Edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Umanis\backup 04062020\galaxie\js\edeal\config\edDescriptor.js
ED.Descriptor = { "Views.Dialog" : { edTag: "EDDIALOG", model: Models.Value, view: Views.Dialog, templates: { standard: "dialog.html" } }, "Views.DialogList" : { edTag: "EDDIALOGLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.DialogList, viewItem: "Views.Dialog", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.Correspondent" : { edTag: "EDCORRESPONDENT", view: Views.Correspondent, model: Models.Correspondent, templates: { enterprisePerson: "enterprisePerson.html", correspondent: "correspondent.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.CorrespondentList" : { edTag: "EDCORRESPONDENTLIST", view: Views.CorrespondentList, model: Models.CorrespondentCollection, viewItem: "Views.Correspondent", addView: "Views.Correspondent", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.Text" : { edTag: "EDTEXT", model: Models.Value, view: Views.Text, templates: { standard: "text.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.TextList" : { edTag: "EDTEXTLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.TextList, viewItem: "Views.Text", addView: "Views.Text", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.AutoComplete" : { edTag: "EDAUTOCOMPLETE", model: Models.Value, view: Views.AutoComplete, templates: { standard: "text.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.AutoCompleteList" : { edTag: "EDAUTOCOMPLETELIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.AutoCompleteList, viewItem: "Views.AutoComplete", addView: "Views.AutoComplete", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.SelectAutoFilter" : { edTag: "EDSELECTAUTOFILTER", model: Models.Value, possibleValueCollection: Models.PossibleValueCollection, possibleValue: Models.PossibleValue, view: Views.SelectAutoFilter, templates: { standard: "text.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.SelectAutoFilterList" : { edTag: "EDSELECTAUTOFILTERLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.SelectAutoFilterList, viewItem: "Views.SelectAutoFilter", addView: "Views.SelectAutoFilter", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.Select" : { edTag: "EDSELECT", view: Views.Select, model: Models.Value, possibleValueCollection: Models.PossibleValueCollection, possibleValue: Models.PossibleValue, templates: { standard: "select.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.SelectList" : { edTag: "EDSELECTLIST", view: Views.SelectList, model: Models.ValueCollection, viewItem: "Views.Select", addView: "Views.Select", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.Image" : { edTag: "EDIMAGE", model: Models.Value, view: Views.Image, templates: { standard: "image.html" } }, "Views.ImageList" : { edTag: "EDIMAGELIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.ImageList, viewItem: "Views.Image", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.Link" : { edTag: "EDLINK", model: Models.Value, view: Views.Link, templates: { standard: "link.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.LinkList" : { edTag: "EDLINKLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.LinkList, viewItem: "Views.Link", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.Map" : { edTag: "EDMAP", model: Models.Value, view: Views.Map, templates: { standard: "map.html" } }, "Views.MapList" : { edTag: "EDMAPLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.MapList, viewItem: "Views.Map", templates: { standard: "map.html" } }, "Views.WebForm" : { edTag: "EDWEBFORM", model: Models.WebForm, view: Views.WebForm, templates: { standard: "webform.html" } }, "Views.WebFormList" : { edTag: "EDWEBFORMLIST", model: Models.WebFormCollection, view: Views.WebFormList, viewItem: "Views.WebForm", templates: { list: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.WebFormQuestion" : { edTag: "EDWEBFORMQUESTION", model: Models.WebFormQuestion, view: Views.WebFormQuestion, templates: { standard: "webformquestion.html" } }, "Views.WebFormQuestionList" : { edTag: "EDWEBFORMQUESTIONLIST", model: Models.WebFormQuestionCollection, view: Views.WebFormQuestionList, viewItem: "Views.WebFormQuestion", templates: { standard: "webformquestionlist.html" } }, "Views.Wall" : { edTag: "EDWALL", model: Models.Wall, view: Views.Wall, templates: { process: "wall_process.html", standard: "wall.html" } }, "Views.WallList" : { edTag: "EDWALLLIST", model: Models.WallCollection, view: Views.WallList, viewItem: "Views.Wall", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.WallPost" : { edTag: "EDWALLPOST", model: Models.WallPost, view: Views.WallPost, templates: { process: "wallpost_process.html", standard: "wallpost.html" } }, "Views.WallPostList" : { edTag: "EDWALLPOSTLIST", model: Models.WallPostCollection, view: Views.WallPostList, viewItem: "Views.WallPost", templates: { process: "wallpostlist_process.html", standard: "wallpostlist.html" } }, "Views.WallPostComment" : { edTag: "EDWALLPOSTCOMMENT", model: Models.WallPostComment, view: Views.WallPostComment, templates: { standard: "wallpostcomment.html" } }, "Views.WallPostCommentList" : { edTag: "EDWALLPOSTCOMMENTLIST", model: Models.WallPostCommentCollection, view: Views.WallPostCommentList, viewItem: "Views.WallPostComment", templates: { standard: "wallpostcommentlist.html" } }, "Views.Label" : { edTag: "EDLABEL", model: Models.Value, view: Views.Label, templates: { readOnly: "label.html", standard: "label.html" } }, "Views.LabelList" : { edTag: "EDLABELLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.LabelList, viewItem: "Views.Label", templates: { standard: "labellist.html" } }, "Views.Amount" : { edTag: "EDAMOUNT", model: Models.Value, view: Views.Amount, templates: { standard: "text.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.AmountList" : { edTag: "EDAMOUNTLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.AmountList, viewItem: "Views.Amount", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.CheckBox" : { edTag: "EDCHECKBOX", model: Models.Value, view: Views.CheckBox, templates: { readOnly: "label.html", standard: "checkbox.html" } }, "Views.CheckBoxList" : { edTag: "EDCHECKBOXLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.CheckBoxList, viewItem: "Views.CheckBox", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.Radio" : { edTag: "EDRADIO", model: Models.Value, view: Views.Radio, templates: { readOnly: "label.html", standard: "radio.html" } }, "Views.RadioList" : { edTag: "EDRADIOLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.RadioList, viewItem: "Views.Radio", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.Date" : { edTag: "EDDATE", model: Models.Date, view: Views.Date, templates: { standard: "date.html", readOnly: "label.html", smartdate: "smartDate.html" } }, "Views.DateList" : { edTag: "EDDATELIST", model: Models.DateCollection, view: Views.DateList, viewItem: "Views.Date", addView: "Views.Date", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.Digits" : { edTag: "EDDIGITS", model: Models.Value, view: Views.Digits, templates: { standard: "text.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.DigitsList" : { edTag: "EDDIGITSLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.DigitsList, viewItem: "Views.Digits", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.Float" : { edTag: "EDFLOAT", model: Models.Value, view: Views.Float, templates: { standard: "text.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.FloatList" : { edTag: "EDFLOATLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.FloatList, viewItem: "Views.Float", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.SignedInteger" : { edTag: "EDSIGNEDINTEGER", model: Models.Value, view: Views.SignedInteger, templates: { standard: "text.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.SignedIntegerList" : { edTag: "EDSIGNEDINTEGERLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.SignedIntegerList, viewItem: "Views.SignedInteger", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.TextArea" : { edTag: "EDTEXTAREA", model: Models.Value, view: Views.TextArea, templates: { standard: "textarea.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.TextAreaList" : { edTag: "EDTEXTAREALIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.TextAreaList, viewItem: "Views.TextArea", templates: { standard: "textarea.html" } }, "Views.ZipCode" : { edTag: "EDZIPCODE", model: Models.Value, view: Views.ZipCode, templates: { standard: "text.html", readOnly: "label.html" } }, "Views.ZipCodeList" : { edTag: "EDZIPCODELIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.ZipCodeList, viewItem: "Views.ZipCode", templates: { standard: "defaultlist.html" } }, "Views.MailRecipient" : { edTag: "EDMAILRECIPIENT", view: Views.MailRecipient, model: Models.Value, templates: { standard: "mailRecipient.html" } }, "Views.MailRecipientList" : { // This widget is no related to a specific field, It can't be a multivalued field }, "Views.MailRecipientItem" : { edTag: "EDMAILRECIPIENTITEM", model: Models.Value, view: Views.MailRecipientItem, templates: { standard: "mailRecipientItem.html" } }, "Views.MailRecipientItemList" : { edTag: "EDMAILRECIPIENTITEMLIST", model: Models.ValueCollection, view: Views.MailRecipientItemList, viewItem: "Views.MailRecipientItem", addView: "Views.MailRecipientItem", templates: { standard: "mailRecipientItemList.html" } } };
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