Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\wysiwyg\ckeditor\_source\core\htmlparser\fragment.js
/* Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ /** * A lightweight representation of an HTML DOM structure. * @constructor * @example */ CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment = function() { /** * The nodes contained in the root of this fragment. * @type Array * @example * var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<b>Sample</b> Text' ); * alert( fragment.children.length ); "2" */ this.children = []; /** * Get the fragment parent. Should always be null. * @type Object * @default null * @example */ this.parent = null; /** @private */ this._ = { isBlockLike : true, hasInlineStarted : false }; }; (function() { // Block-level elements whose internal structure should be respected during // parser fixing. var nonBreakingBlocks = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( { table:1,ul:1,ol:1,dl:1 }, CKEDITOR.dtd.table, CKEDITOR.dtd.ul, CKEDITOR.dtd.ol, CKEDITOR.dtd.dl ); // IE < 8 don't output the close tag on definition list items. (#6975) var optionalCloseTags = CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 8 ? { dd : 1, dt :1 } : {}; var listBlocks = { ol:1, ul:1 }; // Dtd of the fragment element, basically it accept anything except for intermediate structure, e.g. orphan <li>. var rootDtd = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, { html: 1 }, CKEDITOR.dtd.html, CKEDITOR.dtd.body, CKEDITOR.dtd.head, { style:1,script:1 } ); /** * Creates a {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment} from an HTML string. * @param {String} fragmentHtml The HTML to be parsed, filling the fragment. * @param {Number} [fixForBody=false] Wrap body with specified element if needed. * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} contextNode Parse the html as the content of this element. * @returns CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment The fragment created. * @example * var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<b>Sample</b> Text' ); * alert( fragment.children[0].name ); "b" * alert( fragment.children[1].value ); " Text" */ CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml = function( fragmentHtml, fixForBody, contextNode ) { var parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser(), fragment = contextNode || new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment(), pendingInline = [], pendingBRs = [], currentNode = fragment, // Indicate we're inside a <pre> element, spaces should be touched differently. inPre = false; function checkPending( newTagName ) { var pendingBRsSent; if ( pendingInline.length > 0 ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < pendingInline.length ; i++ ) { var pendingElement = pendingInline[ i ], pendingName = pendingElement.name, pendingDtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ pendingName ], currentDtd = currentNode.name && CKEDITOR.dtd[ currentNode.name ]; if ( ( !currentDtd || currentDtd[ pendingName ] ) && ( !newTagName || !pendingDtd || pendingDtd[ newTagName ] || !CKEDITOR.dtd[ newTagName ] ) ) { if ( !pendingBRsSent ) { sendPendingBRs(); pendingBRsSent = 1; } // Get a clone for the pending element. pendingElement = pendingElement.clone(); // Add it to the current node and make it the current, // so the new element will be added inside of it. pendingElement.parent = currentNode; currentNode = pendingElement; // Remove the pending element (back the index by one // to properly process the next entry). pendingInline.splice( i, 1 ); i--; } } } } function sendPendingBRs() { while ( pendingBRs.length ) currentNode.add( pendingBRs.shift() ); } /* * Beside of simply append specified element to target, this function also takes * care of other dirty lifts like forcing block in body, trimming spaces at * the block boundaries etc. * * @param {Element} element The element to be added as the last child of {@link target}. * @param {Element} target The parent element to relieve the new node. * @param {Boolean} [moveCurrent=false] Don't change the "currentNode" global unless * there's a return point node specified on the element, otherwise move current onto {@link target} node. */ function addElement( element, target, moveCurrent ) { // Ignore any element that has already been added. if ( element.previous !== undefined ) return; target = target || currentNode || fragment; // Current element might be mangled by fix body below, // save it for restore later. var savedCurrent = currentNode; // If the target is the fragment and this inline element can't go inside // body (if fixForBody). if ( fixForBody && ( !target.type || target.name == 'body' ) ) { var elementName, realElementName; if ( element.attributes && ( realElementName = element.attributes[ 'data-cke-real-element-type' ] ) ) elementName = realElementName; else elementName = element.name; if ( elementName && !( elementName in CKEDITOR.dtd.$body || elementName == 'body' || element.isOrphan ) ) { // Create a <p> in the fragment. currentNode = target; parser.onTagOpen( fixForBody, {} ); // The new target now is the <p>. element.returnPoint = target = currentNode; } } // Rtrim empty spaces on block end boundary. (#3585) if ( element._.isBlockLike && element.name != 'pre' ) { var length = element.children.length, lastChild = element.children[ length - 1 ], text; if ( lastChild && lastChild.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) { if ( !( text = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( lastChild.value ) ) ) element.children.length = length -1; else lastChild.value = text; } } target.add( element ); if ( element.returnPoint ) { currentNode = element.returnPoint; delete element.returnPoint; } else currentNode = moveCurrent ? target : savedCurrent; } parser.onTagOpen = function( tagName, attributes, selfClosing, optionalClose ) { var element = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( tagName, attributes ); // "isEmpty" will be always "false" for unknown elements, so we // must force it if the parser has identified it as a selfClosing tag. if ( element.isUnknown && selfClosing ) element.isEmpty = true; // Check for optional closed elements, including browser quirks and manually opened blocks. element.isOptionalClose = tagName in optionalCloseTags || optionalClose; // This is a tag to be removed if empty, so do not add it immediately. if ( CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ tagName ] ) { pendingInline.push( element ); return; } else if ( tagName == 'pre' ) inPre = true; else if ( tagName == 'br' && inPre ) { currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( '\n' ) ); return; } if ( tagName == 'br' ) { pendingBRs.push( element ); return; } while( 1 ) { var currentName = currentNode.name; var currentDtd = currentName ? ( CKEDITOR.dtd[ currentName ] || ( currentNode._.isBlockLike ? CKEDITOR.dtd.div : CKEDITOR.dtd.span ) ) : rootDtd; // If the element cannot be child of the current element. if ( !element.isUnknown && !currentNode.isUnknown && !currentDtd[ tagName ] ) { // Current node doesn't have a close tag, time for a close // as this element isn't fit in. (#7497) if ( currentNode.isOptionalClose ) parser.onTagClose( currentName ); // Fixing malformed nested lists by moving it into a previous list item. (#3828) else if ( tagName in listBlocks && currentName in listBlocks ) { var children = currentNode.children, lastChild = children[ children.length - 1 ]; // Establish the list item if it's not existed. if ( !( lastChild && lastChild.name == 'li' ) ) addElement( ( lastChild = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'li' ) ), currentNode ); !element.returnPoint && ( element.returnPoint = currentNode ); currentNode = lastChild; } // Establish new list root for orphan list items. else if ( tagName in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem && currentName != tagName ) parser.onTagOpen( tagName == 'li' ? 'ul' : 'dl', {}, 0, 1 ); // We're inside a structural block like table and list, AND the incoming element // is not of the same type (e.g. <td>td1<td>td2</td>), we simply add this new one before it, // and most importantly, return back to here once this element is added, // e.g. <table><tr><td>td1</td><p>p1</p><td>td2</td></tr></table> else if ( currentName in nonBreakingBlocks && currentName != tagName ) { !element.returnPoint && ( element.returnPoint = currentNode ); currentNode = currentNode.parent; } else { // The current element is an inline element, which // need to be continued even after the close, so put // it in the pending list. if ( currentName in CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline ) pendingInline.unshift( currentNode ); // The most common case where we just need to close the // current one and append the new one to the parent. if ( currentNode.parent ) addElement( currentNode, currentNode.parent, 1 ); // We've tried our best to fix the embarrassment here, while // this element still doesn't find it's parent, mark it as // orphan and show our tolerance to it. else { element.isOrphan = 1; break; } } } else break; } checkPending( tagName ); sendPendingBRs(); element.parent = currentNode; if ( element.isEmpty ) addElement( element ); else currentNode = element; }; parser.onTagClose = function( tagName ) { // Check if there is any pending tag to be closed. for ( var i = pendingInline.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { // If found, just remove it from the list. if ( tagName == pendingInline[ i ].name ) { pendingInline.splice( i, 1 ); return; } } var pendingAdd = [], newPendingInline = [], candidate = currentNode; while ( candidate != fragment && candidate.name != tagName ) { // If this is an inline element, add it to the pending list, if we're // really closing one of the parents element later, they will continue // after it. if ( !candidate._.isBlockLike ) newPendingInline.unshift( candidate ); // This node should be added to it's parent at this point. But, // it should happen only if the closing tag is really closing // one of the nodes. So, for now, we just cache it. pendingAdd.push( candidate ); // Make sure return point is properly restored. candidate = candidate.returnPoint || candidate.parent; } if ( candidate != fragment ) { // Add all elements that have been found in the above loop. for ( i = 0 ; i < pendingAdd.length ; i++ ) { var node = pendingAdd[ i ]; addElement( node, node.parent ); } currentNode = candidate; if ( currentNode.name == 'pre' ) inPre = false; if ( candidate._.isBlockLike ) sendPendingBRs(); addElement( candidate, candidate.parent ); // The parent should start receiving new nodes now, except if // addElement changed the currentNode. if ( candidate == currentNode ) currentNode = currentNode.parent; pendingInline = pendingInline.concat( newPendingInline ); } if ( tagName == 'body' ) fixForBody = false; }; parser.onText = function( text ) { // Trim empty spaces at beginning of text contents except <pre>. if ( ( !currentNode._.hasInlineStarted || pendingBRs.length ) && !inPre ) { text = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( text ); if ( text.length === 0 ) return; } sendPendingBRs(); checkPending(); if ( fixForBody && ( !currentNode.type || currentNode.name == 'body' ) && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( text ) ) { this.onTagOpen( fixForBody, {}, 0, 1 ); } // Shrinking consequential spaces into one single for all elements // text contents. if ( !inPre ) text = text.replace( /[\t\r\n ]{2,}|[\t\r\n]/g, ' ' ); currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( text ) ); }; parser.onCDATA = function( cdata ) { currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata( cdata ) ); }; parser.onComment = function( comment ) { sendPendingBRs(); checkPending(); currentNode.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment( comment ) ); }; // Parse it. parser.parse( fragmentHtml ); // Send all pending BRs except one, which we consider a unwanted bogus. (#5293) sendPendingBRs( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && 1 ); // Close all pending nodes, make sure return point is properly restored. while ( currentNode != fragment ) addElement( currentNode, currentNode.parent, 1 ); return fragment; }; CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype = { /** * Adds a node to this fragment. * @param {Object} node The node to be added. It can be any of of the * following types: {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element}, * {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text} and * {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment}. * @param {Number} [index] From where the insertion happens. * @example */ add : function( node, index ) { isNaN( index ) && ( index = this.children.length ); var previous = index > 0 ? this.children[ index - 1 ] : null; if ( previous ) { // If the block to be appended is following text, trim spaces at // the right of it. if ( node._.isBlockLike && previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) { previous.value = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( previous.value ); // If we have completely cleared the previous node. if ( previous.value.length === 0 ) { // Remove it from the list and add the node again. this.children.pop(); this.add( node ); return; } } previous.next = node; } node.previous = previous; node.parent = this; this.children.splice( index, 0, node ); this._.hasInlineStarted = node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !node._.isBlockLike ); }, /** * Writes the fragment HTML to a CKEDITOR.htmlWriter. * @param {CKEDITOR.htmlWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML. * @example * var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlWriter(); * var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<P><B>Example' ); * fragment.writeHtml( writer ) * alert( writer.getHtml() ); "<p><b>Example</b></p>" */ writeHtml : function( writer, filter ) { var isChildrenFiltered; this.filterChildren = function() { var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter(); this.writeChildrenHtml.call( this, writer, filter, true ); var html = writer.getHtml(); this.children = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( html ).children; isChildrenFiltered = 1; }; // Filtering the root fragment before anything else. !this.name && filter && filter.onFragment( this ); this.writeChildrenHtml( writer, isChildrenFiltered ? null : filter ); }, writeChildrenHtml : function( writer, filter ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.children.length ; i++ ) this.children[i].writeHtml( writer, filter ); } }; })();
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