Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\netbusiness\bulkfaxing\edit.jsp
<% /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 e-Deal * * e-Deal S.A. * 55 rue Brillat Savarin * 75013 Paris * France * * T: +33 (0)1 53 80 80 30 * F: +33 (0)1 73 01 69 77 * http://www.e-deal.com * * La diffusion de ce code source sous quelque forme que ce soit sans * l'autorisation de E-DEAL est interdite. * * Vous êtes autorisés à modifier ce code source uniquement pour votre usage * propre et sous réserve que les mentions de copyright demeurent intactes. * * Ce code est fourni en l'état. Aucune garantie d'aucune sorte, explicite ou * implicite n'est donnée. 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FlRequest flRequest = new FlRequest(request); FlContext context = flRequest.getContext(); DataDictionary dico = context.getDataDictionary(); String id = null; try { id = MassEmailing.getID(); } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } boolean isCreate = id == null; Integer emlDstType = null; try{ emlDstType =(Integer)MassEmailing.getProperty("EmlDstType"); } catch (Exception e) { } String emlTypeDst = null; try{ emlTypeDst =(String)MassEmailing.getEmlTypeDst(); } catch (Exception e) { } String emlStatus = null; try{ emlStatus =(String)MassEmailing.getEmlStatus(); } catch (Exception e) { emlStatus = dico.getRefIdByCode("EmlStatus", "MAKING"); } String emlStatusDisp = (String)dico.getRefDisp(session, "Mes", "Te1", dico.getRefIdByCode("EmlStatus", "MAKING")); //récupérer la langue en cours FlLocale locale = FlLocale.getInstance(session); String langageID = locale.getLanguageID(); //si la langue dans fllocal est null alors français pas defaut if(langageID == null) { try { langageID = dico.getRefIdByCode("Lna", "Val", "fr_FR"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } //code type de message String codeMsgModele = dico.getRefIdByCode("tpe", "Te1", "MODELE"); String codeMsgProduit = dico.getRefIdByCode("tpe", "Te1", "PRODUIT"); String codeMsgImporte = dico.getRefIdByCode("tpe", "Te1", "IMPORTE"); //code type de destination String codeDestPer = dico.getRefIdByCode("Mtd", "Te1", "PER"); String codeDestSil = dico.getRefIdByCode("Mtd", "Te1", "SIL"); String codeDestPerSil = dico.getRefIdByCode("Mtd", "Te1", "PERSIL"); String emlTypeDstObj = null; if (emlTypeDst != null && emlTypeDst.equals(codeDestPer)){ emlTypeDstObj = dico.getTable("sql", "PERSON").getObjID(); } else { if ((emlTypeDst != null) && ((emlTypeDst.equals(codeDestSil)) || (emlTypeDst.equals(codeDestPerSil)))){ emlTypeDstObj = dico.getTable("sql", "SILHOUETTE").getObjID(); } } HashMap<String, String> hmapAllEmailDisplay = (HashMap<String, String>) flRequest.getAttribute("hmapAllEmailDisplay"); if (hmapAllEmailDisplay == null) { hmapAllEmailDisplay = new HashMap<String, String>(); } HashMap<String, String> hmapEmailDisplay = (HashMap<String, String>) flRequest.getAttribute("hmapEmailDisplay"); if (hmapEmailDisplay == null) { hmapEmailDisplay = new HashMap<String, String>(); } HashMap<String, String> hmapMassEmailingType = (HashMap<String, String>) flRequest.getAttribute("hmapMassEmailingType"); if (hmapMassEmailingType == null) { hmapMassEmailingType = new HashMap<String, String>(); } java.util.Date emlSndDate = (java.util.Date) request.getAttribute("emlSndDate"); String strDate = ""; String strTime = ""; if (emlSndDate != null){ strDate = Utils.formatToWebDate(session, emlSndDate, true); strTime = Utils.formatToWebTime(session, emlSndDate, true).substring(0, 5); } String strReDate = ""; String strReTime = ""; try { java.util.Date emlReSndDate = MassEmailing.getEmlReSndDate(); if (emlReSndDate != null){ strReDate = Utils.formatToWebDate(session, emlReSndDate, true); strReTime = Utils.formatToWebTime(session, emlReSndDate, true).substring(0, 5); } } catch (FieldNotInitializedException e) { } String emlTypeID = null; try { emlTypeID = (String)dico.getRefIdByCode("EmlType", "CBULKFAX"); } catch (Exception e) { } %> <!--[if !IE]><!--> <style> .fieldset { -moz-border-radius: 8px; -webkit-border-radius: 8px; border-radius: 8px; } </style> <!--<![endif]--> <style> .fieldset { } .legend { padding: 0.2em 0.5em; /*display: block;*/ font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; color: black; } .message-editor { position: relative; left: 0; right: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; } .language_without_message { filter: alpha(opacity = 20); -moz-opacity: 0.2; -khtml-opacity: 0.2; opacity: 0.2; } .language_current { border: 1px solid black; } .language_current_without_message { border: 1px solid black; filter: alpha(opacity = 20); -moz-opacity: 0.2; -khtml-opacity: 0.2; opacity: 0.2; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="<fl:webapp/>/js/edeal/libraries/json.org/json2/json2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="<fl:webapp/>/netbusiness/emaillink/emaillink.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="<fl:webapp/>/js/ac/textAC_js.jsp"></script> <script language="javascript"> function setMassEmailingID(meID){ $("input[name='id']").val(meID); } function changeLanguage(codeLanguage) { var msgAttIDs = $("input[name='MsgAttID']").val() if (msgAttIDs != '') { saveMessage(); } loadMessage(codeLanguage); codeLng = codeLanguage; } function loadMessage(codeLanguage) { $.getJSON("<fl:webapp/>/get_message_content.fl?id=" + $("input[name='id']").val() + "&langageID=" + codeLanguage, function(result) { var f = document.forms[0]; loadAttachments(result.msgID); setLangageID(codeLanguage); loadLanguage(); codeLng = codeLanguage; }); } function loadAttachments(msgID) { var ajaxURL = '<fl:webapp/>/get_attachement_div.fl?messageID=' + msgID + '&doc=1'; doAjax(ajaxURL, attachmentsCallBack); } function attachmentsCallBack(index) { if (eDealXmlhttpArr[index].readyState == 4) { $("#div_attachement").html(eDealXmlhttpArr[index].responseText); } hideWaiting(); } function loadLanguage() { var ajaxURL = '<fl:webapp/>/get_language_div.fl?id='+$("input[name='id']").val()+'&languageID='+$("#langageID").val(); doAjax(ajaxURL, languageCallBack); } function languageCallBack(index) { if (eDealXmlhttpArr[index].readyState == 4) { $("#div_language").html(eDealXmlhttpArr[index].responseText); } hideWaiting(); } function setLangageID(lngID) { $("#langageID").val(lngID); } function saveMessage(msgType) { var f = document.forms[0]; var fileName = $("input[name='MsgAttFileName']").val().split('|'); var file = $("input[name='MsgAttID']").val().split('|'); msgType = (msgType == null)?"<%=codeMsgProduit%>":msgType; <% if (emlTypeDstObj == null){%> msgObjID = ""; <%} else {%> msgObjID = "<%= emlTypeDstObj%>"; <%}%> var field = {"MsgLngRef" : $("#langageID").val(), "MsgAttFileName" : fileName, "MsgAttID" : file, "MsgCode" : f.EmlCode.value, "MsgType" : msgType, "MsgObjID" : msgObjID}; var res = []; res[0] = {"type" : "Messages", "id" : "msgID", "fields" : field}; var jsondata = JSON.stringify(res); $.ajax({ data: jsondata, type: "POST", url: '<fl:webapp/>/save_message.fl?id=' + $("input[name='id']").val() + '&langageID=' + $("#langageID").val(), timeout: 20000, contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8", dataType: 'json', async: false, success: analyseResponse }); function analyseResponse(data) { if (data != null){ if (data.EmmID != ''){ //ID du nouveau massemailing créé $("input[name='id']").val(data.EmmID); } if (data.MsgID != ''){ //ID du nouveau message créé $("#msgID").val(data.MsgID); } if (data.status != '' && msgType == "<%= codeMsgModele %>") { //ID du nouveau message créé if (data.status == "OK") alert('<fl:getMessage code="M9023" alt="Le modèle a été bien enregistré" js="true"/>') if (data.status == "NO") alert('<fl:getMessage code="M9024" alt="Erreur lors de l\\\'enregistrement du modèle" js="true"/>') } } } } var isMassEmailingSaved = false; //Sauver la partie commune et le premier onglet function saveMassEmailing() { var rtn = true; var f = document.forms[0]; //partie commune var emlName = f.EmlName.value; var emlCode = f.EmlCode.value; var emlRegroupement = f.EmlRegroupement.value; var emlType = f.EmlType.value; var emlStatus = "<%= emlStatus %>"; var emlOwner = f.EmlOwner.value; var field = {"EmlName" : emlName, "EmlCode" : emlCode, "EmlRegroupement" : emlRegroupement, "EmlType" : emlType, "EmlStatus" : emlStatus, "EmlOwner" : emlOwner}; var res = []; res[0] = {"type": "MassEmailing", "id": "emlIDempty", "fields": field}; var jsondata = JSON.stringify(res); $.ajax({ data: jsondata, type: "POST", url: '<fl:webapp/>/save_massemailing_ajax.fl', timeout: 20000, contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8", dataType: 'json', async: false, success: analyseResponse }); function analyseResponse(data) { if ((data != null) && (data.status == "OK")){ if (data.EmlID != ''){ //ID du nouveau massemailing créé $("input[name='id']").val(data.EmlID); } } else { rtn = false; } } if (rtn) isMassEmailingSaved = true; else alert('<fl:getMessage code="L70BA" alt="Erreur lors de la création de l\\\'emailing" js="true"/>'); return rtn; } var isMessageLoaded = false; function setMessageLoaded() { isMessageLoaded = true; } function saveMessageContent() { if (isMessageLoaded){ saveMessage(); isMessageLoaded = false; } } function communsFieldsConditions() { var f = document.forms[0]; if (f.EmlName.value == '') { document.getElementById('EmlName_msg').style.display = "inline"; alert('<fl:getMessage code="L63B1" alt="Veuillez saisir un nom" js="true"/>'); f.EmlName.focus(); return; } if (f.EmlCode.value == '') { document.getElementById('EmlCode_msg').style.display = "inline"; alert('<fl:getMessage code="L6144" alt="Veuillez saisir un code" js="true"/>'); f.EmlCode.focus(); return; } if (f.EmlRegroupement.value == '') { document.getElementById('EmlRegroupement_msg').style.display = "inline"; alert('<fl:getMessage code="M9007" alt="Veuillez saisir un code de regroupement" js="true"/>'); f.EmlCode.focus(); return; } if (f.EmlOwner.value == '') { document.getElementById('EmlOwner_msg').style.display = "inline"; alert('<fl:getMessage code="L7019" alt="Veuillez saisir un auteur" js="true"/>'); f.EmlOwner.focus(); return; } return true; } function doSubmit() { //conditions sur les champs partagés var f = document.forms[0]; if (!communsFieldsConditions()) return; //EmlDstSubsSil if (($('#EmlDstSubsPer').val() != '') && ($('#checkDstSubsSil').is(':checked'))) { $('#EmlDstSubsSil').val($('#EmlDstSubsPer').val()); } //save sender type $('#EmlSndType').val($('input[type=radio][name=exp]:checked').attr('value')); //save linksSelectBox value $('#EmlFltLinkElnID').val($('#linksSelectBox option:selected').val()); //save date and time email send setDateAndTimeEmailSend(); var msgAttIDs = $("input[name='MsgAttID']").val() if (msgAttIDs != '') { saveMessage(); } return true; } function setDateAndTimeEmailSend(){ if($("#lblDate").val() != '') { if($("#lblTime").val() == '') { $("#lblTime").val('00:00'); } $("#EmlSndDate").val($("#lblDate").val() + ' ' + $("#lblTime").val()); } } function doOnLoad() { loadMessage($('#langageID').val()); setMessageLoaded(); } </script> <fl:form action="/save_bulkfaxing.fl" bean="MassEmailing"> <fl:bigTabs objectTitle="<%= Utils.getMessage(session, \"L80C3\", \"Faxing en masse\") %>" listTitle="<%= Utils.getMessage(session, \"L80C3\", \"Faxing en masse\") %>" ou="<%= \"/edit_bulkfaxing.fl\" + (id != null ? \"?id=\" + id : \"\") %>"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="EmlMailSendField" id="EmlMailSendField"> <%-- date and time --%> <input type="hidden" value="" name="EmlSndDate" id="EmlSndDate"> <%-- type de destination --%> <input type="hidden" name="EmlTypeDst" id="EmlTypeDst" value="<%= codeDestSil %>"/> <input type="hidden" name="msgID" id="msgID"> <input type="hidden" name="langageID" id="langageID" value="<%= langageID %>"> <input type="hidden" name="EmlStatus" id="EmlStatus" value="<%= emlStatus %>"> <input type="hidden" name="EmlType" id="EmlType" value="<%= emlTypeID %>"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="fieldline"> <td class="labelTitreFiche"> <fl:label field="EmlName" labelClassName="titreFiche" /> </td> <td class="fieldTitreFiche"> <fl:input property="EmlName" mandatoryMsgCode="L63B1"/> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" class="ligne_separation" /> </tr> <tr> <td class="column2"> <table class="data_column" cellpadding="0"> <fl:fieldEdit property="EmlCode" mandatoryMsgCode="L6144" unicityMsgCode="M60E3"/> <fl:fieldEdit property="EmlRegroupement" mandatoryMsgCode="M9007"> <fl:suggest table="MassEmailing" field="EmlRegroupement" caseSensitive="false" maxLimit="20" trigger="1" /> </fl:fieldEdit> </table> </td> <td class="separation"> <div class="separation"></div> </td> <td class="column2"> <table class="data_column" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="fieldline"> <td class="dataLabel" id="EmlStatus_label"> <div> <fl:label forInput="EmlStatusForDisplay" field="EmlStatus" /> </div> </td> <td class="dataValue" id="EmlStatus_value"> <div class="input text"> <input readonly disabled class="input text" name="EmlStatusForDisplay" id="EmlStatusForDisplay" value="<fl:getProperty name="MassEmailing" property="EmlStatus" alt="<%= emlStatusDisp %>"/>"> </div> </td> </tr> <fl:fieldEdit property="EmlOwner" mandatoryMsgCode="L7019" /> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <link href="<fl:webapp/>/css/smalltabs_css.jsp" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <fl:smallTabs name="MassMailingTabs"> <fl:sTab id="MESSAGE" title="<%= Utils.getMessage(session, \"F6002\", \"Message\") %>" onselect="javascript:loadMessage($('#langageID').val());setMessageLoaded();"> <div id="message-editor" class="message-editor"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="80%"></td> <td width="20%"> <div id="div_language"></div> </td> </tr> </table> <div id="div_attachement"></div> </div> </fl:sTab> <fl:sTab id="SENDING" title="<%= Utils.getMessage(session, \"L700F\", \"Envoi\") %>"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="fieldline"> <td class="column2"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="fieldline"> <td class="column2" colspan="2"> <fieldset class="fieldset"> <legend class="legend"> <fl:getMessage code="L7036" alt="Expéditeur" /> </legend> <br> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="fieldline"> <td class="column2" colspan="2"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="fieldline"> <td class="dataLabel" id="fixe_label"> <div> <label title="<fl:getMessage code="L7039" alt="fixe"/>" for="fixe"> <input type="radio" name="exp" id="exp_fixe" value="fixe" checked> <fl:getMessage code="L7039" alt="fixe" /> </label> </div> </td> <td class="dataValue" id="fixe_value"> <div> <fl:input property="EmlSndEnsID" comboFobThreshold="0" /> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class="fieldline"> <td class="column2" colspan="2"> <span style="font-size: 11px; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-style: italic"> <fl:getMessage code="L7034" alt="avec gestion des retours en erreur" /> </span> </td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td class="separation"> <div class="separation"></div> </td> <td class="column2"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="fieldline"> <td id="EmlSndDate_label" class="dataLabel"> <div> <label for="EmlSndDate" title="<fl:getMessage code="F700E" alt="Date d'envoi"/>"> <fl:getMessage code="F700E" alt="Date d'envoi" /> </label> </div> </td> <td style="white-space: nowrap; width: 50%;" class="dataValue"> <input type="text" onblur="ctrlDateField(this, 'Veuillez saisir une date correcte du type jj/mm/aaaa.');" maxlength="10" size="10" value="<%= strDate %>" name="lblDate" id="lblDate" class="input Date"> <a onmouseout="window.status=' '; return true" onmouseover="window.status='Afficher le calendrier';return true;" href="JavaScript:openCalendar(document.forms[0].lblDate)"> <img class="icon" src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/clock_neutre.gif"> </a> <input type="text" onblur="ctrlHourField(this, 'Veuillez saisir une heure correcte.');" maxlength="5" size="5" value="<%= strTime %>" class="input Time" name="lblTime" id="lblTime"> </td> </tr> <fl:fieldEdit property="EmlSndEosID" comboFobThreshold="0" mandatoryMsgCode="L703A" /> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </fl:sTab> </fl:smallTabs> </fl:bigTabs> </fl:form>
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