Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\edeal\views\webForm.js
Views.WebForm = Views.Base.extend({ classType: "Views.WebForm", tagName: "div", listenEvents: function() { //See Views.Base listenDefaultEvents() this.on("beforeinitialize", this.beforeInitialize); this.on("oninitialize", this.onInitialize); }, beforeInitialize: function() { if (this.options.asynchronous) { this.options.async = this.options.asynchronous; } }, onInitialize: function() { this.questionsList = new Backbone.Collection(); }, selectTemplate: function() { this._originalCSS = null; return this.options.descriptor.templates.standard; }, submitForm: function() { var that = this; var oneInputOnError = false; // console.log(this.questionsList); this.questionsList.each(function(viewItem) { var aWebFormQuestion = viewItem.get("view"); aWebFormQuestion.options.childviews.each(function(anInput){ var inputView = anInput.get("view"); if (inputView._isOnError) { oneInputOnError = true; } }); }); if (oneInputOnError) { alert("Certains champs sont en erreur. Veuillez les renseigner."); } else { this.postResponses(); } }, postResponses: function() { var that = this; var url = this.model.get("ReturnPostURL"); var data = this.buildResponseObject(); $.ajax({ url: url , data: data, type: "POST", dataType:"json", context: this, //timeout: 5000, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $("#webFormContent").hide(); $("#webFormConclusion").show(); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { that.displayError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); console.log("error :"); console.log("jqXHR :"); console.log(jqXHR); console.log("textStatus :"); console.log(textStatus); console.log("errorThrown :"); console.log(errorThrown); } }); }, displayError: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var str = "An error has occured <br/>"; str += "Status : " + jqXHR.status + "<br/>"; str += "Status text : " + jqXHR.statusText + "<br/>"; $("#webFormErrors").html(str); $("#webFormContent").hide(); $("#webFormErrors").show(); }, buildResponseObject: function() { var toReturn = ""; var that = this; toReturn += '{"FrmID":"' + this.model.get("FrmID") + '",'; toReturn += '"FrpID":"' + this.model.get("FrpID") + '",'; toReturn += '"FrmSeqNum":"' + this.model.get("FrmSeqNum") + '",'; toReturn += '"FrpToken":"' + this.model.get("FrpToken") + '",'; var utk = edApplication().utk; if (utk) { toReturn += '"utk":"' + utk + '",'; } toReturn += '"Responses":['; var k=0; var insertComa = false; this.questionsList.each(function(viewItem) { if (insertComa) { toReturn += ','; } var aWebFormQuestion = viewItem.get("view"); var oneAnswerFound = false; aWebFormQuestion.options.childviews.each(function(anInput){ var inputView = anInput.get("view"); if (inputView.classType != "VIEWS.LABEL") { oneAnswerFound = true; toReturn += '{"QrsFrpID":"' + that.model.get("FrpID") + '",'; toReturn += '"FqtID":"' + aWebFormQuestion.model.get("FqtID") + '",'; if (aWebFormQuestion.model.get("FqtType") == "REF") { toReturn += '"QrsRefValID":"' + inputView.model.get("value") + '"'; } else { if (aWebFormQuestion.model.get("FqtType") == "LST") { toReturn += '"QrsPosition":"' + inputView.model.get("value") + '"'; } else { toReturn += '"QrsText":"' + inputView.model.get("value") + '"'; } } } }); k++; if (oneAnswerFound) { toReturn += '}'; insertComa = true; } else { insertComa = false; } }); toReturn += ']'; toReturn += "}"; return toReturn; } }); Views.WebFormList = Views.BaseList.extend({ classType: "Views.WebFormList", listenEvents: function() { //See Views.Base listenDefaultEvents() this.on("beforeinitialize", this.beforeInitialize); }, beforeInitialize: function() { if (this.options.asynchronous) { this.options.async = this.options.asynchronous; } } });
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