Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\timeline\api\scripts\event-utils.js
/*================================================== * Event Utils *================================================== */ Timeline.EventUtils = {}; Timeline.EventUtils.getNewEventID = function() { // global across page if (this._lastEventID == null) { this._lastEventID = 0; } this._lastEventID += 1; return "e" + this._lastEventID; }; Timeline.EventUtils.decodeEventElID = function(elementID) { /*================================================== * * Use this function to decode an event element's id on a band (label div, * tape div or icon img). * * Returns {band: <bandObj>, evt: <eventObj>} * * To enable a single event listener to monitor everything * on a Timeline, a set format is used for the id's of the * elements on the Timeline-- * * element id format for labels, icons, tapes: * labels: label-tl-<timelineID>-<band_index>-<evt.id> * icons: icon-tl-<timelineID>-<band_index>-<evt.id> * tapes: tape1-tl-<timelineID>-<band_index>-<evt.id> * tape2-tl-<timelineID>-<band_index>-<evt.id> * // some events have more than one tape * highlight: highlight1-tl-<timelineID>-<band_index>-<evt.id> * highlight2-tl-<timelineID>-<band_index>-<evt.id> * // some events have more than one highlight div (future) * Note: use split('-') to get array of the format's parts * * You can then retrieve the timeline object and event object * by using Timeline.getTimeline, Timeline.getBand, or * Timeline.getEvent and passing in the element's id * *================================================== */ var parts = elementID.split('-'); if (parts[1] != 'tl') { alert("Internal Timeline problem 101, please consult support"); return {band: null, evt: null}; // early return } var timeline = Timeline.getTimelineFromID(parts[2]); var band = timeline.getBand(parts[3]); var evt = band.getEventSource.getEvent(parts[4]); return {band: band, evt: evt}; }; Timeline.EventUtils.encodeEventElID = function(timeline, band, elType, evt) { // elType should be one of {label | icon | tapeN | highlightN} return elType + "-tl-" + timeline.timelineID + "-" + band.getIndex() + "-" + evt.getID(); };
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