Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\timeline\api\scripts\timeline.js
/*================================================= * * Coding standards: * * We aim towards Douglas Crockford's Javascript conventions. * See: http://javascript.crockford.com/code.html * See also: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/javascript.html * * That said, this JS code was written before some recent JS * support libraries became widely used or available. * In particular, the _ character is used to indicate a class function or * variable that should be considered private to the class. * * The code mostly uses accessor methods for getting/setting the private * class variables. * * Over time, we'd like to formalize the convention by using support libraries * which enforce privacy in objects. * * We also want to use jslint: http://www.jslint.com/ * * *================================================== */ /*================================================== * Timeline VERSION *================================================== */ // Note: version is also stored in the build.xml file Timeline.version = '2.3.0'; // use format 'pre 1.2.3' for trunk versions Timeline.ajax_lib_version = SimileAjax.version; // Waiting for version string method from Ajax library Timeline.display_version = Timeline.version + ' (with Ajax lib ' + Timeline.ajax_lib_version + ')'; // cf method Timeline.writeVersion /*================================================== * Timeline *================================================== */ Timeline.strings = {}; // localization string tables Timeline.HORIZONTAL = 0; Timeline.VERTICAL = 1; Timeline._defaultTheme = null; Timeline.getDefaultLocale = function() { return Timeline.clientLocale; }; Timeline.create = function(elmt, bandInfos, orientation, unit) { if (Timeline.timelines == null) { Timeline.timelines = []; // Timeline.timelines array can have null members--Timelines that // once existed on the page, but were later disposed of. } var timelineID = Timeline.timelines.length; Timeline.timelines[timelineID] = null; // placeholder until we have the object var new_tl = new Timeline._Impl(elmt, bandInfos, orientation, unit, timelineID); Timeline.timelines[timelineID] = new_tl; return new_tl; }; Timeline.createBandInfo = function(params) { var theme = ("theme" in params) ? params.theme : Timeline.getDefaultTheme(); var eventSource = ("eventSource" in params) ? params.eventSource : null; var ether = new Timeline.LinearEther({ centersOn: ("date" in params) ? params.date : new Date(), interval: SimileAjax.DateTime.gregorianUnitLengths[params.intervalUnit], pixelsPerInterval: params.intervalPixels, theme: theme }); var etherPainter = new Timeline.GregorianEtherPainter({ unit: params.intervalUnit, multiple: ("multiple" in params) ? params.multiple : 1, theme: theme, align: ("align" in params) ? params.align : undefined }); var eventPainterParams = { showText: ("showEventText" in params) ? params.showEventText : true, theme: theme }; // pass in custom parameters for the event painter if ("eventPainterParams" in params) { for (var prop in params.eventPainterParams) { eventPainterParams[prop] = params.eventPainterParams[prop]; } } if ("trackHeight" in params) { eventPainterParams.trackHeight = params.trackHeight; } if ("trackGap" in params) { eventPainterParams.trackGap = params.trackGap; } var layout = ("overview" in params && params.overview) ? "overview" : ("layout" in params ? params.layout : "original"); var eventPainter; if ("eventPainter" in params) { eventPainter = new params.eventPainter(eventPainterParams); } else { switch (layout) { case "overview" : eventPainter = new Timeline.OverviewEventPainter(eventPainterParams); break; case "detailed" : eventPainter = new Timeline.DetailedEventPainter(eventPainterParams); break; default: eventPainter = new Timeline.OriginalEventPainter(eventPainterParams); } } return { width: params.width, eventSource: eventSource, timeZone: ("timeZone" in params) ? params.timeZone : 0, ether: ether, etherPainter: etherPainter, eventPainter: eventPainter, theme: theme, zoomIndex: ("zoomIndex" in params) ? params.zoomIndex : 0, zoomSteps: ("zoomSteps" in params) ? params.zoomSteps : null }; }; Timeline.createHotZoneBandInfo = function(params) { var theme = ("theme" in params) ? params.theme : Timeline.getDefaultTheme(); var eventSource = ("eventSource" in params) ? params.eventSource : null; var ether = new Timeline.HotZoneEther({ centersOn: ("date" in params) ? params.date : new Date(), interval: SimileAjax.DateTime.gregorianUnitLengths[params.intervalUnit], pixelsPerInterval: params.intervalPixels, zones: params.zones, theme: theme }); var etherPainter = new Timeline.HotZoneGregorianEtherPainter({ unit: params.intervalUnit, zones: params.zones, theme: theme, align: ("align" in params) ? params.align : undefined }); var eventPainterParams = { showText: ("showEventText" in params) ? params.showEventText : true, theme: theme }; // pass in custom parameters for the event painter if ("eventPainterParams" in params) { for (var prop in params.eventPainterParams) { eventPainterParams[prop] = params.eventPainterParams[prop]; } } if ("trackHeight" in params) { eventPainterParams.trackHeight = params.trackHeight; } if ("trackGap" in params) { eventPainterParams.trackGap = params.trackGap; } var layout = ("overview" in params && params.overview) ? "overview" : ("layout" in params ? params.layout : "original"); var eventPainter; if ("eventPainter" in params) { eventPainter = new params.eventPainter(eventPainterParams); } else { switch (layout) { case "overview" : eventPainter = new Timeline.OverviewEventPainter(eventPainterParams); break; case "detailed" : eventPainter = new Timeline.DetailedEventPainter(eventPainterParams); break; default: eventPainter = new Timeline.OriginalEventPainter(eventPainterParams); } } return { width: params.width, eventSource: eventSource, timeZone: ("timeZone" in params) ? params.timeZone : 0, ether: ether, etherPainter: etherPainter, eventPainter: eventPainter, theme: theme, zoomIndex: ("zoomIndex" in params) ? params.zoomIndex : 0, zoomSteps: ("zoomSteps" in params) ? params.zoomSteps : null }; }; Timeline.getDefaultTheme = function() { if (Timeline._defaultTheme == null) { Timeline._defaultTheme = Timeline.ClassicTheme.create(Timeline.getDefaultLocale()); } return Timeline._defaultTheme; }; Timeline.setDefaultTheme = function(theme) { Timeline._defaultTheme = theme; }; Timeline.loadXML = function(url, f) { var fError = function(statusText, status, xmlhttp) { alert("Failed to load data xml from " + url + "\n" + statusText); }; var fDone = function(xmlhttp) { var xml = xmlhttp.responseXML; if (!xml.documentElement && xmlhttp.responseStream) { xml.load(xmlhttp.responseStream); } f(xml, url); }; SimileAjax.XmlHttp.get(url, fError, fDone); }; Timeline.loadJSON = function(url, f) { var fError = function(statusText, status, xmlhttp) { alert("Failed to load json data from " + url + "\n" + statusText); }; var fDone = function(xmlhttp) { f(eval('(' + xmlhttp.responseText + ')'), url); }; SimileAjax.XmlHttp.get(url, fError, fDone); }; Timeline.getTimelineFromID = function(timelineID) { return Timeline.timelines[timelineID]; }; // Write the current Timeline version as the contents of element with id el_id Timeline.writeVersion = function(el_id) { document.getElementById(el_id).innerHTML = this.display_version; }; /*================================================== * Timeline Implementation object *================================================== */ Timeline._Impl = function(elmt, bandInfos, orientation, unit, timelineID) { SimileAjax.WindowManager.initialize(); this._containerDiv = elmt; this._bandInfos = bandInfos; this._orientation = orientation == null ? Timeline.HORIZONTAL : orientation; this._unit = (unit != null) ? unit : SimileAjax.NativeDateUnit; this._starting = true; // is the Timeline being created? Used by autoWidth // functions this._autoResizing = false; // autoWidth is a "public" property of the Timeline object this.autoWidth = bandInfos && bandInfos[0] && bandInfos[0].theme && bandInfos[0].theme.autoWidth; this.autoWidthAnimationTime = bandInfos && bandInfos[0] && bandInfos[0].theme && bandInfos[0].theme.autoWidthAnimationTime; this.timelineID = timelineID; // also public attribute this.timeline_start = bandInfos && bandInfos[0] && bandInfos[0].theme && bandInfos[0].theme.timeline_start; this.timeline_stop = bandInfos && bandInfos[0] && bandInfos[0].theme && bandInfos[0].theme.timeline_stop; this.timeline_at_start = false; // already at start or stop? Then won't this.timeline_at_stop = false; // try to move further in the wrong direction this._initialize(); }; // // Public functions used by client sw // Timeline._Impl.prototype.dispose = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._bands.length; i++) { this._bands[i].dispose(); } this._bands = null; this._bandInfos = null; this._containerDiv.innerHTML = ""; // remove from array of Timelines Timeline.timelines[this.timelineID] = null; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.getBandCount = function() { return this._bands.length; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.getBand = function(index) { return this._bands[index]; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.finishedEventLoading = function() { // Called by client after events have been loaded into Timeline // Only used if the client has set autoWidth // Sets width to Timeline's requested amount and will shrink down the div if // need be. this._autoWidthCheck(true); this._starting = false; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.layout = function() { // called by client when browser is resized this._autoWidthCheck(true); this._distributeWidths(); }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.paint = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._bands.length; i++) { this._bands[i].paint(); } }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.getDocument = function() { return this._containerDiv.ownerDocument; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.addDiv = function(div) { this._containerDiv.appendChild(div); }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.removeDiv = function(div) { this._containerDiv.removeChild(div); }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.isHorizontal = function() { return this._orientation == Timeline.HORIZONTAL; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.isVertical = function() { return this._orientation == Timeline.VERTICAL; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.getPixelLength = function() { return this._orientation == Timeline.HORIZONTAL ? this._containerDiv.offsetWidth : this._containerDiv.offsetHeight; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.getPixelWidth = function() { return this._orientation == Timeline.VERTICAL ? this._containerDiv.offsetWidth : this._containerDiv.offsetHeight; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.getUnit = function() { return this._unit; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.getWidthStyle = function() { // which element.style attribute should be changed to affect Timeline's "width" return this._orientation == Timeline.HORIZONTAL ? 'height' : 'width'; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.loadXML = function(url, f) { var tl = this; var fError = function(statusText, status, xmlhttp) { alert("Failed to load data xml from " + url + "\n" + statusText); tl.hideLoadingMessage(); }; var fDone = function(xmlhttp) { try { var xml = xmlhttp.responseXML; if (!xml.documentElement && xmlhttp.responseStream) { xml.load(xmlhttp.responseStream); } f(xml, url); } finally { tl.hideLoadingMessage(); } }; this.showLoadingMessage(); window.setTimeout(function() { SimileAjax.XmlHttp.get(url, fError, fDone); }, 0); }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.loadJSON = function(url, f) { var tl = this; var fError = function(statusText, status, xmlhttp) { alert("Failed to load json data from " + url + "\n" + statusText); tl.hideLoadingMessage(); }; var fDone = function(xmlhttp) { try { f(eval('(' + xmlhttp.responseText + ')'), url); } finally { tl.hideLoadingMessage(); } }; this.showLoadingMessage(); window.setTimeout(function() { SimileAjax.XmlHttp.get(url, fError, fDone); }, 0); }; // // Private functions used by Timeline object functions // Timeline._Impl.prototype._autoWidthScrollListener = function(band) { band.getTimeline()._autoWidthCheck(false); }; // called to re-calculate auto width and adjust the overall Timeline div if needed Timeline._Impl.prototype._autoWidthCheck = function(okToShrink) { var timeline = this; // this Timeline var immediateChange = timeline._starting; var newWidth = 0; function changeTimelineWidth() { var widthStyle = timeline.getWidthStyle(); if (immediateChange) { timeline._containerDiv.style[widthStyle] = newWidth + 'px'; } else { // animate change timeline._autoResizing = true; var animateParam ={}; animateParam[widthStyle] = newWidth + 'px'; SimileAjax.jQuery(timeline._containerDiv).animate( animateParam, timeline.autoWidthAnimationTime, 'linear', function(){timeline._autoResizing = false;}); } } function checkTimelineWidth() { var targetWidth = 0; // the new desired width var currentWidth = timeline.getPixelWidth(); if (timeline._autoResizing) { return; // early return } // compute targetWidth for (var i = 0; i < timeline._bands.length; i++) { timeline._bands[i].checkAutoWidth(); targetWidth += timeline._bandInfos[i].width; } if (targetWidth > currentWidth || okToShrink) { // yes, let's change the size newWidth = targetWidth; changeTimelineWidth(); timeline._distributeWidths(); } } // function's mainline if (!timeline.autoWidth) { return; // early return } checkTimelineWidth(); }; Timeline._Impl.prototype._initialize = function() { var containerDiv = this._containerDiv; var doc = containerDiv.ownerDocument; containerDiv.className = containerDiv.className.split(" ").concat("timeline-container").join(" "); /* * Set css-class on container div that will define orientation */ var orientation = (this.isHorizontal()) ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical' containerDiv.className +=' timeline-'+orientation; while (containerDiv.firstChild) { containerDiv.removeChild(containerDiv.firstChild); } /* * inserting copyright and link to simile */ var elmtCopyright = SimileAjax.Graphics.createTranslucentImage(Timeline.urlPrefix + (this.isHorizontal() ? "images/copyright-vertical.png" : "images/copyright.png")); elmtCopyright.className = "timeline-copyright"; elmtCopyright.title = "Timeline copyright SIMILE - www.code.google.com/p/simile-widgets/"; SimileAjax.DOM.registerEvent(elmtCopyright, "click", function() { window.location = "http://code.google.com/p/simile-widgets/"; }); containerDiv.appendChild(elmtCopyright); /* * creating bands */ this._bands = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._bandInfos.length; i++) { var band = new Timeline._Band(this, this._bandInfos[i], i); this._bands.push(band); } this._distributeWidths(); /* * sync'ing bands */ for (var i = 0; i < this._bandInfos.length; i++) { var bandInfo = this._bandInfos[i]; if ("syncWith" in bandInfo) { this._bands[i].setSyncWithBand( this._bands[bandInfo.syncWith], ("highlight" in bandInfo) ? bandInfo.highlight : false ); } } if (this.autoWidth) { for (var i = 0; i < this._bands.length; i++) { this._bands[i].addOnScrollListener(this._autoWidthScrollListener); } } /* * creating loading UI */ var message = SimileAjax.Graphics.createMessageBubble(doc); message.containerDiv.className = "timeline-message-container"; containerDiv.appendChild(message.containerDiv); message.contentDiv.className = "timeline-message"; message.contentDiv.innerHTML = "<img src='" + Timeline.urlPrefix + "images/progress-running.gif' /> Loading..."; this.showLoadingMessage = function() { message.containerDiv.style.display = "block"; }; this.hideLoadingMessage = function() { message.containerDiv.style.display = "none"; }; }; Timeline._Impl.prototype._distributeWidths = function() { var length = this.getPixelLength(); var width = this.getPixelWidth(); var cumulativeWidth = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._bands.length; i++) { var band = this._bands[i]; var bandInfos = this._bandInfos[i]; var widthString = bandInfos.width; var bandWidth; if (typeof widthString == 'string') { var x = widthString.indexOf("%"); if (x > 0) { var percent = parseInt(widthString.substr(0, x)); bandWidth = Math.round(percent * width / 100); } else { bandWidth = parseInt(widthString); } } else { // was given an integer bandWidth = widthString; } band.setBandShiftAndWidth(cumulativeWidth, bandWidth); band.setViewLength(length); cumulativeWidth += bandWidth; } }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.shiftOK = function(index, shift) { // Returns true if the proposed shift is ok // // Positive shift means going back in time var going_back = shift > 0, going_forward = shift < 0; // Is there an edge? if ((going_back && this.timeline_start == null) || (going_forward && this.timeline_stop == null) || (shift == 0)) { return (true); // early return } // If any of the bands has noted that it is changing the others, // then this shift is a secondary shift in reaction to the real shift, // which already happened. In such cases, ignore it. (The issue is // that a positive original shift can cause a negative secondary shift, // as the bands adjust.) var secondary_shift = false; for (var i = 0; i < this._bands.length && !secondary_shift; i++) { secondary_shift = this._bands[i].busy(); } if (secondary_shift) { return(true); // early return } // If we are already at an edge, then don't even think about going any further if ((going_back && this.timeline_at_start) || (going_forward && this.timeline_at_stop)) { return (false); // early return } // Need to check all the bands var ok = false; // return value // If any of the bands will be or are showing an ok date, then let the shift proceed. for (var i = 0; i < this._bands.length && !ok; i++) { var band = this._bands[i]; if (going_back) { ok = (i == index ? band.getMinVisibleDateAfterDelta(shift) : band.getMinVisibleDate()) >= this.timeline_start; } else { ok = (i == index ? band.getMaxVisibleDateAfterDelta(shift) : band.getMaxVisibleDate()) <= this.timeline_stop; } } // process results if (going_back) { this.timeline_at_start = !ok; this.timeline_at_stop = false; } else { this.timeline_at_stop = !ok; this.timeline_at_start = false; } // This is where you could have an effect once per hitting an // edge of the Timeline. Eg jitter the Timeline //if (!ok) { //alert(going_back ? "At beginning" : "At end"); //} return (ok); }; Timeline._Impl.prototype.zoom = function (zoomIn, x, y, target) { var matcher = new RegExp("^timeline-band-([0-9]+)$"); var bandIndex = null; var result = matcher.exec(target.id); if (result) { bandIndex = parseInt(result[1]); } if (bandIndex != null) { this._bands[bandIndex].zoom(zoomIn, x, y, target); } this.paint(); };
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