Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Back\galaxie\siteweb\webform\webform-guide_.jsp
<%@page import="com.itextpdf.text.log.SysoLogger"%> <%@page import="java.util.Map.Entry"%> <%@page import="java.math.BigDecimal"%> <%@page session="true" import="com.edeal.frontline.*, java.util.*,java.util.Map.Entry, java.text.*,java.lang.reflect.*, com.edeal.frontline.navigation.*, com.edeal.frontline.helper.custom.*"%> <%@page session="true" import="com.edeal.frontline.Utils"%> <%@taglib uri="http://www.e-deal.com/taglib/fl" prefix="fl" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.helper.custom.FormHelper" %> <%@ page import="com.edeal.frontline.controller.actions.custom.LoadWebFormPvtAction" %> <jsp:useBean class="com.edeal.frontline.FormBean" id="Form" scope="request"/> <jsp:useBean class="com.edeal.frontline.PersonBean" id="Person" scope="request"/> <jsp:useBean class="com.edeal.frontline.FormResponseBean" id="FormResponse" scope="request"/> <% final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); FlRequest flRequest = new FlRequest(request); FlContext context = flRequest.getContext(); DataDictionary dico = context.getDataDictionary(); String tiersTypeLabel = flRequest.getParameter("tiersTypeLabel"); String tiersType = flRequest.getParameter("tiersType"); String subId = flRequest.getParameter("subId"); String perId = flRequest.getParameter("perId"); String printOnly = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("printOnly"); if(printOnly==null || !"TRUE".equals(printOnly)) printOnly=null; String utk = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("utk"); if(utk != null) flRequest.setAttribute("utk", utk); String eventCode = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("event"); HashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Vector<String>>> allQuestionResponses = (HashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Vector<String>>>)flRequest.getAttribute("allQuestionResponses"); if(eventCode != null) flRequest.setAttribute("event", eventCode); String entID = FormHelper.getEntIDFromUTK(context, utk); String lngId = ""; try{ lngId = (new EnterpriseBean(entID, context)).getCustomProperty("EntRefLngID_").toString(); }catch(Exception e){ lngId = dico.getRefIdByCode("Lna", "Te1", "fr_FR"); } String ctrId = ""; try{ ctrId = (new EnterpriseBean(entID, context)).getEntCtrID(); }catch(Exception e){ ctrId = dico.getRefIdByCode("Ctr", "Te1", "FR"); } String languageID = lngId; String lngCode = dico.getRefCode("EntRefLngID_", languageID); String countryID = ctrId;//dico.getRefIdByCode("Ctr", "Te1", "FR"); FlLocale locale = FlLocale.getInstance(context, languageID, countryID); String init = flRequest.getRequestParameterOrAttribute("init"); String actID = (String)request.getSession().getAttribute("actorID"); String actcode = null; if(actID != null){ ActorBean actor = new ActorBean(actID, context); actcode = actor.getActCode(); } Date expireDt = null; //http://u-project2.umanis.com/view.php?id=39749 : Export guide / localités et Millésime String millesime = ""; try{ millesime = String.valueOf((Integer)Form.getCustomProperty("FrmMillesime_")); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error(" The field 'FrmMillesime_' not initialized to get 'Millesime' :" + e.getMessage()); try { millesime = context.getContextParameter("Millesime"); } catch (Exception e2) { logger.error("Option 'Millesime' not found :" + e2.getMessage()); } } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date()); int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); // Boolean askForStatus = (Boolean)flRequest.getAttribute(LoadWebFormPvtAction._REQ_ATTRIB_ASKUSEREVTSTATUS); String enterprise = ""; String perEntID = null; String ctType = null; //int entCotisationMil_ = 0; try{ perEntID = Person.getPerEntID(); enterprise = (new EnterpriseBean(perEntID,context)).getCustomProperty("EntDispName_").toString(); }catch(Exception fe){ } //logger.info("contrat type :: " + ctType); // String pvtStatus = ""; // try { // pvtStatus = ((Integer)flRequest.getAttribute(LoadWebFormPvtAction._REQ_ATTRIB_PVTSTATUS)).toString(); // } catch (Exception e) {} // int iPvtStatus=Integer.MIN_VALUE; // try { // iPvtStatus=Integer.parseInt(pvtStatus); // } catch (Exception e) {} // Vector eventStatusList=(Vector)flRequest.getAttribute(LoadWebFormPvtAction._REQ_ATTRIB_EVTSTATUSLIST); String webIntro = ""; String webHeader = ""; String webConclusion = ""; String webFooter = ""; String webTermsOfUse = ""; try { webIntro = FormHelper.makeHtmlCrLf(Form.getFrmWebIntro()); } catch (Exception e) {} try { webHeader = FormHelper.makeHtmlCrLf(Form.getFrmWebHeader()); } catch (Exception e) {} try { webConclusion = Form.getFrmWebConclusion(); } catch (Exception e) {} try { webFooter = FormHelper.makeHtmlCrLf(Form.getFrmWebFooter()); } catch (Exception e) {} try { webTermsOfUse =FormHelper.makeHtmlCrLf(Form.getFrmWebTermsOfUse()); } catch (Exception e) {} // get the question and response //Tiers_Qst_Resp Tiers_Init_Qst_Resp Tiers_Cot_Qst_Resp LinkedHashMap<String,Vector<String>> mapQuestionResponse = allQuestionResponses.get(tiersTypeLabel + "_Qst_Resp"); LinkedHashMap<String,Vector<String>> mapInitialQuestionResponse = allQuestionResponses.get(tiersTypeLabel + "_Init_Qst_Resp"); LinkedHashMap<String,Vector<String>> mapCotQuestionResponse = new LinkedHashMap(); if(tiersTypeLabel.equals("Tiers")){ mapCotQuestionResponse = allQuestionResponses.get(tiersTypeLabel + "_Cot_Qst_Resp"); } // boolean fDoDisplayIntro=false; // try { // fDoDisplayIntro=(Boolean)flRequest.getAttribute(LoadWebFormPvtAction._REQ_ATTRIB_DISPLAYINTRO); // } catch (Exception e) {} boolean isFormPaginated=false; int positionFirstQuestion=-1; int positionLastQuestion=-1; %> <div id="<%= tiersTypeLabel%>" class="<%= tiersTypeLabel %> ShowOnPrint"> <fl:form bean="Form" enctype="multipart/mixed stream" action="/async_save_web_form.fl"> <input type="hidden" name="subId" value="<%=subId%>"> <input type="hidden" name="utk" value="<%=utk%>"> <input type="hidden" name="event" value="<%=eventCode%>"> <input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="<fl:getProperty name="Form" alt="" property="FrmID"/>"> <%-- <input type="hidden" name="PerID" value="<fl:getProperty name="Person" alt="" property="PerID"/>"> --%> <input type="hidden" name="PerID" value="<%= perId%>"> <input type="hidden" name="EventID" value="<fl:getProperty name="Form" alt="" property="FrmEventID"/>"> <input type="hidden" name="savemode" value="<%= (isFormPaginated?"partial":"full") %>"/> <% if (mapQuestionResponse!=null && mapQuestionResponse.size()>0) { %> <% // Variables servant au mode pagination logger.info("************ " + mapQuestionResponse); boolean fFirstQuestion=true; boolean isDisplayedQst = true; int lfqPosition=Integer.MIN_VALUE; String lfqTypeTiers_ = null; int p = 0; %> <% for (Entry<String,Vector<String>> entry : mapQuestionResponse.entrySet()) { String lfqID = entry.getKey(); String hiddenlnk = ""; LinkFormQuestionBean lfq=new LinkFormQuestionBean(lfqID,context); // Question or paragraph ? String questionID=null; try { questionID=lfq.getLfqFormQuestionID(); } catch (Exception e) {} String paragraph=null; try { paragraph=lfq.getLfqParagraph(); p++;} catch (Exception e) {} Vector<String> resps = entry.getValue(); try{ lfqTypeTiers_ = (String)lfq.getCustomProperty("LfqTypeTiers_"); isDisplayedQst = lfqTypeTiers_ == null || lfqTypeTiers_.contains(tiersTypeLabel.substring(0, 1)); }catch(FieldNotInitializedException fnie){ isDisplayedQst = true; } String responseID = null; if(resps != null && resps.size() > 0) responseID = resps.elementAt(0); // may be null try { lfqPosition=lfq.getLfqPosition(); } catch (Exception e) {} // removed from here if (paragraph != null && isDisplayedQst) { if(p > 1){ %> </div> <% } %> <div class="Webform_container div2_webform_container" id="<%= "PARA" +p %>"> <div class="Webform_paragraph"> <span class="webform_paragraph" id="p_div_bgcgcf"><%= Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, paragraph, true,true, paragraph).replaceAll("::millesime::", millesime).replaceAll("::millesime\\+1::", (Integer.parseInt(millesime)+1)+"").replaceAll("::millesime-1::", (Integer.parseInt(millesime)-1)+"") %></span> </div> <% } else if(isDisplayedQst){ FormQuestionBean question = null; QuestionResponseBean questionResponse=null; try { question = new FormQuestionBean(questionID , context); if (responseID!=null) { questionResponse = new QuestionResponseBean(responseID,context); } } catch (Exception e) { } request.setAttribute("responses",resps); request.setAttribute("initialresponses",mapInitialQuestionResponse); request.setAttribute("isActorLogis",actcode != null && !"ano".equalsIgnoreCase(actcode)); request.setAttribute("curQuestion",question); // La question a poser request.setAttribute("curQrs",questionResponse); // La r�ponse �ventuellement existente try{ %> <jsp:include page="webform_question.jsp"> <jsp:param name="parent" value="<%= tiersTypeLabel %>"/> <jsp:param name="lfqPos" value="<%= lfqPosition %>"/> <jsp:param name="lfqID" value="<%= lfqID %>"/> <jsp:param name="lngCode" value="<%=lngCode %>"/> <jsp:param name="countryID" value="<%=countryID %>"/> <jsp:param name="languageID" value="<%=languageID %>"/> <jsp:param name="millesime" value="<%=millesime %>"/> <jsp:param name="EntID" value="<%=entID %>"/> </jsp:include> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } if (fFirstQuestion) { positionFirstQuestion=lfqPosition-1; %> <input type="hidden" name="firstQuestionPos" value="<%= lfqPosition %>"> <% } // first question fFirstQuestion=false; }//N'est pas un paragraph } // while positionLastQuestion=lfqPosition; if(p >= 1){ %> </div> <%} %> <% if(mapCotQuestionResponse != null && !mapCotQuestionResponse.isEmpty() && tiersTypeLabel.substring(0, 1).equals("T")){ String filOppID = null; String depOppID = null; double filTotal = 0; double depTotal = 0; String ids = ""; String idsHEB = ""; %> <div id="PARACOT" class="webform_container div2_webform_container"> <div class="Webform_paragraph"><span class="webform_paragraph" id="p2_div_bgcgcf"><%= Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "LF09F", "Cotisation") + " " + millesime %></span></div> <div class="webform_questionblock"> <b><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "LF22A", "Cotisation FIL") %>:</b><br><br> <table id="order-table"> <tr> <th><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "F203F", "D�signation") %></th> <th><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "F3023", "P. U. HT") %></th> <th width="6%"><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "LF18A", "Quantit� factur�e") %></th> <th width="8%"><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "F3025", "Remise sur P.U") %></th> <th width="10%"><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "FF132", "P. U. HT Apr�s Remise") %></th> <th><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "FF134", "Montant HT") %></th> <th width="8%"><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "FF130", "TVA � appliquer") %></th> <th><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "FF140", "Montant TVA") %></th> <th style="text-align: right; padding-right: 30px;" width="11%"><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "F3026", "Prix net") %></th> </tr> <% String PrdRegles_ = null; String COTHEB = null; boolean isHEB = false; try { COTHEB = dico.getRefIdByCode("Pl_", "Te1", "COTHEB"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (Entry<String,Vector<String>> entry : mapCotQuestionResponse.entrySet()) { String lfqID = entry.getKey(); Vector<String> cotResps = entry.getValue(); String filProID = null; ProductOpportunityBean filpro = null; if(cotResps != null && cotResps.size()>0 && !cotResps.isEmpty()){ QuestionResponseBean qrs = null; if(cotResps.elementAt(0) != null){ qrs = new QuestionResponseBean(cotResps.elementAt(0),context); try{ filProID = qrs.getQrsText(); }catch(FieldNotInitializedException e){ } } if(filProID != null){ String prdCode=null; try { filpro = new ProductOpportunityBean(filProID, context); prdCode = (String)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdID:PrdCode", filProID); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } try { PrdRegles_ = (String)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdID:PrdRegles_", filProID); System.out.println("PrdRegles_= " + PrdRegles_); } catch (Exception e1) { PrdRegles_ = null; e1.printStackTrace(); } isHEB = PrdRegles_ != null && !PrdRegles_.isEmpty() && PrdRegles_.equals(COTHEB); } } } Integer maxOrder = 0; PrdRegles_ = null; isHEB = false; boolean first_HEB = true; for (Entry<String,Vector<String>> entry : mapCotQuestionResponse.entrySet()) { String lfqID = entry.getKey(); Vector<String> cotResps = entry.getValue(); String filProID = null; String depProID = null; int proQuantity = 0; ProductOpportunityBean filpro = null; String ProMontantTva_ = ""; String ProPrdTva_Val = ""; String ProRemise_ = ""; if(cotResps != null && cotResps.size()>0 && !cotResps.isEmpty()){ QuestionResponseBean qrs = null; if(cotResps.elementAt(0) != null){ qrs = new QuestionResponseBean(cotResps.elementAt(0),context); try{ filProID = qrs.getQrsText(); }catch(FieldNotInitializedException e){ } } if(cotResps.size() > 1 && cotResps.elementAt(1) != null){ qrs = new QuestionResponseBean(cotResps.elementAt(1),context); try{ depProID = qrs.getQrsText(); }catch(FieldNotInitializedException e){ } } if(cotResps.size() > 2 && cotResps.elementAt(2) != null){ qrs = new QuestionResponseBean(cotResps.elementAt(2),context); try{ String quantity = qrs.getQrsText(); Integer temp=0; try{ temp = Integer.valueOf(quantity); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error(e.getMessage()); } proQuantity = (quantity != null && !quantity.isEmpty()) ? temp : 0; }catch(FieldNotInitializedException e){ } } if(filProID != null && filProID.length()==16){ String prdCode=null; try { filpro = new ProductOpportunityBean(filProID, context); prdCode = (String)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdID:PrdCode", filProID); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } Integer maxquantity = null; try{ maxquantity = (Integer)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdID:PrdMaxQt_", filProID); }catch(Exception e){ } Integer tmp = null; try{ tmp = (Integer)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdID:PrdOrderQst_", filProID); }catch(Exception e){ } String SortingOrder = null; if(tmp==null) SortingOrder = "0"; else{ SortingOrder = tmp.toString(); if(tmp>maxOrder) maxOrder = tmp; } try{ ProMontantTva_ = ""+((Double)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProMontantTva_", filProID)/ (Integer)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProQuantity", filProID)); }catch(Exception e){ logger.warn(e.getMessage()); ProMontantTva_ = "0.0"; } try{ ProPrdTva_Val = ""+ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdTva_:Val", filProID); }catch(Exception e){ logger.warn(e.getMessage()); ProPrdTva_Val = "0.0"; } try{ ProRemise_ = ""+ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProRemise_", filProID); }catch(Exception e){ logger.warn(e.getMessage()); ProRemise_ = "0.0"; } Double ProRemise_Nu1 = (double) 0; try{ ProRemise_Nu1 = (Double)dico.getRefDisp("Od_", "Nu1", ProRemise_); } catch (FrontlineException e) { } Double ProUnitHTrem_ = null; Double ProMontantHTrem_ = null; Double ProMontantTva_2 = null; try { ProUnitHTrem_ = (Double)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProUnitHTrem_", filProID); ProMontantHTrem_ = (Double)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProMontantHTrem_", filProID); ProMontantTva_2 = (Double)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProMontantTva_", filProID); } catch (Exception e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); } String prdLabel = null; if(ids != "") ids += "," + prdCode; else ids += prdCode; try { PrdRegles_ = (String)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdID:PrdRegles_", filProID); System.out.println("PrdRegles_= " + PrdRegles_); } catch (Exception e1) { PrdRegles_ = null; e1.printStackTrace(); } isHEB = PrdRegles_ != null && !PrdRegles_.isEmpty() && PrdRegles_.equals(COTHEB); if (isHEB) { if(idsHEB != "") idsHEB += "," + "="+prdCode+"="; else idsHEB += "="+prdCode+"="; } String prdID =null; String prdName =null; String prdnamelng_ =null; try{ prdID = (String)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdID", filProID); prdName = (String)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdID:PrdName", filProID); prdnamelng_ = (String)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdID:PrdNamelng_", filProID); try{ String[] fields = {"RelTe1"}; String[][] query = {{"RelRefID = '" + prdnamelng_ + "'" , "RelLngID = '" + languageID + "'" }}; String[] orderBy = {"RelTe1 ASC"}; Vector list = RefLocaleBean.listSummary(context, fields, query, orderBy ); if(list != null && list.size() > 0){ Hashtable line = (Hashtable)list.elementAt(0); prdLabel = (String)line.get("RelTe1"); } }catch(Exception e){ } }catch(Exception e ){ logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } //int proQuantity = (Integer)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProQuantity", filProID); try{ filOppID = (String)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProOppID", filProID); }catch(FrontlineException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } double filProttc = 0; try{ filProttc = (Double)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrice", filProID); }catch(FrontlineException e){} double priUnit = 0; try{ ///Avoir priUnit = (Double)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProUnitPrice", filProID); }catch(FrontlineException e){} String proPrdTva_ =null; try{ proPrdTva_ = (String)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrdTva_", filProID); }catch(FrontlineException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try{ proPrdTva_ = dico.getRefCode("ProPrdTva_", proPrdTva_); }catch(FrontlineException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } if("T0".equalsIgnoreCase(proPrdTva_)) proPrdTva_ = "TVA INTRACOM"; double depProttc = 0; if(depProID != null) { try{ depProttc = (Double)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProPrice", depProID); depOppID = (String)ProductOpportunityBean.lookup(context, "ProOppID", depProID); }catch(FrontlineException e){} } try{ %> <input type="hidden" name="<%=prdCode + "ProductOpportunityFIL" %>" id="<%=prdCode %>" value="<%= filProID %>"/> <input type="hidden" name="<%=prdCode + "ProductOpportunityDEP" %>" id="<%=prdCode %>" value="<%= depProID != null ? depProID : "" %>"/> <tr class="odd"> <td class="product-title"><em><%=(prdLabel != null ? prdLabel : Utils.formatToWeb(prdName, false)) + " (" + proPrdTva_ + ") " %></em> <% }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } if(isHEB){ out.print("<br/><b>"+Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "MF101", true,true,"*Plafonn� � XX h�bergements.").replace("XX", maxquantity+"")+"</b>"); } try{ %> </td> <td align="right"><span><%=Utils.formatToWeb(priUnit, false)%></span> €<input type="hidden" id="<%= "pr_" + prdCode%>" value="<%= priUnit %>"/></td> <td class="row-total"><input type="text" class="num-pallets-input <%=(isHEB ? "prd-heb":"") %>" id="<%= "qu_" + prdCode%>" name="<%= "qu_" + prdCode%>" value="<%=proQuantity %>" onchange="javascript:calculTotalPrd('<%=prdCode%>');" <%= (isHEB && first_HEB) ? "style=\"background: #00e800;\"" : "disabled" %>/> <input type="hidden" id="max_qu_<%=prdCode%>" name="max_qu_<%=prdCode%>" value="<%=(maxquantity==0 ? 50 : maxquantity)%>" /> </td> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try{%> <td align="center"><span><%=ProRemise_Nu1.intValue()+"%"%></span><input type="hidden" id="<%= "REMT1_" + prdCode%>" value="<%= ProRemise_Nu1.intValue() %>"/></td> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try{%> <td align="right"><span><%=ProUnitHTrem_%></span> €<input type="hidden" id="<%= "ProUnitHTT1_" + prdCode%>" value="<%=ProUnitHTrem_%>" /></td> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try{%> <td align="right" id="<%= "MTHTT1_" + prdCode%>"><span><%=ProMontantHTrem_%></span> €</td> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try{%> <td align="center"><span><%=ProPrdTva_Val%></span><input type="hidden" id="<%= "TVAT1_" + prdCode%>" value="<%= ProPrdTva_Val.substring(0,ProPrdTva_Val.length()-1).replace(",", ".") %>"/></td> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try{%> <td align="right" id="<%= "MTTVAT1_" + prdCode%>"><span><%=ProMontantTva_2%></span> €</td> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try{%> <td align="right" class="row-total"><input type="text" style="text-align:right;" class="row-total-input" id="<%= "tofil_" + prdCode %>" disabled="disabled" value="<%= filProttc %>"/> €</td> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try{%> <td class="row-total forPrintOnly"> <input type="hidden" id="<%= "REM_tofil_" + prdCode %>" value="<%=((double)(ProRemise_Nu1*priUnit)/100) %>"/> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try{%> <input type="hidden" id="<%= "TVA_tofil_" + prdCode %>" value="<%=ProMontantTva_%>"/> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } try{%> <input type="text" class="row-total-input" id="<%= "tofil_" + prdCode %>" disabled="disabled" value=""/></td> <% }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } %> <td class="sort" style="display: none;"><%=SortingOrder %></td> </tr> <% } } if(isHEB && first_HEB) first_HEB = false; } if(filOppID != null) { try{ filTotal = (Double) OpportunityBean.lookup(context, "OppNetApayer_", filOppID); }catch(FrontlineException e){ } filTotal = (new BigDecimal(filTotal)).setScale(2, java.math.RoundingMode.UP).doubleValue(); } if(depOppID != null) { try{ depTotal = (Double) OpportunityBean.lookup(context, "OppNetApayer_", depOppID); }catch(FrontlineException e){ } } %> <tr> <td colspan="4"> </td> <td> </td> <td class="thstyle"><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "LF18B", "Total HT") %></td> <td class="thstyle"> </td> <td class="thstyle"><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "LF18C", "Total TVA") %></td> <td class="thstyle"><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "LF18D", "Total TTC") %></td> <td class="sort" style="display: none;"><%=maxOrder+1 %></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td colspan="4"> </td> <td class="thstyle"><%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "F1058", "Total")%> </td> <td align="right" id="MTHTT1_Total"> </td> <td> </td> <td align="right" id="MTTVAT1_Total"> </td> <td class="row-total"><input type="text" class="row-total-input" id="tofil" style="text-align:right;" disabled="disabled" value="<%= filTotal %>"/> €</td> <td class="sort" style="display: none;"><%=maxOrder+2 %></td> </tr> <input type="hidden" id="prdcodes" value="<%= ids %>"/> <input type="hidden" id="prdcodesHEB" value="<%= idsHEB %>"/> <input type="hidden" id="fil" name="FILOpportunity" value="<%= filOppID != null ? filOppID : "" %>"/> <input type="hidden" id="dep" name="DEPOpportunity" value="<%= depOppID != null ? depOppID : "" %>"/> </table> <br/> <jsp:include page="webform-guide-devis-asso.jsp" /> <script type="text/javascript"> doLoadCot(); <% String numThemQst = FormHelper.getNumThematiquesQuestion(context,eventCode); %> function thematiqueToDisabled(){ $("input[name='<%=numThemQst%>_ResponseRefID']").attr("disabled","disabled"); } thematiqueToDisabled(); $("ul.ul_w95ofh").find("input[type=radio]").each(function(){ if(this.checked){ $("#div3_w50fl input[name='490_ResponseInt']").attr('disabled','disabled'); }else{ $("#div3_w50fl input[name='490_ResponseInt']").removeAttr('disabled'); } }); var checker = $.trim($("#div1_w50fl input[name='56_ResponseTxt']").val()).length === 0; $("#div3_w50fl input[name='57_ResponseInt']").attr('disabled', !checker); if(checker){ var checker2 = $.trim($("#div3_w50fl input[name='57_ResponseInt']").val()).length === 0; $("#div1_w50fl input[name='56_ResponseTxt']").attr('disabled', !checker2); } </script> <br> <ol style="color: red;"> <% String num_aff= Contrat_Helper.getAffiliateNumber(context, perEntID) ;%> <%= Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "LF224", true,true,"<li><b>Cotisation FIL :</b>") %> <%= Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "LF225", true,true,"joindre 1 ch�que bancaire. La FIL �tablira une facture pour cette cotisation</li>").replace("xxxxx", num_aff) %> </ol> <br> <% String ctID = Contrat_Helper.getActifContractID(context, entID); String code = ""; if(ctID != null && !Utils.isEmpty(ctID)){ code = (String)com.edeal.frontline.custom.Contrat_Bean.lookup(context, "Ct_ModeReg:RefVal", ctID); } if(code!=null && !Utils.isEmpty(code) && "MS".equals(code)){ %> <b><%= Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "MF0FD", true,true,"Vous avez opt� pour le paiement des cotisations par pr�l�vement mensuel. vous n'avez pas de r�glement � effectuer.")%></b> <% } %> </div> </div> <% } %> <input type="hidden" name="lastQuestionPos" value="<%= lfqPosition %>"> <% if(printOnly == null) {%> <div id="webform_footer" class="Webform_footer webform_container"> <%= Utils.getMessage(session, "MF1C9", "Avant de signer, veuillez NOTER le montant de la cotisation ::millesime::").replaceAll("::millesime::",millesime).replaceAll("::millesime\\+1::", (Integer.parseInt(millesime)+1)+"").replaceAll("::millesime-1::", (Integer.parseInt(millesime)-1)+"") %> </div> <%} %> <% } %> </fl:form> </div>
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