Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\decision\com\dimins\i18n\w.class
Êþº¾ -+ ?? ????¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~???????????????????????????????? ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~???????????????????????????????? ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ !"#$%&'??? [Ljava/lang/Object; [[Ljava/lang/Object; <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable sm getContents ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; <clinit> java/lang/Object com/dimins/i18n/w java/util/ListResourceBundle com/dimins/i18n/j???? ui.header-button.edit-page ç¼?è¾?页é?¢ ui.header-button.configure é??ç½® ui.header-button.my-account æ??ç??å¸?æ?· ui.header-button.logoff é??å?º ui.header-button.logon ç?»é?? #ui.header-button.back-to-the-portal è¿?å??é?¨æ?· ui.portlet-button.edit ç¼?è¾? ui.portlet-button.maximize æ??大å?? ui.portlet-button.back è¿?å?? ui.portlet-button.restore å?å?¨ diportlets.logon-prompt '请è¾?å?¥ç?¨æ?·å??å??å¯?ç ?以ç?»é??ï¼? diportlets.logon-button diportlets.username-field ç?¨æ?·å??ï¼? diportlets.password-field å¯?ç ?ï¼? diportlets.back diportlets.qv-not-avail.m å¿«é??æ?¥ç??é??æ?©ä¸?å?¯ç?¨ diportlets.qv-not-avail.d )对''{0}''ç??é??æ?©å?¨''{1}''ä¸ä¸?å?¯ç?¨ diportlets.application-pulldown åº?ç?¨ç¨?åº?ï¼? diportlets.prodiver ProDiver diportlets.webdiver WebDiver diportlets.netdiver NetDiver diportlets.excel Excel diportlets.pdf PDF diportlets.direct ç?®å½? diportlets.topic-no-data 9该é?¾æ?¥ç??主é¢?ä¸?è?½æ??å¼?ï¼?å? 为ä¸?å??å?«æ?°æ?®ã?? diportelts.topic-not-marker H该主é¢?ä¸?è?½å?¨å½?å??åº?ç?¨ç¨?åº?ä¸æ??å¼?ï¼?å? 为å®?ä¸?æ?¯æ ?è®°ã?? diportelts.topic-split-window H该主é¢?ä¸?è?½å?¨å½?å??åº?ç?¨ç¨?åº?ä¸æ??å¼?ï¼?å? 为çª?å?£è¢«æ??å??ã?? diportelts.topic-no-windows B该主é¢?ä¸?è?½å?¨å½?å??åº?ç?¨ç¨?åº?ä¸æ??å¼?ï¼?å? 为æ? çª?å?£ã?? diportelts.topic-unknown-type 9该主é¢?ä¸?è?½æ??å¼?ï¼?å? 为ä¸?è?½è¯?å?«å®?ç??ç±»å??ã?? diportelts.prodiver-open å?¨ProDiverä¸æ??å¼? diportelts.webdiver-open å?¨WebDiverä¸æ??å¼? diportelts.netdiver-open å?¨NetDiverä¸æ??å¼? diportelts.excel-open å?¨Excelä¸æ??å¼? diportelts.pdf-open ä¸?载为PDF diportelts.prodiver-click #ç?¹å?»å?¾å??以å?¨ProDiverä¸æ??å¼? diportelts.webdiver-click #ç?¹å?»å?¾å??以å?¨WebDiverä¸æ??å¼? diportelts.netdiver-click #ç?¹å?»å?¾å??以å?¨NetDiverä¸æ??å¼? diportelts.excel-click ç?¹å?»å?¾å??以å?¨Excelä¸æ??å¼? diportelts.pdf-click ç?¹å?»å?¾å??以ä¸?载为PDF diportlets.page-selector 页é?¢ï¼? diportlets.go-button è¿?è¡? diportlets.ok-button ç¡®å®? diportlets.logon-insecure ä¸?å®?å?¨ç??请æ±? diportlets.logon-insecure.d s为äº?ç?»é??ï¼?å¿?须使ç?¨HTTPSå??è®®è¿?æ?¥å?°é?¨æ?·ï¼?以ä¿?è¯?æ??æ??é??讯ç??ä¿?å¯?æ?§ã??请使ç?¨HTTPSç?»é??ã?? dont-translate {0} stack-trace Stack trace from {0} ({1}) init.m {0} Initialized init.d Version: {0} init.warning.setup-io *I/O Error while setting up portal dataroot init.warning.lockfile-exists.m 'Database lock file "{0}" already exists init.warning.lockfile-failed.m .Could not create database lock file "{0}": {1} init.warning.lockfile.d ¢The portal may not have shut down properly the last time it was running. There is also some chance that another program is currently accessing the database file. init.warning.cannot-read UCannot read file "{0}". This could impact the ability of the portal to save changes. init.warning.cannot-write VCannot write file "{0}". This could impact the ability of the portal to save changes. shutdown.message {0} Shutting Down xml.error.unexpected $Unexpected error on line {0} : "{1}" xml.error.wrapped {0} on line {1} xml.error.bad-close-tag =Unexpected closing tag ''{0}'' on line {1} (expected ''{2}'') xml.error.bad-open-tag "Unexpected tag ''{0}'' on line {1} xml.error.locale .Unacceptable locale string ''{0}'' on line {1} xml.error.duplicate-tag !Duplicate tag ''{0}'' on line {1} xml.error.missing-tag Missing tag ''{0}'' on line {1} xml.error.missing-attr %Missing attribute ''{0}'' on line {1} xml.error.invalid-attr 7Invalid value ''{1}'' for attribute ''{0}'' on line {2} xml.error.no-tag-contents ,Missing contents for tag ''{0}'' on line {1} conn.error.logon-failed Logon failed for user "{0}" conn.error.authforw-failed ?Authentication-forwarding failed. Make sure that this machine is properly assigned as the forwarding host (gateway_ip in atlcfg.cfg). {0} conn.error.no-webdir \Dataroot ''webdir'' directory does not exist. Make sure that "{0}" is the correct dataroot. conn.error.webdir-write RUnable to write to dataroot ''webdir'' directory. Check the permissions on "{0}". conn.error.connect (Cannot connect to DiveLine server "{0}". conn.error.security CPermission to contact DiveLine server "{0}" was denied by Java: {1} conn.error.connect-io ACannot connect to DiveLine server "{0}". The server may be down. conn.error.connect-time ACannot connect to DiveLine server "{0}". The server may be busy. conn.error.host-resolve .Cannot resolve DiveLine server host name "{0}" conn.error.handshake .Error communicating with DiveLine server "{0}" conn.error.communication /Communication with DiveLine server "{0}" failed conn.error.webauth-create KWeb authentication failed. Unable to create authentication file "{0}": {1} conn.error.webauth-too-many WWeb authentication failed. Too many authentication files in ''webdir'' directory "{0}" conn.error.webauth-write JWeb authentication failed. Unable to write authentication file "{0}": {1} conn.error.opening-marker Error opening Marker "{0}": {1} conn.error.opening-marker.quiet !conn.error.opening-marker.version [Cannot open Marker "{0}" with this version of DivePort - it requires DivePort 6.0 or later. qCannot open DiveBook topic "{1}" in area "{0}" with this version of DivePort - it requires DivePort 6.0 or later. conn.error.opening-divebook !Error opening DiveBook "{0}": {1} conn.error.opening-window Error opening window "{0}": {1} conn.error.opening-topic 5Error opening DiveBook topic "{1}" in area "{0}": {2} conn.error.closing-marker Error closing Marker: {0} conn.error.fetching-version "Error fetching server version: {0} conn.error.fetching-level 9Error fetching level of functionality for user "{0}": {1} conn.error.fetching-homedir 1Error fetching home directory for user "{0}": {1} conn.error.fetching-ugroups )Error fetching groups for user "{0}": {1} conn.error.fetching-groupdesc /Error fetching description for group "{0}": {1} conn.error.fetching-userdesc .Error fetching description for user "{0}": {1} conn.error.fetching-groups Error fetching groups: {0} conn.error.fetching-users Error fetching users: {0} conn.error.fetching-tiered 8Error determining if tiered licensing is being used: {0} conn.error.fetching-topic-type =Error fetching window type for topic "{1}" in area "{0}": {2} conn.error.apply-failed Error applying {0}: {1} conn.error.no-such-user No such user "{0}" conn.error.no-such-groups No such group "{0}" conn.error.no-such-area No such area "{0}" conn.error.no-such-topic !No such topic "{1}" in area "{0}" conn.error.topic-mismatch 0Topic type mismatch in topic "{1}" in area "{0}" conn.error.file-not-found File not found: "{0}" cache.error.delete-files 2Could not delete many cache files, including "{0}" cache.error.delete-file %Could not delete the cache file "{0}" cache.error.disk-create 7Unable to create new entry "{0}" in the disk cache: {1} cache.error.disk-create-10 AUnable to create new entry in the disk cache - 10 attempts failed cache.error.unknown-idclass Unknown entry ID class "{0}" cache.error.unknown-idtype Unknown entry ID type "{0}" cache.error.unknown-type Unknown entry type "{0}" cache.error.invalid-idclass 1Invalid entry ID class "{0}" for entry type "{1}" cache.error.read-io (I/O Error reading cache entry "{0}": {1} cache.error.read-oom ,Out of memory reading cache entry "{0}": {1} cache.error.readid-io +I/O Error reading cache entry ID "{0}": {1} cache.error.readid-oom /Out of memory reading cache entry ID "{0}": {1} cache.error.server-mismatch CServer mismatch - connector has "{0}", but entry ID requested "{1}" cache.error.no-divetable %Unable to produce DiveTable for "{0}" cache.error.build Cache entry build error: {0} cache.error.build-oom -Out of memory building cache entry "{0}": {1} cache.error.render-html 'Cannot render window type "{0}" to HTML cache.error.render-pdf &Cannot render window type "{0}" to PDF cache.error.render-text 'Cannot render window type "{0}" to TEXT cache.error.render-image +Cannot render window type "{0}" to an image cache.error.render-table *Cannot render window type "{0}" to a table cache.error.rendering !Error rendering window "{0}": {1} cache.error.rendering-table-data Error in table data: "{0}" cache.error.rendering-headless cache.error.image-format Image format "{0}" not supported cache.error.multi-delim OInvalid text delimiter "{1}" in "{0}": Multi-character delimiters not supported db.debug.saving Saving portal database db.error.saving !Error saving portal database: {0} db.error.invalid-object-type #Invalid object type "{1}" for "{0}" db.error.missing-attr Missing attribute "{0}" in "{1}" db.error.invalid-attr Invalid attribute "{0}" in "{1}" db.error.id-not-found Cannot find ID "{0}" in "{1}" db.error.id-already-exists ID "{0}" already exists db.error.name-already-exists Name "{0}" already exists db.error.name-already-exists-in Name "{0}" already exists in {1} db.error.app-mismatch 3Portlet "{0}" does not match application path "{1}" db.error.too-many-modules Module limit ({0}) exceeded db.error.too-many-pages Page limit ({0}) exceeded db.error.too-many-portlets Portlet limit ({0}) exceeded db.error.too-many-instances %Portlet instance limit ({0}) exceeded db.error.future-version This portal database is version {0}, but this portal can only parse database version {1}. You may need to upgrade this portal. db.error.too-old \This portal database is too old to be understood by this software. Database version is {0}. db.error.loading "Error loading portal database: {0} db.error.create-log-dir !Cannot create log directory "{0}" db.error.write-log Cannot write to log file "{0}" db.convert.m (Converting portal database (version {0}) db.convert.versions !Old Version: {0} New Version: {1} db.debug.saved Finished saving portal database db.debug.converted (Loaded old portal database (version {0}) db.debug.loaded $Loaded portal database (version {0}) db.debug.num-portlets {0} portlets pcon.error.no-portlets No portlets found pcon.error.init-portlet ?Initialization exception in portlet. The portlet "{1}" in the application "{0}" threw the following exception during initialization: {2} pcon.error.portlet-io jI/O exception in portlet. The portlet "{1}" in the application "{0}" threw the following IOException: {2} pcon.error.portlet-exception dException in portlet. The portlet "{1}" in the application "{0}" threw the following Exception: {2} pcon.error.unexpected-file ?Unexpected file in portlets location. The path "{0}" cannot be understood as a portlet. It is neither a ''.war'' file, nor a directory pcon.error.missing-desc SMissing descriptor. There is no "{1}" descriptor file in the portlet context "{0}" pcon.error.invalid-desc WInvalid descriptor. The descriptor file "{1}" in the application "{0}" is invalid: {2} pcon.error.classloader iCannot create application ClassLoader. A ClassLoader could not be created for the application "{0}": {1} pcon.error.class-not-found tPortlet class not found. The portlet class "{2}" could not be loaded for the portlet "{1}" in the application "{0}" pcon.error.class-not-portlet Portlet class doesn''t implement portlet spec. The portlet class "{2}" does not implement the javax.portlet.Portlet interface, in the portlet "{1}" in the application "{0}" pcon.error.cannot-instantiate ?Portlet class cannot be instantiated. The portlet class "{2}" could not be instantiated in the portlet "{1}" in the application "{0}": {3} pcon.error.no-direct ?Unable to complete portlet direct request. The portlet class "{2}" does not inherit DIDirectRequest, in the portlet "{1}" in the application "{0}" pcon.error.invalid-resource-path ZInvalid resource path. The servlet container did not accept "{0}" as a resource path: {1} pcon.error.opening-war @Error opening WAR file. Unable to open the WAR file "{0}" : {1} app.error.log-to-file -I/O Exception while writing to log file "{0}" app.error.no-dataroot.m Portal dataroot not found: "{0}" app.error.no-dataroot.d YMake sure that the "{0}" setting is properly configured in the portal''s ''web.xml'' file app.error.backup-failed ,Automatic portal database backup failed: {0} app.error.cacheroot-create -Unable to create cacheroot directory at "{0}" app.error.cache Cache error: {0} app.error.lockfile-gone $Database lock file "{0}" disappeared app.error.lockfile-gone-for-good DDatabase lock file "{0}" disappeared and could not be recreated: {1} app.error.lockfile-gone.d =Another program may have been working on the portal database. app.error.deleting-old-backup 6Unable to delete old portal database backup file "{0}" app.error.deleting-old-db /Unable to delete old portal database file "{0}" app.error.backing-up EUnable to rename portal database file "{0}" to create backup at "{1}" app.error.renaming 8Unable to rename new portal database file "{0}" to "{1}" app.error.container Container error: {0} app.error.fetching-users sPermission denied while fetching users as "{0}". Perhaps the DiveLine Administrator Username setting is incorrect. app.error.diveline-not-set :The DiveLine Server portal setting has not been configured app.error.admin-not-set ?The DiveLine administrator username setting has not been configured. It must be set for the portal to access DiveLine users and groups. app.error.admin-not-found No DiveLine Administrator app.error.admin-not-found.d eThe DiveLine administrator username setting is not configured properly. No such user ''{0}'' exists. app.error.db-io 2I/O Error while writing the portal database: "{0}" app.warn.load-exceptions /Container reports {0} portlet load exception(s) app.warn.extra-users )Some users have disappeared from DiveLine app.warn.extra-users.detail ÊThe following users are being remembered in the portal database, but were not found on the DiveLine server. To delete these users from the portal database, go to the 'Users' tab in 'Configure' mode.{0} app.warn.extra-groups *Some groups have disappeared from DiveLine app.warn.extra-groups.detail ÍThe following groups are being remembered in the portal database, but were not found on the DiveLine server. To delete these groups from the portal database, go to the 'Groups' tab in 'Configure' mode.{0} app.warn.extra-portlets VSome portlets have disappeared from the portlet store, or failed during initialization app.debug.num-portlets AContainer reports {0} portlet application(s), with {1} portlet(s) srv.info.failed-logon.m )Failed logon attempt for user "{0}" ({1}) srv.info.failed-logon.d IP Address: {0} srv.info.user-disabled User is disabled srv.info.guest-user Guest User srv.info.user User {0} srv.info.connect {0} connected srv.info.logon {0} logged on srv.info.logoff {0} logged off srv.info.timeout {0} timed out srv.info.timeout-seconds Timeout seconds: {0} srv.info.shutdown -{0} disconnected because of a server shutdown srv.info.logon-details IP Address: {0} Session ID:{1} srv.info.external-logoff (User logged off in enclosing application srv.error.not-logged-on ,You must be logged on to connect to DiveLine srv.error.too-many-sessions Session limit ({0}) exceeded srv.error.loading-resource !Error loading resource "{0}": {1} srv.error.logon-failed Logon Failed "srv.error.proxy-not-diveport-admin 9Must be a DivePort administrator to perform a Proxy Logon "srv.error.proxy-not-diveline-admin 9Must be a DiveLine administrator to perform a Proxy Logon $srv.error.proxy-must-change-password ;Cannot proxy as that user - they must change their password srv.error.no-username No username entered srv.error.diveline-user-disabled )The DiveLine user "{0}" has been disabled srv.error.diveport-user-disabled )The DivePort user "{0}" has been disabled (srv.error.custom-authenticator.exception BAn error occurred while running the custom authentication: ''{0}'' #srv.error.custom-authenticator.null 3The custom authenticator did not return a username. $srv.error.custom-authenticator.logon JAn error occurred while logging in using the custom authenticator: ''{0}'' srv.error.setting-user-info *There was an error while setting user info srv.error.cannot-lock-config OUnable to lock the DiveLine configuration. Perhaps someome else is editing it. ui.error.invalid-setting Invalid Setting ui.error.invalid-max-disk-entry 5The maximum disk entry size must be greater than zero ui.error.invalid-max-disk-usage 0The maximum disk usage must be greater than zero ui.error.invalid-keep-days VThe number of days to keep log entries must be greater than zero, and less than 10,000 !ui.error.invalid-max-memory-entry 7The maximum memory entry size must be greater than zero !ui.error.invalid-max-memory-usage 2The maximum memory usage must be greater than zero ui.error.invalid-session-timeout 5The session timeout setting must be at least 1 minute #ui.error.invalid-min-cache-interval =The minimum cache interval setting must not be less than zero #ui.error.invalid-max-cache-interval =The maximum cache interval setting must not be less than zero ui.error.portlet-name-exists ?Cannot copy the portlet, because the name "{0}" is already taken by another portlet in that application (path "{1}", portlet id "{2}") ui.error.invalid-url Invalid URL ui.error.missing-destination Missing portlet destination ui.error.missing-field 6Missing field "{1}" in config action (action id "{0}") ui.error.missing-action Missing action token ui.error.missing-id Missing ID token ui.error.missing-pageid #No page ID was specified in the URL ui.error.not-a-page-group YThe page with id "{0}" is not a page group. A different URL is needed to edit that page. ui.error.page-group UThe page with id "{0}" is a page group. A different URL is needed to edit that page. ui.error.in-request-url {0} in request URL "{1}" ui.error.invalid-role-id Invalid Role ID "{0}" ui.error.last-admin.m Cannot remove last administrator ui.error.last-admin.d áUser "{0}" is currently the only portal administrator. Since there must always be at least one portal administrator, you cannot revoke administrator privileges for that user until another user has been made an administrator. ui.error.guest-admin.m +Cannot make the guest user an administrator ui.error.guest-admin.d SUser "{0}" is currently the guest user. The guest user cannot be an administrator. ui.error.access-denied Access Denied ui.error.page-access DYou do not have access to the page "{0}" (page id "{1}", user "{2}") ui.error.page-priv-access OYou do not have privileged access to the page "{0}" (page id "{1}", user "{2}") ui.error.portlet-access JYou do not have access to the portlet "{0}" (portlet id "{1}", user "{2}") ui.error.portlet-priv-access UYou do not have privileged access to the portlet "{0}" (portlet id "{1}", user "{2}") ui.error.not-logged-on 8You are not logged on, so you may not access that action ui.error.not-admin ZYou are not an administrator (username "{0}"), so you may not access configuration actions ui.error.not-logged-on-v DYou are not logged on, so you may not access the configuration pages ui.error.not-admin-v \You are not an administrator (username "{0}"), so you may not access the configuration pages ui.error.missing-setting Missing Setting ui.error.missing-portlet-name )You must enter a name for the new portlet ui.error.invalid-selection Invalid Selection ui.error.portlet-selection ,You must select a portlet to add to the page ui.error.connection DiveLine Error: {0} ui.error.insecure-request Insecure Request ui.error.insecure-logon ?In order to log on, you must connect to the portal using the HTTPS protocol, which ensures that all communication is confidential. Please log on using HTTPS. ui.error.insecure-request-detail ?You must connect to the portal using the HTTPS protocol, which ensures that all communication is confidential. Please log on using HTTPS. "ui.error.parse.missing-token-after Missing token after "{0}" ui.error.parse.extra-token Extra token "{0}" ui.error.parse.missing-token Missing token "{0}" ui.error.parse.unexpected-token Unexpected token "{0}" !ui.error.parse.unrecognized-token Unrecognized token "{0}" !ui.error.parse.unrecognized-pmode Unrecognized portlet mode "{0}" ui.error.guest-user-disabled.m Guest User Access Disabled ui.error.guest-user-disabled.d QYour license does not permit you to assign a DiveLine username to the guest user. ui.error.no-such-user.m No Such User ui.error.no-such-user.d 7No user named "{0}" was found. Perhaps it was removed. ui.error.no-such-group.m No Such Group ui.error.no-such-group.d 8No group named "{0}" was found. Perhaps it was removed. ui.error.no-such-page.m No Such Page ui.error.no-such-page.d 9No page with id "{0}" was found. Perhaps it was removed. ui.error.not-page-group.m Not a Page Group ui.error.not-page-group.d VThe page with id "{0}" is not a page group. A page group is required for this action. ui.error.no-such-portlet.m No Such Portlet ui.error.no-such-portlet.d <No portlet with id "{0}" was found. Perhaps it was removed. ui.error.no-such-instance.m No Such Portlet Instance ui.error.no-such-instance.d ENo portlet instance with id "{0}" was found. Perhaps it was removed. ui.error.no-such-instance-p.d bNo portlet instance with id "{0}" was found in the page "{1}" (id "{2}"). Perhaps it was removed. ui.error.no-such-entry.m No Such Log Entry ui.error.no-such-entry.d >No log entry with id "{0}" was found. Perhaps it was removed. ui.error.sending-redirect.m Error Sending Redirect ui.error.sending-redirect.d *Redirect URI: "{0}" Exception Message: {1} ui.error.processing-action.m Error Processing Action ui.error.processing-action.d Exception: {0} ui.error.generating-page Error Generating Page: {0} ui.error.in-jsp Error in JSP "{0}" ui.error.portlet-mode-support 9The portlet "{0}" does not support the "{1}" portlet mode ui.error.prerender Error Prerendering Portlet: {0} ui.error.render Error Rendering Portlet: {0} ui.error.portlet-message "Error Sending Portlet Message: {0} ui.error.direct $Error In Portlet Direct Request: {0} ui.error.portlet-action Error In Portlet Action: {0} ui.error.password-mismatch Password Mismatch ui.error.password-mismatch.d *You did not enter the same password twice. ui.error.invalid-password Invalid password provided ui.error.cannot-change-password +You are not allowed to change your password ui.error.must-change-password.m (You are required to change your password ui.error.must-change-password.d JIf you do not wish to change your password at this time, you must log off. ui.error.session-expired Session Expired ui.error.session-expired.d ZYour session timed out. You will need to log back on in order to continue using DivePort. diportlets.error.io I/O Error: {0} 'diportlets.error.not-permitted-downlink TUser "{0}" is not permitted to DownLink, due to their current level of functionality %diportlets.error.not-permitted-launch VUser "{0}" is not permitted to launch {1}, due to their current level of functionality diportlets.error.not-configured D{0} cannot be launched, because it is not configured in this portal. diportlets.error.not-diveport.m Cannot Run In This Portal System diportlets.error.not-diveport.d nThis version of the DiveBook Portlet can only run under Dimensional Insight''s DivePort Portal System. ("{0}") diportlets.error.not-logged-on.m Not Logged On diportlets.error.not-logged-on.d *You must be logged on to use this portlet. diportlets.error.invalid-action Invalid Portlet Action diportlets.error.file-extension "Unexpected file extension in "{0}" diportlets.error.window-number >Action no longer applies because the window number has changed diportlets.error.no-areas.m DiveBook Has No Areas diportlets.error.no-areas.d /The DiveBook "{0}" contains no areas or topics. diportlets.error.config Error In Portlet Configuration "diportlets.error.missing-attribute Missing attribute "{0}" 'diportlets.error.unrecognized-attribute "Unrecognized attribute value "{0}" $diportlets.error.config-version.high nThe configuration script is version {0}, but this version of the portlet can only understand up to version {1} #diportlets.error.config-version.low pThe configuration script is version {0}, but this version of the portlet can only understand versions {1} and up !?? ? ?? ?? ? *· ± ?? ? ² ° ?? ? 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