Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\bean_pattern.txt
/** * $TABLE_NAME$Bean constructor create an empty bean. * <p> * An <code>HttpSession</code> or a <code>FlContext</code> must be specified in order to save information. * <p> * * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException. */ public $TABLE_NAME$Bean() throws FrontlineException { SQL_TABLE_NAME = "$TABLE_NAME$"; } /** * $TABLE_NAME$Bean constructor create an empty bean associated to a <code>FlContext</code>. * <p> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException. */ public $TABLE_NAME$Bean(FlContext flContext) throws FrontlineException { SQL_TABLE_NAME = "$TABLE_NAME$"; this.context = flContext; } /** * $TABLE_NAME$Bean constructor create an empty bean associated to an <code>HttpSession</code>. * <p> * * @param session user http session. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException thrown if an error occured during <code>FlContext</code> initialization. */ public $TABLE_NAME$Bean(HttpSession session) throws FrontlineException { SQL_TABLE_NAME = "$TABLE_NAME$"; this.session = session; initializeContext(session); } /** * $TABLE_NAME$Bean constructor populates each properties of the bean from <code>ID</code>. * <p> * <code>ID</code> must exist in $TABLE_NAME$ table. If it doesn't, a <code>FrontlineException</code> is thrown. * <p> * * @param id <code>ID</code> of the entry in database * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException any error occured during loading. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.AccessDeniedException not enough right to load entry corresponding to the <code>id</code>. */ public $TABLE_NAME$Bean(String id, FlContext flContext) throws FrontlineException, AccessDeniedException { SQL_TABLE_NAME = "$TABLE_NAME$"; this.context = flContext; try { populateFromID(id); } catch (FrontlineException ex) { throw new FrontlineException("[$TABLE_NAME$Bean.populateFromID()] unable to initialize bean with id = " + id + " (" + ex.getMessage() + ")"); } } /** * $TABLE_NAME$Bean constructor populates each properties of the bean from <code>ID</code>. * <p> * <code>ID</code> must exist in $TABLE_NAME$ table. If it doesn't, a <code>FrontlineException</code> is thrown. * <p> * * @param id <code>ID</code> of the entry in database * @param session user http session. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException any error occured during loading. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.AccessDeniedException not enough right to load entry corresponding to the <code>id</code>. */ public $TABLE_NAME$Bean(String id, HttpSession session) throws FrontlineException, AccessDeniedException { SQL_TABLE_NAME = "$TABLE_NAME$"; this.session = session; initializeContext(session); try { populateFromID(id); } catch (FrontlineException ex) { throw new FrontlineException("[$TABLE_NAME$Bean.populateFromID()] unable to initialize bean with id = " + id + " (" + ex.getMessage() + ")"); } } /** * $TABLE_NAME$Bean constructor populates each properties of the bean from <code>ResultSet</code>. * <p> * * @param rs <code>ResultSet</code> containing data of an entry in $TABLE_NAME$ table. * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException any error occured during loading. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.AccessDeniedException not enough right to load entry corresponding to the <code>ResultSet</code>. */ public $TABLE_NAME$Bean(ResultSet rs, FlContext flContext) throws FrontlineException, AccessDeniedException { SQL_TABLE_NAME = "$TABLE_NAME$"; this.context = flContext; try { populateFromRS(rs); } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("Error populating from ResultSet $TABLE_NAME$ ctor", ex); } } /** * $TABLE_NAME$Bean constructor populates each properties of the bean from <code>ResultSet</code>. * <p> * * @param rs <code>ResultSet</code> containing data of an entry in $TABLE_NAME$ table. * @param session user http session. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException any error occured during loading. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.AccessDeniedException not enough right to load entry corresponding to the <code>ResultSet</code>. */ public $TABLE_NAME$Bean(ResultSet rs, HttpSession session) throws FrontlineException, AccessDeniedException { SQL_TABLE_NAME = "$TABLE_NAME$"; this.session = session; initializeContext(session); try { populateFromRS(rs); } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.error("Error populating from ResultSet $TABLE_NAME$ ctor", ex); } } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, null, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, null, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param query conditions of the query. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, String[][] query) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, String[][] query, String[] orderBy) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, 0, 0, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, 0, 0, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, String[][] query, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, String[][] query, int beginIndex, int nbEntry, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, 0, 0, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param query conditions of the query. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, String[][] query, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, 0, 0, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, orderBy, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, String[] orderBy) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, orderBy, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.list(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(FlContext flContext, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, null, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, null, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param query conditions of the query. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, String[][] query) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, String[][] query, String[] orderBy) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, 0, 0, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, orderBy, 0, 0, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, String[][] query, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, String[][] query, int beginIndex, int nbEntry, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, 0, 0, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param query conditions of the query. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, String[][] query, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", query, null, 0, 0, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, orderBy, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, String[] orderBy) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, orderBy, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of $TABLE_NAME$Bean. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.list(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @return <code>Vector</code> of $TABLE_NAME$Bean * @param session user http session. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#list(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector list(HttpSession session, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return list(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", null, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, null, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, null, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, String[][] query) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, oderBy, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, String[][] query, String[] orderBy) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, 0, 0, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, 0, 0, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, String[][] query, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, String[][] query, int beginIndex, int nbEntry, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, 0, 0, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, String[][] query, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, 0, 0, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, orderBy, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, String[] orderBy) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, orderBy, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * BasicBean.listSummary(null, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @param flContext <code>FlContext</code> used to retrieve data. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(FlContext flContext, String[] fields, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, null, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, null, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, String[][] query) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, String[][] query, String[] orderBy) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, 0, 0, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, String[][] query, String[] orderBy, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, orderBy, 0, 0, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, String[][] query, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, String[][] query, int beginIndex, int nbEntry, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, beginIndex, nbEntry, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, 0, 0, andThenOr); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param query conditions of the query. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, String[][] query, boolean andThenOr) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, query, null, 0, 0, andThenOr); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, orderBy, 0, 0, false); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, String[] orderBy) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, orderBy, 0, 0, false); } /** * Returns a list of <code>Hashtable</code> containing fields set in method parameter associated to their value in database. * <p> * This method is equivalent to : * <pre> * String contextPath = (String)session.getAttribute("contextPath"); * FlContext flContext = Frontline.getContext(contextPath); * BasicBean.listSummary(session, flContext, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); * </pre> * * @param session user http session. * @param fields list of fields to be retrieved. * @param orderBy order of the list. * @param beginIndex offset of the first entry to retrieve. * @param nbEntry total entries to retrieve. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.SyntaxException thrown if parameters don't have correct syntax. * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException * @see BasicBean#listSummary(HttpSession, FlContext, String, String[], String[][], String[], int, int, boolean) */ public static Vector listSummary(HttpSession session, String[] fields, String[] orderBy, int beginIndex, int nbEntry) throws SyntaxException, FrontlineException { return BasicBean.listSummary(session, "$TABLE_NAME$", fields, null, orderBy, beginIndex, nbEntry, false); } /** * Process to be done just after entry corresponding to the bean was deleted. * <p> * * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException */ protected void postDelete() throws FrontlineException {} /** * Process to be done just after populate bean. * <p> * * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException */ protected void postLoad() throws FrontlineException {} /** * Process to be done just after entry corresponding to the bean was saved. * <p> * * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException */ protected void postSave() throws FrontlineException {} /** * Process to be done before entry corresponding to the bean is deleted. * <p> * * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException if thrown, deleting will be interrupted. */ protected void preDelete() throws FrontlineException {} /** * Process to be done just before populate bean. * <p> * * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException if thrown, load will be interrupted. */ protected void preLoad() throws FrontlineException {} /** * Process to be done just before entry corresponding to the bean is saved. * <p> * * @exception com.edeal.frontline.FrontlineException if thrown, saving will be interrupted. */ protected void preSave() throws FrontlineException {}
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