Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\timeline\api\scripts\band.js
/*================================================= * * Coding standards: * * We aim towards Douglas Crockford's Javascript conventions. * See: http://javascript.crockford.com/code.html * See also: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/javascript.html * * That said, this JS code was written before some recent JS * support libraries became widely used or available. * In particular, the _ character is used to indicate a class function or * variable that should be considered private to the class. * * The code mostly uses accessor methods for getting/setting the private * class variables. * * Over time, we'd like to formalize the convention by using support libraries * which enforce privacy in objects. * * We also want to use jslint: http://www.jslint.com/ * * *================================================== */ /*================================================== * Band *================================================== */ Timeline._Band = function(timeline, bandInfo, index) { // Set up the band's object // Munge params: If autoWidth is on for the Timeline, then ensure that // bandInfo.width is an integer if (timeline.autoWidth && typeof bandInfo.width == 'string') { bandInfo.width = bandInfo.width.indexOf("%") > -1 ? 0 : parseInt(bandInfo.width); } this._timeline = timeline; this._bandInfo = bandInfo; this._index = index; this._locale = ("locale" in bandInfo) ? bandInfo.locale : Timeline.getDefaultLocale(); this._timeZone = ("timeZone" in bandInfo) ? bandInfo.timeZone : 0; this._labeller = ("labeller" in bandInfo) ? bandInfo.labeller : (("createLabeller" in timeline.getUnit()) ? timeline.getUnit().createLabeller(this._locale, this._timeZone) : new Timeline.GregorianDateLabeller(this._locale, this._timeZone)); this._theme = bandInfo.theme; this._zoomIndex = ("zoomIndex" in bandInfo) ? bandInfo.zoomIndex : 0; this._zoomSteps = ("zoomSteps" in bandInfo) ? bandInfo.zoomSteps : null; this._dragging = false; this._changing = false; this._originalScrollSpeed = 5; // pixels this._scrollSpeed = this._originalScrollSpeed; this._onScrollListeners = []; var b = this; this._syncWithBand = null; this._syncWithBandHandler = function(band) { b._onHighlightBandScroll(); }; this._selectorListener = function(band) { b._onHighlightBandScroll(); }; /* * Install a textbox to capture keyboard events */ var inputDiv = this._timeline.getDocument().createElement("div"); inputDiv.className = "timeline-band-input"; this._timeline.addDiv(inputDiv); this._keyboardInput = document.createElement("input"); this._keyboardInput.type = "text"; inputDiv.appendChild(this._keyboardInput); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEventWithObject(this._keyboardInput, "keydown", this, "_onKeyDown"); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEventWithObject(this._keyboardInput, "keyup", this, "_onKeyUp"); /* * The band's outer most div that slides with respect to the timeline's div */ this._div = this._timeline.getDocument().createElement("div"); this._div.id = "timeline-band-" + index; this._div.className = "timeline-band timeline-band-" + index; this._timeline.addDiv(this._div); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEventWithObject(this._div, "mousedown", this, "_onMouseDown"); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEventWithObject(this._div, "mousemove", this, "_onMouseMove"); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEventWithObject(this._div, "mouseup", this, "_onMouseUp"); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEventWithObject(this._div, "mouseout", this, "_onMouseOut"); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEventWithObject(this._div, "dblclick", this, "_onDblClick"); var mouseWheel = this._theme!= null ? this._theme.mouseWheel : 'scroll'; // theme is not always defined if (mouseWheel === 'zoom' || mouseWheel === 'scroll' || this._zoomSteps) { // capture mouse scroll if (SimileAjax.Platform.browser.isFirefox) { SimileAjax.DOM.registerEventWithObject(this._div, "DOMMouseScroll", this, "_onMouseScroll"); } else { SimileAjax.DOM.registerEventWithObject(this._div, "mousewheel", this, "_onMouseScroll"); } } /* * The inner div that contains layers */ this._innerDiv = this._timeline.getDocument().createElement("div"); this._innerDiv.className = "timeline-band-inner"; this._div.appendChild(this._innerDiv); /* * Initialize parts of the band */ this._ether = bandInfo.ether; bandInfo.ether.initialize(this, timeline); this._etherPainter = bandInfo.etherPainter; bandInfo.etherPainter.initialize(this, timeline); this._eventSource = bandInfo.eventSource; if (this._eventSource) { this._eventListener = { onAddMany: function() { b._onAddMany(); }, onClear: function() { b._onClear(); } } this._eventSource.addListener(this._eventListener); } this._eventPainter = bandInfo.eventPainter; this._eventTracksNeeded = 0; // set by painter via updateEventTrackInfo this._eventTrackIncrement = 0; bandInfo.eventPainter.initialize(this, timeline); this._decorators = ("decorators" in bandInfo) ? bandInfo.decorators : []; for (var i = 0; i < this._decorators.length; i++) { this._decorators[i].initialize(this, timeline); } }; Timeline._Band.SCROLL_MULTIPLES = 5; Timeline._Band.prototype.dispose = function() { this.closeBubble(); if (this._eventSource) { this._eventSource.removeListener(this._eventListener); this._eventListener = null; this._eventSource = null; } this._timeline = null; this._bandInfo = null; this._labeller = null; this._ether = null; this._etherPainter = null; this._eventPainter = null; this._decorators = null; this._onScrollListeners = null; this._syncWithBandHandler = null; this._selectorListener = null; this._div = null; this._innerDiv = null; this._keyboardInput = null; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.addOnScrollListener = function(listener) { this._onScrollListeners.push(listener); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.removeOnScrollListener = function(listener) { for (var i = 0; i < this._onScrollListeners.length; i++) { if (this._onScrollListeners[i] == listener) { this._onScrollListeners.splice(i, 1); break; } } }; Timeline._Band.prototype.setSyncWithBand = function(band, highlight) { if (this._syncWithBand) { this._syncWithBand.removeOnScrollListener(this._syncWithBandHandler); } this._syncWithBand = band; this._syncWithBand.addOnScrollListener(this._syncWithBandHandler); this._highlight = highlight; this._positionHighlight(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getLocale = function() { return this._locale; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getTimeZone = function() { return this._timeZone; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getLabeller = function() { return this._labeller; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getIndex = function() { return this._index; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getEther = function() { return this._ether; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getEtherPainter = function() { return this._etherPainter; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getEventSource = function() { return this._eventSource; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getEventPainter = function() { return this._eventPainter; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getTimeline = function() { return this._timeline; }; // Autowidth support Timeline._Band.prototype.updateEventTrackInfo = function(tracks, increment) { this._eventTrackIncrement = increment; // doesn't vary for a specific band if (tracks > this._eventTracksNeeded) { this._eventTracksNeeded = tracks; } }; // Autowidth support Timeline._Band.prototype.checkAutoWidth = function() { // if a new (larger) width is needed by the band // then: a) updates the band's bandInfo.width // // desiredWidth for the band is // (number of tracks + margin) * track increment if (! this._timeline.autoWidth) { return; // early return } var overviewBand = this._eventPainter.getType() == 'overview'; var margin = overviewBand ? this._theme.event.overviewTrack.autoWidthMargin : this._theme.event.track.autoWidthMargin; var desiredWidth = Math.ceil((this._eventTracksNeeded + margin) * this._eventTrackIncrement); // add offset amount (additional margin) desiredWidth += overviewBand ? this._theme.event.overviewTrack.offset : this._theme.event.track.offset; var bandInfo = this._bandInfo; if (desiredWidth != bandInfo.width) { bandInfo.width = desiredWidth; } }; Timeline._Band.prototype.layout = function() { this.paint(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.paint = function() { this._etherPainter.paint(); this._paintDecorators(); this._paintEvents(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.softLayout = function() { this.softPaint(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.softPaint = function() { this._etherPainter.softPaint(); this._softPaintDecorators(); this._softPaintEvents(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.setBandShiftAndWidth = function(shift, width) { var inputDiv = this._keyboardInput.parentNode; var middle = shift + Math.floor(width / 2); if (this._timeline.isHorizontal()) { this._div.style.top = shift + "px"; this._div.style.height = width + "px"; inputDiv.style.top = middle + "px"; inputDiv.style.left = "-1em"; } else { this._div.style.left = shift + "px"; this._div.style.width = width + "px"; inputDiv.style.left = middle + "px"; inputDiv.style.top = "-1em"; } }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getViewWidth = function() { if (this._timeline.isHorizontal()) { return this._div.offsetHeight; } else { return this._div.offsetWidth; } }; Timeline._Band.prototype.setViewLength = function(length) { this._viewLength = length; this._recenterDiv(); this._onChanging(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getViewLength = function() { return this._viewLength; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getTotalViewLength = function() { return Timeline._Band.SCROLL_MULTIPLES * this._viewLength; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getViewOffset = function() { return this._viewOffset; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getMinDate = function() { return this._ether.pixelOffsetToDate(this._viewOffset); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getMaxDate = function() { return this._ether.pixelOffsetToDate(this._viewOffset + Timeline._Band.SCROLL_MULTIPLES * this._viewLength); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getMinVisibleDate = function() { return this._ether.pixelOffsetToDate(0); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getMinVisibleDateAfterDelta = function(delta) { return this._ether.pixelOffsetToDate(delta); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getMaxVisibleDate = function() { // Max date currently visible on band return this._ether.pixelOffsetToDate(this._viewLength); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getMaxVisibleDateAfterDelta = function(delta) { // Max date visible on band after delta px view change is applied return this._ether.pixelOffsetToDate(this._viewLength + delta); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.getCenterVisibleDate = function() { return this._ether.pixelOffsetToDate(this._viewLength / 2); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.setMinVisibleDate = function(date) { if (!this._changing) { this._moveEther(Math.round(-this._ether.dateToPixelOffset(date))); } }; Timeline._Band.prototype.setMaxVisibleDate = function(date) { if (!this._changing) { this._moveEther(Math.round(this._viewLength - this._ether.dateToPixelOffset(date))); } }; Timeline._Band.prototype.setCenterVisibleDate = function(date) { if (!this._changing) { this._moveEther(Math.round(this._viewLength / 2 - this._ether.dateToPixelOffset(date))); } }; Timeline._Band.prototype.dateToPixelOffset = function(date) { return this._ether.dateToPixelOffset(date) - this._viewOffset; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.pixelOffsetToDate = function(pixels) { return this._ether.pixelOffsetToDate(pixels + this._viewOffset); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.createLayerDiv = function(zIndex, className) { var div = this._timeline.getDocument().createElement("div"); div.className = "timeline-band-layer" + (typeof className == "string" ? (" " + className) : ""); div.style.zIndex = zIndex; this._innerDiv.appendChild(div); var innerDiv = this._timeline.getDocument().createElement("div"); innerDiv.className = "timeline-band-layer-inner"; if (SimileAjax.Platform.browser.isIE) { innerDiv.style.cursor = "move"; } else { innerDiv.style.cursor = "-moz-grab"; } div.appendChild(innerDiv); return innerDiv; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.removeLayerDiv = function(div) { this._innerDiv.removeChild(div.parentNode); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.scrollToCenter = function(date, f) { var pixelOffset = this._ether.dateToPixelOffset(date); if (pixelOffset < -this._viewLength / 2) { this.setCenterVisibleDate(this.pixelOffsetToDate(pixelOffset + this._viewLength)); } else if (pixelOffset > 3 * this._viewLength / 2) { this.setCenterVisibleDate(this.pixelOffsetToDate(pixelOffset - this._viewLength)); } this._autoScroll(Math.round(this._viewLength / 2 - this._ether.dateToPixelOffset(date)), f); }; Timeline._Band.prototype.showBubbleForEvent = function(eventID) { var evt = this.getEventSource().getEvent(eventID); if (evt) { var self = this; this.scrollToCenter(evt.getStart(), function() { self._eventPainter.showBubble(evt); }); } }; Timeline._Band.prototype.zoom = function(zoomIn, x, y, target) { if (!this._zoomSteps) { // zoom disabled return; } // shift the x value by our offset x += this._viewOffset; var zoomDate = this._ether.pixelOffsetToDate(x); var netIntervalChange = this._ether.zoom(zoomIn); this._etherPainter.zoom(netIntervalChange); // shift our zoom date to the far left this._moveEther(Math.round(-this._ether.dateToPixelOffset(zoomDate))); // then shift it back to where the mouse was this._moveEther(x); }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onMouseDown = function(innerFrame, evt, target) { this.closeBubble(); this._dragging = true; this._dragX = evt.clientX; this._dragY = evt.clientY; }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onMouseMove = function(innerFrame, evt, target) { if (this._dragging) { var diffX = evt.clientX - this._dragX; var diffY = evt.clientY - this._dragY; this._dragX = evt.clientX; this._dragY = evt.clientY; this._moveEther(this._timeline.isHorizontal() ? diffX : diffY); this._positionHighlight(); } }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onMouseUp = function(innerFrame, evt, target) { this._dragging = false; this._keyboardInput.focus(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onMouseOut = function(innerFrame, evt, target) { var coords = SimileAjax.DOM.getEventRelativeCoordinates(evt, innerFrame); coords.x += this._viewOffset; if (coords.x < 0 || coords.x > innerFrame.offsetWidth || coords.y < 0 || coords.y > innerFrame.offsetHeight) { this._dragging = false; } }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onMouseScroll = function(innerFrame, evt, target) { var now = new Date(); now = now.getTime(); if (!this._lastScrollTime || ((now - this._lastScrollTime) > 50)) { // limit 1 scroll per 200ms due to FF3 sending multiple events back to back this._lastScrollTime = now; var delta = 0; if (evt.wheelDelta) { delta = evt.wheelDelta/120; } else if (evt.detail) { delta = -evt.detail/3; } // either scroll or zoom var mouseWheel = this._theme.mouseWheel; if (this._zoomSteps || mouseWheel === 'zoom') { var loc = SimileAjax.DOM.getEventRelativeCoordinates(evt, innerFrame); if (delta != 0) { var zoomIn; if (delta > 0) zoomIn = true; if (delta < 0) zoomIn = false; // call zoom on the timeline so we could zoom multiple bands if desired this._timeline.zoom(zoomIn, loc.x, loc.y, innerFrame); } } else if (mouseWheel === 'scroll') { var move_amt = 50 * (delta < 0 ? -1 : 1); this._moveEther(move_amt); } } // prevent bubble if (evt.stopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); } evt.cancelBubble = true; // prevent the default action if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault(); } evt.returnValue = false; }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onDblClick = function(innerFrame, evt, target) { var coords = SimileAjax.DOM.getEventRelativeCoordinates(evt, innerFrame); var distance = coords.x - (this._viewLength / 2 - this._viewOffset); this._autoScroll(-distance); }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onKeyDown = function(keyboardInput, evt, target) { if (!this._dragging) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case 27: // ESC break; case 37: // left arrow case 38: // up arrow this._scrollSpeed = Math.min(50, Math.abs(this._scrollSpeed * 1.05)); this._moveEther(this._scrollSpeed); break; case 39: // right arrow case 40: // down arrow this._scrollSpeed = -Math.min(50, Math.abs(this._scrollSpeed * 1.05)); this._moveEther(this._scrollSpeed); break; default: return true; } this.closeBubble(); SimileAjax.DOM.cancelEvent(evt); return false; } return true; }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onKeyUp = function(keyboardInput, evt, target) { if (!this._dragging) { this._scrollSpeed = this._originalScrollSpeed; switch (evt.keyCode) { case 35: // end this.setCenterVisibleDate(this._eventSource.getLatestDate()); break; case 36: // home this.setCenterVisibleDate(this._eventSource.getEarliestDate()); break; case 33: // page up this._autoScroll(this._timeline.getPixelLength()); break; case 34: // page down this._autoScroll(-this._timeline.getPixelLength()); break; default: return true; } this.closeBubble(); SimileAjax.DOM.cancelEvent(evt); return false; } return true; }; Timeline._Band.prototype._autoScroll = function(distance, f) { var b = this; var a = SimileAjax.Graphics.createAnimation( function(abs, diff) { b._moveEther(diff); }, 0, distance, 1000, f ); a.run(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype._moveEther = function(shift) { this.closeBubble(); // A positive shift means back in time // Check that we're not moving beyond Timeline's limits if (!this._timeline.shiftOK(this._index, shift)) { return; // early return } this._viewOffset += shift; this._ether.shiftPixels(-shift); if (this._timeline.isHorizontal()) { this._div.style.left = this._viewOffset + "px"; } else { this._div.style.top = this._viewOffset + "px"; } if (this._viewOffset > -this._viewLength * 0.5 || this._viewOffset < -this._viewLength * (Timeline._Band.SCROLL_MULTIPLES - 1.5)) { this._recenterDiv(); } else { this.softLayout(); } this._onChanging(); } Timeline._Band.prototype._onChanging = function() { this._changing = true; this._fireOnScroll(); this._setSyncWithBandDate(); this._changing = false; }; Timeline._Band.prototype.busy = function() { // Is this band busy changing other bands? return(this._changing); }; Timeline._Band.prototype._fireOnScroll = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._onScrollListeners.length; i++) { this._onScrollListeners[i](this); } }; Timeline._Band.prototype._setSyncWithBandDate = function() { if (this._syncWithBand) { var centerDate = this._ether.pixelOffsetToDate(this.getViewLength() / 2); this._syncWithBand.setCenterVisibleDate(centerDate); } }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onHighlightBandScroll = function() { if (this._syncWithBand) { var centerDate = this._syncWithBand.getCenterVisibleDate(); var centerPixelOffset = this._ether.dateToPixelOffset(centerDate); this._moveEther(Math.round(this._viewLength / 2 - centerPixelOffset)); if (this._highlight) { this._etherPainter.setHighlight( this._syncWithBand.getMinVisibleDate(), this._syncWithBand.getMaxVisibleDate()); } } }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onAddMany = function() { this._paintEvents(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype._onClear = function() { this._paintEvents(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype._positionHighlight = function() { if (this._syncWithBand) { var startDate = this._syncWithBand.getMinVisibleDate(); var endDate = this._syncWithBand.getMaxVisibleDate(); if (this._highlight) { this._etherPainter.setHighlight(startDate, endDate); } } }; Timeline._Band.prototype._recenterDiv = function() { this._viewOffset = -this._viewLength * (Timeline._Band.SCROLL_MULTIPLES - 1) / 2; if (this._timeline.isHorizontal()) { this._div.style.left = this._viewOffset + "px"; this._div.style.width = (Timeline._Band.SCROLL_MULTIPLES * this._viewLength) + "px"; } else { this._div.style.top = this._viewOffset + "px"; this._div.style.height = (Timeline._Band.SCROLL_MULTIPLES * this._viewLength) + "px"; } this.layout(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype._paintEvents = function() { this._eventPainter.paint(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype._softPaintEvents = function() { this._eventPainter.softPaint(); }; Timeline._Band.prototype._paintDecorators = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._decorators.length; i++) { this._decorators[i].paint(); } }; Timeline._Band.prototype._softPaintDecorators = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._decorators.length; i++) { this._decorators[i].softPaint(); } }; Timeline._Band.prototype.closeBubble = function() { SimileAjax.WindowManager.cancelPopups(); };
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