Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\admin\department\edit.jsp
<% /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 e-Deal * * e-Deal S.A. * 55 rue Brillat Savarin * 75013 Paris * France * * T: +33 (0)1 53 80 80 30 * F: +33 (0)1 73 01 69 77 * http://www.e-deal.com * * La diffusion de ce code source sous quelque forme que ce soit sans * l'autorisation de E-DEAL est interdite. * * Vous êtes autorisés à modifier ce code source uniquement pour votre usage * propre et sous réserve que les mentions de copyright demeurent intactes. * * Ce code est fourni en l'état. Aucune garantie d'aucune sorte, explicite ou * implicite n'est donnée. 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"0" : dico.getRefCode("Anf", "Te1", refID); String prevFiscalYear = "0"; try { Integer prevYear = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(currFiscalYear) - 1); prevFiscalYear = prevYear.toString(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } boolean PrtGrpeType = false; boolean PrtGrpePrevType = false; try { PrtGrpeType = Department.isDptPrtGrpeType(); PrtGrpePrevType = Department.isDptPrtGrpePrevType(); } catch (Exception e) { } %> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function checkFields() { var f = document.forms[0]; if (f.DptPrtGrpeValBool.value == 'true') { if (f.DptPrtGrpe.value > 100) { window.alert('<fl:getMessage code="M60BD" alt="La pourcentage donné est superieur de 100."/>'); return false; } } if (f.DptPrtGrpePrevValBool.value == 'true') { if (f.DptPrtGrpePrev.value > 100) { window.alert('<fl:getMessage code="M60BD" alt="La pourcentage donné est superieur de 100."/>'); return false; } } if (f.DptObjCA.value == '') { f.DptObjCA.value = 0; } if (f.DptCAPrev.value == '') { f.DptCAPrev.value = 0; } if (f.DptBudgMktObj.value == '') { f.DptBudgMktObj.value = 0; } if (f.DptBudgMktPrev.value == '') { f.DptBudgMktPrev.value = 0; } if (f.DptPrtGrpe.value == '') { f.DptPrtGrpe.value = 0; } if (f.DptPrtGrpePrev.value == '') { f.DptPrtGrpePrev.value = 0; } return true; } function doSubmit() { //Here you can add your controls var f = document.forms[0]; f.DptPrtGrpeType.value = f.DptPrtGrpeValBool.value; f.DptPrtGrpePrevType.value = f.DptPrtGrpePrevValBool.value; if (checkFields() == false) { return; } return true; } </script> <fl:form action="/save_department.fl" bean="Department"> <input type="hidden" name="DptPrtGrpeType" value="false"> <input type="hidden" name="DptPrtGrpePrevType" value="false"> <fl:bigTabs objectTitle="<%= Utils.getMessage(session, \"L6435\", false, true,\"Département\") %>" ou="<%= \"/edit_department.fl\"+(id != null? \"?id=\" + id : \"\") %>"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="5"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="fieldline"> <td class="labelTitreFiche"> <fl:label field="DptTitle" labelClassName="titreFiche"/> </td> <td class="fieldTitreFiche"> <fl:input property="DptTitle" mandatoryMsgCode="M60BE"/> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="5" class="ligne_separation"/></tr> <tr> <td class="column3"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <fl:fieldEdit property="DptCode" mandatoryMsgCode="M60BF" unicityMsgCode="M60CE"/> </table> </td> <td class="separation"><div class="separation"></div></td> <td class="column3"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <fl:fieldEdit property="DptType"/> </table> </td> <td class="separation"><div class="separation"></div></td> <td class="column3"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <fl:fieldEdit property="DptEnt"/> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class="ligne_separation"><td colspan="5"> </td></tr> </table> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="ligne_separation"><td></td></tr> <tr> <td class="titrePartie"><fl:getMessage code="F2024" alt="Notes"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dataValue noPaddingLeft"><fl:input property="DptNotes" nodiv="false"/></td> </tr> <tr class="ligne_separation"><td></td></tr> <tr class="ligne_separation_couleur"><td></td></tr> <tr class="ligne_separation"><td></td></tr> </table> <link href="<fl:webapp/>/css/smalltabs_css.jsp" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <fl:smallTabs name="EnterpriseTabs"> <fl:sTab id="PROFIL" title="<%= Utils.getMessage(session, \"L2009\", \"Budget\") %>"> <table class="container" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="headerDataGrid borderLineOne" style="width: 5%;"></td> <td class="headerDataGrid borderLineOne" style="width: 30%;"> <fl:getMessage code="L2011" alt="Chiffre d\'affaires"/> </td> <td class="headerDataGrid borderLineOne" style="width: 30%;"> <fl:getMessage code="L6341" alt="Budget marketing"/> </td> <td class="headerDataGrid borderLineOne" style="width: 30%;"> <fl:getMessage code="L6343" alt="Part groupe"/> </td> </tr> <tr class="tabSimpleFdBleu"> <td class="headerDataGrid borderLineOne" style="width: 5%; text-align: center; "> <%= currFiscalYear %></td> <td class="dataValueX borderLineTwo" style="width: 30%;"> <fl:input property="DptObjCA" htmlClass="number intable"/> </td> <td class="dataValueX borderLineTwo" style="width: 30%;"> <fl:input property="DptBudgMktObj" htmlClass="number intable"/> </td> <td class="dataValueX borderLineTwo" style="width: 30%;"> <table class="fieldTable" style="width:100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="dataValue" style="width:85%"> <fl:input property="DptPrtGrpe" htmlClass="number intable"/> </td> <td class="dataValue" style="width:15%; text-align: right; padding-left: 3px;"> <select class="select" name="DptPrtGrpeValBool"> <option value="true" <%= PrtGrpeType ? "selected" : "" %>>% </option> <option value="false" <%= PrtGrpeType ? "" : "selected" %>>€ </option> </select> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class="tabSimpleFdBlanc"> <td class="headerDataGrid borderLineOne" style="width: 5%; text-align: center; "> <%= prevFiscalYear %></td> <td class="dataValueX borderLineTwo" style="width: 30%;"> <fl:input property="DptCAPrev" htmlClass="number intable"/> </td> <td class="dataValueX borderLineTwo" style="width: 30%;"> <fl:input property="DptBudgMktPrev" htmlClass="number intable"/> </td> <td class="dataValueX borderLineTwo" style="width: 30%;"> <table class="fieldTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="dataValue" style="width:85%"> <fl:input property="DptPrtGrpePrev" htmlClass="number intable"/> </td> <td class="dataValue" style="width:15%; text-align: right; padding-left: 3px;"> <select class="select" name="DptPrtGrpePrevValBool"> <option value="true" <%= PrtGrpePrevType ? "selected" : "" %>>% </option> <option value="false" <%= PrtGrpePrevType ? "" : "selected" %>>€ </option> </select> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </fl:sTab> <% if (context.getAutoDisplayManager().hasEntry("Department", "Department 1")) { %> <fl:sTab id="Department 1" title="<%= context.getAutoDisplayManager().getTitle(session,\"Department\", \"Department 1\") %>"> <fl:autodisplay name="Department" zone="Department 1" edit="true"/> </fl:sTab> <% } %> <% if (context.getAutoDisplayManager().hasEntry("Department", "Department 2")) { %> <fl:sTab id="Department 1" title="<%= context.getAutoDisplayManager().getTitle(session,\"Department\", \"Department 2\") %>"> <fl:autodisplay name="Department" zone="Department 2" edit="true"/> </fl:sTab> <% } %> <% if (context.getAutoDisplayManager().hasEntry("Department", "Department 3")) { %> <fl:sTab id="Department 1" title="<%= context.getAutoDisplayManager().getTitle(session,\"Department\", \"Department 3\") %>"> <fl:autodisplay name="Department" zone="Department 3" edit="true"/> </fl:sTab> <% } %> </fl:smallTabs> </fl:bigTabs> </fl:form>
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