SHA256" ) if ( !(Test-Path $Path) ) { Write-Log "Invalid path for hashing: $Path" -Level debug return @{} } if ( (Get-Item -Path $Path) -isnot [System.IO.FileInfo]) { Write-Log "Not a file for hashing: $Path" -Level debug return @{} } $Path = Resolve-Path -Path $Path Switch ($Algorithm) { SHA1 { # We're doing this in 2 lines to comply with the 80 char limit $hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider] $hasher = $hasher::Create() } SHA256 { $hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256]::Create() } SHA384 { $hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384]::Create() } SHA512 { $hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512]::Create() } MACTripleDES { $hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDES]::Create() } MD5 { $hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create() } RIPEMD160 { $hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160]::Create() } } Write-Log "Hashing using $Algorithm algorithm" -Level debug try { $data = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($Path) $hash = $hasher.ComputeHash($data) $hash = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($hash) -replace "-","" return @{ Path = $Path; Algorithm = $Algorithm.ToUpper(); Hash = $hash } } catch { Write-Log "Error hashing: $Path" -Level debug return @{} } finally { if ($null -ne $data) { $data.Close() } } } function Get-SaltFromWeb { # Download the Salt OneDir zip file from the web and verify the hash # # Error: # Sets the failed status and exits with a scriptFailed exit code # Make sure the download directory exists [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Url, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Destination, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Hash ) # Download the Salt file Write-Log "Downloading Salt" -Level info Get-WebFile -Url $Url -OutFile $Destination # Get the hash for the Salt file $file_hash = (Get-FileHash -Path $Destination -Algorithm SHA512).Hash Write-Log "Verifying hash" -Level info if ($file_hash -like $Hash) { Write-Log "Hash verified" -Level debug } else { Write-Log "Failed to verify hash:" -Level error Write-Log " - $file_hash" -Level error Write-Log " - $Hash" -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } function New-SaltCallScript { # Create the salt-call.bat script for Tiamat builds [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] # The location to create the script [String] $Path ) $content = @( ":: Copyright (c) 2021-2023 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.", "", ":: Script for starting the Salt-Minion", ":: Accepts all parameters that Salt-Minion Accepts", "@ echo off", "", ":: Define Variables", "Set SaltBin=%~dp0\salt\salt.exe", "", "net session >nul 2>&1", "if %errorLevel%==0 (", " :: Launch Script", " `"%SaltBin%`" call %*", ") else (", " echo ***** This script must be run as Administrator *****", ")" ) $file_content = $content -join "`r`n" Set-Content -Path $Path -Value $file_content } function New-SaltMinionScript { # Create the salt-minion.bat script for Tiamat builds [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] # The location to create the script [String] $Path ) $content = @( ":: Copyright (c) 2021-2023 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.", "", ":: Script for starting the Salt-Minion" ":: Accepts all parameters that Salt-Minion Accepts", "@ echo off", "", ":: Define Variables", "Set SaltBin=%~dp0\salt\salt.exe", "", "net session >nul 2>&1", 'if %errorLevel%==0 (', " :: Launch Script", " `"%SaltBin%`" minion %*", ") else (", " echo ***** This script must be run as Administrator *****", ")" ) $file_content = $content -join "`r`n" Set-Content -Path $Path -Value $file_content } function Install-SaltMinion-Tiamat { # Installs the Tiamat build of the Salt minion. Performs the following: # - Copies the helper scripts into C:\ProgramFiles\Salt Project\Salt # - Registers the salt-minion service # # Error: # Sets the failed status and exits with a scriptFailed exit code # 1. Copy the helper scripts into Program Files [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Version ) Write-Log "Copying scripts ($Version)" -Level info try { Write-Log "Creating $salt_dir\salt-call.bat" -Level debug New-SaltCallScript -Path "$salt_dir\salt-call.bat" } catch { Write-Log "Failed to create $salt_dir\salt-call.bat" -Level error Write-Log $_ -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } try { Write-Log "Creating $salt_dir\salt-minion.bat" -Level debug New-SaltMinionScript -Path "$salt_dir\salt-minion.bat" } catch { Write-Log "Failed to create $salt_dir\salt-minion.bat" -Level error Write-Log $_ -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } # 2. Register the salt-minion service Write-Log "Registering the salt-minion service ($Version)" -Level info & $ssm_bin install salt-minion "$salt_bin" ` "minion -c """"$salt_config_dir"""" -l quiet" *> $null $description = "Salt Minion from VMware Tools ($Version)" & $ssm_bin set salt-minion Description $description } function Install-SaltMinion-Relenv { # Installs the Relenv build of the Salt minion. Performs the following: # - Registers the salt-minion service # 1. Register the salt-minion service [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Version ) Write-Log "Registering the salt-minion service ($Version)" -Level info # & $ssm_bin install salt-minion "$salt_minion_bin" ` "-c """"$salt_config_dir"""" -l quiet" *> $null $description = "Salt Minion from VMware Tools ($Version)" & $ssm_bin set salt-minion Description $description } function Install-SaltMinion { # Installs the Salt minion. Performs the following: # - Expands the zipfile into C:\Program Files\Salt Project # - Detects Relenv vs Tiamat build and calls the appropriate install # function # # Error: # Sets the failed status and exits with a scriptFailed exit code # 1. Unzip into Program Files [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Version ) Write-Log "Unzipping Salt (this may take a few minutes)" -Level info Expand-ZipFile -ZipFile $Path -Destination $base_salt_install_location Write-Log "Removing zipfile: $Path" -Level debug Remove-Item -Path $Path # 2. Determine if this is a Tiamat package or a Relenv package # - salt-minion.exe in the root = Relenv = post-3005 # - salt\salt.exe in the root = Tiamat = pre-3006 if ( Test-Path -Path "$salt_minion_bin") { Write-Log "Found post-3005 Package" Install-SaltMinion-Relenv -Version $Version } elseif ( Test-Path -Path "$salt_bin" ) { Write-Log "Found pre-3006 Package" Install-SaltMinion-Tiamat -Version $Version } else { Write-Log "Unknown Package Type" -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } # Common service settings Write-Log "Configuring the salt-minion service" -Level info & $ssm_bin set salt-minion Start SERVICE_AUTO_START *> $null & $ssm_bin set salt-minion AppStopMethodConsole 24000 *> $null & $ssm_bin set salt-minion AppStopMethodWindow 2000 *> $null & $ssm_bin set salt-minion AppRestartDelay 60000 *> $null # 3. Verify that the service is installed try { Get-Service -Name salt-minion Write-Log "salt-minion service installed successfully" -Level debug } catch { switch ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId.Split(",")[0]) { "NoServiceFoundForGivenName" { $msg = "Failed to install salt-minion service" Write-Log $msg -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } Default { Write-Log $_ -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } } # 4. Modify the system path Write-Log "Adding Salt to the path" -Level info Add-SystemPathValue -Path $salt_dir } function Remove-SaltMinion { # Uninstall the Salt minion. Performs the following steps: # - Stop the salt-minion service # - Remove the salt-minion service # - Remove the directories in Program Files and ProgramData # - Remove the registry entries # - Remove the entry from the system path # # Error: # Sets the failed status and exits with a scriptFailed exit code # Does the service exist try { # This command will throw an exception if the service is missing $service = Get-Service -Name salt-minion # Stop the minion service Stop-MinionService # Delete the service Write-Log "Uninstalling salt-minion service" -Level info $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service ` -Filter "Name='salt-minion'" $service.delete() *> $null try { # This command will throw an exception if the service is missing $service = Get-Service -Name salt-minion # If we were able to connect to the service, no exception thrown, # then we failed to remove the service Write-Log "Failed to uninstall salt-minion service" -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } catch { # This would catch a missing service after the removal meaning the # service was removed successfully switch ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId.Split(",")[0]) { "NoServiceFoundForGivenName" { $msg = "Finished uninstalling salt-minion service" Write-Log $msg -Level debug } Default { Write-Log $_ -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } } } catch { # This would catch a missing service before trying to Stop and Remove it # That would mean the service is already removed switch ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId.Split(",")[0]) { "NoServiceFoundForGivenName" { # We'll return here because we don't need to remove a service # that isn't installed Write-Log "salt-minion service not found" -Level warning } Default { Write-Log $_ -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } } # 3. Remove the files # Do this in a for loop for logging foreach ($item in $file_dirs_to_remove) { Remove-FileOrFolder -Path $item } # 4. Remove entry from the path Remove-SystemPathValue -Path $salt_dir } function Reset-SaltMinion { # Resets the salt-minion environment in preperation for imaging. Performs # the following steps: # - Remove minion_id file # - Randomize the minion id in the minion config # - Remove the minion public and private keys Write-Log "Resetting Salt minion" -Level info Remove-FileOrFolder "$salt_config_file\minion_id" # Comment out id: in the minion config $new_content = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[String] if (Test-Path -Path "$salt_config_file") { Write-Log "Searching minion config file for id" -Level debug foreach ($line in Get-Content $salt_config_file) { if ($line -match "^id:.*$") { Write-Log "Commenting out the id" -Level debug $new_content.Add("#" + $line) | Out-Null $random_id = Get-RandomizedMinionId -Prefix $line.Split("")[1] $new_content.Add("id: $random_id") | Out-Null } else { $new_content.Add($line) | Out-Null } } $config_content = $new_content -join "`r`n" Write-Log "Writing new minion config" try { Set-Content -Path $salt_config_file -Value $config_content } catch { Write-Log "Failed to write new minion config : $_" -Level error exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } # Remove minion keys (minion.pem and minion.pub" Remove-FileOrFolder -Path "$salt_pki_dir\minion.pem" Remove-FileOrFolder -Path "$salt_pki_dir\minion.pub" Write-Log "Salt minion reset successfully" -Level info } function Install { # Set status and update the log Write-Log "Installing Salt minion" -Level info Set-Status installing # Make sure the base install location exists if ( !( Test-Path -Path $base_salt_install_location) ) { Write-Log "Creating directory: $base_salt_install_location" -Level debug New-Item -Path $base_salt_install_location -Type Directory | Out-Null } # Get URL from repo.json $info = Get-SaltPackageInfo -MinionVersion $MinionVersion if ($info.Count -eq 0) { $msg = "Failed to get Package Info for Version: $MinionVersion" Write-Log $msg -Level error Set-FailedStatus exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } $zip_file = "$base_salt_install_location\$($info.file_name)" # Download Salt from the Web Get-SaltFromWeb -Url $info.url -Destination $zip_file -Hash $info.hash # Install the Salt Package Install-SaltMinion -Path $zip_file -Version $info.version # Generate and update the minion config Add-MinionConfig # Start the Minion Service Start-MinionService # Update the Status and output the Log Set-Status installed Write-Log "Salt minion installed successfully" -Level info } function Remove { Write-Log "Removing Salt minion" -Level info Set-Status removing Remove-SaltMinion Set-Status notInstalled Write-Log "Salt minion removed successfully" -Level info } ################################### MAIN ####################################### function Main { # Check for Action. If not specified on the command line, get it from # guestVars if ($Install) { $Action = "install" } if ($Status) { $Action = "status" } if ($Depend) { $Action = "depend" } if ($Clear) { $Action = "clear" } if ($Remove) { $Action = "remove" } if (!$Action) { # We're not logging yet because we don't know the status $Action = Get-GuestVars -GuestVarsPath $guestvars_salt_desired_state if (!$Action) { $msg = "No action found in guestVars or specified on CLI" Write-Log $msg -Level error Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Please specify an action" -ForegroundColor Yellow return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } switch ($Action.ToLower()) { "present" { $Action = "install" } "absent" { $Action = "remove" } } } if (!($action_list -contains $Action.ToLower())) { $msg = "Invalid action: $Action - Must be one of [$action_list]" Write-Log $msg -Level error Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Please specify a valid action" -ForegroundColor Yellow return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } # Let's confirm dependencies if (!(Confirm-Dependencies)) { Write-Log "Missing script dependencies" -Level error Write-Host "Missing script dependencies" -ForegroundColor Red return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } # Perform the action switch ($Action.ToLower()) { "depend" { # If we've gotten this far, dependencies have been confirmed Write-Host "Found all dependencies" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptSuccess"] } "install" { # Let's make sure there's not already a standard Salt installation # on the system if (Find-StandardSaltInstallation) { $msg = "Found an existing Salt installation on the system." Write-Log $msg -Level error Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Red return $STATUS_CODES["externalInstall"] } # If status is installed, installing, or removing, bail out $current_status = Get-Status if ($STATUS_CODES.keys -notcontains $current_status) { $msg = "Unknown status code: $current_status" Write-Log $msg -Level error Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Red return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } switch ($current_status) { $STATUS_CODES["installed"] { Write-Host "Already installed" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptSuccess"] } $STATUS_CODES["installing"] { Write-Host "Installation in progress" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } $STATUS_CODES["removing"] { Write-Host "Removal in progress" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } $STATUS_CODES["removeFailed"] { # We want to clean up anything left behind by a failed # remove Remove } $STATUS_CODES["installFailed"] { # We want to clean up anything left behind by a failed # install Remove } } Install Write-Host "Salt minion installed successfully" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptSuccess"] } "remove" { # Let's make sure we're not trying to remove a standard Salt # installation on the system if (Find-StandardSaltInstallation) { $msg = "Found an existing Salt installation on the system." Write-Log $msg -Level error Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Red return $STATUS_CODES["externalInstall"] } # If status is installing, notInstalled, or removing, bail out $current_status = Get-Status if ($STATUS_CODES.keys -notcontains $current_status) { $msg = "Unknown status code: $current_status" Write-Host $msg -Level error return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } switch ($current_status) { $STATUS_CODES["installing"] { Write-Host "Installation in progress" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } $STATUS_CODES["notInstalled"] { Write-Host "Already uninstalled" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptSuccess"] } $STATUS_CODES["removing"] { Write-Host "Removal in progress" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } } Remove Write-Host "Salt minion removed successfully" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptSuccess"] } "clear" { # If not installed (0), bail out $current_status = Get-Status if ($STATUS_CODES.keys -notcontains $current_status) { $msg = "Unknown status code: $current_status" Write-Host $msg -Level error return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } if ($current_status -ne $STATUS_CODES["installed"]) { Write-Host "Not installed. Reset will not continue" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptSuccess"] } Reset-SaltMinion Write-Host "Salt minion reset successfully" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptSuccess"] } "status" { # Let's check for a standard Salt installation first if (Find-StandardSaltInstallation) { $msg = "Found an existing Salt installation on the system." Write-Log $msg -Level error Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Red return $STATUS_CODES["externalInstall"] } $exit_code = Get-Status if ($STATUS_CODES.keys -notcontains $exit_code) { Write-Host "Unknown status code: $exit_code" return $STATUS_CODES["scriptFailed"] } Write-Host "Found status: $($STATUS_CODES[$exit_code])" return $exit_code } } } # Allow importing for testing if (($Action) -and ($Action.ToLower() -eq "test")) { exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptSuccess"] } try { $exit_code = Main exit $exit_code } finally { if ($null -eq $exit_code) { Write-Host "Script Terminated..." exit $STATUS_CODES["scriptTerminated"] } }
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