Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\grid\jquery.tableresizer.js
/** * jQuery TableResizer * Version 0.1 - 23/04/2008 * @author Dale Harvey <harveyd@gmail.com> * * A lightweight plugin that creates resizable tables * **/ (function($) { $.fn.tableresizer = function(options) { $.fn.tableresizer.defaults = { col_border : "2px solid #666", row_border : "2px solid #666" }; // default options used on initialisation // and arguments used on later calls var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.tableresizer.defaults, options); var args = arguments; /** * Make table columns resizable */ var resize_columns = function(root) { var tbl = root.children("table"); var tr = tbl.find("tr:first"); var header,newwidth; var resize = false; root.width(tbl.width()); tr.children("th").css("border-right",opts.col_border); var left_pos = root.offset().left; endresize = function() { if(resize == true && header != null) { document.onselectstart=new Function ("return true"); resize = false; root.children("table").css("cursor",""); } }; tbl.mousemove(function(e) { var left = (e.clientX - left_pos); if(resize) { // when jquery includes dimensions into core, use that // to get implicit with instead of subtracting padding var width = left - (header.offset().left - left_pos) - parseInt(header.css("padding-left")) - parseInt(header.css("padding-right")); if(width > 1) { var current_width = header.width(); // If expanding, resize container first, else resize // column then container. otherwise the adjacent // cells resize if(width > current_width) { var total = root.width() + ((width - header.width())); root.width(total); header.width(width); } else { header.width(width); // check the header resize (might have // a min width if(header.width() == width) { var total = root.width() + ((width - current_width)); root.width(total); } } newwidth = width; } } else { if(e.target.nodeName == "TH") { // nasty calculation to check the mouse is on / around // the border to a header var tgt = $(e.target); var dosize = (left-(tgt.offset().left-left_pos) > tgt.width()-4); $(this).css("cursor",dosize?"col-resize":""); } } }); tbl.mouseup(function(e) { endresize(); }); tbl.bind("mouseleave",function(e) { endresize(); return false; }); tr.mousedown(function(e) { if(e.target.nodeName == "TH" && $(this).css("cursor") == "col-resize") { header = $(e.target); resize = true; // Stop ie selecting text document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false"); } return false; }); tr.bind('mouseleave',function(e) { if(!resize) root.children("table").css("cursor",""); }); }; /** * Make table rows resizable */ var resize_rows = function(root) { var tbl = root.find("table"); var row,newheight; var rows = root.find("tr").children("td:nth-child(1)"); var resize = false; var top = root.offset().top; rows.css("border-bottom",opts.row_border); rows.mousemove(function(e) { var x = (e.clientY - top) + document.documentElement.scrollTop; if(resize) { var height = x - (row.offset().top - top); row.height(height); newheight = height; } else { var cursor = (x - ($(this).offset().top - top) > $(this).height() - 2) ? "row-resize" : ""; tbl.css("cursor",cursor); } }); rows.mousedown(function(e) { if(tbl.css("cursor") == "row-resize") { row = $(e.target); resize = true; // Stop ie selecting text document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false"); } return false; }); tbl.mouseup(function(e) { document.onselectstart=new Function ("return true"); row = null; resize = false; tbl.css("cursor",""); }); }; /** * Entry point */ return this.each(function() { var root = $(this).wrap("<div class='roottbl' />").parent(); resize_columns(root); resize_rows(root); }); }; })(jQuery);
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