Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\decision\com\dimins\i18n\l.class
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NetDiver will not be able to process data with high-bit characters. If this is a Tomcat 5.x server, <a href="../html/tomcat5.html">follow this link for more information</a>. </span><p> copyright 4Copyright © 2002-2007, Dimensional Insight Inc. show_files Show the DiveLine Files open_divebook Open DiveBook save_in_divebook Save into DiveBook switch_tabular Switch the view to Tabular switch_multitab Switch the view to Multitab switch_crosstab Switch the view to Crosstab switch_multicrosstab Switch the view to MultiCrosstab switch_report Switch the view to a Report switch_plot 2Switch the view to a Basic Plot (Bar, Line, Point) switch_cross 2Switch the view to a Cross Plot (Bar, Line, Point) switch_stack Switch the view to a Stack Plot switch_scatter !Switch the view to a Scatter Plot switch_pie Switch the view to a Pie Chart flip Flip Table or Graph Axes focus Focus group sort_up Sort Up sort_down Sort Down find Find show_console Show the Console show_about About this application logout Log out of DiveLine server logout_button Logoff x_axis X-Axis Column y_axis Y-Axis Column y_axis2 Y-Axis plot_type Plot Type scatter_line Scatter Plot Reference Line overwrite &Overwrite existing marker named "{0}"? utf_error UTF-8 not supported return_login Return to the login page cannot_save 4DiveLine could not save the marker. Error returned: cannot_save_divebook 6DiveLine could not save the DiveBook. Error returned: not_connected ªNetDiver is not currently connected to DiveLine.<p> Please use the login URL provided by your system administrator or proceed to the default login page by clicking below. cannot_open_divebook -NetDiver failed to open the selected DiveBook unable_pie ¼NetDiver is unable to generate a pie chart for the selected data.<p> Please verify that the selected columns contain nonzero data; NetDiver cannot generate pie charts with zero totals.<p> unable_headless^The application server security policy currently does not allow NetDiver to generate images.<p> The server administrator should verify that the application server's webapp security policy file includes the following directive, then restart the application server:<p><pre>permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.awt.headless", "write";</pre><p> unable_ssltThe application server security policy currently does not allow NetDiver to access specific SSL handlers.<p> The server administrator should verify that the application server's webapp security policy file includes the following directive, then restart the application server:<p><pre>permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.protocol.handler.pkgs", "write";</pre><p> unable_cert?The application server security policy currently does not allow NetDiver to use SSL when fetching images from web servers that use self-signed certificates.<p> The server administrator should verify that the application server's webapp security policy file includes the following directive, then restart the application server:<p><pre>permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setFactory";</pre><p> unable_methodyThe application server security policy currently does not allow NetDiver to query for availability of internal class methods.<p> The server administrator should verify that the application server's webapp security policy file includes the following directive, then restart the application server:<p><pre>permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";</pre><p> find_report Find report: {0} no_columns PPlease select one or more columns to be displayed in the plot dialog window.<p> no_rows MPlease select one or more rows to be displayed in the plot dialog window.<p> go_dimins %Go to the Dimensional Insight website timeout?The DiveLine server rejected the NetDiver request.<p> The most likely reasons are:<br> <ul> <li>The connection to the server was inactive for too long. The server will drop your connection as a security measure after some length of time configured by your server administrator. <li>The Java Web Server sending out these pages was restarted. </ul><p> Continue by logging in to start a new session.<p> go_login Proceed to the login page javascript_error _NetDiver requires JavaScript support to be enabled. Please enable JavaScript before continuing. unknown_trigger Unknown trigger cannot_handshake 2DiveLine server connection failed during handshake cannot_connect $Unable to connect to DiveLine server timeout_connect >DiveLine server ({0}:{1}) not responding to connection request connect_policybThe application server security policy currently does not allow NetDiver to open connections to DiveLine.<p> The server administrator should verify that the application server's webapp security policy file includes the following directive, then restart the application server:<p><pre>permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect,resolve";</pre><p> connect_refused 'DiveLine server ({0}:{1}) refused login cannot_open_marker +NetDiver failed to open the selected marker open_marker_null PNetDiver failed to open the requested marker file: Null model after marker open. open_no_windows MNetDiver failed to open the selected marker: No dive windows found in marker. cannot_open_topic *NetDiver failed to open the DiveBook topic no_divebook No DiveBook currently open. no_topic DiveBook topic "{0}" not found no_format_type !Unknown DiveBook topic type "{0}" no_marker 6No marker currently open while trying to create dives. no_data ,No matching data found. Window not changed. num_exception -{0}: Couldn''t turn this field into a number. no_dive No dive data to save. cannot_render_image 7Unable to render requested graph/report; broken marker? path_permission_denied 8Permission denied when trying to access this directory: palettes Palettes z_axis Z-Axis Column for_bubble (for Bubble) divea Dive A diveb Dive B divec Dive C dived Dive D expression Expression nonempty Non Empty first First last Last items Items % select Select focus_and_group Focus and Group findby Find by action_on_find Action on Find find_options Find Options find_all Find All find_next Find Next match_case Match case match_exact Match exactly match_begin Match beginning find_no_window No current window for Find empty_divebook 7This DiveBook is empty (it contains no areas or topics) close_link Close this Link Window wrapped_link Link / Plugin Window dl_must_change_password )You are required to change your password. dl_change_password Change your password password_mismatch >The two passwords you entered did not match, please try again. cannot_change_password .You are not permitted to change your password. password_change_failed Invalid password. no_map_support NetDiver does not support Maps no_split_support 'NetDiver does not support Split Windows web_link Linked Web Site password_old Old Password: password_new New Password: password_verify Verify Password: kicked eYour session has been terminated because someone on a different machine logged on with your username. !ÇÈ ÏÊ ËÌ Í *· ± ÐÑ Í ² ° ÒÌ Í D 8 ä½ Y½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY½ Y SY SSY½ YSYSSY½ Y SYSSY½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY ½ YSYSSY ½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY½ YSYSSY ½ YSYSSY½ Y SY!SSY½ Y"SY#SSY½ Y$SY%SSY½ Y&SY'SSY½ Y(SY)SSY½ Y*SY+SSY½ Y,SY-SSY½ Y.SY/SSY½ Y0SY1SSY½ Y2SY3SSY½ Y4SY5SSY½ Y6SY7SSY½ Y8SY9SSY½ Y:SY;SSY½ Y<SY=SSY½ Y>SY?SSY½ Y@SYASSY½ YBSYCSSY ½ YDSYESSY!½ YFSYGSSY"½ YHSYISSY#½ YJSYKSSY$½ YLSYMSSY%½ YNSYOSSY&½ YPSYQSSY'½ YRSYQSSY(½ YSSYTSSY)½ YUSYVSSY*½ YWSYXSSY+½ YYSYZSSY,½ Y[SY\SSY-½ Y]SY^SSY.½ Y_SY`SSY/½ YaSYbSSY0½ YcSYdSSY1½ YeSYfSSY2½ YgSYhSSY3½ YiSYjSSY4½ YkSYlSSY5½ YmSYnSSY6½ YoSYpSSY7½ YqSYrSSY8½ YsSYtSSY9½ YuSYvSSY:½ YwSYxSSY;½ YySYzSSY<½ Y{SY|SSY=½ YSYSSY>½ Y}SY~SSY?½ YSY?SSY@½ Y?SY?SSYA½ Y?SY?SSYB½ Y?SY?SSYC½ Y?SY?SSYD½ Y?SY?SSYE½ Y?SY?SSYF½ Y?SY?SSYG½ Y?SY?SSYH½ Y?SY?SSYI½ Y?SY?SSYJ½ Y?SY?SSYK½ Y?SY?SSYL½ Y?SY?SSYM½ Y?SY?SSYN½ Y?SY?SSYO½ Y?SY SSYP½ Y¡SY¢SSYQ½ Y£SY¤SSYR½ Y¥SY¦SSYS½ Y§SY¨SSYT½ Y©SYªSSYU½ Y«SY¬SSYV½ YSY®SSYW½ Y¯SY°SSYX½ Y±SY²SSYY½ Y³SY´SSYZ½ YµSY¶SSY[½ Y·SY¸SSY\½ Y¹SYºSSY]½ Y»SY¼SSY^½ Y½SY¾SSY_½ Y¿SYÀSSY`½ YÁSYÂSSYa½ YÃSYÄSSYb½ YÅSYÆSSYc½ YÇSYÈSSYd½ YÉSYÊSSYe½ YËSYÌSSYf½ YÍSYÎSSYg½ YÏSYÐSSYh½ YÑSYÒSSYi½ YÓSYÔSSYj½ YÕSYÖSSYk½ Y×SYØSSYl½ YÙSYÚSSYm½ YÛSYÜSSYn½ YÝSYÞSSYo½ YßSYàSSYp½ YáSYâSSYq½ YãSYäSSYr½ YåSYæSSYs½ YçSYèSSYt½ YéSYêSSYu½ YëSYìSSYv½ YíSYîSSYw½ YïSYðSSYx½ YñSYòSSYy½ YóSYôSSYz½ YõSYöSSY{½ Y÷SYøSSY|½ YùSYúSSY}½ YûSYüSSY~½ YýSYþSSY½ YÿSY SSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ Y SY SSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ Y SYSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ YSYQSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ YSYSSY ?½ Y SY!SSY ?½ Y"SY#SSY ?½ Y$SY%SSY ?½ Y&SY'SSY ?½ Y(SY)SSY ?½ Y*SY+SSY ?½ Y,SY-SSY ?½ Y.SY/SSY ?½ Y0SY1SSY ?½ Y2SY3SSY ?½ Y4SY5SSY ?½ Y6SY7SSY ?½ Y8SY9SSY ?½ Y:SY;SSY ?½ Y<SY=SSY ?½ Y>SY?SSY ½ Y@SYASSY ¡½ YBSYCSSY ¢½ YDSYESSY £½ YFSYGSSY ¤½ YHSYISSY ¥½ YJSYKSSY ¦½ YLSYMSSY §½ YNSYOSSY ¨½ YPSYQSSY ©½ YRSYSSSY ª½ YTSYUSSY «½ YVSYWSSY ¬½ YXSYYSSY ½ YZSY[SSY ®½ Y\SY]SSY ¯½ Y^SY_SSY °½ Y`SYaSSY ±½ YbSYcSSY ²½ YdSYeSSY ³½ YfSYgSSY ´½ YhSYiSSY µ½ YjSYkSSY ¶½ YlSYmSSY ·½ YnSYoSSY ¸½ YpSYqSSY ¹½ YrSYsSSY º½ YtSYuSSY »½ YvSYwSSY ¼½ YxSYySSY ½½ YzSY{SSY ¾½ Y|SY}SSY ¿½ Y~SYSSY À½ Y?SY?SSY Á½ Y?SY?SSY ½ Y?SY?SSY ý Y?SY?SSY Ľ Y?SY?SSY Ž Y?SY?SSY ƽ Y?SY?SSY ǽ Y?SY?SSY Ƚ Y?SY?SSY ɽ Y?SY?SSY ʽ Y?SY?SSY ˽ Y?SY?SSY ̽ Y?SY?SSY ͽ Y?SY?SSY ν Y?SY?SSY Ͻ Y?SY?SSY н Y?SY SSY ѽ Y¡SY¢SSY Ò½ Y£SY¤SSY Ó½ Y¥SY¦SSY Ô½ Y§SY¨SSY Õ½ Y©SYªSSY Ö½ Y«SY¬SSY ×½ YSY®SSY ؽ Y¯SY°SSY Ù½ Y±SY²SSY Ú½ Y³SY´SSY Û½ YµSY¶SSY ܽ Y·SY¸SSY ݽ Y¹SYºSSY Þ½ Y»SY¼SSY ß½ Y½SY¾SSY འY¿SYÀSSY á½ YÁSYÂSSY â½ YÃSYÄSSY ã½ YÅSYÆSS³ ±
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