Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\timeline\api\scripts\compact-painter.js
/*================================================== * Original Event Painter *================================================== */ Timeline.CompactEventPainter = function(params) { this._params = params; this._onSelectListeners = []; this._filterMatcher = null; this._highlightMatcher = null; this._frc = null; this._eventIdToElmt = {}; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.initialize = function(band, timeline) { this._band = band; this._timeline = timeline; this._backLayer = null; this._eventLayer = null; this._lineLayer = null; this._highlightLayer = null; this._eventIdToElmt = null; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.addOnSelectListener = function(listener) { this._onSelectListeners.push(listener); }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.removeOnSelectListener = function(listener) { for (var i = 0; i < this._onSelectListeners.length; i++) { if (this._onSelectListeners[i] == listener) { this._onSelectListeners.splice(i, 1); break; } } }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.getFilterMatcher = function() { return this._filterMatcher; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.setFilterMatcher = function(filterMatcher) { this._filterMatcher = filterMatcher; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.getHighlightMatcher = function() { return this._highlightMatcher; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.setHighlightMatcher = function(highlightMatcher) { this._highlightMatcher = highlightMatcher; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paint = function() { var eventSource = this._band.getEventSource(); if (eventSource == null) { return; } this._eventIdToElmt = {}; this._prepareForPainting(); var theme = this._params.theme; var eventTheme = theme.event; var metrics = { trackOffset: "trackOffset" in this._params ? this._params.trackOffset : 10, trackHeight: "trackHeight" in this._params ? this._params.trackHeight : 10, tapeHeight: theme.event.tape.height, tapeBottomMargin: "tapeBottomMargin" in this._params ? this._params.tapeBottomMargin : 2, labelBottomMargin: "labelBottomMargin" in this._params ? this._params.labelBottomMargin : 5, labelRightMargin: "labelRightMargin" in this._params ? this._params.labelRightMargin : 5, defaultIcon: eventTheme.instant.icon, defaultIconWidth: eventTheme.instant.iconWidth, defaultIconHeight: eventTheme.instant.iconHeight, customIconWidth: "iconWidth" in this._params ? this._params.iconWidth : eventTheme.instant.iconWidth, customIconHeight: "iconHeight" in this._params ? this._params.iconHeight : eventTheme.instant.iconHeight, iconLabelGap: "iconLabelGap" in this._params ? this._params.iconLabelGap : 2, iconBottomMargin: "iconBottomMargin" in this._params ? this._params.iconBottomMargin : 2 }; if ("compositeIcon" in this._params) { metrics.compositeIcon = this._params.compositeIcon; metrics.compositeIconWidth = this._params.compositeIconWidth || metrics.customIconWidth; metrics.compositeIconHeight = this._params.compositeIconHeight || metrics.customIconHeight; } else { metrics.compositeIcon = metrics.defaultIcon; metrics.compositeIconWidth = metrics.defaultIconWidth; metrics.compositeIconHeight = metrics.defaultIconHeight; } metrics.defaultStackIcon = "icon" in this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents ? this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents.icon : metrics.defaultIcon; metrics.defaultStackIconWidth = "iconWidth" in this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents ? this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents.iconWidth : metrics.defaultIconWidth; metrics.defaultStackIconHeight = "iconHeight" in this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents ? this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents.iconHeight : metrics.defaultIconHeight; var minDate = this._band.getMinDate(); var maxDate = this._band.getMaxDate(); var filterMatcher = (this._filterMatcher != null) ? this._filterMatcher : function(evt) { return true; }; var highlightMatcher = (this._highlightMatcher != null) ? this._highlightMatcher : function(evt) { return -1; }; var iterator = eventSource.getEventIterator(minDate, maxDate); var stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents = "stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents" in this._params && typeof this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents == "object"; var collapseConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents = "collapseConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents" in this._params && this._params.collapseConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents; if (collapseConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents || stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents) { var bufferedEvents = []; var previousInstantEvent = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { var evt = iterator.next(); if (filterMatcher(evt)) { if (!evt.isInstant() || evt.isImprecise()) { this.paintEvent(evt, metrics, this._params.theme, highlightMatcher(evt)); } else if (previousInstantEvent != null && previousInstantEvent.getStart().getTime() == evt.getStart().getTime()) { bufferedEvents[bufferedEvents.length - 1].push(evt); } else { bufferedEvents.push([ evt ]); previousInstantEvent = evt; } } } for (var i = 0; i < bufferedEvents.length; i++) { var compositeEvents = bufferedEvents[i]; if (compositeEvents.length == 1) { this.paintEvent(compositeEvents[0], metrics, this._params.theme, highlightMatcher(evt)); } else { var match = -1; for (var j = 0; match < 0 && j < compositeEvents.length; j++) { match = highlightMatcher(compositeEvents[j]); } if (stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents) { this.paintStackedPreciseInstantEvents(compositeEvents, metrics, this._params.theme, match); } else { this.paintCompositePreciseInstantEvents(compositeEvents, metrics, this._params.theme, match); } } } } else { while (iterator.hasNext()) { var evt = iterator.next(); if (filterMatcher(evt)) { this.paintEvent(evt, metrics, this._params.theme, highlightMatcher(evt)); } } } this._highlightLayer.style.display = "block"; this._lineLayer.style.display = "block"; this._eventLayer.style.display = "block"; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.softPaint = function() { }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._prepareForPainting = function() { var band = this._band; if (this._backLayer == null) { this._backLayer = this._band.createLayerDiv(0, "timeline-band-events"); this._backLayer.style.visibility = "hidden"; var eventLabelPrototype = document.createElement("span"); eventLabelPrototype.className = "timeline-event-label"; this._backLayer.appendChild(eventLabelPrototype); this._frc = SimileAjax.Graphics.getFontRenderingContext(eventLabelPrototype); } this._frc.update(); this._tracks = []; if (this._highlightLayer != null) { band.removeLayerDiv(this._highlightLayer); } this._highlightLayer = band.createLayerDiv(105, "timeline-band-highlights"); this._highlightLayer.style.display = "none"; if (this._lineLayer != null) { band.removeLayerDiv(this._lineLayer); } this._lineLayer = band.createLayerDiv(110, "timeline-band-lines"); this._lineLayer.style.display = "none"; if (this._eventLayer != null) { band.removeLayerDiv(this._eventLayer); } this._eventLayer = band.createLayerDiv(115, "timeline-band-events"); this._eventLayer.style.display = "none"; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paintEvent = function(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex) { if (evt.isInstant()) { this.paintInstantEvent(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex); } else { this.paintDurationEvent(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex); } }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paintInstantEvent = function(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex) { if (evt.isImprecise()) { this.paintImpreciseInstantEvent(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex); } else { this.paintPreciseInstantEvent(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex); } } Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paintDurationEvent = function(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex) { if (evt.isImprecise()) { this.paintImpreciseDurationEvent(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex); } else { this.paintPreciseDurationEvent(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex); } } Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paintPreciseInstantEvent = function(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex) { var commonData = { tooltip: evt.getProperty("tooltip") || evt.getText() }; var iconData = { url: evt.getIcon() }; if (iconData.url == null) { iconData.url = metrics.defaultIcon; iconData.width = metrics.defaultIconWidth; iconData.height = metrics.defaultIconHeight; iconData.className = "timeline-event-icon-default"; } else { iconData.width = evt.getProperty("iconWidth") || metrics.customIconWidth; iconData.height = evt.getProperty("iconHeight") || metrics.customIconHeight; } var labelData = { text: evt.getText(), color: evt.getTextColor() || evt.getColor(), className: evt.getClassName() }; var result = this.paintTapeIconLabel( evt.getStart(), commonData, null, // no tape data iconData, labelData, metrics, theme, highlightIndex ); var self = this; var clickHandler = function(elmt, domEvt, target) { return self._onClickInstantEvent(result.iconElmtData.elmt, domEvt, evt); }; SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.iconElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.labelElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); this._eventIdToElmt[evt.getID()] = result.iconElmtData.elmt; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paintCompositePreciseInstantEvents = function(events, metrics, theme, highlightIndex) { var evt = events[0]; var tooltips = []; for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { tooltips.push(events[i].getProperty("tooltip") || events[i].getText()); } var commonData = { tooltip: tooltips.join("; ") }; var iconData = { url: metrics.compositeIcon, width: metrics.compositeIconWidth, height: metrics.compositeIconHeight, className: "timeline-event-icon-composite" }; var labelData = { text: String.substitute(this._params.compositeEventLabelTemplate, [ events.length ]) }; var result = this.paintTapeIconLabel( evt.getStart(), commonData, null, // no tape data iconData, labelData, metrics, theme, highlightIndex ); var self = this; var clickHandler = function(elmt, domEvt, target) { return self._onClickMultiplePreciseInstantEvent(result.iconElmtData.elmt, domEvt, events); }; SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.iconElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.labelElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { this._eventIdToElmt[events[i].getID()] = result.iconElmtData.elmt; } }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paintStackedPreciseInstantEvents = function(events, metrics, theme, highlightIndex) { var limit = "limit" in this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents ? this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents.limit : 10; var moreMessageTemplate = "moreMessageTemplate" in this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents ? this._params.stackConcurrentPreciseInstantEvents.moreMessageTemplate : "%0 More Events"; var showMoreMessage = limit <= events.length - 2; // We want at least 2 more events above the limit. // Otherwise we'd need the singular case of "1 More Event" var band = this._band; var getPixelOffset = function(date) { return Math.round(band.dateToPixelOffset(date)); }; var getIconData = function(evt) { var iconData = { url: evt.getIcon() }; if (iconData.url == null) { iconData.url = metrics.defaultStackIcon; iconData.width = metrics.defaultStackIconWidth; iconData.height = metrics.defaultStackIconHeight; iconData.className = "timeline-event-icon-stack timeline-event-icon-default"; } else { iconData.width = evt.getProperty("iconWidth") || metrics.customIconWidth; iconData.height = evt.getProperty("iconHeight") || metrics.customIconHeight; iconData.className = "timeline-event-icon-stack"; } return iconData; }; var firstIconData = getIconData(events[0]); var horizontalIncrement = 5; var leftIconEdge = 0; var totalLabelWidth = 0; var totalLabelHeight = 0; var totalIconHeight = 0; var records = []; for (var i = 0; i < events.length && (!showMoreMessage || i < limit); i++) { var evt = events[i]; var text = evt.getText(); var iconData = getIconData(evt); var labelSize = this._frc.computeSize(text); var record = { text: text, iconData: iconData, labelSize: labelSize, iconLeft: firstIconData.width + i * horizontalIncrement - iconData.width }; record.labelLeft = firstIconData.width + i * horizontalIncrement + metrics.iconLabelGap; record.top = totalLabelHeight; records.push(record); leftIconEdge = Math.min(leftIconEdge, record.iconLeft); totalLabelHeight += labelSize.height; totalLabelWidth = Math.max(totalLabelWidth, record.labelLeft + labelSize.width); totalIconHeight = Math.max(totalIconHeight, record.top + iconData.height); } if (showMoreMessage) { var moreMessage = String.substitute(moreMessageTemplate, [ events.length - limit ]); var moreMessageLabelSize = this._frc.computeSize(moreMessage); var moreMessageLabelLeft = firstIconData.width + (limit - 1) * horizontalIncrement + metrics.iconLabelGap; var moreMessageLabelTop = totalLabelHeight; totalLabelHeight += moreMessageLabelSize.height; totalLabelWidth = Math.max(totalLabelWidth, moreMessageLabelLeft + moreMessageLabelSize.width); } totalLabelWidth += metrics.labelRightMargin; totalLabelHeight += metrics.labelBottomMargin; totalIconHeight += metrics.iconBottomMargin; var anchorPixel = getPixelOffset(events[0].getStart()); var newTracks = []; var trackCount = Math.ceil(Math.max(totalIconHeight, totalLabelHeight) / metrics.trackHeight); var rightIconEdge = firstIconData.width + (events.length - 1) * horizontalIncrement; for (var i = 0; i < trackCount; i++) { newTracks.push({ start: leftIconEdge, end: rightIconEdge }); } var labelTrackCount = Math.ceil(totalLabelHeight / metrics.trackHeight); for (var i = 0; i < labelTrackCount; i++) { var track = newTracks[i]; track.end = Math.max(track.end, totalLabelWidth); } var firstTrack = this._fitTracks(anchorPixel, newTracks); var verticalPixelOffset = firstTrack * metrics.trackHeight + metrics.trackOffset; var iconStackDiv = this._timeline.getDocument().createElement("div"); iconStackDiv.className = 'timeline-event-icon-stack'; iconStackDiv.style.position = "absolute"; iconStackDiv.style.overflow = "visible"; iconStackDiv.style.left = anchorPixel + "px"; iconStackDiv.style.top = verticalPixelOffset + "px"; iconStackDiv.style.width = rightIconEdge + "px"; iconStackDiv.style.height = totalIconHeight + "px"; iconStackDiv.innerHTML = "<div style='position: relative'></div>"; this._eventLayer.appendChild(iconStackDiv); var self = this; var onMouseOver = function(domEvt) { try { var n = parseInt(this.getAttribute("index")); var childNodes = iconStackDiv.firstChild.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) { var child = childNodes[i]; if (i == n) { child.style.zIndex = childNodes.length; } else { child.style.zIndex = childNodes.length - i; } } } catch (e) { } }; var paintEvent = function(index) { var record = records[index]; var evt = events[index]; var tooltip = evt.getProperty("tooltip") || evt.getText(); var labelElmtData = self._paintEventLabel( { tooltip: tooltip }, { text: record.text }, anchorPixel + record.labelLeft, verticalPixelOffset + record.top, record.labelSize.width, record.labelSize.height, theme ); labelElmtData.elmt.setAttribute("index", index); labelElmtData.elmt.onmouseover = onMouseOver; var img = SimileAjax.Graphics.createTranslucentImage(record.iconData.url); var iconDiv = self._timeline.getDocument().createElement("div"); iconDiv.className = 'timeline-event-icon' + ("className" in record.iconData ? (" " + record.iconData.className) : ""); iconDiv.style.left = record.iconLeft + "px"; iconDiv.style.top = record.top + "px"; iconDiv.style.zIndex = (records.length - index); iconDiv.appendChild(img); iconDiv.setAttribute("index", index); iconDiv.onmouseover = onMouseOver; iconStackDiv.firstChild.appendChild(iconDiv); var clickHandler = function(elmt, domEvt, target) { return self._onClickInstantEvent(labelElmtData.elmt, domEvt, evt); }; SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(iconDiv, "mousedown", clickHandler); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(labelElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); self._eventIdToElmt[evt.getID()] = iconDiv; }; for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { paintEvent(i); } if (showMoreMessage) { var moreEvents = events.slice(limit); var moreMessageLabelElmtData = this._paintEventLabel( { tooltip: moreMessage }, { text: moreMessage }, anchorPixel + moreMessageLabelLeft, verticalPixelOffset + moreMessageLabelTop, moreMessageLabelSize.width, moreMessageLabelSize.height, theme ); var moreMessageClickHandler = function(elmt, domEvt, target) { return self._onClickMultiplePreciseInstantEvent(moreMessageLabelElmtData.elmt, domEvt, moreEvents); }; SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(moreMessageLabelElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", moreMessageClickHandler); for (var i = 0; i < moreEvents.length; i++) { this._eventIdToElmt[moreEvents[i].getID()] = moreMessageLabelElmtData.elmt; } } //this._createHighlightDiv(highlightIndex, iconElmtData, theme); }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paintImpreciseInstantEvent = function(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex) { var commonData = { tooltip: evt.getProperty("tooltip") || evt.getText() }; var tapeData = { start: evt.getStart(), end: evt.getEnd(), latestStart: evt.getLatestStart(), earliestEnd: evt.getEarliestEnd(), isInstant: true }; var iconData = { url: evt.getIcon() }; if (iconData.url == null) { iconData = null; } else { iconData.width = evt.getProperty("iconWidth") || metrics.customIconWidth; iconData.height = evt.getProperty("iconHeight") || metrics.customIconHeight; } var labelData = { text: evt.getText(), color: evt.getTextColor() || evt.getColor(), className: evt.getClassName() }; var result = this.paintTapeIconLabel( evt.getStart(), commonData, tapeData, // no tape data iconData, labelData, metrics, theme, highlightIndex ); var self = this; var clickHandler = iconData != null ? function(elmt, domEvt, target) { return self._onClickInstantEvent(result.iconElmtData.elmt, domEvt, evt); } : function(elmt, domEvt, target) { return self._onClickInstantEvent(result.labelElmtData.elmt, domEvt, evt); }; SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.labelElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.impreciseTapeElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); if (iconData != null) { SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.iconElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); this._eventIdToElmt[evt.getID()] = result.iconElmtData.elmt; } else { this._eventIdToElmt[evt.getID()] = result.labelElmtData.elmt; } }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paintPreciseDurationEvent = function(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex) { var commonData = { tooltip: evt.getProperty("tooltip") || evt.getText() }; var tapeData = { start: evt.getStart(), end: evt.getEnd(), isInstant: false }; var iconData = { url: evt.getIcon() }; if (iconData.url == null) { iconData = null; } else { iconData.width = evt.getProperty("iconWidth") || metrics.customIconWidth; iconData.height = evt.getProperty("iconHeight") || metrics.customIconHeight; } var labelData = { text: evt.getText(), color: evt.getTextColor() || evt.getColor(), className: evt.getClassName() }; var result = this.paintTapeIconLabel( evt.getLatestStart(), commonData, tapeData, // no tape data iconData, labelData, metrics, theme, highlightIndex ); var self = this; var clickHandler = iconData != null ? function(elmt, domEvt, target) { return self._onClickInstantEvent(result.iconElmtData.elmt, domEvt, evt); } : function(elmt, domEvt, target) { return self._onClickInstantEvent(result.labelElmtData.elmt, domEvt, evt); }; SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.labelElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.tapeElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); if (iconData != null) { SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.iconElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); this._eventIdToElmt[evt.getID()] = result.iconElmtData.elmt; } else { this._eventIdToElmt[evt.getID()] = result.labelElmtData.elmt; } }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paintImpreciseDurationEvent = function(evt, metrics, theme, highlightIndex) { var commonData = { tooltip: evt.getProperty("tooltip") || evt.getText() }; var tapeData = { start: evt.getStart(), end: evt.getEnd(), latestStart: evt.getLatestStart(), earliestEnd: evt.getEarliestEnd(), isInstant: false }; var iconData = { url: evt.getIcon() }; if (iconData.url == null) { iconData = null; } else { iconData.width = evt.getProperty("iconWidth") || metrics.customIconWidth; iconData.height = evt.getProperty("iconHeight") || metrics.customIconHeight; } var labelData = { text: evt.getText(), color: evt.getTextColor() || evt.getColor(), className: evt.getClassName() }; var result = this.paintTapeIconLabel( evt.getLatestStart(), commonData, tapeData, // no tape data iconData, labelData, metrics, theme, highlightIndex ); var self = this; var clickHandler = iconData != null ? function(elmt, domEvt, target) { return self._onClickInstantEvent(result.iconElmtData.elmt, domEvt, evt); } : function(elmt, domEvt, target) { return self._onClickInstantEvent(result.labelElmtData.elmt, domEvt, evt); }; SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.labelElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.tapeElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); if (iconData != null) { SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(result.iconElmtData.elmt, "mousedown", clickHandler); this._eventIdToElmt[evt.getID()] = result.iconElmtData.elmt; } else { this._eventIdToElmt[evt.getID()] = result.labelElmtData.elmt; } }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.paintTapeIconLabel = function( anchorDate, commonData, tapeData, iconData, labelData, metrics, theme, highlightIndex ) { var band = this._band; var getPixelOffset = function(date) { return Math.round(band.dateToPixelOffset(date)); }; var anchorPixel = getPixelOffset(anchorDate); var newTracks = []; var tapeHeightOccupied = 0; // how many pixels (vertically) the tape occupies, including bottom margin var tapeTrackCount = 0; // how many tracks the tape takes up, usually just 1 var tapeLastTrackExtraSpace = 0; // on the last track that the tape occupies, how many pixels are left (for icon and label to occupy as well) if (tapeData != null) { tapeHeightOccupied = metrics.tapeHeight + metrics.tapeBottomMargin; tapeTrackCount = Math.ceil(metrics.tapeHeight / metrics.trackHeight); var tapeEndPixelOffset = getPixelOffset(tapeData.end) - anchorPixel; var tapeStartPixelOffset = getPixelOffset(tapeData.start) - anchorPixel; for (var t = 0; t < tapeTrackCount; t++) { newTracks.push({ start: tapeStartPixelOffset, end: tapeEndPixelOffset }); } tapeLastTrackExtraSpace = metrics.trackHeight - (tapeHeightOccupied % metrics.tapeHeight); } var iconStartPixelOffset = 0; // where the icon starts compared to the anchor pixel; // this can be negative if the icon is center-aligned around the anchor var iconHorizontalSpaceOccupied = 0; // how many pixels the icon take up from the anchor pixel, // including the gap between the icon and the label if (iconData != null) { if ("iconAlign" in iconData && iconData.iconAlign == "center") { iconStartPixelOffset = -Math.floor(iconData.width / 2); } iconHorizontalSpaceOccupied = iconStartPixelOffset + iconData.width + metrics.iconLabelGap; if (tapeTrackCount > 0) { newTracks[tapeTrackCount - 1].end = Math.max(newTracks[tapeTrackCount - 1].end, iconHorizontalSpaceOccupied); } var iconHeight = iconData.height + metrics.iconBottomMargin + tapeLastTrackExtraSpace; while (iconHeight > 0) { newTracks.push({ start: iconStartPixelOffset, end: iconHorizontalSpaceOccupied }); iconHeight -= metrics.trackHeight; } } var text = labelData.text; var labelSize = this._frc.computeSize(text); var labelHeight = labelSize.height + metrics.labelBottomMargin + tapeLastTrackExtraSpace; var labelEndPixelOffset = iconHorizontalSpaceOccupied + labelSize.width + metrics.labelRightMargin; if (tapeTrackCount > 0) { newTracks[tapeTrackCount - 1].end = Math.max(newTracks[tapeTrackCount - 1].end, labelEndPixelOffset); } for (var i = 0; labelHeight > 0; i++) { if (tapeTrackCount + i < newTracks.length) { var track = newTracks[tapeTrackCount + i]; track.end = labelEndPixelOffset; } else { newTracks.push({ start: 0, end: labelEndPixelOffset }); } labelHeight -= metrics.trackHeight; } /* * Try to fit the new track on top of the existing tracks, then * render the various elements. */ var firstTrack = this._fitTracks(anchorPixel, newTracks); var verticalPixelOffset = firstTrack * metrics.trackHeight + metrics.trackOffset; var result = {}; result.labelElmtData = this._paintEventLabel( commonData, labelData, anchorPixel + iconHorizontalSpaceOccupied, verticalPixelOffset + tapeHeightOccupied, labelSize.width, labelSize.height, theme ); if (tapeData != null) { if ("latestStart" in tapeData || "earliestEnd" in tapeData) { result.impreciseTapeElmtData = this._paintEventTape( commonData, tapeData, metrics.tapeHeight, verticalPixelOffset, getPixelOffset(tapeData.start), getPixelOffset(tapeData.end), theme.event.duration.impreciseColor, theme.event.duration.impreciseOpacity, metrics, theme ); } if (!tapeData.isInstant && "start" in tapeData && "end" in tapeData) { result.tapeElmtData = this._paintEventTape( commonData, tapeData, metrics.tapeHeight, verticalPixelOffset, anchorPixel, getPixelOffset("earliestEnd" in tapeData ? tapeData.earliestEnd : tapeData.end), tapeData.color, 100, metrics, theme ); } } if (iconData != null) { result.iconElmtData = this._paintEventIcon( commonData, iconData, verticalPixelOffset + tapeHeightOccupied, anchorPixel + iconStartPixelOffset, metrics, theme ); } //this._createHighlightDiv(highlightIndex, iconElmtData, theme); return result; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._fitTracks = function(anchorPixel, newTracks) { var firstTrack; for (firstTrack = 0; firstTrack < this._tracks.length; firstTrack++) { var fit = true; for (var j = 0; j < newTracks.length && (firstTrack + j) < this._tracks.length; j++) { var existingTrack = this._tracks[firstTrack + j]; var newTrack = newTracks[j]; if (anchorPixel + newTrack.start < existingTrack) { fit = false; break; } } if (fit) { break; } } for (var i = 0; i < newTracks.length; i++) { this._tracks[firstTrack + i] = anchorPixel + newTracks[i].end; } return firstTrack; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._paintEventIcon = function(commonData, iconData, top, left, metrics, theme) { var img = SimileAjax.Graphics.createTranslucentImage(iconData.url); var iconDiv = this._timeline.getDocument().createElement("div"); iconDiv.className = 'timeline-event-icon' + ("className" in iconData ? (" " + iconData.className) : ""); iconDiv.style.left = left + "px"; iconDiv.style.top = top + "px"; iconDiv.appendChild(img); if ("tooltip" in commonData && typeof commonData.tooltip == "string") { iconDiv.title = commonData.tooltip; } this._eventLayer.appendChild(iconDiv); return { left: left, top: top, width: metrics.iconWidth, height: metrics.iconHeight, elmt: iconDiv }; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._paintEventLabel = function(commonData, labelData, left, top, width, height, theme) { var doc = this._timeline.getDocument(); var labelDiv = doc.createElement("div"); labelDiv.className = 'timeline-event-label'; labelDiv.style.left = left + "px"; labelDiv.style.width = (width + 1) + "px"; labelDiv.style.top = top + "px"; labelDiv.innerHTML = labelData.text; if ("tooltip" in commonData && typeof commonData.tooltip == "string") { labelDiv.title = commonData.tooltip; } if ("color" in labelData && typeof labelData.color == "string") { labelDiv.style.color = labelData.color; } if ("className" in labelData && typeof labelData.className == "string") { labelDiv.className += ' ' + labelData.className; } this._eventLayer.appendChild(labelDiv); return { left: left, top: top, width: width, height: height, elmt: labelDiv }; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._paintEventTape = function( commonData, tapeData, height, top, startPixel, endPixel, color, opacity, metrics, theme) { var width = endPixel - startPixel; var tapeDiv = this._timeline.getDocument().createElement("div"); tapeDiv.className = "timeline-event-tape" tapeDiv.style.left = startPixel + "px"; tapeDiv.style.top = top + "px"; tapeDiv.style.width = width + "px"; tapeDiv.style.height = height + "px"; if ("tooltip" in commonData && typeof commonData.tooltip == "string") { tapeDiv.title = commonData.tooltip; } if (color != null && typeof tapeData.color == "string") { tapeDiv.style.backgroundColor = color; } if ("backgroundImage" in tapeData && typeof tapeData.backgroundImage == "string") { tapeDiv.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + backgroundImage + ")"; tapeDiv.style.backgroundRepeat = ("backgroundRepeat" in tapeData && typeof tapeData.backgroundRepeat == "string") ? tapeData.backgroundRepeat : 'repeat'; } SimileAjax.Graphics.setOpacity(tapeDiv, opacity); if ("className" in tapeData && typeof tapeData.className == "string") { tapeDiv.className += ' ' + tapeData.className; } this._eventLayer.appendChild(tapeDiv); return { left: startPixel, top: top, width: width, height: height, elmt: tapeDiv }; } Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._createHighlightDiv = function(highlightIndex, dimensions, theme) { if (highlightIndex >= 0) { var doc = this._timeline.getDocument(); var eventTheme = theme.event; var color = eventTheme.highlightColors[Math.min(highlightIndex, eventTheme.highlightColors.length - 1)]; var div = doc.createElement("div"); div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.overflow = "hidden"; div.style.left = (dimensions.left - 2) + "px"; div.style.width = (dimensions.width + 4) + "px"; div.style.top = (dimensions.top - 2) + "px"; div.style.height = (dimensions.height + 4) + "px"; // div.style.background = color; this._highlightLayer.appendChild(div); } }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._onClickMultiplePreciseInstantEvent = function(icon, domEvt, events) { var c = SimileAjax.DOM.getPageCoordinates(icon); this._showBubble( c.left + Math.ceil(icon.offsetWidth / 2), c.top + Math.ceil(icon.offsetHeight / 2), events ); var ids = []; for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { ids.push(events[i].getID()); } this._fireOnSelect(ids); domEvt.cancelBubble = true; SimileAjax.DOM.cancelEvent(domEvt); return false; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._onClickInstantEvent = function(icon, domEvt, evt) { var c = SimileAjax.DOM.getPageCoordinates(icon); this._showBubble( c.left + Math.ceil(icon.offsetWidth / 2), c.top + Math.ceil(icon.offsetHeight / 2), [evt] ); this._fireOnSelect([evt.getID()]); domEvt.cancelBubble = true; SimileAjax.DOM.cancelEvent(domEvt); return false; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._onClickDurationEvent = function(target, domEvt, evt) { if ("pageX" in domEvt) { var x = domEvt.pageX; var y = domEvt.pageY; } else { var c = SimileAjax.DOM.getPageCoordinates(target); var x = domEvt.offsetX + c.left; var y = domEvt.offsetY + c.top; } this._showBubble(x, y, [evt]); this._fireOnSelect([evt.getID()]); domEvt.cancelBubble = true; SimileAjax.DOM.cancelEvent(domEvt); return false; }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype.showBubble = function(evt) { var elmt = this._eventIdToElmt[evt.getID()]; if (elmt) { var c = SimileAjax.DOM.getPageCoordinates(elmt); this._showBubble(c.left + elmt.offsetWidth / 2, c.top + elmt.offsetHeight / 2, [evt]); } }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._showBubble = function(x, y, evts) { var div = document.createElement("div"); evts = ("fillInfoBubble" in evts) ? [evts] : evts; for (var i = 0; i < evts.length; i++) { var div2 = document.createElement("div"); div.appendChild(div2); evts[i].fillInfoBubble(div2, this._params.theme, this._band.getLabeller()); } SimileAjax.WindowManager.cancelPopups(); SimileAjax.Graphics.createBubbleForContentAndPoint(div, x, y, this._params.theme.event.bubble.width); }; Timeline.CompactEventPainter.prototype._fireOnSelect = function(eventIDs) { for (var i = 0; i < this._onSelectListeners.length; i++) { this._onSelectListeners[i](eventIDs); } };
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