Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\edeal\views\tab.js
Views.Tab = Views.Base.extend({ classType: "Views.Tab", tagName: "div", listenEvents: function() { //See Views.Base listenDefaultEvents() this.on("onrender", this.onRender); }, onRender: function() { if (!this.options.checked) { this.checkOptions(); this.options.checked = true; } this.options.tabgroupview.addTab(this); this.options.tabgroupview.$el.append($("#" + this.options.id).detach()); this.options.tabgroupview.refresh(); }, checkOptions: function() { var that = this; if (this.options.tabgroupid) { this.options.tabgroupview = edManager.getViewByID(this.options.tabgroupid); } else { console.log("your tab must be in a tab group !"); } if (!this.options.id) { this.options.id = Math.floor(Math.random()*5001); } if (!this.options.title) { this.options.title = "Titre non défini"; } }, removeTab: function(tabId) { $("#tab_" + tabId, this.options.tabgroup.$el).remove(); }, addTab: function(tabId, tabTitle) { $("ul", this.options.tabgroup.$el).append("<li><a href='#" + tabId + "'>" + tabTitle + "</a></li>"); var tabPanel = $("#" + tabId); if (!tabPanel.length == 0) { tabPanel = $("<div id='" + tabId + "' style='height:100%; width:100%'></div>"); } this.options.tabgroup.$el.append(tabPanel); } }); Views.TabList = Views.BaseList.extend({ classType: "Views.TabList", listenEvents: function() { //See Views.Base listenDefaultEvents() this.on("oninitialize", this.onInitialize); this.on("onrender", this.onRender); }, onInitialize: function() { this.options.forbiddenemptychildviews = true; }, onRender: function() { var that = this; this.$el.tabs({ active: 0, beforeActivate: function(event, ui) {return that.activate(event, ui);}, heightStyle: "content" }); }, refresh: function () { this.$el.tabs("refresh"); this.$el.tabs("option", {active: 0}); }, addTab: function(tabView) { $("ul", this.$el).append('<li><a href="#' + tabView.options.id + '">' + tabView.options.title + '</a></li>'); }, removeTab: function(tabView) { this.options.viewsinlist.remove(tabView); this.render(); }, activate: function(event, ui) { var oldPanelId = ui.oldPanel.attr("id"); var notifier = edNotification().getNotifier(); if (notifier) { notifier.options.childviews.each(function (viewItem) { var aView = viewItem.get("view"); //console.log(aView); if (aView.options.belongstotab) { if (aView.options.belongstotab == oldPanelId) { aView.options.dialogBox.dialog("widget").css('display', 'none'); } else { //console.log(aView.options.dialogBox.dialog("widget")); aView.options.dialogBox.dialog("widget").css('display', ''); } } }); } }, });
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