Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\js\wysiwyg\ckeditor\_source\plugins\listblock\plugin.js
/* Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'listblock', { requires : [ 'panel' ], onLoad : function() { CKEDITOR.ui.panel.prototype.addListBlock = function( name, definition ) { return this.addBlock( name, new CKEDITOR.ui.listBlock( this.getHolderElement(), definition ) ); }; CKEDITOR.ui.listBlock = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass( { base : CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block, $ : function( blockHolder, blockDefinition ) { blockDefinition = blockDefinition || {}; var attribs = blockDefinition.attributes || ( blockDefinition.attributes = {} ); ( this.multiSelect = !!blockDefinition.multiSelect ) && ( attribs[ 'aria-multiselectable' ] = true ); // Provide default role of 'listbox'. !attribs.role && ( attribs.role = 'listbox' ); // Call the base contructor. this.base.apply( this, arguments ); var keys = this.keys; keys[ 40 ] = 'next'; // ARROW-DOWN keys[ 9 ] = 'next'; // TAB keys[ 38 ] = 'prev'; // ARROW-UP keys[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ] = 'prev'; // SHIFT + TAB keys[ 32 ] = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'mouseup' : 'click'; // SPACE CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( keys[ 13 ] = 'mouseup' ); // Manage ENTER, since onclick is blocked in IE (#8041). this._.pendingHtml = []; this._.items = {}; this._.groups = {}; }, _ : { close : function() { if ( this._.started ) { this._.pendingHtml.push( '</ul>' ); delete this._.started; } }, getClick : function() { if ( !this._.click ) { this._.click = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( value ) { var marked = true; if ( this.multiSelect ) marked = this.toggle( value ); else this.mark( value ); if ( this.onClick ) this.onClick( value, marked ); }, this ); } return this._.click; } }, proto : { add : function( value, html, title ) { var pendingHtml = this._.pendingHtml, id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(); if ( !this._.started ) { pendingHtml.push( '<ul role="presentation" class=cke_panel_list>' ); this._.started = 1; this._.size = this._.size || 0; } this._.items[ value ] = id; pendingHtml.push( '<li id=', id, ' class=cke_panel_listItem role=presentation>' + '<a id="', id, '_option" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' + ' title="', title || value, '"' + ' href="javascript:void(\'', value, '\')" ' + ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'onclick="return false;" onmouseup' : 'onclick' ) + // #188 '="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', this._.getClick(), ',\'', value, '\'); return false;"', ' role="option"' + ' aria-posinset="' + ++this._.size + '">', html || value, '</a>' + '</li>' ); }, startGroup : function( title ) { this._.close(); var id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(); this._.groups[ title ] = id; this._.pendingHtml.push( '<h1 role="presentation" id=', id, ' class=cke_panel_grouptitle>', title, '</h1>' ); }, commit : function() { this._.close(); this.element.appendHtml( this._.pendingHtml.join( '' ) ); var items = this._.items, doc = this.element.getDocument(); for ( var value in items ) doc.getById( items[ value ] + '_option' ).setAttribute( 'aria-setsize', this._.size ); delete this._.size; this._.pendingHtml = []; }, toggle : function( value ) { var isMarked = this.isMarked( value ); if ( isMarked ) this.unmark( value ); else this.mark( value ); return !isMarked; }, hideGroup : function( groupTitle ) { var group = this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.groups[ groupTitle ] ), list = group && group.getNext(); if ( group ) { group.setStyle( 'display', 'none' ); if ( list && list.getName() == 'ul' ) list.setStyle( 'display', 'none' ); } }, hideItem : function( value ) { this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.items[ value ] ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' ); }, showAll : function() { var items = this._.items, groups = this._.groups, doc = this.element.getDocument(); for ( var value in items ) { doc.getById( items[ value ] ).setStyle( 'display', '' ); } for ( var title in groups ) { var group = doc.getById( groups[ title ] ), list = group.getNext(); group.setStyle( 'display', '' ); if ( list && list.getName() == 'ul' ) list.setStyle( 'display', '' ); } }, mark : function( value ) { if ( !this.multiSelect ) this.unmarkAll(); var itemId = this._.items[ value ], item = this.element.getDocument().getById( itemId ); item.addClass( 'cke_selected' ); this.element.getDocument().getById( itemId + '_option' ).setAttribute( 'aria-selected', true ); this.element.setAttribute( 'aria-activedescendant', itemId + '_option' ); this.onMark && this.onMark( item ); }, unmark : function( value ) { var doc = this.element.getDocument(), itemId = this._.items[ value ], item = doc.getById( itemId ); item.removeClass( 'cke_selected' ); doc.getById( itemId + '_option' ).removeAttribute( 'aria-selected' ); this.onUnmark && this.onUnmark( item ); }, unmarkAll : function() { var items = this._.items, doc = this.element.getDocument(); for ( var value in items ) { var itemId = items[ value ]; doc.getById( itemId ).removeClass( 'cke_selected' ); doc.getById( itemId + '_option' ).removeAttribute( 'aria-selected' ); } this.onUnmark && this.onUnmark(); }, isMarked : function( value ) { return this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.items[ value ] ).hasClass( 'cke_selected' ); }, focus : function( value ) { this._.focusIndex = -1; if ( value ) { var selected = this.element.getDocument().getById( this._.items[ value ] ).getFirst(); var links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' ), link, i = -1; while ( ( link = links.getItem( ++i ) ) ) { if ( link.equals( selected ) ) { this._.focusIndex = i; break; } } setTimeout( function() { selected.focus(); }, 0 ); } } } }); } });
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