Edit C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\WinSCP\Extensions\ArchiveDownload.WinSCPextension.ps1
# @name &Archive and Download... # @command powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%EXTENSION_PATH%" ^ # -sessionUrl "!E" -remotePath "!/" -localPath "!\" ^ # -archiveName "%ArchiveName%" -pause %Extract% ^ # -sessionLogPath "%SessionLogPath%" ^ # %Use7zip% -path7zip "%Path7zip%" ^ # -archiveType %ArchiveType% -archiveCommand "%ArchiveCommand%" !& # @description Packs the selected files to an archive, downloads it, ^ # and optionally extracts the archive to the current local directory # @flag ApplyToDirectories # @flag RemoteFiles # @version 1 # @homepage https://winscp.net/eng/docs/extension_archive_and_download # @require WinSCP 5.15 # @option ArchiveName -run textbox "&Archive name:" "archive" # @option ArchiveType -config -run combobox "Archive &type:" ^ # zip zip tar/gzip # @option - -config group "Packing" # @option ArchiveCommand -config textbox "Custom archive &command:" # @option - -config -run group "Extracting" # @option Extract -config -run checkbox "&Extract after download" "" -extract # @option Use7zip -config -run checkbox "Use &7-zip for extracting" "" -use7zip # @option Path7zip -config file "7-zip &path (7z.exe/7za.exe):" ^ # "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" # @option - -config group "Logging" # @option SessionLogPath -config sessionlogfile # @optionspage https://winscp.net/eng/docs/extension_archive_and_download#options param ( # Use Generate Session URL function to obtain a value for -sessionUrl parameter. $sessionUrl = "sftp://user:mypassword;fingerprint=ssh-rsa-xxxxxxxxxxx...@example.com/", [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $remotePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $localPath, [Switch] $pause, $archiveName, [Switch] $use7Zip, # The 7z.exe can be replaced with portable 7za.exe $path7zip = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe", $archiveType = "zip", [Switch] $extract, $archiveCommand, $sessionLogPath = $Null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $True, Position = 0)] $remotePaths ) try { switch ($archiveType) { "tar/gzip" { $ext = "tar.gz" } default { $ext = $archiveType } } $archiveName += "." + $ext if (-not $archiveCommand) { switch ($archiveType) { "zip" { $archiveCommand = "zip -r" } "tar/gzip" { $archiveCommand = "tar -czvf" } default { throw ("Custom archive type was selected, " + "but custom archive command was not specified.") } } } # Load WinSCP .NET assembly $assemblyPath = if ($env:WINSCP_PATH) { $env:WINSCP_PATH } else { $PSScriptRoot } Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $assemblyPath "WinSCPnet.dll") # Setup session options $sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions $sessionOptions.ParseUrl($sessionUrl) if (($sessionOptions.Protocol -ne [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp) -and ($sessionOptions.Protocol -ne [WinSCP.Protocol]::Scp)) { throw "Shell access is required, which is provided by SFTP and SCP protocols only." } if ($extract) { if (-not $use7Zip) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) { throw ("PowerShell 5.0 or newer required to extract an archive without 7-zip." + "Please, upgrade PowerShell or use the 7-zip mode instead.") } if ($archiveType -ne "zip") { throw ("Only ZIP format is supported to extract an archive without 7-zip. " + "Please, select ZIP archive type or use the 7-zip mode instead.") } } $downloadPath = $env:TEMP } else { $downloadPath = $localPath } $session = New-Object WinSCP.Session try { $session.SessionLogPath = $sessionLogPath Write-Host "Connecting..." $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Connecting" $session.Open($sessionOptions) Write-Host "Archiving $($remotePaths.Count) files to archive $archiveName..." $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Archiving" $filesArgs = "" foreach ($s in $remotePaths) { $s = ($s -replace '[\`$"]', "`\`\") $filesArgs += "`"$s`" " } $archiveNameArg = "`"$archiveName`"" $commands = "cd `"$remotePath`" ; $archiveCommand $archiveNameArg $filesArgs" $result = $session.ExecuteCommand($commands) $result.Check() Write-Host $result.ErrorOutput Write-Host $result.Output Write-Host "Archive $archiveName created." Write-Host "Downloading..." $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Downloading" $source = [WinSCP.RemotePath]::EscapeFileMask($archiveName) $source = [WinSCP.RemotePath]::Combine($remotePath, $source) $target = (Join-Path $downloadPath "*") $session.GetFiles($source, $target, $True).Check() } finally { # Disconnect, clean up $session.Dispose() } if ($extract) { try { Write-Host "Extracting..." $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Extracting" $archiveTempPath = (Join-Path $downloadPath $archiveName) if ($use7Zip) { if ($archiveType -eq "tar/gzip") { # https://stackoverflow.com/q/1359793/850848#14699663 & cmd.exe ( "/C `"`"$path7zip`" x -y `"$archiveTempPath`" -so | " + "`"$path7zip`" x -y -ttar -si `"-o$localPath`"`"") } else { & "$path7zip" x -y "$archiveTempPath" "-o$localPath" } if ($LASTEXITCODE -gt 0) { throw "Extracting failed." } } else { Expand-Archive $archiveTempPath $localPath } } finally { Remove-Item $archiveTempPath } } Write-Host "Done." $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Done" $result = 0 } catch { Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Error" $result = 1 } # Pause if -pause switch was used if ($pause) { Write-Host Write-Host "Press any key to exit..." [System.Console]::ReadKey() | Out-Null } exit $result
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