Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\timeline\api\scripts\sources.js
/*================================================== * Default Event Source *================================================== */ Timeline.DefaultEventSource = function(eventIndex) { this._events = (eventIndex instanceof Object) ? eventIndex : new SimileAjax.EventIndex(); this._listeners = []; }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.addListener = function(listener) { this._listeners.push(listener); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.removeListener = function(listener) { for (var i = 0; i < this._listeners.length; i++) { if (this._listeners[i] == listener) { this._listeners.splice(i, 1); break; } } }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.loadXML = function(xml, url) { var base = this._getBaseURL(url); var wikiURL = xml.documentElement.getAttribute("wiki-url"); var wikiSection = xml.documentElement.getAttribute("wiki-section"); var dateTimeFormat = xml.documentElement.getAttribute("date-time-format"); var parseDateTimeFunction = this._events.getUnit().getParser(dateTimeFormat); var node = xml.documentElement.firstChild; var added = false; while (node != null) { if (node.nodeType == 1) { var description = ""; if (node.firstChild != null && node.firstChild.nodeType == 3) { description = node.firstChild.nodeValue; } // instant event: default is true. Or use values from isDuration or durationEvent var instant = (node.getAttribute("isDuration") === null && node.getAttribute("durationEvent") === null) || node.getAttribute("isDuration") == "false" || node.getAttribute("durationEvent") == "false"; var evt = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource.Event( { id: node.getAttribute("id"), start: parseDateTimeFunction(node.getAttribute("start")), end: parseDateTimeFunction(node.getAttribute("end")), latestStart: parseDateTimeFunction(node.getAttribute("latestStart")), earliestEnd: parseDateTimeFunction(node.getAttribute("earliestEnd")), instant: instant, text: node.getAttribute("title"), description: description, image: this._resolveRelativeURL(node.getAttribute("image"), base), link: this._resolveRelativeURL(node.getAttribute("link") , base), icon: this._resolveRelativeURL(node.getAttribute("icon") , base), color: node.getAttribute("color"), textColor: node.getAttribute("textColor"), hoverText: node.getAttribute("hoverText"), classname: node.getAttribute("classname"), tapeImage: node.getAttribute("tapeImage"), tapeRepeat: node.getAttribute("tapeRepeat"), caption: node.getAttribute("caption"), eventID: node.getAttribute("eventID"), trackNum: node.getAttribute("trackNum") }); evt._node = node; evt.getProperty = function(name) { return this._node.getAttribute(name); }; evt.setWikiInfo(wikiURL, wikiSection); this._events.add(evt); added = true; } node = node.nextSibling; } if (added) { this._fire("onAddMany", []); } }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.loadJSON = function(data, url) { var base = this._getBaseURL(url); var added = false; if (data && data.events){ var wikiURL = ("wikiURL" in data) ? data.wikiURL : null; var wikiSection = ("wikiSection" in data) ? data.wikiSection : null; var dateTimeFormat = ("dateTimeFormat" in data) ? data.dateTimeFormat : null; var parseDateTimeFunction = this._events.getUnit().getParser(dateTimeFormat); for (var i=0; i < data.events.length; i++){ var event = data.events[i]; // Fixing issue 33: // instant event: default (for JSON only) is false. Or use values from isDuration or durationEvent // isDuration was negated (see issue 33, so keep that interpretation var instant = event.isDuration || (event.durationEvent != null && !event.durationEvent); var evt = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource.Event({ id: ("id" in event) ? event.id : undefined, start: parseDateTimeFunction(event.start), end: parseDateTimeFunction(event.end), latestStart: parseDateTimeFunction(event.latestStart), earliestEnd: parseDateTimeFunction(event.earliestEnd), instant: instant, text: event.title, description: event.description, image: this._resolveRelativeURL(event.image, base), link: this._resolveRelativeURL(event.link , base), icon: this._resolveRelativeURL(event.icon , base), color: event.color, textColor: event.textColor, hoverText: event.hoverText, classname: event.classname, tapeImage: event.tapeImage, tapeRepeat: event.tapeRepeat, caption: event.caption, eventID: event.eventID, trackNum: event.trackNum }); evt._obj = event; evt.getProperty = function(name) { return this._obj[name]; }; evt.setWikiInfo(wikiURL, wikiSection); this._events.add(evt); added = true; } } if (added) { this._fire("onAddMany", []); } }; /* * Contributed by Morten Frederiksen, http://www.wasab.dk/morten/ */ Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.loadSPARQL = function(xml, url) { var base = this._getBaseURL(url); var dateTimeFormat = 'iso8601'; var parseDateTimeFunction = this._events.getUnit().getParser(dateTimeFormat); if (xml == null) { return; } /* * Find <results> tag */ var node = xml.documentElement.firstChild; while (node != null && (node.nodeType != 1 || node.nodeName != 'results')) { node = node.nextSibling; } var wikiURL = null; var wikiSection = null; if (node != null) { wikiURL = node.getAttribute("wiki-url"); wikiSection = node.getAttribute("wiki-section"); node = node.firstChild; } var added = false; while (node != null) { if (node.nodeType == 1) { var bindings = { }; var binding = node.firstChild; while (binding != null) { if (binding.nodeType == 1 && binding.firstChild != null && binding.firstChild.nodeType == 1 && binding.firstChild.firstChild != null && binding.firstChild.firstChild.nodeType == 3) { bindings[binding.getAttribute('name')] = binding.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; } binding = binding.nextSibling; } if (bindings["start"] == null && bindings["date"] != null) { bindings["start"] = bindings["date"]; } // instant event: default is true. Or use values from isDuration or durationEvent var instant = (bindings["isDuration"] === null && bindings["durationEvent"] === null) || bindings["isDuration"] == "false" || bindings["durationEvent"] == "false"; var evt = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource.Event({ id: bindings["id"], start: parseDateTimeFunction(bindings["start"]), end: parseDateTimeFunction(bindings["end"]), latestStart: parseDateTimeFunction(bindings["latestStart"]), earliestEnd: parseDateTimeFunction(bindings["earliestEnd"]), instant: instant, // instant text: bindings["title"], // text description: bindings["description"], image: this._resolveRelativeURL(bindings["image"], base), link: this._resolveRelativeURL(bindings["link"] , base), icon: this._resolveRelativeURL(bindings["icon"] , base), color: bindings["color"], textColor: bindings["textColor"], hoverText: bindings["hoverText"], caption: bindings["caption"], classname: bindings["classname"], tapeImage: bindings["tapeImage"], tapeRepeat: bindings["tapeRepeat"], eventID: bindings["eventID"], trackNum: bindings["trackNum"] }); evt._bindings = bindings; evt.getProperty = function(name) { return this._bindings[name]; }; evt.setWikiInfo(wikiURL, wikiSection); this._events.add(evt); added = true; } node = node.nextSibling; } if (added) { this._fire("onAddMany", []); } }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.add = function(evt) { this._events.add(evt); this._fire("onAddOne", [evt]); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.addMany = function(events) { for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { this._events.add(events[i]); } this._fire("onAddMany", []); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.clear = function() { this._events.removeAll(); this._fire("onClear", []); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.getEvent = function(id) { return this._events.getEvent(id); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.getEventIterator = function(startDate, endDate) { return this._events.getIterator(startDate, endDate); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.getEventReverseIterator = function(startDate, endDate) { return this._events.getReverseIterator(startDate, endDate); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.getAllEventIterator = function() { return this._events.getAllIterator(); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.getCount = function() { return this._events.getCount(); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.getEarliestDate = function() { return this._events.getEarliestDate(); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype.getLatestDate = function() { return this._events.getLatestDate(); }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype._fire = function(handlerName, args) { for (var i = 0; i < this._listeners.length; i++) { var listener = this._listeners[i]; if (handlerName in listener) { try { listener[handlerName].apply(listener, args); } catch (e) { SimileAjax.Debug.exception(e); } } } }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype._getBaseURL = function(url) { if (url.indexOf("://") < 0) { var url2 = this._getBaseURL(document.location.href); if (url.substr(0,1) == "/") { url = url2.substr(0, url2.indexOf("/", url2.indexOf("://") + 3)) + url; } else { url = url2 + url; } } var i = url.lastIndexOf("/"); if (i < 0) { return ""; } else { return url.substr(0, i+1); } }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.prototype._resolveRelativeURL = function(url, base) { if (url == null || url == "") { return url; } else if (url.indexOf("://") > 0) { return url; } else if (url.substr(0,1) == "/") { return base.substr(0, base.indexOf("/", base.indexOf("://") + 3)) + url; } else { return base + url; } }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.Event = function(args) { // // Attention developers! // If you add a new event attribute, please be sure to add it to // all three load functions: loadXML, loadSPARCL, loadJSON. // Thanks! // // args is a hash/object. It supports the following keys. Most are optional // id -- an internal id. Really shouldn't be used by events. // Timeline library clients should use eventID // eventID -- For use by library client when writing custom painters or // custom fillInfoBubble // start // end // latestStart // earliestEnd // instant -- boolean. Controls precise/non-precise logic & duration/instant issues // text -- event source attribute 'title' -- used as the label on Timelines and in bubbles. // description -- used in bubbles // image -- used in bubbles // link -- used in bubbles // icon -- on the Timeline // color -- Timeline label and tape color // textColor -- Timeline label color, overrides color attribute // hoverText -- deprecated, here for backwards compatibility. // Superceeded by caption // caption -- tooltip-like caption on the Timeline. Uses HTML title attribute // classname -- used to set classname in Timeline. Enables better CSS selector rules // tapeImage -- background image of the duration event's tape div on the Timeline // tapeRepeat -- repeat attribute for tapeImage. {repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y } function cleanArg(arg) { // clean up an arg return (args[arg] != null && args[arg] != "") ? args[arg] : null; } var id = args.id ? args.id.trim() : ""; this._id = id.length > 0 ? id : Timeline.EventUtils.getNewEventID(); this._instant = args.instant || (args.end == null); this._start = args.start; this._end = (args.end != null) ? args.end : args.start; this._latestStart = (args.latestStart != null) ? args.latestStart : (args.instant ? this._end : this._start); this._earliestEnd = (args.earliestEnd != null) ? args.earliestEnd : this._end; // check sanity of dates since incorrect dates will later cause calculation errors // when painting var err=[]; if (this._start > this._latestStart) { this._latestStart = this._start; err.push("start is > latestStart");} if (this._start > this._earliestEnd) { this._earliestEnd = this._latestStart; err.push("start is > earliestEnd");} if (this._start > this._end) { this._end = this._earliestEnd; err.push("start is > end");} if (this._latestStart > this._earliestEnd) { this._earliestEnd = this._latestStart; err.push("latestStart is > earliestEnd");} if (this._latestStart > this._end) { this._end = this._earliestEnd; err.push("latestStart is > end");} if (this._earliestEnd > this._end) { this._end = this._earliestEnd; err.push("earliestEnd is > end");} this._eventID = cleanArg('eventID'); this._text = (args.text != null) ? SimileAjax.HTML.deEntify(args.text) : ""; // Change blank titles to "" if (err.length > 0) { this._text += " PROBLEM: " + err.join(", "); } this._description = SimileAjax.HTML.deEntify(args.description); this._image = cleanArg('image'); this._link = cleanArg('link'); this._title = cleanArg('hoverText'); this._title = cleanArg('caption'); this._icon = cleanArg('icon'); this._color = cleanArg('color'); this._textColor = cleanArg('textColor'); this._classname = cleanArg('classname'); this._tapeImage = cleanArg('tapeImage'); this._tapeRepeat = cleanArg('tapeRepeat'); this._trackNum = cleanArg('trackNum'); if (this._trackNum != null) { this._trackNum = parseInt(this._trackNum); } this._wikiURL = null; this._wikiSection = null; }; Timeline.DefaultEventSource.Event.prototype = { getID: function() { return this._id; }, isInstant: function() { return this._instant; }, isImprecise: function() { return this._start != this._latestStart || this._end != this._earliestEnd; }, getStart: function() { return this._start; }, getEnd: function() { return this._end; }, getLatestStart: function() { return this._latestStart; }, getEarliestEnd: function() { return this._earliestEnd; }, getEventID: function() { return this._eventID; }, getText: function() { return this._text; }, // title getDescription: function() { return this._description; }, getImage: function() { return this._image; }, getLink: function() { return this._link; }, getIcon: function() { return this._icon; }, getColor: function() { return this._color; }, getTextColor: function() { return this._textColor; }, getClassName: function() { return this._classname; }, getTapeImage: function() { return this._tapeImage; }, getTapeRepeat: function() { return this._tapeRepeat; }, getTrackNum: function() { return this._trackNum; }, getProperty: function(name) { return null; }, getWikiURL: function() { return this._wikiURL; }, getWikiSection: function() { return this._wikiSection; }, setWikiInfo: function(wikiURL, wikiSection) { this._wikiURL = wikiURL; this._wikiSection = wikiSection; }, fillDescription: function(elmt) { elmt.innerHTML = this._description; }, fillWikiInfo: function(elmt) { // Many bubbles will not support a wiki link. // // Strategy: assume no wiki link. If we do have // enough parameters for one, then create it. elmt.style.display = "none"; // default if (this._wikiURL == null || this._wikiSection == null) { return; // EARLY RETURN } // create the wikiID from the property or from the event text (the title) var wikiID = this.getProperty("wikiID"); if (wikiID == null || wikiID.length == 0) { wikiID = this.getText(); // use the title as the backup wiki id } if (wikiID == null || wikiID.length == 0) { return; // No wikiID. Thus EARLY RETURN } // ready to go... elmt.style.display = "inline"; wikiID = wikiID.replace(/\s/g, "_"); var url = this._wikiURL + this._wikiSection.replace(/\s/g, "_") + "/" + wikiID; var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url; a.target = "new"; a.innerHTML = Timeline.strings[Timeline.clientLocale].wikiLinkLabel; elmt.appendChild(document.createTextNode("[")); elmt.appendChild(a); elmt.appendChild(document.createTextNode("]")); }, fillTime: function(elmt, labeller) { if (this._instant) { if (this.isImprecise()) { elmt.appendChild(elmt.ownerDocument.createTextNode(labeller.labelPrecise(this._start))); elmt.appendChild(elmt.ownerDocument.createElement("br")); elmt.appendChild(elmt.ownerDocument.createTextNode(labeller.labelPrecise(this._end))); } else { elmt.appendChild(elmt.ownerDocument.createTextNode(labeller.labelPrecise(this._start))); } } else { if (this.isImprecise()) { elmt.appendChild(elmt.ownerDocument.createTextNode( labeller.labelPrecise(this._start) + " ~ " + labeller.labelPrecise(this._latestStart))); elmt.appendChild(elmt.ownerDocument.createElement("br")); elmt.appendChild(elmt.ownerDocument.createTextNode( labeller.labelPrecise(this._earliestEnd) + " ~ " + labeller.labelPrecise(this._end))); } else { elmt.appendChild(elmt.ownerDocument.createTextNode(labeller.labelPrecise(this._start))); elmt.appendChild(elmt.ownerDocument.createElement("br")); elmt.appendChild(elmt.ownerDocument.createTextNode(labeller.labelPrecise(this._end))); } } }, fillInfoBubble: function(elmt, theme, labeller) { var doc = elmt.ownerDocument; var title = this.getText(); var link = this.getLink(); var image = this.getImage(); if (image != null) { var img = doc.createElement("img"); img.src = image; theme.event.bubble.imageStyler(img); elmt.appendChild(img); } var divTitle = doc.createElement("div"); var textTitle = doc.createTextNode(title); if (link != null) { var a = doc.createElement("a"); a.href = link; a.appendChild(textTitle); divTitle.appendChild(a); } else { divTitle.appendChild(textTitle); } theme.event.bubble.titleStyler(divTitle); elmt.appendChild(divTitle); var divBody = doc.createElement("div"); this.fillDescription(divBody); theme.event.bubble.bodyStyler(divBody); elmt.appendChild(divBody); var divTime = doc.createElement("div"); this.fillTime(divTime, labeller); theme.event.bubble.timeStyler(divTime); elmt.appendChild(divTime); var divWiki = doc.createElement("div"); this.fillWikiInfo(divWiki); theme.event.bubble.wikiStyler(divWiki); elmt.appendChild(divWiki); } };
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