Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\common\tabs.jsp
<%@page import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils"%> <%@page import="com.edeal.frontline.controller.actions.ListAction"%><% /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 e-Deal * * e-Deal S.A. * 55 rue Brillat Savarin * 75013 Paris * France * * T: +33 (0)1 53 80 80 30 * F: +33 (0)1 73 01 69 77 * http://www.e-deal.com * * La diffusion de ce code source sous quelque forme que ce soit sans * l'autorisation de E-DEAL est interdite. * * Vous êtes autorisés à modifier ce code source uniquement pour votre usage * propre et sous réserve que les mentions de copyright demeurent intactes. * * Ce code est fourni en l'état. Aucune garantie d'aucune sorte, explicite ou * implicite n'est donnée. En aucun cas E-DEAL ne pourra être tenu pour * responsable des dommages pouvant résulter de l'utilisation de ce code * source. ******************************************************************************/ %><%@ page language="java"%> <%@page import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils"%> <%@page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.EdealBigTabsNavigation"%> <%@page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.EdealBigTabsNavigation.BigTabsParams"%> <%@page import="java.util.Vector"%> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.WebUtils" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.Utils" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.FlRequest" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.ListBean" %> <%@ page import="java.util.HashMap" %> <%@taglib uri="http://www.e-deal.com/taglib/fl" prefix="fl"%><% final org.apache.commons.logging.Log loggerTabs = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); FlRequest flRequestTabs = new FlRequest(request); EdealBigTabsNavigation ebtnTabs = new EdealBigTabsNavigation(flRequestTabs); // The grid variables are duplicated here with different names because // this file can be @included by list.jsp and list_criteria.jsp // List code String lcTabs = ebtnTabs.getListCode(); //Search criteria String scTabs = ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.SearchCriteria); //Object uri String ouTabs = StringUtils.defaultString(ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.ObjectURI)); //The current selected tab String selectedTabTabs = ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.SelectedTab); //Criteria tab name String critTitleTabs = ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.CriteriaListTitle); if (critTitleTabs == null) { critTitleTabs = Utils.getMessage(session, "A2009", false, true, "Nouvelle recherche"); } // Criteria uri String cuTabs = ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.CriteriaListURI); // Name of the current object String objTitleTabs = ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.ObjectTitle); // id String idTabs = flRequestTabs.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("id"); // $$idx String idx = flRequestTabs.getRequestParameterOrAttribute(lcTabs + "_$$idx"); if (idx != null && !"".equals(idx)) { idx = lcTabs + "_$$idx=" + idx; } else { idx = null; } idx = flRequestTabs.getSearchCriteria("$$idx", lcTabs, false); // $$OrderBy String orderby = (String)flRequestTabs.getSearchCriteria("$$OrderBy",lcTabs,false); if (orderby != null && !"".equals(orderby)) { orderby = lcTabs + "_$$OrderBy=" + orderby; } else { orderby = null; } // $$ReverseOrderBy String reverseorderby = flRequestTabs.getSearchCriteria("$$ReverseOrderBy",lcTabs,false); if (reverseorderby != null && !"".equals(reverseorderby)) { reverseorderby = lcTabs + "_$$ReverseOrderBy=" + reverseorderby; } else { reverseorderby = null; } // "ignoreCriteria" is used for historique reasons, but it's really the critList tab boolean ignoreCritList = ebtnTabs.isIgnoreCritList(); boolean isCritListTabSelected = ebtnTabs.isCritListTabSelected(); boolean isObjectTabSelected = ebtnTabs.isObjectTabSelected(); boolean displayCritList = ebtnTabs.isDisplayCritList(); boolean displayObject = ebtnTabs.isDisplayObject(); if (!isCritListTabSelected && !isObjectTabSelected) { if (displayCritList && !displayObject) { isCritListTabSelected = true; } else if (!displayCritList && displayObject) { isObjectTabSelected = true; } else { isCritListTabSelected = true; } } int nbTabs = ebtnTabs.numberOfDisplayedTabs(); boolean isFirstDisplayed = false; int displayedTabs = 0; boolean sharpCorner = "sharp".equalsIgnoreCase(flRequestTabs.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("corner")); String objListToken = ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.ObjectListToken); HashMap<String, Vector<String>> hm = objListToken == null ? null : (HashMap<String, Vector<String>>)session.getAttribute(ListAction.OBJECT_LIST_ATTR); Vector<String> iterIds = hm == null ? null : hm.get(objListToken); ebtnTabs.setBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.SelectedTab, "0"); String tab1URL = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cuTabs) ? cuTabs : "/list_criteria.fl"; tab1URL = flRequestTabs.computeURL(tab1URL, false, false, true); int tmpIndex = tab1URL.indexOf("?"); if (tmpIndex < 0) { tab1URL += "?"; }else if (tmpIndex<tab1URL.length()){ tab1URL += "&"; } tab1URL += ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterString(); ebtnTabs.setBigTabsParameterValue(BigTabsParams.SelectedTab, "1"); String tab2URL = ouTabs; tab2URL = flRequestTabs.computeURL(tab2URL, false, false, true); tmpIndex = tab2URL.indexOf("?"); if (tmpIndex < 0) { tab2URL += "?"; }else if (tmpIndex<tab2URL.length()){ tab2URL += "&"; } tab2URL += ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterString(); ebtnTabs.revertBigTabsParamsValue(EdealBigTabsNavigation.BigTabsParams.SelectedTab); String prevUrl = null; String prevID = null; String nextUrl = null; String nextID = null; if (iterIds != null && iterIds.size() > 0 && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(idTabs) && ebtnTabs.isObjectTabSelected()) { int idIdx = iterIds.indexOf(idTabs); String strippedUrl = ouTabs.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? ouTabs.substring(0, ouTabs.indexOf('?')) : ouTabs; if (idIdx > 0) { prevID = iterIds.get(idIdx - 1); prevUrl = strippedUrl + "?id=" + prevID; prevUrl = flRequestTabs.computeURL(prevUrl, false, false, true); prevUrl += "&" + ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterString(); } if (idIdx < (iterIds.size() - 1) && idIdx != -1) { nextID = iterIds.get(idIdx + 1); nextUrl = strippedUrl + "?id=" + nextID; nextUrl = flRequestTabs.computeURL(nextUrl, false, false, true); nextUrl += "&" + ebtnTabs.getBigTabsParameterString(); } } %></script> <script language="javascript"> <%if (!isCritListTabSelected) { %> function <%= lcTabs %>_gotoTab1() { var urlT1 = "<%= tab1URL %>&doList=1"; try { urlT1 += "&<%= lcTabs %>_$$idx=" + <%= lcTabs %>_page; } catch (error) { urlT1 += "<%= idx == null ? "" : ("&" + idx) %>"; } try { if (myGrid_<%= lcTabs %>) { if (myGrid_<%= lcTabs %>.getSortProperty("index") != -1 && myGrid_<%= lcTabs %>.getSortProperty("direction") != "none") { urlT1 += "&<%= lcTabs %>_"; urlT1 += ( myGrid_<%= lcTabs %>.getSortProperty("direction") == "descending" ? "$$ReverseOrderBy=" : "$$OrderBy=" ); urlT1 += myGrid_<%= lcTabs %>.getSortProperty("index"); } } } catch (error) { <% if (orderby != null) { %> urlT1 += "&<%= orderby %>"; <% } else if (reverseorderby != null) { %> urlT1 += "&<%= reverseorderby %>"; <% } %> } $(".ongletgris a").attr("href",urlT1); } if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { $(document).ready(function(){ <%= lcTabs %>_gotoTab1(); }); } <%} if (!isObjectTabSelected) {%> function <%= lcTabs %>_gotoTab2() { var urlT3 = "<%= tab2URL %>"; try { urlT3 += "&<%= lcTabs %>_$$idx=" + <%= lcTabs %>_page; } catch (error) { urlT3 += "<%= idx == null ? "" : ("&" + idx) %>"; } try { if (myGrid_<%= lcTabs %>) { if (myGrid_<%= lcTabs %>.getSortProperty("index") != -1 && myGrid_<%= lcTabs %>.getSortProperty("direction") != "none") { urlT3 += "&<%= lcTabs %>_"; urlT3 += ( myGrid_<%= lcTabs %>.getSortProperty("direction") == "descending" ? "$$ReverseOrderBy=" : "$$OrderBy=" ); urlT3 += myGrid_<%= lcTabs %>.getSortProperty("index"); } } } catch (error) { <% if (orderby != null) { %> urlT3 += "&<%= orderby %>"; <% } else if (reverseorderby != null) { %> urlT3 += "&<%= reverseorderby %>"; <% } %> } $(".ongletgris a").attr("href",urlT3); } if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { $(document).ready(function(){ <%= lcTabs %>_gotoTab2(); }); } <%}%> function previousInObjectList() { saveObjectBeforeLeaving('<%= prevUrl %>', '<%= prevID %>'); } function nextInObjectList() { saveObjectBeforeLeaving('<%= nextUrl %>', '<%= nextID %>'); } function saveObjectBeforeLeaving(urlToCall, nextID) { // If we're editing, then check to see if the user has changed the page (only in edit/creation) var windowHref = window.location.href; if (windowHref.indexOf('?') >= 0) { windowHref = windowHref.substring(0, windowHref.indexOf('?')); } if ((windowHref.indexOf('edit') >= 0 || windowHref.indexOf('create') >= 0) && testForExitChanges) { doExitConf = false; testForExitChanges(); if (doExitConf) { var conf = confirm('<fl:getMessage code="M6153" alt="Voulez vous sauver vos changements?" js="true"/>'); doExitConf = false; if (conf) { try { var formID = $(':input[name="type"]').val() + '_form'; $('#' + formID).attr('action','<fl:webapp/>/save_object_iteration_ajax.fl?nextID=' + nextID); submit(); } catch (exception) { alert('Could not find form input \'type\': ' + exception); } return; } } } window.location = urlToCall; } </script> <table id="BTabs" class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr><% if (displayCritList) { isFirstDisplayed = true; displayedTabs++; String bgClass = isCritListTabSelected ? "actif-pos-1" : "inactif-pos-1"; %> <td class="<%= bgClass %>" style="text-align: right"> </td> <td class="<%= isCritListTabSelected ? "ongletblanc" : "ongletgris" %>"><% if (!isCritListTabSelected) { %><a><%= critTitleTabs %></a><% } else { %><%= critTitleTabs %><% } %></td><% if (displayedTabs == nbTabs) { %> <td class="<%= isCritListTabSelected ? "actif-fin" : "inactif-fin"%>"> </td><% } else { %> <td class="<%= bgClass = isCritListTabSelected ? "interActifInactif" : "interInactifActif" %>" style="text-align: right"> </td> <%} } if (displayObject) { displayedTabs++; if (!isFirstDisplayed) { isFirstDisplayed = true; %> <td style="text-align: right; width: 15px"><% if (isObjectTabSelected) { %><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/nav/principal_onglet/ong_blanc_pos_1.gif" style="width: 15px; height: 43px"><% } else { %><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/nav/principal_onglet/ong_grise_pos_1.gif" style="width: 15px; height: 43px"><% } %></td><% } %> <td class="<%= isObjectTabSelected ? "ongletblanc" : "ongletgris" %>"> <% if (nbTabs > 1) { %> <% if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(prevUrl)) { %> <a href="javascript:previousInObjectList()" title="<fl:getMessage code="L65FE" alt="Fiche précédent"/>" style="display: inline;"><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/flecheG.gif" style=""></a> <% } %> <% } if (!isObjectTabSelected) { %><a><%= objTitleTabs %></a><% } else { %><%= objTitleTabs %><% } if (nbTabs > 1) { %> <% if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(nextUrl)) { %> <a href="javascript:nextInObjectList()" title="<fl:getMessage code="L65FD" alt="Fiche prochain"/>" style="display: inline;"><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/flecheD.gif"></a> <% } } %> </td> <td class="<%= isObjectTabSelected ? "actif-fin" : "inactif-fin" %>"> <% } %> <td class="tabRightSpace" style="width: 90%; text-align: right; background: transparent url(<fl:webapp/>/icons/nav/principal_onglet/fd_cell.gif)"> </td> <td class="<%= sharpCorner ? "finTabShort" : "finTab" %>" > </td> </tr> </table>
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