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Waiting for server... file_menu File file_open Open... file_close Close file_login Login... file_password Change Password... file_save_marker Save Marker... file_page_setup Page Setup... file_print Print... file_print_pdf Save to PDF... file_print_console Print Console... file_print_console_pdf Save Console to PDF... file_exit Exit edit_menu Edit edit_undo Undo edit_redo Redo edit_cut Cut edit_copy edit_copy_console Copy Console edit_paste Paste edit_delete Delete edit_selectall Select All edit_add_column Add Column... edit_edit_column Edit Column... edit_find Find... edit_format Format... edit_window_info Edit Window Info... edit_add_widgets Add QuickViews... edit_edit_widgets Edit QuickViews... edit_delete_widgets Delete QuickViews... edit_columns Edit Columns... edit_select_columns Select Columns... organize_menu Organize organize_flip Flip Axes organize_zoom_in Zoom In organize_zoom_out Zoom Out organize_focus Focus organize_stop_focus Stop Focus organize_group organize_stop_group Stop Group organize_sort_up Sort Up organize_sort_down Sort Down organize_sort_many Sort... organize_hsplit Split Horizontal organize_vsplit Split Vertical organize_unsplit Unsplit Window display_menu Display display_tab display_xtab CrossTab... display_graph Graph... display_mtab MultiTab display_report Report... display_mctab MultiCrossTab... window_menu Window window_console Show Console window_console_hide Hide Console window_hide Hide Toolbar window_divebook DiveBook... export_menu Export export_excel Excel help_menu Help help_contents Contents... help_search Search for Help On... help_help How to Use Help help_about About {0}... toolbar_open Open toolbar_divebook toolbar_print toolbar_tab toolbar_mtab Multi Tabular toolbar_xtab Cross Tabular toolbar_mctab Multi Cross Tabular toolbar_report toolbar_flip toolbar_zoom Zoom toolbar_focus toolbar_group toolbar_sort_up toolbar_sort_down toolbar_find toolbar_export_excel Export to Excel toolbar_graph toolbar_undo toolbar_redo open_file Open File open_divebook Open DiveBook open_lookin Look in: open_button open_baddirtitle !Unable to List Directory Contents open_filetype Files of type: open_model_files Model Files open_dive_plan_files DivePlan Files open_marker_files Marker Files open_divebook_files DiveBook Files open_diver_files All DI-WebDiver Files open_filename File name: save_button Save folder Folder open_details_file open_details_size Size open_details_type Type open_details_date Date Modified open_info_title Information for {0} open_info_build_time Build Time: open_info_comments Comments: open_info_nothing &There is no information for this file. open_info_no_comments $There are no comments for this file. login_title login_failed Failed Login password_title Change Password password_old Old Password: password_new New Password: password_verify Verify Password: password_not_match ,New Password and Verify Password must match. password_permission_denied AYou don't have permission to change your password on this server. password_old_incorrect The old password was incorrect. password_cant_lock 7Password file in use by administrator, try again later. password_other_error 2Unable to confirm change with DiveLine, error {0}. password_must_change_title )You are required to change your password. column_add Add Column column_edit Edit Column column_name Column Name column_counts Counts column_summary Summary Columns column_info Info Columns column_calcs Calcs column_add_calc Add Calc... column_edit_calc Edit Calc... column_view_calc View Calc... column_delete_calc Delete Calc... column_count column_percent_count % Count column_blank_name The name field is blank. column_no_column No column is selected. column_delete_all Delete them all? column_calc_deps +The following calcs use the calc field {0}: column_namegrps Named Groups column_no_calc_namegrp (Must insert Key Values in Calcs Manually column_model_columns Model Columns calc_title_add Add Calc calc_title_edit Edit Calc calc_calc_name Calc Name calc_definition Definition calc_other_cols Other Columns calc_infocalc_cols Info & Calc Columns calc_functions Functions calc_noblanks %Name and definition must not be blank calc_dup 1A calculated field with that name already exists. columns_edit_columns Edit Columns columns_add Add... columns_edit Edit... columns_delete columns_copy columns_paste find_numeric Find Numeric find_string Find String find_date Find Date find_select_range Select Range find_first Find First find_case_sensitive Case Sensitive find_contains find_matches_exactly Matches Exactly find_begins_with Begins with find_one Find One find_focus Find and Focus find_group Find and Group find_save_in_marker Save in Marker find_others Find Others find_lower_bound lower bound find_upper_bound upper bound find_percentage percentage find_percentage_error @Please enter a number between 0 and 100 in the percentage field. find_invalid_percentage Invalid Percentage find_first_num first number of items find_last_num last number of items find_from_date From date find_from_offset From offset find_to_date To date find_to_offset To offset find_enter_number !Enter a valid number for the {0}. find_bad_number Bad Number find_enter_date Enter a valid date for the {0}. find_bad_date Bad Date find_numbers_in Find Numbers in {0} find_date_range_in Find Date Range in {0} find_string_in Find String in {0} find_period_range_in Find Period Range in {0} find_find Find: find_action_on_find Action on Find focus find_focus_required Focus (required) find_find_all Find All find_find_next Find Next find_options_contract << Options find_options_expand Options >> find_by Find by find_expression Expression find_non_empty Non-Empty find_first_items_begin find_last_items_begin find_items_end find_first_percent_begin find_last_percent_begin find_percent_end % find_advanced Advanced Find... find_match_case Match case find_match_exactly Match exactly find_match_beginning Match beginning find_to To cf_case_sensitive cf_bad_query Bad Query cf_advanced_find Advanced Find cf_find cf_columns Columns: cf_not_empty Not Empty cf_functions cf_paste_string Paste String cf_first_n_items First N Items cf_last_n_items Last N Items cf_first_n_pct First N % cf_last_n_pct Last N % cf_bad_type Bad type cf_unknown_op Unknown operator cf_missing_parens Missing close parenthesis cf_missing_term Missing term cf_missing_quote Missing quotation mark cf_extra_chars Extra Characters cf_unknown_error Unknown error {0} cf_eval_error Evaluation error: {0} at row {1} ms_title Sort Columns ms_sort_columns Sort Columns: ms_sort_direction Sort Direction: ms_max_sorts )You cannot sort on more than {0} columns. xt_title CrossTab Dialog xt_horizontal Horizontal Dimension: xt_data Data Element: mct_title MultiCrossTab status_title Status progress_pct_done {0} {1}% done graph_linear_y_by_x {0} by {1} graph_cross_y_by_x_z {0} by {1} ({2}) graph_stack_y_by_x_z graph_scatter_y_by_x graph_scatter_y_by_x_z graph_calendar_linear_y_by_x graph_calendar_sorted_y_by_x graph_pie_y_by_x graph_pie_subtitle Shown as Percent Total graph_pie_label ({0} %) {1} graph_pie_other_label ({0} %) Other graph_title_1 Step 1 - Select Graph Type back_button < Back next_button Next > finish_button Finish graph_categories Categories graph_types Types graph_linear_name Basic Plots graph_linear_bar_name Bar Plot graph_linear_line_name Line Plot graph_linear_point_name Point Plot graph_linear_bar3d_name 3-D Bar Plot graph_linear_line3d_name 3-D Line Plot graph_linear_bar_desc (Linear plot with data displayed as bars. graph_linear_line_desc )Linear plot with data displayed as lines. graph_linear_point_desc *Linear plot with data displayed as points. graph_linear_bar3d_desc *Bar plot displayed with 3-D visual effect. graph_linear_line3d_desc +Line plot displayed with 3-D visual effect. graph_cross_name Cross Plots graph_cross_bar_name Bar Cross Plot graph_cross_line_name Line Cross Plot graph_cross_point_name Point Cross Plot graph_cross_bar3d_name 3-D Bar Cross Plot graph_cross_line3d_name 3-D Line Cross Plot graph_cross_bar_desc 'Cross plot with data displayed as bars. graph_cross_line_desc (Cross plot with data displayed as lines. graph_cross_point_desc )Cross plot with data displayed as points. graph_cross_bar3d_desc 0Bar cross plot displayed with 3-D visual effect. graph_cross_line3d_desc 1Line cross plot displayed with 3-D visual effect. graph_stack_name Stack Plots graph_stack_bar_name Bar Stack Plot graph_stack_bar3d_name 3-D Bar Stack Plot graph_stack_bar_desc 'Stack plot with data displayed as bars. graph_stack_bar3d_desc ,Stack plot displayed with 3-D visual effect. graph_calendar_name Calendar Plots graph_calendar_linear_name Calendar View With Bar Plots graph_calendar_active_name Calendar Active View graph_calendar_sorted_name Calendar Sorted View graph_calendar_linear_desc 6Calendar plot with bar(s) representing the day's data. graph_calendar_active_desc >Calendar plot with a solid color filling days containing data. graph_calendar_sorted_desc (Calendar plot with days sorted by value. graph_pie_name Pie Plots graph_pie_standard_name Pie Plot graph_pie_standard3d_name 3-D Pie Plot graph_pie_standard_desc Pie chart. graph_pie_standard3d_desc !Pie chart with 3-D visual effect. graph_scatter_name Scatter Plots graph_scatter_point_name Scatter Plot graph_scatter_pointline_name Scatter Plot (Point and Line) graph_scatter_line_name Scatter Plot (Line) graph_scatter_bubble_name Bubble Plot graph_scatter_cross_point_name Cross-Scatter Plot graph_scatter_cross_bubble_name Cross-Bubble Plot graph_scatter_point_desc Scatter Plot. graph_scatter_pointline_desc >Scatter Plot with data points connected by lines with markers. graph_scatter_line_desc 1Scatter Plot with data points connected by lines. graph_scatter_bubble_desc :Scatter Plot with point size determined by a third column. graph_scatter_cross_point_desc Multi-color Scatter Plot. graph_scatter_cross_bubble_desc Multi-color Bubble Plot. graph_indicator_name Indicators graph_indicator_speedometer_name Speedometer graph_indicator_speedometer_desc Speedometer indicator. graph_indicator_thermometer_name Thermometer graph_indicator_thermometer_desc Thermometer indicator. graph_title_2 Step 2 - Set Data Attributes graph_bar Bar graph_line Line graph_point Point graph_bar_sum Bar - Sum graph_line_sum Line - Sum graph_point_sum Point - Sum graph_input_error Input Error graph_no_data_cols No data columns selected. graph_linear_yaxis graph_linear_elementn Element {0}: graph_cross_cross_dim Cross Dimension: graph_cross_data_col Data Column: graph_linear_keyvaluen Key Value {0}: graph_stack_cross_dim graph_stack_data_col graph_calendar_selectcol Select Data Column graph_calendar_selectcols Select Data Columns graph_calendar_elementn graph_calendar_sortusing Sort Using graph_calendar_zoomlevel graph_calendar_day Day graph_calendar_month Month graph_calendar_year Year graph_calendar_alldates All graph_calendar_startpos Starting Position graph_calendar_first 1st day of set graph_calendar_last Last day of set graph_calendar_firstsel 1st selected day graph_calendar_current Current Viewed graph_calendar_date_error Date Error graph_calendar_dim_not_date $Dimension does not represent a date. graph_pie_data_col graph_scatter_xaxis_col X-Axis Column: graph_scatter_yaxis_col Y-Axis Column: graph_scatter_zaxis_col Z-Axis Column (Bubble Size): graph_scatter_cross_dim graph_speedometer_min Minimum: graph_speedometer_val Value: graph_speedometer_max Maximum: graph_speedometer_calc_error Calc Field Error graph_speedometer_define_calcs >'Minimum', 'Value', and 'Maximum' calc fields must be defined. graph_thermometer_min graph_thermometer_val graph_thermometer_max graph_thermometer_horiz Horizontal graph_thermometer_calc_error graph_thermometer_define_calcs graph_title_3 Step 3 - Set Graph Attributes graph_headers_name Headers graph_headers_title Title graph_headers_xaxis Horizontal (X-Axis) Header graph_headers_left Left Vertical (Y-Axis) Header graph_headers_right Right Vertical (Y-Axis) Header graph_headers_yaxis Vertical (Y-Axis) Header graph_axes_name Axes graph_axes_xaxis Horizontal (X) Axis Attributes graph_axes_yaxis Vertical (Y) Axis Attributes graph_axes_left !Left Vertical (Y) Axis Attributes graph_axes_right "Right Vertical (Y) Axis Attributes graph_axes_minimum graph_axes_maximum graph_axes_increment Increment: graph_axes_gridlines Show Gridlines graph_axes_zeroline Show Zero Line graph_legend_name Legend graph_legend_show Show Legend graph_legend_placement Legend Placement: graph_legend_colorrange Use Color Range: graph_legend_color1 Color 1: graph_legend_color2 Color 2: graph_legend_elementn graph_background_name Background graph_background_bg_color Background Color: graph_background_fg_color Foreground Color: graph_background_scatter_color Scatter Point Color: graph_background_borders Borders: graph_background_datalabels Show Data Labels graph_background_graphheaders Show Graph Headers graph_background_headers_outside %Display headers outside of graph area graph_background_headers_inside Tag headers to graph items graph_background_scatter_line Scatter Reference Line: "graph_background_scatter_line_none "graph_background_scatter_line_diag Diagonal Line !graph_background_scatter_line_int Intercept Line graph_background_scatter_line_x X-Intercept: graph_background_scatter_line_y Y-Intercept: graph_calheaders_name graph_calheaders_title graph_calheaders_ctitlepos Calendar Title Positions graph_calheaders_titlepos Title Position: graph_calheaders_subtitlepos Subtitle Position: graph_callayout_name Layout graph_callayout_borders graph_callayout_navpos Navigation Button Positions graph_callayout_split Split graph_callayout_datalabels graph_callayout_firstday Select First Day of Week graph_callayout_sun Sun graph_callayout_mon Mon graph_callayout_tue Tue graph_callayout_wed Wed graph_callayout_thu Thu graph_callayout_fri Fri graph_callayout_sat Sat graph_calcolors_name Colors graph_calcolors_title Title Color graph_calcolors_subtitle Subtitle Color graph_calcolors_nav Navigation Button Color graph_calcolors_inactive Inactive Day Color graph_calcolors_empty Empty Day Color graph_calcolors_window Window Background graph_calcolors_graph Graph Background color_title Color zoom_out prev Prev next Next total_date_view Total Date View active_day Active Day inactive_day Inactive Day january January february February march March april April may May june June july July august August september September october October november November december December sunday Sunday monday Monday tuesday Tuesday wednesday Wednesday thursday Thursday friday Friday saturday Saturday values_x_to_y Values {0} to {1} cal_month_year {0}, {1} cal_month_day_year {0} {1}, {2} sunday_abbrev S monday_abbrev M tuesday_abbrev T wednesday_abbrev W thursday_abbrev friday_abbrev F saturday_abbrev january_abbrev Jan february_abbrev Feb march_abbrev Mar april_abbrev Apr may_abbrev june_abbrev Jun july_abbrev Jul august_abbrev Aug september_abbrev Sep october_abbrev Oct november_abbrev Nov december_abbrev Dec report_title Default Report report_style Report Style report_summary Summary Stacking report_title_label report_orientation Orientation report_page_numbers Page Numbers report_gridlines Gridlines report_fitpage Fit to Page report_header Include Print Header report_footer Include Print Footer report_parents Include Parent Info report_portrait Portrait report_landscape Landscape report_unstacked Unstacked report_stack_summary Stack by Summary Column report_stack_group Stack by Group report_2_summaries Two Summaries Per Column report_3_summaries Three Summaries Per Column report_4_summaries Four Summaries Per Column report_5_summaries Five Summaries Per Column report_6_summaries Six Summaries Per Column report_7_summaries Seven Summaries Per Column report_8_summaries Eight Summaries Per Column report_9_summaries Nine Summaries Per Column report_10_summaries Ten Summaries Per Column report_11_summaries Eleven Summaries Per Column report_12_summaries Twelve Summaries Per Column report_13_summaries Thirteen Summaries Per Column report_14_summaries Fourteen Summaries Per Column report_15_summaries Fifteen Summaries Per Column report_16_summaries Sixteen Summaries Per Column report_mct_stacked MCT Stacked report_printed Printed Report save_marker Save Marker already_exists already exists. replace_file Do you want to replace it? rd_tab rd_tab_desc Default Tabular Report rd_mtab_bottom Paged MultiTab: Bottom rd_mtab_bottom_desc (Indented MultiTab With Dimension Headers rd_mtab_top Paged MultiTab: Top rd_mtab_top_desc 1Indented MultiTab With Multiple Dimension Headers rd_mtab_indent Indented MultiTab rd_mtab_indent_desc Standard Indented MultiTab rd_mtab_indent_subtotal Indented Subtotal MultiTab rd_mtab_indent_subtotal_desc 'Indented MultiTab Report with Subtotals rd_mtab_tab Tabular MultiTab rd_mtab_tab_desc rd_2lvl_paged Paged MultiTab rd_2lvl_paged_desc (Indented MultiTab with Dimension Headers rd_2lvl_indent Indented 2-Level MultiTab rd_2lvl_indent_desc rd_xtab Basic CrossTab rd_xtab_desc Default CrossTab Report rd_mct Basic MultiCrossTab rd_mct_desc Default MultiCrossTab Report rd_mct_2lvl_paged Paged MultiCrossTab rd_mct_2lvl_paged_desc -Indented MultiCrossTab with Dimension Headers rd_mct_2lvl_indent 2-Level Indented MultiCrossTab rd_mct_2lvl_indent_desc )Standard Indented Two-Level MultiCrossTab rd_mct_2lvl_tab 2-Level Tabular MultiCrossTab rd_mct_2lvl_tab_desc (Standard Tabular Two-Level MultiCrossTab rd_mct_3lvl_indent Indented MultiCrossTab rd_mct_3lvl_indent_desc Standard Indented MultiCrossTab rd_mct_tab Tabular MultiCrossTab rd_mct_tab_desc Standard Tabular MultiCrossTab rep_orientation Verify page orientation rep_orientation_desc ¤You are currently viewing a report in {0} mode, but have chosen to print it in {1} mode. The printed output will be different than what you see here. Print anyway? rep_page_up Page Up rep_page_down Page Down fitpage_not_supported Fit to Page not supported fitpage_not_supported_message ÎPrinting directly to a printer in 'Fit to Page' mode is only available with the Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java and the Sun Java Plug-in 1.2 or newer. Please try 'Save to PDF' instead. Printing aborted. report_palette Report Palette db_title DiveBook {0} db_areas Areas db_topics Topics db_hide Hide db_topic_info Topic Info socks_title SOCKS Proxy Configuration socks_autoconfigure Autoconfigure socks_host SOCKS hostname: socks_port SOCKS port number: about_title About {0} about_version Version {0} about_diveline_version Using {0} {1} on {2} about_no_server "Unable to communicate with server. using_encryption "Strong ({1}-bit) encryption active connection_encrypted Connection Encrypted widgets_title Edit QuickViews widgets_select Select QuickView widgets_add widgets_edit widgets_delete widgets_picklist_layout Picklist Layout widgets_horizontal widgets_vertical Vertical widgets_picklist_width Picklist Width: widget_title Edit QuickView widget_name Name: widget_type Type: widget_dimname Dimension Name: widget_activate_go Activate on Go Button widget_prompt Prompt on initial selection widget_dependencies Dependencies widget_window Window: widget_widget QuickView widget_selected Selected widget_new_widget New QuickView widget_not_unique QuickView Name Not Unique widget_not_unique_message CA widget with this name already exists. Please choose another name. delete_widget_title Delete QuickViews delete_widget_select delete_widget_delete delete_widget_delete_all Delete All delete_widget_done Done edit_window_title Edit Window Information edit_window_name Window Name edit_window_widgets QuickViews edit_window_available Available edit_window_selected edit_window_select_all edit_window_remove_all Remove All select_select_columns Select Columns select_available select_selected select_crosstab_dimension Crosstab Dimension: select_up Up select_down Down picklist_close_prompt CClosing this window will delete the picklist it contains. Continue? bw_missing_data {0} Window Missing Data bw_missing_data_no_window {0} Missing Data bw_missing_find Missing Find Data bw_find_before_dive +{0} Window Find Found No Matching Data: {1} %bw_focus_failed_no_selected_rows_find H{0} Window Focus Failed because no rows were selected: Failed Find "{1}" bw_focus_failed_no_selected_rows 6{0} Window Focus Failed because no rows were selected. /bw_focus_failed_no_selected_rows_find_no_window A{0} Focus Failed because no rows were selected: Failed Find "{1}" *bw_focus_failed_no_selected_rows_no_window /{0} Focus Failed because no rows were selected. bw_missing_group_data {0} Window Missing Group Data bw_missing_group_data_no_window {0} Missing Group Data bw_exceed_128k {0} Window Exceeded 128k Rows bw_exceed_128k_no_window {0} Exceeded 128k Rows console_title Console console_fromto_custom Custom console_fromto_ytd YTD vs. Last YTD console_fromto_mtd MTD vs. Last MTD console_fromto_mtd_vs_lastyear MTD vs. Same MTD Last Year console_fromto_vsprior Current vs. Prior console_fromto_vslastyear Current vs. Last Year console_no_fbd_mtab /find-before-dive not yet supported for MultiTab console_no_fbd_xtab /find-before-dive not yet supported for CrossTab console_info Info console_period_info Period Info console_dive Dive {0} console_history History [{0}] console_models Models console_focus_rows Focus Rows console_focus_cols Focus Columns console_bad_dimension (Unable to Determine Dimension) console_stop_focus console_palettes Palettes console_date Date({0}) console_ts_time_dim Time Dimension: {0} console_ts_period_start Start: {0} based on {1}. console_ts_period_end End: {0} based on {1}. console_ts_built_cols Built Columns console_ts_data_cols Data Columns console_ts_totals_separator , console_ts_totals Total(s) {0} console_ts_diff Difference of {0} and {1} console_ts_percent_diff !Percent Difference of {0} and {1} cl_find cs_other_dimensions Other Dimensions cs_detail_dimensions Detail console_find_has_value has value console_find_match_first first {0} rows console_find_match_last last {0} rows console_find_match_fpct first {0} percent console_find_match_lpct last {0} percent console_find_contains contains {0} console_find_matches matches {0} console_find_begins_with begins with {0} console_find_date_range >= {0} and <= {1} console_find_today Today({0}) console_find_period_range console_find_and and console_find_or or cmd_two_summary LYou need to have at least two summary columns in order to do a scatter plot. cmd_invalid_sel Invalid Selection cmd_invalid_sel_desc PFind can only be performed on a single column. You have selected more than one. dl_timed_out Connection to {0} timed out. dl_no_response ÀNo response from server. Server is down or you are behind a firewall. You can try waiting longer for a response or choose to use a SOCKS proxy to get through your firewall if one is available. dl_cannot_resolve_name Could not determine address of server. Server does not exist or you are behind a firewall. You can try to use a SOCKS proxy to get through your firewall if one is available. dl_connect_error Connect error dl_try_again Try again dl_use_proxy Use proxy tp_date Date: {0} tp_info {0} Information tp_with with abbrev_billions b abbrev_millions m abbrev_thousands k status_diving Diving... status_create_mtab Creating MultiTab... status_add_mtab Adding to MultiTab... status_rendering Rendering Report... status_sizing Sizing Columns... status_calc Calculating Columns... status_loading Loading Columns... no_server_name No Server Specified no_server_name_desc Failed to get server name. no_divebook_name &No DiveBook Specified/No Default Found no_divebook_name_desc jA DiveBook name needs to be specified in the HTML file, or the server needs to specify a default DiveBook. old_server Old Server old_server_desc )You cannot use {0} {1} with a 2.0 server. server_not_found Server Not Found unknown_host Unknown host connection_refused {0} is not running {1}. cannot_connect /Failed to establish connection with {0} on {1}. communication_error Communication Error contact_admin &Please contact your {0} administrator. connect_failed Connect Failed browser_forbade *Web browser forbade net connection to {0}. login_failed_desc #Default login (as user {0}) failed. later_login_failed_desc Login as user {0} failed. login_try_again Please try again. divebook_problem Problem Loading DiveBook empty_divebook Empty DiveBook empty_divebook_desc /Your DiveBook contains no non-DivePlan entries. starting Starting {0}... loading_images Loading Images... {0} contacting_server Contacting {0} on {1}... opening_model Opening model... encrypt_init $Negotiating encryption parameters... init_complete {0} running loading_divebook Loading Divebook... downloading_window !Downloading window from server... login_good Successful login. wait_for_divebook *Please wait while your DiveBook is loaded. login_not_good %Unsuccessful login. Please try again. login_not_good_count (Try number {0}) welcome Welcome to {0} login_now &Please type your username and password app_done 6{0} is done. Click Refresh in your browser to restart. app_done_netscape E{0} is done. Press Shift and click Reload in your browser to restart. bad_marker_type Bad Marker Type bad_marker_type_desc .There was something wrong with the marker type divebook_marker_failed DiveBook Marker Not Accessible divebook_marker_failed_io UAn I/O exception occurred while attempting to read the marker from the server at {0}. divebook_marker_failed_desc ?The DiveBook marker could not be accessed. Perhaps the marker or files to which it refers do not exist, or you do not have permission to read them. open_marker_failed_io Marker I/O Error open_marker_failed_io_desc open_marker_failed Marker Not Accessible open_marker_failed_desc ?The marker could not be accessed. Perhaps the marker or files to which it refers do not exist, or you do not have permission to read them. browser_problem Browser Problem browser_problem_desc 2Browser not co-operating; unable to show web pages first_topic_problem Problem With First Topic first_topic_problem_desc Could not open first topic: {0} default_topic_problem Problem With Default Topic default_topic_problem_desc !Could not open default topic: {0} no_valid_topics (no valid topics) file_not_found File Not Found file_not_found_name CFile not found: {0} Please make sure the name is spelled correctly. mf_cannot_open File could not be opened mf_not_found File not found mf_bad_marker Bad Marker mf_bad_db_topic Unable to open DiveBook topic not_impl Not Implemented not_impl_desc $This feature is not yet implemented. not_found Not Found not_found_desc Selection not found. bad_url Bad URL bad_url_desc Cannot open {0} bad_url_help Cannot open help page {0} no_crossplot {0} does not support CrossPlots no_stackplot {0} does not support StackPlots no_maps C{0} does not support Maps. The data will be displayed in a Tabular. expired_license Time expired on timed license. expired_copy Time expired on timed copy. unregistered Server not licensed. neuter_error {0} on {1} reference_bad_link (Reference strings must start with "{0}". reference_no_model /No model in reference link from report palette. reference_bad_file_type 0Can only open Models and DivePlans in References reference_no_follow !Cannot follow reference link: {0} reference_parse_err )Could not parse meaning of reference link no_open_dives No Open Dives lu_error_bad_file Unable to open file. lu_error_no_file No file name received by server. lu_error_permission_denied Permission denied. lu_error_lookup_locked File already locked. lu_error_cant_lock Can't lock file. lu_error_sending_table #Server had a problem sending table. lu_error_no_own_lock User does not own lock on file. lu_error_not_locked File not locked. lu_error_getting_cs Problem getting lookup changes. lu_error_parsing Lookup parse error. lu_error_applying_cs Problem applying lookup changes. lu_error_cant_unlock Can't unlock file. pe_generic_error Server reported a generic error pe_parse_error Server reported a parse error pe_bad_password Incorrect password pe_no_memory Server is out of memory pe_unknown_divebook Unknown DiveBook pe_unknown_area Unknown DiveBook area pe_unknown_topic Unknown DiveBook topic pe_unknown_model Model is unknown pe_unknown_dbset Unknown dbset pe_unknown_dimension Unknown dimension pe_unknown_window Unknown window pe_unknown_row Unknown row pe_unknown_column Unknown column pe_unknown_protocol .The server is too old to work with this client pe_window_has_child Can't dive from this window pe_permission_denied Permission denied pe_file_not_found pe_cant_do_permit $This client does not support permits pe_unknown_obj Unknown object pe_unknown_marker Unknown marker pe_bad_param Server reported a bad parameter pe_not_in_model Field not available in model pe_row_not_found No matching rows found pe_prot_model Model is password protected pe_unknown_calc Unknown calculated field pe_calc_parse_error (Cannot parse calculated field definition pe_cyclic_defns Calculated fields form cycle pe_unknown_error (Unknown error) pe_unknown_func Unknown function pe_unknown_sum Unknown summary field pe_unknown_dfld Unknown data field pe_too_many_models 5Too many open models. Close one or more and try again pe_unknown_info Unknown info field pe_unknown_char Unknown character pe_missing_parens Missing parenthesis pe_bad_type !Bad data type (string vs. number) pe_128k_rows =Detail dimension only available for less than 128,000 records pe_progress_start pe_PROGRESS_START pe_progress_continue pe_PROGRESS_CONTINUE pe_progress_end pe_PROGRESS_END pe_bad_filename Bad filename pe_expired_license License expired pe_expired_copy Demo expired pe_unregistered Unregistered software pe_filename_info pe_FILENAME_INFO pe_must_encrypt TThe server requires encryption, but an encrypted connection could not be established pe_encrypt_unknown Unknown encryption scheme pe_encrypt_bad_cmd Encryption negotiation error pe_encrypt_misc_err Encryption negotiation failure pe_file_too_short File too short pe_over_max_users Too many users already logged in pe_unknown_directory Directory does not exist pe_path_too_long Path specification is too long pe_bad_path Bad path pe_no_create_dir Cannot create directory pe_file_exists %A file with that name already exists. we_socket_error FThe connection to the server has closed unexpectedly. Cannot continue. server_gone_need_reload QThe server has closed the connection. Click Refresh in your browser to reconnect. server_gone_need_reload_netscape `The server has closed the connection. Press Shift and click Reload in your browser to reconnect. pe_password_required The model requires a password. pe_merge_zero Cannot merge zero models. pe_invalid_tdval Invalid subset dimension value pe_not_available Not available pe_bad_client 1Server is not licensed for use with this program. rd_parent_row_select Parent row selection: rd_no_selection (no selection yet) rd_no_parent_win (no parent window) rd_divebook_area rd_select_topic (please select a topic) rd_select_area (please select an area) print_to_pdf overwrite_check .{0} already exists. Do you want to replace it? print_page_range Print Page Range... pagerange_title Select Page Range pagerange_text =Enter the range of pages you wish to print: (e.g. 3,5-7,9-11) graph_axes_dynamic Use Dynamic Scaling graph_axes_custom Use Custom Scales unsorted Unsorted error_msg_num_1000 error_msg_num_1001 Out of memory error_msg_num_1002 Bad format error_msg_num_1003 Parsing error error_msg_num_1004 Found premature end of file error_msg_num_1005 Missing attribute error_msg_num_1006 Cannot open file error_msg_num_1007 Unknown operation error_msg_num_1008 Error parsing calculated field error_msg_num_1009 Cannot write file error_msg_num_1010 Bad model format error_msg_num_1011 Bad version number on model error_msg_num_1012 Model was not finished error_msg_num_1013 No such field error_msg_num_1014 View missing view object error_msg_num_1015 error_msg_num_1016 error_msg_num_1017 error_msg_num_1018 Wrong number of arguments error_msg_num_1019 error_msg_num_1020 *Stack overflow evaluating calculated field error_msg_num_1021 Bad view object error_msg_num_1022 Calculated field not found error_msg_num_1023 error_msg_num_1024 error_msg_num_1025 Mismatched bracket error_msg_num_1026 Too many models error_msg_num_1027 Empty message error_msg_num_1028 No more windows available error_msg_num_1029 Not a marker file error_msg_num_1030 Marker is not complete error_msg_num_1031 error_msg_num_1032 error_msg_num_1033 Cannot open referenced model error_msg_num_1034 Cannot open referenced view error_msg_num_1035 User abort error_msg_num_1036 Non-numeric info field error_msg_num_1037 error_msg_num_1038 .Limitation: Cannot dive under multiple groups error_msg_num_1039 Feature Not implemented error_msg_num_1040 7Limitation: No cross tabular or cross plot under group error_msg_num_1041 No records selected error_msg_num_1042 0Cannot display keys with more than 32,000 values error_msg_num_1043 Non-string value in calculation error_msg_num_1044 /Insufficient number of arguments in calculation error_msg_num_1045 Argument mismatch in calculation error_msg_num_1046 Unknown font error_msg_num_1047 Bad dictionary line error_msg_num_1048 Too few fields error_msg_num_1049 Too many fields error_msg_num_1050 #Fixed field occurs past end of line error_msg_num_1051 Cannot find dictionary object error_msg_num_1052 Incomplete dictionary error_msg_num_1053 Bad argument error_msg_num_1054 No object error_msg_num_1055 Login incorrect error_msg_num_1056 Not authenticated error_msg_num_1057 Missing argument error_msg_num_1058 No description error_msg_num_1059 No log error_msg_num_1060 Insufficient access error_msg_num_1061 No such job error_msg_num_1062 Cannot delete job error_msg_num_1063 Not connected to server error_msg_num_1064 Maximum number of inputs defined error_msg_num_1065 &Maximum number of streams already open error_msg_num_1066 Operation timed out error_msg_num_1067 Unable to lock file error_msg_num_1068 An SQL error has occurred error_msg_num_1069 No database defined error_msg_num_1070 error_msg_num_1071 Missing AND error_msg_num_1072 Missing quote error_msg_num_1073 #Extra character found in expression error_msg_num_1074 Cannot delete file error_msg_num_1075 No such session error_msg_num_1076 No value for columns error_msg_num_1077 Invalid join given error_msg_num_1078 Invalid table name error_msg_num_1079 Invalid column name error_msg_num_1080 Bad value error_msg_num_1081 No such window error_msg_num_1082 Bad DDE call error_msg_num_1083 Duplicated calculated field error_msg_num_1084 Too many pick_from() functions error_msg_num_1085 Too many sample functions error_msg_num_1086 Conflicting qualification error_msg_num_1087 pick_from() column not found error_msg_num_1088 pick_from() file not found error_msg_num_1089 Bad XLTable error_msg_num_1090 Invalid permit error_msg_num_1091 Unknown auth type error_msg_num_1092 Bad permit checksum error_msg_num_1093 Protected model error_msg_num_1094 Bad Password error_msg_num_1095 Bad permit dimension error_msg_num_1096 Groups not supported in permit error_msg_num_1097 Bad dimension value in permit error_msg_num_1098 No such user error_msg_num_1099 Bad user group error_msg_num_1100 Bad job error_msg_num_1101 Cannot submit job error_msg_num_1102 error_msg_num_1103 Cannot set privileges error_msg_num_1104 Cannot get user identity error_msg_num_1105 #No Communications Toolbox Installed error_msg_num_1106 No Communication Tools found error_msg_num_1107 Job was lost from queue error_msg_num_1108 Mismatching keys error_msg_num_1109 Too many keys error_msg_num_1110 error_msg_num_1111 Bad db type error_msg_num_1112 Bad merged view error_msg_num_1113 Dimension missing error_msg_num_1114 !No match found for info dimension error_msg_num_1115 Already loaded error_msg_num_1116 Invalid cache error_msg_num_1117 Stale cache error_msg_num_1118 Invalid crosstab dimension value error_msg_num_1119 Invalid quoted string error_msg_num_1120 Invalid permit password error_msg_num_1121 Cannot merge zero models error_msg_num_1122 7Merged models exceed record limit allowed by DiveMaster error_msg_num_1123 Bad map error_msg_num_1124 Bad region error_msg_num_1125 Unimplemented function error_msg_num_1126 Not a DiveBook error_msg_num_1127 Dimcount not available error_msg_num_1128 ,Model is a continuation of a multifile model error_msg_num_1129 -Multifile model is missing continuation files error_msg_num_1130 +Model corrupted by non-binary file transfer error_msg_num_1131 TThis version of the DI-Diver cannot read this model. Please upgrade to DI-Diver Pro error_msg_num_1132 !Model requires more recent permit error_msg_num_1133 Permit eliminates all dimensions error_msg_num_1134 Unknown type for named group error_msg_num_1135 #Group with that name already exists error_msg_num_1136 6Warning: Using Latest Date Value Instead of Build Date error_msg_num_1137 Plot too complex to display error_msg_num_1138 "Cannot open cache index (CDX) file error_msg_num_1139 Cache version not supported error_msg_num_1140 Date field contains 2-digit year error_msg_num_1141 Missing ATLCFG user space error_msg_num_1142 Empty ATLCFG user space error_msg_num_1143 Cannot create ATLCFG user space error_msg_num_1144 No group found error_msg_num_1145 No ACL found error_msg_num_1146 Host unknown error_msg_num_1147 Error forwarding user identity error_msg_num_1148 No access to ATLCFG user space error_msg_num_1149 Badly formatted pathname error_msg_num_1150 No search path defined error_msg_num_1151 Cannot dive on detail dimension error_msg_num_1152 error_msg_num_1153 Detail not available error_msg_num_1154 Model is empty error_msg_num_1155 error_msg_num_1156 Cannot continue. error_msg_num_1157 Unknown rank dimension error_msg_num_1158 Unknown rank summary error_msg_num_1159 Mismatched groups in multimodel error_msg_num_1160 Bad Diver Link File error_msg_num_1161 Bad DiveLine URL error_msg_num_1162 'Undefined parameter in parameter string error_msg_num_1163 Bad parameter object error_msg_num_1164 )Dependency found on non-boolean parameter error_msg_num_1165 Parameter not found error_msg_num_1166 Bad parameter type error_msg_num_1167 'Cannot open new continuation model file error_msg_num_1168 Report does not fit error_msg_num_1169 Invalid date format error_msg_num_1170 Date format is too complex error_msg_num_1171 Table is split error_msg_num_1172 Unknown directory error_msg_num_1173 1The server has unexpectedly closed the connection error_msg_num_1174 Model references form cycle error_msg_num_1175 VThe server requires encryption to connect, but this client does not support encryption error_msg_num_1176 CThe directory is not empty. Only empty directories may be deleted. error_msg_num_1177 "A new directory cannot be created. error_msg_num_1178 #A file by that name already exists. error_msg_num_1179 ?An error occurred when attempting to move or delete the associated ACL information. Please contact your DI-DiveLine administrator. error_msg_num_1180 /No defined home directory for the current user. error_msg_num_1181 Undefined parameter value error_msg_num_1182 ,Cannot read array parameter values from file error_msg_num_1183 qAn error occurred while accessing the file info of one or more files. Some file info fields may not be available. error_msg_num_1184 ?The server could not understand this function. This could indicate a version difference between the client and the server programs. error_msg_num_1185 #ACL information could not be found. error_msg_num_1186 1Process name $1 appears multiple times in task $2 error_msg_num_1187 &Invalid use of * in regular expression error_msg_num_1188 -Regular expression class contains a bad range error_msg_num_1189 ,Regular expression character class missing ] error_msg_num_1190 Null regular expression error_msg_num_1191 ¤Cannot communicate with server. This program is from an earlier major release and is incompatible. Upgrade this program, or select a different server to connect to. error_msg_num_100001 Cannot open file $1. $2 error_msg_num_100002 Cannot parse error return. error_msg_num_100003 *Reference Strings must begin with diveref: error_msg_num_100004 $Too many table types needed in model error_msg_num_100005 Cannot open lookup file $1 error_msg_num_100006 Cannot find dictionary for $1 error_msg_num_100007 )Lookup file $1 is missing dimension field error_msg_num_100008 Cannot parse lookup file $1 error_msg_num_100009 (No dimension values matched in lookup $1 error_msg_num_100010 Cannot open cache $1 error_msg_num_100011 Bad format in cache file $1 error_msg_num_100012 Bad cache name $1 error_msg_num_100013 Cannot open cache index file $1 error_msg_num_100014 Cannot create $1 error_msg_num_100015 &Cannot open model continuation file $1 error_msg_num_100016 Cannot find $1 task (TASK) error_msg_num_100017 No output in task $1 error_msg_num_100018 (Cannot find $1 output (OUTP) for task $2 error_msg_num_100019 *Execution not allowed in Integrator script error_msg_num_100020 #Unable to read processes in task $1 error_msg_num_100021 'Non-string in processes list in task $1 error_msg_num_100022 )Cannot find $1 process (PROC) for task $2 error_msg_num_100023 <Dynamic model integrator script missing tunnel output object error_msg_num_100024 Integrator Runtime Error error_msg_num_100025 !Cannot find Main task list (TSKL) error_msg_num_100026 !Cannot find contents of task list error_msg_num_100027 Non-string in task list error_msg_num_100028 No inputs in task $1 error_msg_num_100029 $Non-string in inputs list in task $1 error_msg_num_100030 'Cannot find $1 input (INPT) for task $2 error_msg_num_100031 +Unknown input type $1 in INPT object $2. $3 error_msg_num_100032 >Process (PROC) object $1 conflicts with input (INPT) object $2 error_msg_num_100033 -Unknown process type $1 in PROC object $2. $3 error_msg_num_100034 7Output (OUTP) $1 conflicts with process or input object error_msg_num_100035 ,Unknown output type $1 in OUTP object $2. $3 error_msg_num_100036 (Too many inputs and processes in task $1 error_msg_num_100037 1Unable to get parms attribute in parameter object error_msg_num_100038 0Cannot get parameter element in parameter object error_msg_num_100039 9Cannot get name for parameter element in parameter object error_msg_num_100040 'Cannot create font "$1" - unknown error error_msg_num_100041 )Internal error in multithreading library. error_msg_num_100042 <Remote call request is invalid and has been rejected locally error_msg_num_100043 -Transport error when trying to send a message error_msg_num_100044 0Transport error when trying to receive a message error_msg_num_100045 "The requested procedure is unknown error_msg_num_100046 OProtocol violation: Extra arguments in request or extra return values in reply. error_msg_num_100047 +The requested procedure is not implemented. error_msg_num_100048 EProtocol error: One of the supplied arguments has the wrong data type error_msg_num_100049 .Protocol error: A required argument is missing error_msg_num_100050 8A bad reply was received in response to a remote request error_msg_num_100051 5Received an unexpected reply, which has been ignored. error_msg_num_100052 System error: $1 error_msg_num_100053 1A bad request was received and cannot be answered error_msg_num_100054 /Could not encode the requested data for transit error_msg_num_100055 =Could not decode a piece of data received from the other side error_msg_num_100056 5Message encoding violates the communications protocol error_msg_num_100057 >Underlying transport has unexpectedly closed the input channel error_msg_num_100058 2Message boundary encountered earlier than expected error_msg_num_100059 =An error occurred while sending the print job to the printer. error_msg_num_100060 _Cannot open the printer. There may be a problem with the printer driver or the printer itself. error_msg_num_100061 Mutex creation failed. error_msg_num_100062 Thread creation failed. error_msg_num_100063 Could not connect to server $1 error_msg_num_100064 5Programming error encountered while executing request error_msg_num_100065 /Unable to send error returns to the remote side error_msg_num_100066 Request could not be executed error_msg_num_100067 The find parse tree is empty. error_msg_num_100068 2The period $1 is not included in the column range. error_msg_num_100069 5Programming error: Argument data type is out of range error_msg_num_100070 /Programming error: Window ID could not be found error_msg_num_100071 Test Error: Fields $1 $2 $3 error_msg_num_100072 $1 is not a period dimension. error_msg_num_100073 9Could not get the format string for the period column $1. error_msg_num_100074 .Could not get period values for the period $1. error_msg_num_100075 0The column must be a number for find percentage. error_msg_num_100076 &Unknown event type $1, no action taken error_msg_num_100077 =Remote request aborted because the connection has been closed error_msg_num_100078 error_msg_num_100079 3Failed to initialize the communications protocol $1 error_msg_num_100080 2A Model or DivePlan filename must be supplied ($1) error_msg_num_100081 !Cannot find the requested file $1 error_msg_num_100082 ,Could not create a group of dimension values error_msg_num_100083 !Cannot get the members of a group error_msg_num_100084 8Tried to save something that is not a marker as a marker error_msg_num_100085 .Extra character(s) found in the expression: $1 error_msg_num_100086 )Missing parenthesis in the expression: $1 error_msg_num_100087 'Unknown operation in the expression: $1 error_msg_num_100088 Missing quotation: $1 error_msg_num_100089 Missing term in expression: $1 error_msg_num_100090 <Could not parse date string $1. Dates must be in $2 format. error_msg_num_100091 Missing closing parenthesis: $1 error_msg_num_100092 PType mismatch. Column or expression used improperly with a comparison function. error_msg_num_100093 Invalid username error_msg_num_100094 Login failed error_msg_num_100095 #Unable to open configuration for $1 error_msg_num_100096 *Web server authentication ("dlcgi") failed error_msg_num_100097 @Server not configured to use web server authentication ("dlcgi") error_msg_num_100098 <No data matched the find criteria. The window is unchanged. error_msg_num_100099 $1 error_msg_num_100100 Unknown colid error_msg_num_100101 Internal ACL file handling error error_msg_num_100102 RNegative value found: $1 Cannot find percentages on columns with negative values. error_msg_num_100103 Not a Text Model. error_msg_num_100104 ODBC error occurred: $1 error_msg_num_100105 Error: $1 error_msg_num_100106 Calculated field $1 not found. error_msg_num_100107 Unknown summary function: $1 error_msg_num_100108 +Missing model for external view calculation error_msg_num_100109 Unknown info field: $1 error_msg_num_100110 Unknown data field: $1 error_msg_num_100111 1Extra characters ignored in column definition: $1 error_msg_num_100112 +Mismatched bracket in column definition: $1 error_msg_num_100113 Invalid Dimension value: $1 error_msg_num_100114 Unknown Dimension: $1 error_msg_num_100115 HCould not read from the file $1. Check that file actually contains text error_msg_num_100116 Could not seek in file $1. error_msg_num_100117 %Error while reading from the file $1. error_msg_num_100118 You must login first. error_msg_num_100119 .You are not authorized to perform that action. error_msg_num_100120 Cannot find column named $1 error_msg_num_100121 !Error defining calculation inputs error_msg_num_100122 Could not start DI-DiveLine. error_msg_num_100123 Could not contact DI-Service error_msg_num_100124 *Unknown message type $1, message discarded error_msg_num_100125 Bad Action error_msg_num_100126 Array out of Bounds error_msg_num_100127 +The requested transport ($1) does not exist error_msg_num_100128 &Already connected to selected endpoint error_msg_num_100129 #Unknown transport address specified error_msg_num_100130 FData does not exist for all values of this dimension in this MultiTab. error_msg_num_100131 HAn attempt to access a shared resource was made without locking it first error_msg_num_100132 &Protocol error: Handshake step skipped error_msg_num_100133 error_msg_num_100134 error_msg_num_100135 Software is unlicensed error_msg_num_100136 ;Server licensing check failed -- contact your administrator error_msg_num_100137 3Server not licensed for use with DIAL or DI-Analyst error_msg_num_100138 6Server version is too old. Select a compatible server. error_msg_num_100139 ;Server handshake failed (not DiveLine). Try another server. error_msg_num_100140 &Session information could not be found error_msg_num_100141 Resource is not locked error_msg_num_100142 1Tunnel capability is not enabled in this software error_msg_num_100143 .Parameter $1 not found in the description file error_msg_num_100144 Cannot find Main description. error_msg_num_100145 Bad description file. error_msg_num_100146 3Protocol error: Invalid intermediate return ID used error_msg_num_100147 Bad Environment Pointer error_msg_num_100148 +Handshake error: Unknown point of reference error_msg_num_100149 'Dimension value not found in model data error_msg_num_100150 .Command-line option $1 is missing a parameter. error_msg_num_100151 Unknown command-line option $1. error_msg_num_100152 !Network failure (Windows Sockets) error_msg_num_100153 7Internal Error: An error occurred in the OM library. $1 error_msg_num_100154 ,Internal Error: Invalid object type ($1, $2) error_msg_num_100155 Invalid object attribute '$1' error_msg_num_100156 -Internal Error: Object type mismatch ($1, $2) error_msg_num_100157 JAn invalid or out-of-bounds parameter was supplied for a Scheduler object. error_msg_num_100158 6Internal Error: Cannot find next scheduled occurrence. error_msg_num_100159 *Internal Error: Scheduler object not found error_msg_num_100160 4Internal Error: Scheduler object name is not unique. error_msg_num_100161 %Internal Error: Assertion failed ($1) error_msg_num_100162 0Incompatible version number in Scheduler object. error_msg_num_100163 Error reading job list: $1 error_msg_num_100164 Error writing job list: $1 error_msg_num_100165 Error reading job history: $1 error_msg_num_100166 Error writing job history: $1 error_msg_num_100167 Missing object attribute '$1' error_msg_num_100168 'Cannot write to Scheduler log file '$1' error_msg_num_100169 &Error opening temporary file '$1' - $2 error_msg_num_100170 )Error writing to temporary file '$1' - $2 error_msg_num_100171 Error running child process: $1 error_msg_num_100172 Error creating DIAL script: $1 error_msg_num_100173 7DiveLine is not properly configured for this action: $1 error_msg_num_100174 *The variable '$1' is not set in atlcfg.cfg error_msg_num_100175 %Unsupported action executed (type $1) error_msg_num_100176 $Error reading from child process: $1 error_msg_num_100177 "Error writing to child process: $1 error_msg_num_100178 $Child process returned error code $1 error_msg_num_100179 Error ignored in '$1': $2 error_msg_num_100180 Error posting event: $1 error_msg_num_100181 Error while sleeping: $1 error_msg_num_100182 !Could not resolve host name '$1'. error_msg_num_100183 Unsupported address type. error_msg_num_100184 Socket error: $1. error_msg_num_100185 !Cannot connect to the FTP server. error_msg_num_100186 !FTP server closed the connection. error_msg_num_100187 FTP server not ready. error_msg_num_100188 Network error. error_msg_num_100189 $Unexpected response from FTP server. error_msg_num_100190 Login failed. error_msg_num_100191 Login error. error_msg_num_100192 No response from FTP server. error_msg_num_100193 Cannot open data connection. error_msg_num_100194 ,The data connection was unexpectedly closed. error_msg_num_100195 Request refused by server. error_msg_num_100196 Bad command. error_msg_num_100197 Command not implemented. error_msg_num_100198 Not logged in. error_msg_num_100199 No such file or directory. error_msg_num_100200 Passive connection failed. error_msg_num_100201 File not available. error_msg_num_100202 "Error while printing job '$1' : $2 error_msg_num_100203 Error opening printer '$1' : $2 error_msg_num_100204 6The path $1 is not a directory, but was expected to be error_msg_num_100205 Cannot create directory $1 error_msg_num_100206 Action failed: $1 error_msg_num_100207 No gateway configured error_msg_num_100208 1Host $1 is not in the list of forwarding gateways error_msg_num_100209 5Contact your administrator for access to this program error_msg_num_100210 RYou cannot log in. Your administrator needs to adjust the user licensing settings. error_msg_num_100211 DYou're already logged in from another machine End that session first error_msg_num_100212 *Too many users logged in. Try again later. error_msg_num_100213 HYou are already logged in. You may only have one session open at a time. error_msg_num_100214 <LDAP selected as auth scheme, but not enabled in this build. error_msg_num_100215 5Invalid value for Authentication Scheme in atlcfg.cfg error_msg_num_100216 Password incorrect error_msg_num_100217 -Cannot read password for user from atlcfg.cfg error_msg_num_100218 1The user "$1" does not exist in the configuration error_msg_num_100219 &User not known to the operating system error_msg_num_100220 0User account is disabled by the operating system error_msg_num_100221 LDAP authentication failed error_msg_num_100222 Web authentication failed error_msg_num_100223 +Cannot read SSL certificate from file '$1'. error_msg_num_100224 -None of the available ciphers are acceptable. error_msg_num_100225 Error reading the private key. error_msg_num_100226 $The certificate failed verification. error_msg_num_100227 SSL not supported error_msg_num_100228 *The SSL subsystem returned an error: '$1'. error_msg_num_100229 Too many retries. error_msg_num_100230 SSL session unexpectedly closed. error_msg_num_100231 No certificate specified. error_msg_num_100232 No private key specified. error_msg_num_100233 SSL not supported. error_msg_num_100234 The SSL handshake failed. error_msg_num_100235 Encryption is required. error_msg_num_100236 :The current user does not own the object being manipulated error_msg_num_100237 &User account disabled in configuration error_msg_num_100238 ;DiveLine initialization failed. Contact your Administrator. error_msg_num_100239 Model deletion is not allowed error_msg_num_100240 &Protocol error transferring array data error_msg_num_100241 1Can't Move Primary Dimension Column in a Tabular. error_msg_num_100242 +You are not allowed to change your password error_msg_num_100264 Unsupported character encoding error_msg_num_100274 %aux_key_idxs for this colset is null. error_msg_num_100277 +Maps are not supported by this application. error_msg_num_100279 Could not open DiveBook topic. error_msg_num_100280 Could not open marker. error_msg_num_100379 .Your password has expired. You must change it. tmsg_unknown_error "tmsg_unable_to_get_dependent_error Unable to get dependent error tmsg_errobj_secondary_desc KIn addition, while processing the above error, the following error occurred tmsg_errobj_additional_details Additional details tmsg_hide_dvp_warn_ckb %Do not show common DivePlan warnings? tmsg_today tmsg_date_built Date Built tmsg_last_date Last date in model tmsg_start_colon Start: tmsg_end_colon End: tmsg_var_defined_as {0}: defined as {1}. tmsg_var_defined_as_def {0}: defined as {1} ({2}). tmsg_fromto_desc {0} {1} based on {2}. tmsg_period_comparison Period Comparison tmsg_current tmsg_previous Previous percomp_from_to to DISTR_START Start DISTR_END_ALT End DISTR_SEL_INVALID_DIMENSION Invalid Dimension. DISTR_TS_QV_TIME_DIM Time Dimensions DISTR_DATE_SET_BY_QV Date set by QuickView DISTR_LABEL Label DISTR_CURRENT_DATE Current Date DISTR_DIMENSION rd_flat Standard Flat Report rd_flat_desc cant_lock_for_password IUnable to lock configuration for password change - please try again later marker_no_mrk "Marker filename must end in '.mrk' divebook_no_dbk $DiveBook filename must end in '.dbk' widget_selection_failed 4Unable to select value ''{0}'' in QuickView ''{1}''. jvm_unable_to_get_method_name (JVM unable to get method name) date_out_of_range Date out of range !dm_mismatch_version_error_message ?Warning! This {0} {1} isn''t compatible with DiveLine {2}. You may want to use either a different {0} or connect to a different DiveLine. webdiver_reportdiver_copyright -Copyright 1998-2007 Dimensional Insight, Inc. ! ® k ° ± ² ³ *· ± µ ¶ ³ ² ° · ² ³ r r¶?½ Y½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY½ Y SY SSY½ YSYSSY½ Y SYSSY½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY ½ YSYSSY ½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY ½ YSY SSY½ Y!SY"SSY½ Y#SY$SSY½ Y%SY&SSY½ Y'SY(SSY½ Y)SY*SSY½ Y+SY,SSY½ Y-SY.SSY½ Y/SY0SSY½ Y1SY2SSY½ Y3SY4SSY½ Y5SY6SSY½ Y7SY8SSY½ Y9SY:SSY½ Y;SY<SSY½ Y=SY>SSY½ Y?SY@SSY½ YASYBSSY½ YCSYDSSY ½ YESYFSSY!½ YGSYHSSY"½ YISYJSSY#½ YKSYLSSY$½ YMSYNSSY%½ YOSYPSSY&½ YQSYRSSY'½ YSSYTSSY(½ YUSYVSSY)½ YWSYXSSY*½ YYSYZSSY+½ Y[SY\SSY,½ Y]SY^SSY-½ Y_SY`SSY.½ YaSYbSSY/½ YcSYdSSY0½ YeSYfSSY1½ YgSYhSSY2½ YiSYjSSY3½ YkSYlSSY4½ YmSYnSSY5½ YoSYnSSY6½ YpSYqSSY7½ YrSYsSSY8½ YtSYuSSY9½ YvSYwSSY:½ YxSYySSY;½ YzSY{SSY<½ Y|SY}SSY=½ Y~SYSSY>½ Y?SY?SSY?½ Y?SY?SSY@½ Y?SY?SSYA½ Y?SY?SSYB½ Y?SY?SSYC½ Y?SY?SSYD½ Y?SY?SSYE½ Y?SY?SSYF½ Y?SY?SSYG½ Y?SY?SSYH½ Y?SY?SSYI½ Y?SY?SSYJ½ Y?SY?SSYK½ Y?SY?SSYL½ Y?SY?SSYM½ 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