Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\json-rpc\jsonrpc.js
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Develnix.com * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * This code has been originally taken from JSON/XML-RPC Client * <http://code.google.com/p/json-xml-rpc/>. * * It has been modified to support only JSON-RPC * * JSON/XML-RPC Client <http://code.google.com/p/json-xml-rpc/> * Version: (2007-12-06) * Copyright: 2007, Weston Ruter <http://weston.ruter.net/> * License: Dual licensed under MIT <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/MIT/> * and GPL <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/> licenses. * * Original inspiration for the design of this implementation is from jsolait, from which * are taken the "ServiceProxy" name and the interface for synchronous method calls. */ var JsonRpc = { version:"", requestCount: 0 }; JsonRpc.ServiceProxy = function (serviceUrl, options) { this.__serviceURL = serviceUrl; this.__isCrossSite = false; var urlParts = this.__serviceURL.match(/^(\w+:)\/\/([^\/]+?)(?::(\d+))?(?:$|\/)/); if (urlParts) { this.__isCrossSite = ( location.protocol != urlParts[1] || document.domain != urlParts[2] || location.port != (urlParts[3] || "") ); } if (this.__isCrossSite) { throw new Error("Cross site rpc not supported yet"); } //Set other default options var providedMethodList; this.__isAsynchronous = true; this.__authUsername = null; this.__authPassword = null; this.__dateEncoding = 'ISO8601'; // ("@timestamp@" || "@ticks@") || "classHinting" || "ASP.NET" this.__decodeISO8601 = true; //JSON only //Get the provided options if (options instanceof Object) { if (options.asynchronous !== undefined) { this.__isAsynchronous = !!options.asynchronous; } if (options.user != undefined) this.__authUsername = options.user; if (options.password != undefined) this.__authPassword = options.password; if (options.dateEncoding != undefined) this.__dateEncoding = options.dateEncoding; if (options.decodeISO8601 != undefined) this.__decodeISO8601 = !!options.decodeISO8601; providedMethodList = options.methods; } // Obtain the list of methods made available by the server if (providedMethodList) { this.__methodList = providedMethodList; } else { var async = this.__isAsynchronous; this.__isAsynchronous = false; this.__methodList = this.__callMethod("system.listMethods", []); this.__isAsynchronous = async; } this.__methodList.push("system.listMethods"); //Create local "wrapper" functions which reference the methods obtained above for (var methodName, i = 0; methodName = this.__methodList[i]; i++) { //Make available the received methods in the form of chained property lists (eg. "parent.child.methodName") var methodObject = this; var propChain = methodName.split(/\./); for (var j = 0; j + 1 < propChain.length; j++) { if (!methodObject[propChain[j]]) methodObject[propChain[j]] = {}; methodObject = methodObject[propChain[j]]; } //Create a wrapper to this.__callMethod with this instance and this methodName bound var wrapper = (function(instance, methodName) { var call = {instance:instance, methodName:methodName}; //Pass parameters into closure return function() { if (call.instance.__isAsynchronous) { if (arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0] instanceof Object) { call.instance.__callMethod(call.methodName, arguments[0].params, arguments[0].onSuccess, arguments[0].onException, arguments[0].onComplete); } else { call.instance.__callMethod(call.methodName, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } return undefined; } else return call.instance.__callMethod(call.methodName, JsonRpc.toArray(arguments)); }; })(this, methodName); methodObject[propChain[propChain.length - 1]] = wrapper; } }; JsonRpc.setAsynchronous = function(serviceProxy, isAsynchronous) { serviceProxy.__isAsynchronous = !!isAsynchronous; }; JsonRpc.ServiceProxy.prototype.__callMethod = function(methodName, params, successHandler, exceptionHandler, completeHandler) { JsonRpc.requestCount++; //Verify that successHandler, exceptionHandler, and completeHandler are functions if (this.__isAsynchronous) { if (successHandler && typeof successHandler != 'function') throw Error('The asynchronous onSuccess handler callback function you provided is invalid; the value you provided (' + successHandler.toString() + ') is of type "' + typeof(successHandler) + '".'); if (exceptionHandler && typeof exceptionHandler != 'function') throw Error('The asynchronous onException handler callback function you provided is invalid; the value you provided (' + exceptionHandler.toString() + ') is of type "' + typeof(exceptionHandler) + '".'); if (completeHandler && typeof completeHandler != 'function') throw Error('The asynchronous onComplete handler callback function you provided is invalid; the value you provided (' + completeHandler.toString() + ') is of type "' + typeof(completeHandler) + '".'); } try { //Assign the provided callback function to the response lookup table if (this.__isAsynchronous) { JsonRpc.pendingRequests[String(JsonRpc.requestCount)] = { //method:methodName, onSuccess:successHandler, onException:exceptionHandler, onComplete:completeHandler }; } //Obtain and verify the parameters if (params && (!(params instanceof Object) || params instanceof Date)) //JSON-RPC 1.1 allows params to be a hash not just an array throw Error('When making asynchronous calls, the parameters for the method must be passed as an array (or a hash); the value you supplied (' + String(params) + ') is of type "' + typeof(params) + '".'); //Prepare the XML-RPC request var request,postData; request = { version:"2.0", method:methodName, id:JsonRpc.requestCount }; if (params) request.params = params; postData = this.__toJSON(request); //XMLHttpRequest chosen (over Ajax.Request) because it propogates uncaught exceptions var xhr; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch(err) { xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } } xhr.open('POST', this.__serviceURL, this.__isAsynchronous, this.__authUsername, this.__authPassword); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); if (this.__isAsynchronous) { //Send the request xhr.send(postData); //Handle the response var instance = this; var requestInfo = {id:JsonRpc.requestCount}; //for XML-RPC since the 'request' object cannot contain request ID xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { //XML-RPC var response = instance.__evalJSON(xhr.responseText, instance.__isResponseSanitized); if (!response.id) response.id = requestInfo.id; instance.__doCallback(response); } }; return undefined; } else { //Send the request xhr.send(postData); var response; response = this.__evalJSON(xhr.responseText, this.__isResponseSanitized); //Note that this error must be caught with a try/catch block instead of by passing a onException callback if (response.error) throw Error('Unable to call "' + methodName + '". Server responsed with error (code ' + response.error.code + '): ' + response.error.message); this.__upgradeValuesFromJSON(response); return response.result; } } catch(err) { //err.locationCode = PRE-REQUEST Cleint var isCaught = false; if (exceptionHandler) isCaught = exceptionHandler(err); //add error location if (completeHandler) completeHandler(); if (!isCaught) throw err; } }; //This acts as a lookup table for the response callback to execute the user-defined // callbacks and to clean up after a request JsonRpc.pendingRequests = {}; //Ad hoc cross-site callback functions keyed by request ID; when a cross-site request // is made, a function is created JsonRpc.callbacks = {}; //Called by asychronous calls when their responses have loaded JsonRpc.ServiceProxy.prototype.__doCallback = function(response) { if (typeof response != 'object') throw Error('The server did not respond with a response object.'); if (!response.id) throw Error('The server did not respond with the required response id for asynchronous calls.'); if (!JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id]) throw Error('Fatal error with RPC code: no ID "' + response.id + '" found in pendingRequests.'); //Remove the SCRIPT element from the DOM tree for cross-site (JSON-in-Script) requests if (JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].scriptElement) { var script = JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].scriptElement; script.parentNode.removeChild(script); } //Remove the ad hoc cross-site callback function if (JsonRpc.callbacks[response.id]) delete JsonRpc.callbacks['r' + response.id]; var uncaughtExceptions = []; //Handle errors returned by the server if (response.error !== undefined) { var err = new Error(response.error.message); err.code = response.error.code; //err.locationCode = SERVER if (JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].onException) { try { if (!JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].onException(err)) uncaughtExceptions.push(err); } catch(err2) { //If the onException handler also fails uncaughtExceptions.push(err); uncaughtExceptions.push(err2); } } else uncaughtExceptions.push(err); } //Process the valid result else if (response.result !== undefined) { //iterate over all values and substitute date strings with Date objects //Note that response.result is not passed because the values contained // need to be modified by reference, and the only way to do so is // but accessing an object's properties. Thus an extra level of // abstraction allows for accessing all of the results members by reference. this.__upgradeValuesFromJSON(response); if (JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].onSuccess) { try { JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].onSuccess(response.result); } //If the onSuccess callback itself fails, then call the onException handler as above catch(err) { //err3.locationCode = CLIENT; if (JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].onException) { try { if (!JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].onException(err)) uncaughtExceptions.push(err); } catch(err2) { //If the onException handler also fails uncaughtExceptions.push(err); uncaughtExceptions.push(err2); } } else uncaughtExceptions.push(err); } } } //Call the onComplete handler try { if (JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].onComplete) JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].onComplete(response); } catch(err) { //If the onComplete handler fails //err3.locationCode = CLIENT; if (JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].onException) { try { if (!JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id].onException(err)) uncaughtExceptions.push(err); } catch(err2) { //If the onException handler also fails uncaughtExceptions.push(err); uncaughtExceptions.push(err2); } } else uncaughtExceptions.push(err); } delete JsonRpc.pendingRequests[response.id]; //Merge any exception raised by onComplete into the previous one(s) and throw it if (uncaughtExceptions.length) { var code; var message = 'There ' + (uncaughtExceptions.length == 1 ? 'was 1 uncaught exception' : 'were ' + uncaughtExceptions.length + ' uncaught exceptions') + ': '; for (var i = 0; i < uncaughtExceptions.length; i++) { if (i) message += "; "; message += uncaughtExceptions[i].message; if (uncaughtExceptions[i].code) code = uncaughtExceptions[i].code; } var err = new Error(message); err.code = code; throw err; } }; /******************************************************************************************* * JSON-RPC Specific Functions ******************************************************************************************/ JsonRpc.ServiceProxy.prototype.__toJSON = function(value) { switch (typeof value) { case 'number': return isFinite(value) ? value.toString() : 'null'; case 'boolean': return value.toString(); case 'string': //Taken from Ext JSON.js var specialChars = { "\b": '\\b', "\t": '\\t', "\n": '\\n', "\f": '\\f', "\r": '\\r', '"' : '\\"', "\\": '\\\\', "/" : '\/' }; return '"' + value.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g, function(a, b) { var c = specialChars[b]; if (c) return c; c = b.charCodeAt(); //return "\\u00" + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16); return '\\u00' + JsonRpc.zeroPad(c.toString(16)); }) + '"'; case 'object': if (value === null) return 'null'; else if (value instanceof Array) { var json = ['[']; //Ext's JSON.js reminds me that Array.join is faster than += in MSIE for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { if (i) json.push(','); json.push(this.__toJSON(value[i])); } json.push(']'); return json.join(''); } else if (value instanceof Date) { switch (this.__dateEncoding) { case 'classHinting': //{"__jsonclass__":["constructor", [param1,...]], "prop1": ...} return '{"__jsonclass__":["Date",[' + value.valueOf() + ']]}'; case '@timestamp@': case '@ticks@': return '"@' + value.valueOf() + '@"'; case 'ASP.NET': return '"\\/Date(' + value.valueOf() + ')\\/"'; default: return '"' + JsonRpc.dateToISO8601(value) + '"'; } } else if (value instanceof Number || value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean) return this.__toJSON(value.valueOf()); else { var useHasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty ? true : false; //From Ext's JSON.js var json = ['{']; for (var key in value) { if (!useHasOwn || value.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (json.length > 1) json.push(','); json.push(this.__toJSON(key) + ':' + this.__toJSON(value[key])); } } json.push('}'); return json.join(''); } //case 'undefined': //case 'function': //case 'unknown': //default: } throw new TypeError('Unable to convert the value of type "' + typeof(value) + '" to JSON.'); //(' + String(value) + ') }; JsonRpc.isJSON = function(string) { //from Prototype String.isJSON() var testStr = string.replace(/\\./g, '@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"/g, ''); return (/^[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]*$/).test(testStr); }; JsonRpc.ServiceProxy.prototype.__evalJSON = function(json, sanitize) { //from Prototype String.evalJSON() //Remove security comment delimiters json = json.replace(/^\/\*-secure-([\s\S]*)\*\/\s*$/, "$1"); var err; try { if (!sanitize || JsonRpc.isJSON(json)) return eval('(' + json + ')'); } catch(e) { err = e; } throw new SyntaxError('Badly formed JSON string: ' + json + " ... " + (err ? err.message : '')); }; //This function iterates over the properties of the passed object and converts them // into more appropriate data types, i.e. ISO8601 strings are converted to Date objects. JsonRpc.ServiceProxy.prototype.__upgradeValuesFromJSON = function(obj) { var matches, useHasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty ? true : false; for (var key in obj) { if (!useHasOwn || obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { //Parse date strings if (typeof obj[key] == 'string') { //ISO8601 if (this.__decodeISO8601 && (matches = obj[key].match(/^(?:(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)(?:-(\d\d)(?:T(\d\d)(?::(\d\d)(?::(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?)?)?)$/))) { obj[key] = new Date(0); if (matches[1]) obj[key].setUTCFullYear(parseInt(matches[1])); if (matches[2]) obj[key].setUTCMonth(parseInt(matches[2] - 1)); if (matches[3]) obj[key].setUTCDate(parseInt(matches[3])); if (matches[4]) obj[key].setUTCHours(parseInt(matches[4])); if (matches[5]) obj[key].setUTCMinutes(parseInt(matches[5])); if (matches[6]) obj[key].setUTCMilliseconds(parseInt(matches[6])); } //@timestamp@ / @ticks@ else if (matches = obj[key].match(/^@(\d+)@$/)) { obj[key] = new Date(parseInt(matches[1])) } //ASP.NET else if (matches = obj[key].match(/^\/Date\((\d+)\)\/$/)) { obj[key] = new Date(parseInt(matches[1])) } } else if (obj[key] instanceof Object) { //JSON 1.0 Class Hinting: {"__jsonclass__":["constructor", [param1,...]], "prop1": ...} if (obj[key].__jsonclass__ instanceof Array) { //console.info('good1'); if (obj[key].__jsonclass__[0] == 'Date') { //console.info('good2'); if (obj[key].__jsonclass__[1] instanceof Array && obj[key].__jsonclass__[1][0]) obj[key] = new Date(obj[key].__jsonclass__[1][0]); else obj[key] = new Date(); } } else this.__upgradeValuesFromJSON(obj[key]); } } } }; /******************************************************************************************* * Other helper functions ******************************************************************************************/ //Takes an array or hash and coverts it into a query string, converting dates to ISO8601 // and throwing an exception if nested hashes or nested arrays appear. JsonRpc.toQueryString = function(params) { if (!(params instanceof Object || params instanceof Array) || params instanceof Date) throw Error('You must supply either an array or object type to convert into a query string. You supplied: ' + params.constructor); var str = ''; var useHasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty ? true : false; for (var key in params) { if (useHasOwn && params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { //Process an array if (params[key] instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < params[key].length; i++) { if (str) str += '&'; str += encodeURIComponent(key) + "="; if (params[key][i] instanceof Date) str += encodeURIComponent(JsonRpc.dateToISO8601(params[key][i])); else if (params[key][i] instanceof Object) throw Error('Unable to pass nested arrays nor objects as parameters while in making a cross-site request. The object in question has this constructor: ' + params[key][i].constructor); else str += encodeURIComponent(String(params[key][i])); } } else { if (str) str += '&'; str += encodeURIComponent(key) + "="; if (params[key] instanceof Date) str += encodeURIComponent(JsonRpc.dateToISO8601(params[key])); else if (params[key] instanceof Object) throw Error('Unable to pass objects as parameters while in making a cross-site request. The object in question has this constructor: ' + params[key].constructor); else str += encodeURIComponent(String(params[key])); } } } return str; }; //Converts an iterateable value into an array; similar to Prototype's $A function JsonRpc.toArray = function(value) { //if(value && value.length){ if (value instanceof Array) return value; var array = []; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) array.push(value[i]); return array; //} //throw Error("Unable to convert to an array the value: " + String(value)); }; //Returns an ISO8601 string *in UTC* for the provided date (Prototype's Date.toJSON() returns localtime) JsonRpc.dateToISO8601 = function(date) { //var jsonDate = date.toJSON(); //return jsonDate.substring(1, jsonDate.length-1); //strip double quotes return date.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + JsonRpc.zeroPad(date.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + JsonRpc.zeroPad(date.getUTCDate()) + 'T' + JsonRpc.zeroPad(date.getUTCHours()) + ':' + JsonRpc.zeroPad(date.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' + JsonRpc.zeroPad(date.getUTCSeconds()) + '.' + //Prototype's Date.toJSON() method does not include milliseconds JsonRpc.zeroPad(date.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3); }; JsonRpc.zeroPad = function(value, width) { if (!width) width = 2; value = (value == undefined ? '' : String(value)) while (value.length < width) value = '0' + value; return value; };
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