Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\sales\opportunity\list_criteria.jsp
<% /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 e-Deal * * e-Deal S.A. * 55 rue Brillat Savarin * 75013 Paris * France * * T: +33 (0)1 53 80 80 30 * F: +33 (0)1 73 01 69 77 * http://www.e-deal.com * * La diffusion de ce code source sous quelque forme que ce soit sans * l'autorisation de E-DEAL est interdite. * * Vous êtes autorisés à modifier ce code source uniquement pour votre usage * propre et sous réserve que les mentions de copyright demeurent intactes. * * Ce code est fourni en l'état. Aucune garantie d'aucune sorte, explicite ou * implicite n'est donnée. En aucun cas E-DEAL ne pourra être tenu pour * responsable des dommages pouvant résulter de l'utilisation de ce code * source. ******************************************************************************/ %><%@ page language="java"%> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.FlRequest" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.Utils" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Hashtable" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.DataDictionary" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.FlContext" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Map" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.navigation.WebUtils" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.ActorBean" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.AccessDeniedException" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.FlLocale" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Iterator" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Vector" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.PersonBean" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.controller.actions.SelectAction" %> <%@taglib uri="http://www.e-deal.com/taglib/fl" prefix="fl"%> <% final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); FlRequest flRequest = new FlRequest(request); FlContext context = flRequest.getContext(); DataDictionary dico = context.getDataDictionary(); String pIntType = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("IntType"); if(pIntType == null) { pIntType = "0"; } String salesModel = context.getContextParameter("SalesModel"); boolean isB2C = "B2C".equals(salesModel); String actName = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("ActName"); String actID = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("actID"); if (actID == null) { actID = (String)session.getAttribute("actorID"); } String actSesName = null; try { ActorBean actBean = new ActorBean(actID, session); actSesName = actBean.toString(); }catch (AccessDeniedException ex) { } String perID = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("OppPerID"); String perName = null; try { if (perID != null) { PersonBean perBean = new PersonBean(perID, session); perName = perBean.toString(); } } catch (AccessDeniedException ex) { } // List code String lc = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("lc"); if (lc == null) { lc = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("code"); } if (lc == null) { lc = "OPPORTUNITY"; } request.setAttribute("lc", lc); // search criteria String sc = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("sc"); // object uri String ou = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("ou"); // id Map searchCriteria = new Hashtable(); if (sc != null) { searchCriteria = WebUtils.parseQueryString(sc); } request.setAttribute("selectedTab", "0"); String nb = flRequest.getSearchCriteria("$$nb"); String crit = flRequest.getParameter("Crit"); if (crit == null) { crit = "num"; } String statusTyp = flRequest.getParameter("StatusTyp"); String oppTitle; if ("WON".equals(statusTyp)) { oppTitle = Utils.getMessage(session, "L6025", "Opportunités signées"); } else if ("LST".equals(statusTyp)) { oppTitle = Utils.getMessage(session, "L6026", "Opportunités perdues"); } else if ("SLP".equals(statusTyp)) { oppTitle = Utils.getMessage(session, "L63D4", "Opportunités en sommeil"); } else { statusTyp = "RUN"; oppTitle = Utils.getMessage(session, "L304B" , "Opportunités en cours"); } int critCount = 0; String SfwID = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("SfwID"); %> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="<fl:webapp/>/js/jsOnload.jsp"></script> <script language="javascript"> function doChangeActor() { var fenetreChoix = window.open('<fl:webapp/>/select.fl?type=Actor&field=OppActID' , 'ChoixActeur' , 'menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=<%= SelectAction.SELECT_WINDOW_WIDTH %>,height=350'); } function doChangePerson() { var fenetreChoix = window.open('<fl:webapp/>/select.fl?type=Person&field=OppPerID' , 'ChoixPersonne' , 'menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=<%= SelectAction.SELECT_WINDOW_WIDTH %>,height=350'); } function doOppSubmit() { // This is an ugly hack. If we're currently doing an autocomplete operation, // we want to "catch" an enter keypress, so as not to submit the form prematurely try { if (acCurHighlightedDiv != null) { return false; } } catch (error) { } var f = document.forms[0]; var sc = '$$nb=' + f.$$nb.options[f.$$nb.selectedIndex].value; if (f.OppEntID.value != '') { sc += '&OppEntID=' + f.OppEntID.value; } if (f.OppPerID.value != '') { sc += '&OppPerID=' + f.OppPerID.value; } if (f.OppActID.value != '') { sc += '&OppActID=' + f.OppActID.value; } if (f.Etat.selectedIndex != 0) { sc += '&Etat=' + f.Etat.options[f.Etat.selectedIndex].value; } if (f.OppNumRef.value != '<fl:getMessage code="L6139" alt="<Numéro>" js="true"/>') { sc += '&OppNumRef=' + f.OppNumRef.value; } if (f.OppDate1.value != '') { sc += '&OppDate1=' + f.OppDate1.value; } if (f.OppDate2.value != '') { sc += '&OppDate2=' + f.OppDate2.value; } f.sc.value = sc; return true; } </script> <form action="<fl:webapp/>/list_opportunity.fl" method="post" onsubmit="return doOppSubmit();"> <% //if coming from the agenda, store these values. String nbAgenda = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("nbAgenda"); if (nbAgenda != null) { %> <input type=hidden name="nbAgenda" value="<%=nbAgenda%>"> <% } %> <% String initDate = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("initDate"); if (initDate != null) { %> <input type=hidden name="initDate" value="<%=initDate%>"> <% } %> <input type="hidden" name="cu" value="/list_opportunity_criteria.fl"> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="<%= Utils.formatToWeb(lc, true) %>"> <input type="hidden" name="lu" value="/list_opportunity.fl"> <input type="hidden" name="sc" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="ou" value="<%= Utils.formatToWeb(ou, true) %>"> <input type="hidden" name="obj.title" value="<fl:getMessage code="L3025" alt="Opportunité"/>"> <input type="hidden" name="list.title" value="<fl:getMessage code="L63C3" alt="Liste des opportunités"/>"> <input type="hidden" name="criteria.title" value="<fl:getMessage code="L6475" alt="Recherche opportunité"/>"> <% if (SfwID != null) { %> <input type="hidden" name="SfwID" value="<%= SfwID %>"> <% } %> <input name="ChoixVue" type="hidden" value=""/> <fl:bigTabs criteriaTitle="<%= Utils.getMessage(session, \"L6475\", false, true, \"Recherche opportunité\") %>"> <table class="container"> <tr> <td> <div class="criteriaTableDiv"> <% if (!isB2C) { %> <input id="OppEntID" name="OppEntID" type="hidden" value=""> <input id="lblOppEntID" name="lblOppEntID" class="criteriaField" onfocus="displayOnFocus(this);" type="text" value="<<fl:getMessage code="F002B" alt="Entreprise"/>>" autocomplete="off"> <a href="javascript:var win = window.open('<fl:webapp/>/select.fl?type=Enterprise&field=OppEntID', 'SelectEnterprise', 'menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=<%= SelectAction.SELECT_WINDOW_WIDTH %>,height=500')" tabindex="3"><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/rechercher.gif" border="0" width="17" height="17"></a> <a href="javascript:var f = window.document.forms[0]; f.OppEntID.value = ''; f.lblOppEntID.value = '<<fl:getMessage code="F002B" alt="Entreprise"/>>'; void('')" tabindex="4"><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/supprimer.gif" border="0" width="17" height="17"></a> <script language="javascript">runOnTime("installFobAC(document.forms[0].lblOppEntID);", 200);</script> <% critCount++; } %> <% if (isB2C || salesModel.equalsIgnoreCase("MIXTE")) { %> <input id="OppPerID" name="OppPerID" type="hidden" value=""> <input id="lblOppPerID" name="lblOppPerID" class="criteriaField<%= (critCount == 0) ? "" : " leftMargin10" %>" onfocus="displayOnFocus(this);" type="text" value="<<fl:getMessage code="F002E" alt="Personne"/>>" autocomplete="off"> <a href="javascript:var win = window.open('<fl:webapp/>/select.fl?type=Person&field=OppPerID', 'SelectPerson', 'menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=<%= SelectAction.SELECT_WINDOW_WIDTH %>,height=500')" tabindex="3"><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/rechercher.gif" class="icon"></a> <a href="javascript:var f = window.document.forms[0]; f.OppPerID.value = ''; f.lblOppPerID.value = '<<fl:getMessage code="F002E" alt="Personne"/>>'; void('')" tabindex="4"><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/supprimer.gif" class="icon"></a> <script language="javascript">runOnTime("installFobAC(document.forms[0].lblOppPerID);", 200);</script> <% critCount++; } %> <span class="criteriaLabel<%= (critCount == 0) ? "" : " leftMargin10" %>"><fl:getMessage code="L2089" alt="Acteur"/> </span><input type="hidden" name="OppActID" value="<%= actID %>"><input type="text" class="criteriaField" name="lblOppActID" value="<%= actSesName %>" onfocus="this.blur();" readonly> <a href="javascript:doChangeActor();"><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/rechercher.gif" class="icon" alt="<fl:getMessage code="A3004" alt="Choisir un acteur"/>"></a> <% critCount++; %> <% if (critCount > 2) { critCount = 0; %><br><br><% } %> <select class="criteriaField<%= (critCount == 0) ? "" : " leftMargin10" %>" name="Etat"> <option value=""><<fl:getMessage code="F206F" alt="Etat"/>></option> <% Vector statusID = dico.getRefList(FlLocale.getInstance(session), "OppStoID"); Vector row; Iterator iter = statusID.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { row = (Vector) iter.next(); %> <option value="<%= row.elementAt(0) %>"><%= row.elementAt(1) %></option> <% } %> </select> <% critCount++; %> <% if (critCount > 2) { critCount = 0; %><br><br><% } %> <input class="criteriaField<%= (critCount == 0) ? "" : " leftMargin10" %>" type="text" name="OppNumRef" value="<fl:getMessage code="L6139" alt="<Numéro>"/>" size="37" onfocus="this.select()" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = '<fl:getMessage code="L6139" alt="<Numéro>"/>';"> <% critCount++; %> <% if (critCount != 1) { critCount = 0; %><br><br><% } %> <span class="criteriaLabel<%= (critCount == 0) ? "" : " leftMargin10" %>"><fl:getMessage code="L6216" alt="Signable du"/> </span><input class="criteriaField" size="9" type="text" name="OppDate1" size="10" onFocus="this.select()" onBlur="if (this.value != '') { ctrlDateField(this, '<fl:getMessage code="M202B" alt="Format de date incorrect. Veuillez corriger." js="true"/>')}"> <a href="javascript:openCalendar(document.forms[0].OppDate1);" onMouseOver="window.status='<fl:getMessage code="A2000" alt="Afficher le calendrier" js="true"/>';return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=' '; return true"><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/clock_neutre.gif" border="0" width="15" height="15"></a><span class="criteriaLabel"> <fl:getMessage code="L3127" alt="au"/> <input class="criteriaField" type="text" name="OppDate2" size="10" onFocus="this.select()" onBlur="if (this.value != '') { ctrlDateField(this, '<fl:getMessage code="M202B" alt="Format de date incorrect. Veuillez corriger." js="true"/>')}"> </span><a href="javascript:openCalendar(document.forms[0].OppDate2);" onMouseOver="window.status='<fl:getMessage code="A2000" alt="Afficher le calendrier" js="true"/>';return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=' '; return true"><img src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/clock_neutre.gif" border="0" width="15" height="15"></a> </td> <td class="separation"><div class="separation"></div></td> <td valign="top" style="width: 15%;"> <table class="container" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="text-align: left;"> <select name="$$nb"> <option value="20" <%= nb == null || "20".equals(nb) ? "selected" : "" %> >20 / <fl:getMessage code="M60CC" alt="page" /></option> <option value="10" <%= "10".equals(nb) ? "selected" : "" %> >10 / <fl:getMessage code="M60CC" alt="page" /></option> <option value="50" <%= "50".equals(nb) ? "selected" : "" %> >50 / <fl:getMessage code="M60CC" alt="page" /></option> <option value="All" <%= "All".equals(nb) ? "selected" : "" %> ><fl:getMessage code="L302C" alt="Toutes"/></option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr class="ligne_separation"><td></td></tr> <tr style="vertical-align: middle;"> <td> <input type="image" src="<fl:webapp/>/icons/ico/valid_green2_long.gif" border="0" tabindex="999" align="left"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </fl:bigTabs> </form>
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