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Task C LBL0027 Task D LBL0028 Input Type LBL0029 Input Name LBL0030 Notes LBL0031 File Type LBL0032 standard LBL0033 column headers LBL0034 ignore column headers LBL0035 File Name LBL0036 Star Name LBL0037 File Names LBL0038 File List LBL0039 Dictionary LBL0040 Delimiter LBL0041 <Tab> LBL0042 <Comma> LBL0043 <Single Space> LBL0044 <Pipe> LBL0045 Alias LBL0046 Keep LBL0047 OK LBL0048 Cancel LBL0049 Delete LBL0050 Reset LBL0051 Column LBL0052 Add Row LBL0053 Add Column LBL0054 Delete Row LBL0055 Delete Column LBL0056 Rows LBL0057 ODBC Data Sources LBL0058 Table LBL0059 Cleanup LBL0060 SQL Query LBL0061 SQL Owner LBL0062 Connect String LBL0063 Process Type LBL0064 Process Name LBL0065 Calcs LBL0066 Insert Columns LBL0067 New Calc LBL0068 Process Object Calcs LBL0069 New Column Name LBL0070 Insert Calcs LBL0071 ID LBL0072 Join Type LBL0073 Inputs LBL0074 Join Columns LBL0075 Columns LBL0076 Join List A LBL0077 Output Type LBL0078 Output Name LBL0079 File Delimiter LBL0080 Dictionary File LBL0081 "dictfile1" LBL0082 Set/Select LBL0083 Clear Table LBL0084 Allow Missing Columns LBL0085 SQL Qualifier LBL0086 Default Value LBL0087 Output Table LBL0088 Data Integrator LBL0089 Run Data Integrator LBL0090 About Visual Data Integrator LBL0091 File(s) LBL0092 <Semicolon> LBL0093 Select File LBL0094 Select Dictionary LBL0095 Select LBL0096 Dictionary Files LBL0097 Files LBL0098 Aliases LBL0099 LBL0100 General LBL0101 Keep Columns LBL0102 <ALL> LBL0103 Options LBL0104 Run First LBL0105 Image Size LBL0106 Display Lines LBL0107 Display Panel LBL0108 Select Files LBL0109 Output LBL0110 Start LBL0111 Create Columns and Rows LBL0112 LBL0113 Join List B LBL0114 SQL Server Login LBL0115 Username LBL0116 Password LBL0117 Actions LBL0118 Filter Column LBL0119 Filter Values LBL0120 Filters LBL0121 Filter 2 LBL0122 Filter 3 LBL0123 Select Object Type LBL0124 New Task LBL0125 Ignore Quotes in File LBL0126 View Input File LBL0127 Untitled LBL0128 Copy Object LBL0129 Integrator Files LBL0130 Look in LBL0131 Files of Type LBL0132 Filter 1 LBL0133 Persistent LBL0134 Initial Value LBL0135 Task LBL0136 Print Setup LBL0137 Panel LBL0138 Delete Task LBL0139 Set Header/Footer LBL0140 Test Script LBL0141 Parameters LBL0142 Set LBL0143 Visual Integrator Error LBL0144 Opening LBL0145 LBL0146 Version LBL0147 Copyright LBL0148 Visual Integrator Generated LBL0149 Copy LBL0150 Edit LBL0151 Dictionary File Type 1 LBL0152 path LBL0153 root LBL0154 index LBL0155 count LBL0156 TASK Name LBL0157 LBL0158 Header LBL0159 Footer LBL0160 Refresh LBL0161 New Name LBL0162 Black Lines LBL0163 Small LBL0164 Medium LBL0165 Large LBL0166 SELECT LBL0167 LBL0168 Calculation LBL0169 LBL0170 LBL0171 View LBL0172 Description LBL0173 Lines LBL0174 Copy Filter LBL0175 Name LBL0176 New Horizontal Column LBL0177 Horizontal Values LBL0178 New Value Columns LBL0179 Previous Column LBL0180 Start Column LBL0181 End Column LBL0182 Next Column LBL0183 Range of Columns LBL0184 Name Columns LBL0185 Rotate Type LBL0186 New Value Column LBL0187 SQL Library LBL0188 Set PDF LBL0189 Integrator PDF LBL0190 PDF Reader LBL0191 Rename Task LBL0192 Change Order of Tasks LBL0193 Disable Tasks LBL0194 Disable Object LBL0195 Sort Size LBL0196 Temporary Directory LBL0197 Reverse LBL0198 Case Sensitive LBL0199 Locale LBL0200 Sort Columns LBL0201 Numeric Columns LBL0202 Select Temporary Directory LBL0203 Trusted LBL0204 First LBL0205 Visual Builder LBL0206 DiveMaster LBL0207 DI-ProDiver LBL0208 Text Editor LBL0209 Set Applications LBL0210 Remove Columns LBL0211 Rename LBL0212 Commands LBL0213 Output File LBL0214 Error Command LBL0215 Append Output LBL0216 Echo LBL0217 Command Line LBL0218 Telnet LBL0219 Star Names LBL0220 Select Directory LBL0221 Break Column LBL0222 First Column LBL0223 Last Column LBL0224 Index Column LBL0225 Level Column LBL0226 Break Columns LBL0227 Dimensions LBL0228 LBL0229 Object LBL0230 Type LBL0231 Export Object LBL0232 Import Object LBL0233 Summary LBL0234 Delete Import LBL0235 Query Result LBL0236 White Task Panel LBL0237 New Object Name LBL0238 Manage Import Objects LBL0239 Create LBL0240 Load LBL0241 Lookup File LBL0242 Update LBL0243 Qualification String LBL0244 Format LBL0245 Verbose LBL0246 Start Row LBL0247 End Row LBL0248 Limit LBL0249 Disable Trace LBL0250 Trace Output File LBL0251 Create Default SQL Statement LBL0252 Limit Squash to Adjacent Rows LBL0253 Data Integrity Warning Limit LBL0254 Dimension Columns LBL0255 Summary Columns LBL0256 Other Columns min_columns Min Columns max_columns Max Columns LBL0257 Warn Limit LBL0258 Horizontal Column LBL0259 Value Columns LBL0260 Remove LBL0261 Report File LBL0262 Show Lines LBL0263 Flow Arrows LBL0264 &Locale Specific Join Column Comparison LBL0265 Output Column LBL0266 View Output File LBL0267 Paste ip_address IP Address or server_name Server Name LBL0271 Login Information LBL0272 Set Relative Path LBL0273 Select Relative Path LBL0274 Remove When Images Overlap LBL0275 View Relative Path LBL0276 Expression Operators LBL0277 Advanced Query LBL0278 Multijoins LBL0279 Insert All LBL0280 Multiply Columns LBL0281 Source Column LBL0282 New Column LBL0283 LBL0284 Horizontal Value Columns LBL0285 lines LBL0286 Create Directory LBL0287 Filename Column LBL0288 Dictionary Type 1 LBL0289 Export LBL0290 Import LBL0291 Create/Edit Dictionary LBL0292 SQL Type LBL0293 Trial Version LBL0294 Visual Integrator Trial Version LBL0295 File Column LBL0296 File List Input LBL0297 Test LBL0298 Test Result LBL0299 Java Version LBL0300 Directory LBL0301 Subdirectories LBL0302 Hidden Files LBL0303 Include LBL0304 Error Handling LBL0305 Available Inputs LBL0306 Selected Inputs LBL0307 Calc String LBL0308 $Set or Select Output Dictionary Name MSG0001 DI Visual Data Integrator MSG0002 MSG0003 DI Visual Data Integrator Log MSG0004 LErrors occurred while loading data sources. No ODBC Data Sources were found! MSG0005 ODBC Data Source Load Error MSG0006 No Data Integrator Selected MSG0007 !ODBC Generic Driver not Supported MSG0008 8Support for this driver is not included in this version. MSG0009 9Initializing Completed... Starting Visual Data Integrator MSG0010 %The Data Integrator is STILL running! MSG0011 ZExiting will not terminate the process. The process MUST be terminated manually! Continue? MSG0012 Data Integrator Running MSG0013 Do you want to delete the file? MSG0014 All Objects are Deleted. !Would you like to save your work? MSG0016 Visual Data Integrator Options MSG0017 -o [options] MSG0018 -v [version] MSG0019 -x [generate XML file] MSG0020 -l [generate log file] MSG0021 +Save Status: Green = Saved, Red = Not Saved MSG0022 Setting session variables... MSG0023 *Configuration file found... loading values MSG0024 5No configuration file found... loading default values MSG0025 MSG0026 View Integrator Output MSG0027 View an Input file MSG0028 Configure Data Integrator MSG0029 Create new Integrator file MSG0030 Open existing file MSG0031 Save Integrator file MSG0032 Create new Input MSG0033 Create new Process MSG0034 Create new Output MSG0035 Preview Integrator script MSG0036 Verifying ODBCInfo.dll exists MSG0037 $Loading ODBC Data Source Information MSG0038 Missing Windows DLL MSG0039 _The ODBCInfo.DLL could not be found. SQL object information will have to be loaded by the user. MSG0040 #Loading... Data Integrator location MSG0041 (Loading... Current directory information MSG0042 Loading... Image information MSG0043 *Loading... Last 5 files opened information MSG0044 !Loading... ODBC.ini file location MSG0045 Setting display line setting MSG0046 MSG0047 Integrator not selected MSG0048 There is no Integrator selected! MSG0049 Set Integrator MSG0050 Integrator File Errors MSG0051 8Integrator file contains errors and could not be opened! MSG0052 ,The file selected is not an Integrator file! MSG0053 Application Resources Missing MSG0054 }Cannot locate Visual Data Integrator components on the file system. Program will be unable to open existing Integrator files. MSG0055 Setting panel image MSG0056 Data Integrator Started MSG0057 Data Integrator Stopped MSG0058 Are you sure MSG0059 Missing attribute values MSG0060 ODBC Error MSG0061 &The connection string cannot be blank! MSG0062 File Load Error(s) MSG0063 Panel Image Setting MSG0064 A"Conversion" error(s) occurred while loading the Integrator file. MSG0065 ?Integrator file was previously opened with an image setting different than the current setting. Would you like to use the previous setting? MSG0066 Parameter Objects Found MSG0067 nThe Integrator file contains parameters and could not be opened by this version of the Visual Data Integrator. MSG0068 Missing attributes MSG0069 Errors: MSG0070 Empty Text MSG0071 KThe text area is empty! Enter the correct information or Delete the object. MSG0072 "The object name is already in use. MSG0073 Error MSG0074 Object Errors MSG0075 The following error(s) occurred: MSG0076 The input name cannot be blank! MSG0077 Multiple Tasks Found MSG0078 PThis version of the Visual Data Integrator is designed to process a single task. MSG0079 Script generated by MSG0080 The file is a read only file! MSG0081 0You do not have permissions on this file system. MSG0082 0An error occurred while attempting to save file. MSG0083 9The file already exists. Do you want to replace the file? MSG0084 Duplicate Column Name MSG0085 Column is already selected. MSG0086 Number of Rows is not set. MSG0087 The number of rows cannot be 0! MSG0088 +The Data Integrator -first option is set to MSG0089 %The Data Integrator is set to run ALL MSG0090 There are missing values. MSG0091 A list has not been defined MSG0092 File Name cannot be blank! MSG0093 Star Name cannot be blank! MSG0094 There are no file names entered! MSG0095 4A dictionary is required for the File Type selected. MSG0096 5Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? MSG0097 )There are more columns than alias columns MSG0098 )There are more alias columns than columns MSG0099 Set or Select Output File MSG0100 Set or Select Output Dictionary MSG0101 -The column value for filter 1 cannot be blank MSG0102 -The column value for filter 2 cannot be blank MSG0103 -The column value for filter 3 cannot be blank MSG0104 There are no values for filter 1 MSG0105 There are no values for filter 2 MSG0106 There are no values for filter 3 MSG0107 Both inputs cannot be the same MSG0108 Join fields cannot be blank MSG0109 MSG0110 7The maximum number of rows cannot be greater than 5000! MSG0111 "The number of rows cannot be zero! MSG0112 Value entered is not valid! MSG0113 #The number of rows cannot be blank! MSG0114 /The column name and calc string cannot be blank MSG0115 Number of rows MSG0116 Move selected row up MSG0117 Move selected row down MSG0118 Incorrect number of columns MSG0119 2Column name entered is already in the columns list MSG0120 Duplicate Column MSG0121 /Alias name entered is already in the alias list MSG0122 Duplicate Alias MSG0123 :Are you sure you would like to delete the selected item(s) MSG0124 Select Parameter MSG0125 Loading... MSG0126 File not found MSG0127 Scripts MSG0128 1Error while processing VInteg.ini... invalid file MSG0129 Set or view parameters MSG0130 Hides/displays description MSG0131 Save new image size MSG0132 Image Change MSG0133 #User does not have write permission MSG0134 File Write Error MSG0135 File is read only MSG0136 KCannot process a script with a single input object used by multiple objects MSG0137 "Could not process parameter object MSG0138 DESCRIPTION MSG0139 MSG0140 2The file already exists. Do you want to replace it MSG0141 hThe Integrator is not in the current directory. Set Integrator under Tools - Select Integrator menu item MSG0142 .The Integrator is not in the current directory MSG0143 Integrator Not Found MSG0144 (untitled) MSG0145 insert parameter MSG0146 Values MSG0147 View All MSG0148 Warning MSG0149 #The input attribute cannot be blank MSG0150 There are no calcs defined MSG0151 2Press Tab or Enter in the cell to accept the value MSG0152 Cell Edit Mode MSG0153 $The name value field cannot be blank MSG0154 Enter a name for this object MSG0155 Select an input MSG0156 Enter the ODBC connection string MSG0157 Select database table MSG0158 0The columns value is missing from the input flow MSG0159 Enter the SQL for this output MSG0160 The owner of the SQL table MSG0161 Select data sources MSG0162 Set or Select Output File Name MSG0163 MSG0164 File Types MSG0165 MSG0166 COMMENTS MSG0167 Conversion Error MSG0168 Object Name MSG0169 Attribute MSG0170 $Error occurred while parsing: object MSG0171 *The object name is not a valid object name MSG0172 !No input(s) found for this object MSG0173 3Errors occurred while attempting to locate input(s) MSG0174 Input(s) syntax is incorrect MSG0175 Unable to find the object type MSG0176 (There are attributes with missing values MSG0177 Task name is already in use MSG0178 Duplicate Task Name MSG0179 Insert a new row MSG0180 delete selected row(s) MSG0181 @Parameter(s) found that were not defined in the parameter object MSG0182 SEE LOG MSG0183 ZFiles in some INPT objects could not be processed. Columns for these files were not loaded MSG0184 loading completed MSG0185 Integrator -define Options MSG0186 set Integrator -define options MSG0187 MSG0188 MSG0189 Option MSG0190 (Syntax: <parameter name=parameter value> MSG0191 Parameter already defined MSG0192 Duplicate Parameter MSG0193 /The parameter must be in the form: <name=value> MSG0194 Example MSG0195 Select the type of file MSG0196 !Enter or select a dictionary file MSG0197 Select a file delimiter MSG0198 Select file MSG0199 Set alias names for column(s) MSG0200 Specify columns to keep MSG0201 &Ignores quotes in the file(s) selected MSG0202 Ignore Line End MSG0203 Use File Name MSG0204 Number Pages MSG0205 Page MSG0206 Set Print Header and Footer MSG0207 3The New Column Name and Calculation cannot be blank MSG0208 All tasks cannot be disabled MSG0209 The task is already selected MSG0210 Disables object for testing MSG0211 3Application selected is not a valid Data Integrator MSG0212 Select Builder MSG0213 %Application selected is not a Builder MSG0214 Select DiveMaster MSG0215 (Application selected is not a DiveMaster MSG0216 Select ProDiver MSG0217 &Application selected is not a ProDiver MSG0218 Select Text Editor MSG0219 Sort Up MSG0220 Click to Set MSG0221 @Allows the user to create a lookup file with content of the List MSG0222 Load tab delimited file MSG0223 -Delete trace output file from the file system MSG0224 View trace output file MSG0225 "Reduce the number of columns to 10 MSG0226 Column Limit Exceeded MSG0227 VThere were more than 50 rows found. Would you like to continue with the first 50 rows? MSG0228 Row Limit MSG0229 .Cannot find dictionary file on the file system MSG0230 *Cannot find output file on the file system MSG0231 )Cannot find input file on the file system MSG0232 cThe script contains "#if" and "#endif" which are not supported in this release of Visual Integrator MSG0233 #IF and #ENDIF Found MSG0234 7Attempting to connect to database... Please stand by... MSG0235 Convert Relative Paths MSG0236 FWould you like to permanently convert the relative paths in the script MSG0237 There is no relative path set MSG0238 PParameter(s) found that were not defined in the parameter object. See error log. MSG0239 kFiles in some INPT objects could not be processed. Columns for these files were not loaded. See error log. MSG0240 PVisual Integrator was unable to automatically arrange the objects in this script MSG0241 Example: old name=new name MSG0242 3Example: old name=new name (no spaces surrounding=) MSG0243 MSG0244 MSG0245 Enter SQL library MSG0246 Enter SQL query MSG0247 Create Lookup File MSG0248 Change Column Name MSG0249 All objects were deleted MSG0250 Open file dialog MSG0251 ;Click to insert table name into the SQL query at the cursor MSG0252 Delete task MSG0253 Load Lookup File MSG0254 OProblems connecting to some of the databases in the INPT SQL objects. See Log! MSG0255 GThe DSN selected under ODBC Data Sources for this object does not exist MSG0256 BThe file specified in the SQL Query for this object does not exist MSG0257 \Could not connect to the database with the Connect String information listed for this object MSG0258 /dicttype1 will be saved as dicttype2 when saved MSG0259 (Opens a file with the delimiter selected MSG0260 *Opens a type 1 or type 2 object dictionary MSG0261 Saves dictionary MSG0262 !Open file with delimiter selected MSG0263 Verify Delimiter MSG0264 Incorrect VInteg.dll MSG0265 NThe VInteg.dll is an older version and cannot be used with this trial version. MSG0266 @Please install the VInteg.dll that came with this trial version. MSG0267 FThe trial period is over. Please contact your account representative. MSG0268 {Escape \ with \\, and enclose file and directory names that contain spaces with quotes (e.g.: "Program Files") as necessary MSG0269 Set or Select Report File Name MSG0270 Report Files (*.rep) MSG0271 Files (*.dic) show_working_dir Show Working Directory set_working_dir Set Working Directory cur_working_dir Current Working Directory builder_exe Builder Executable: model Model: desc_file Description File: use_desc_file Use Description File available_cols Available Columns model_specs Model Specifications summary dimensions select_builder 4Select Dimensional Insight Builder or Detail Builder select_desc_file Select Build Description File builder_app Builder Application desc_files Description Files model_files Model Files save col_props Column Properties date_formatting Date Formatting sort_by Sort by first_year First Year in Range: col_always_string Column is Always a String col_contains_dates Column Contains Dates accept_2digit_years Accept 2-digit years socket_obj Socket Object no_further_information_available #(No further information available.) at_code_location at ellipsis ... no_stack_information_available !(No stack information available.) existing_file_edited_by_hand ¡The file already exists, and was edited by hand. If the existing file contains comments, they will be lost if you save. Do you want to replace the existing file? list List server Server user User password_file Password File remote_directory Remote Directory select_password_file Select Password File detail Detail model(s) Model(s) model_name Model Name model_names Model Names model_list Model List diveplan DivePlan lookup_model Lookup Model select_diveplan Select DivePlan select_lookup_model Select Lookup Model url URL mode Mode port Port file_process_error_message &Error while attempting to process {0}. see_log_for_details See log for details. trial_platform_message >This is a trial version and can only run on Windows platforms. trial_platform_title "Trial Version - Incorrect Platform vinteg_dll_directory_message BThe VInteg.dll must be in the same directory as Visual Integrator. vinteg_dll_directory_title "Trial Version - Missing VInteg.dll vinteg_dll_version_message $The VInteg.dll is the wrong version. vinteg_dll_version_title Trial Version - Version Error copyright /Copyright© 1991-2007 Dimensional 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