Edit C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml.Serialization" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml.Schema" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Services" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Services.Description" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Services.Configuration" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Globalization" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Resources" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Diagnostics" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Net" %> <html> <script language="C#" runat="server"> // set this to true if you want to see a POST test form instead of a GET test form bool showPost = true; // set this to true if you want to see the raw XML as outputted from the XmlWriter (useful for debugging) bool dontFilterXml = false; // set this higher or lower to adjust the depth into your object graph of the sample messages int maxObjectGraphDepth = 4; // set this higher or lower to adjust the number of array items in sample messages int maxArraySize = 2; // set this to true to see debug output in sample messages bool debug = false; string soapNs = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; string soapEncNs = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"; string soapPrefix = "soap"; string soap12Ns = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"; string soap12EncNs = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding"; string soap12Prefix = "soap12"; string rpcNs = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-rpc"; int objectId = 0; string msTypesNs = "http://microsoft.com/wsdl/types/"; string wsdlNs = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"; string urType = "anyType"; ServiceDescriptionCollection serviceDescriptions; XmlSchemas schemas; string operationName; OperationBinding soapOperationBinding; Operation soapOperation; OperationBinding soap12OperationBinding; Operation soap12Operation; OperationBinding httpGetOperationBinding; Operation httpGetOperation; OperationBinding httpPostOperationBinding; Operation httpPostOperation; StringWriter writer; MemoryStream xmlSrc; XmlTextWriter xmlWriter; Uri getUrl, postUrl; Queue referencedTypes; int hrefID; bool operationExists = false; BasicProfileViolationCollection warnings = new BasicProfileViolationCollection(); int nextPrefix = 1; static readonly char[] hexTable = new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; bool requestIsLocal = false; string OperationName { get { return XmlConvert.DecodeName(operationName); } } string ServiceName { get { return XmlConvert.DecodeName(serviceDescriptions[0].Services[0].Name); } } string ServiceNamespace { get { return serviceDescriptions[0].TargetNamespace; } } BasicProfileViolationCollection Warnings { get { return warnings; } } string ServiceDocumentation { get { return serviceDescriptions[0].Services[0].Documentation; } } string FileName { get { return Path.GetFileName(Request.Path); } } string EscapedFileName { get { return HttpUtility.UrlEncode(FileName, Encoding.UTF8); } } bool ShowingMethodList { get { return operationName == null; } } bool OperationExists { get { return operationExists; } } // encodes a Unicode string into utf-8 bytes then copies each byte into a new Unicode string, // escaping bytes > 0x7f, per the URI escaping rules static string UTF8EscapeString(string source) { byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(source); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length); // start out with enough room to hold each byte as a char for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++) { byte b = bytes[i]; if (b > 0x7f) { sb.Append('%'); sb.Append(hexTable[(b >> 4) & 0x0f]); sb.Append(hexTable[(b ) & 0x0f]); } else sb.Append((char)b); } return sb.ToString(); } string EscapeParam(string param) { return HttpUtility.UrlEncode(param, Request.ContentEncoding); } string GetSoapOperationInput(bool soap12) { OperationBinding opBinding = soap12 ? Soap12OperationBinding : SoapOperationBinding; if (opBinding == null) return ""; WriteBegin(); Port port = FindPort(opBinding.Binding); SoapAddressBinding soapAddress = (SoapAddressBinding)port.Extensions.Find(typeof(SoapAddressBinding)); string action = UTF8EscapeString(((SoapOperationBinding)opBinding.Extensions.Find(typeof(SoapOperationBinding))).SoapAction); Uri uri = new Uri(soapAddress.Location); Write("POST "); Write(uri.AbsolutePath); Write(" HTTP/1.1"); WriteLine(); Write("Host: "); Write(uri.Host); WriteLine(); if (soap12) { Write("Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"); } else { Write("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); } WriteLine(); Write("Content-Length: "); WriteValue("length"); WriteLine(); if (!soap12) { Write("SOAPAction: \""); Write(action); Write("\""); WriteLine(); } WriteLine(); Operation op = soap12 ? Soap12Operation : SoapOperation; WriteSoapMessage(opBinding.Input, serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(op.Messages.Input.Message), soap12); return WriteEnd(); } string GetSoapOperationOutput(bool soap12) { OperationBinding opBinding = soap12 ? Soap12OperationBinding : SoapOperationBinding; if (opBinding == null) return ""; WriteBegin(); if (opBinding.Output == null) { Write("HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted"); WriteLine(); } else { Write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); WriteLine(); if (soap12) { Write("Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"); } else { Write("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); } WriteLine(); Write("Content-Length: "); WriteValue("length"); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); Operation op = soap12 ? Soap12Operation : SoapOperation; WriteSoapMessage(opBinding.Output, serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(op.Messages.Output.Message), soap12); } return WriteEnd(); } OperationBinding SoapOperationBinding { get { if (soapOperationBinding == null) soapOperationBinding = FindBinding(typeof(SoapBinding)); return soapOperationBinding; } } Operation SoapOperation { get { if (soapOperation == null) soapOperation = FindOperation(SoapOperationBinding); return soapOperation; } } bool ShowingSoap { get { return SoapOperationBinding != null; } } OperationBinding Soap12OperationBinding { get { if (soap12OperationBinding == null) soap12OperationBinding = FindBinding(typeof(Soap12Binding)); return soap12OperationBinding; } } Operation Soap12Operation { get { if (soap12Operation == null) soap12Operation = FindOperation(Soap12OperationBinding); return soap12Operation; } } bool ShowingSoap12 { get { return Soap12OperationBinding != null; } } private static string GetEncodedNamespace(string ns) { if (ns.EndsWith("/")) return ns + "encodedTypes"; else return ns + "/encodedTypes"; } void WriteSoapMessage(MessageBinding messageBinding, Message message, bool soap12) { objectId = 0; SoapOperationBinding soapBinding; SoapBodyBinding soapBodyBinding; string envelopeNs; string envelopeEncNs; string envelopePrefix; if (soap12) { envelopeNs = soap12Ns; envelopeEncNs = soap12EncNs; envelopePrefix = soap12Prefix; soapBinding = (SoapOperationBinding)Soap12OperationBinding.Extensions.Find(typeof(Soap12OperationBinding)); soapBodyBinding = (SoapBodyBinding)messageBinding.Extensions.Find(typeof(Soap12BodyBinding)); } else { envelopeNs = soapNs; envelopeEncNs = soapEncNs; envelopePrefix = soapPrefix; soapBinding = (SoapOperationBinding)SoapOperationBinding.Extensions.Find(typeof(SoapOperationBinding)); soapBodyBinding = (SoapBodyBinding)messageBinding.Extensions.Find(typeof(SoapBodyBinding)); } bool rpc = soapBinding != null && soapBinding.Style == SoapBindingStyle.Rpc; bool encoded = soapBodyBinding.Use == SoapBindingUse.Encoded; xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(envelopePrefix, "Envelope", envelopeNs); DefineNamespace("xsi", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); DefineNamespace("xsd", XmlSchema.Namespace); if (encoded) { DefineNamespace("soapenc", envelopeEncNs); string targetNamespace = message.ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace; DefineNamespace("tns", targetNamespace); DefineNamespace("types", GetEncodedNamespace(targetNamespace)); if (soap12) { DefineNamespace("rpc", rpcNs); } } SoapHeaderBinding[] headers = (SoapHeaderBinding[])messageBinding.Extensions.FindAll(typeof(SoapHeaderBinding)); if (headers.Length > 0) { xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Header", envelopeNs); foreach (SoapHeaderBinding header in headers) { Message headerMessage = serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(header.Message); if (headerMessage != null) { MessagePart part = headerMessage.Parts[header.Part]; if (part != null) { if (encoded) WriteType(part.Type, part.Type, true, XmlSchemaForm.Qualified, -1, 0, false, soap12); else WriteTopLevelElement(part.Element, 0, soap12); } } } if (encoded) WriteQueuedTypes(soap12); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Body", envelopeNs); if (soapBodyBinding.Encoding != null && soapBodyBinding.Encoding != String.Empty) xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("encodingStyle", envelopeNs, envelopeEncNs); if (rpc) { OperationBinding opBinding = soap12 ? Soap12OperationBinding : SoapOperationBinding; Operation op = soap12 ? Soap12Operation : SoapOperation; string messageName = opBinding.Output == messageBinding ? op.Name + "Response" : op.Name; if (encoded) { string prefix = null; if (soapBodyBinding.Namespace.Length > 0) { prefix = xmlWriter.LookupPrefix(soapBodyBinding.Namespace); if (prefix == null) prefix = "q" + nextPrefix++; } xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(prefix, messageName, soapBodyBinding.Namespace); if (soap12 && message.Parts.Count > 0 && opBinding.Output == messageBinding) { xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("result", rpcNs); xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", ""); xmlWriter.WriteString(message.Parts[0].Name); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } } else { xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(messageName, soapBodyBinding.Namespace); } } foreach (MessagePart part in message.Parts) { if (encoded) { if (rpc) WriteType(new XmlQualifiedName(part.Name, soapBodyBinding.Namespace), part.Type, encoded, XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified, 0, 0, true, soap12); else WriteType(part.Type, part.Type, encoded, XmlSchemaForm.Qualified, -1, 0, true, soap12); // id == -1 writes the definition without writing the id attr } else { if (rpc) WriteType(new XmlQualifiedName(part.Name, null), part.Type, encoded, XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified, 0, 0, false, soap12); else if (!part.Element.IsEmpty) WriteTopLevelElement(part.Element, 0, soap12); else WriteXmlValue("xml"); } } if (rpc) { xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } if (encoded) { WriteQueuedTypes(soap12); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } string HttpGetOperationInput { get { if (TryGetUrl == null) return ""; WriteBegin(); Write("GET "); Write(TryGetUrl.AbsolutePath); Write("?"); WriteQueryStringMessage(serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(HttpGetOperation.Messages.Input.Message)); Write(" HTTP/1.1"); WriteLine(); Write("Host: "); Write(TryGetUrl.Host); WriteLine(); return WriteEnd(); } } string HttpGetOperationOutput { get { if (HttpGetOperationBinding == null) return ""; if (HttpGetOperationBinding.Output == null) return ""; Message message = serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(HttpGetOperation.Messages.Output.Message); WriteBegin(); Write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); WriteLine(); if (message.Parts.Count > 0) { Write("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); WriteLine(); Write("Content-Length: "); WriteValue("length"); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); WriteHttpReturnPart(message.Parts[0].Element); } return WriteEnd(); } } void WriteQueryStringMessage(Message message) { bool first = true; foreach (MessagePart part in message.Parts) { int count = 1; string typeName = part.Type.Name; if (part.Type.Namespace != XmlSchema.Namespace && part.Type.Namespace != msTypesNs) { int arrIndex = typeName.IndexOf("Array"); if (arrIndex >= 0) { typeName = CodeIdentifier.MakeCamel(typeName.Substring(0, arrIndex)); count = 2; } } for (int i=0; i<count; i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Write("&"); } Write("<font class=key>"); Write(XmlConvert.DecodeName(part.Name)); Write("</font>="); WriteValue(typeName); } } } OperationBinding HttpGetOperationBinding { get { if (httpGetOperationBinding == null) httpGetOperationBinding = FindHttpBinding("GET"); return httpGetOperationBinding; } } Operation HttpGetOperation { get { if (httpGetOperation == null) httpGetOperation = FindOperation(HttpGetOperationBinding); return httpGetOperation; } } bool ShowingHttpGet { get { return HttpGetOperationBinding != null; } } string HttpPostOperationInput { get { if (TryPostUrl == null) return ""; WriteBegin(); Write("POST "); Write(TryPostUrl.AbsolutePath); Write(" HTTP/1.1"); WriteLine(); Write("Host: "); Write(TryPostUrl.Host); WriteLine(); Write("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); WriteLine(); Write("Content-Length: "); WriteValue("length"); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); WriteQueryStringMessage(serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(HttpPostOperation.Messages.Input.Message)); return WriteEnd(); } } string HttpPostOperationOutput { get { if (HttpPostOperationBinding == null) return ""; if (HttpPostOperationBinding.Output == null) return ""; Message message = serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(HttpPostOperation.Messages.Output.Message); WriteBegin(); Write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); WriteLine(); if (message.Parts.Count > 0) { Write("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); WriteLine(); Write("Content-Length: "); WriteValue("length"); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); WriteHttpReturnPart(message.Parts[0].Element); } return WriteEnd(); } } OperationBinding HttpPostOperationBinding { get { if (httpPostOperationBinding == null) httpPostOperationBinding = FindHttpBinding("POST"); return httpPostOperationBinding; } } Operation HttpPostOperation { get { if (httpPostOperation == null) httpPostOperation = FindOperation(HttpPostOperationBinding); return httpPostOperation; } } bool ShowingHttpPost { get { return HttpPostOperationBinding != null; } } MessagePart[] TryGetMessageParts { get { if (HttpGetOperationBinding == null) return new MessagePart[0]; Message message = serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(HttpGetOperation.Messages.Input.Message); MessagePart[] parts = new MessagePart[message.Parts.Count]; message.Parts.CopyTo(parts, 0); return parts; } } bool ShowGetTestForm { get { if (!ShowingHttpGet) return false; Message message = serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(HttpGetOperation.Messages.Input.Message); foreach (MessagePart part in message.Parts) { if (part.Type.Namespace != XmlSchema.Namespace && part.Type.Namespace != msTypesNs) return false; } return true; } } Uri TryGetUrl { get { if (getUrl == null) { if (HttpGetOperationBinding == null) return null; Port port = FindPort(HttpGetOperationBinding.Binding); if (port == null) return null; HttpAddressBinding httpAddress = (HttpAddressBinding)port.Extensions.Find(typeof(HttpAddressBinding)); HttpOperationBinding httpOperation = (HttpOperationBinding)HttpGetOperationBinding.Extensions.Find(typeof(HttpOperationBinding)); if (httpAddress == null || httpOperation == null) return null; getUrl = new Uri(httpAddress.Location + httpOperation.Location); } return getUrl; } } MessagePart[] TryPostMessageParts { get { if (HttpPostOperationBinding == null) return new MessagePart[0]; Message message = serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(HttpPostOperation.Messages.Input.Message); MessagePart[] parts = new MessagePart[message.Parts.Count]; message.Parts.CopyTo(parts, 0); return parts; } } bool ShowPostTestForm { get { if (!ShowingHttpPost) return false; Message message = serviceDescriptions.GetMessage(HttpPostOperation.Messages.Input.Message); foreach (MessagePart part in message.Parts) { if (part.Type.Namespace != XmlSchema.Namespace && part.Type.Namespace != msTypesNs) return false; } return true; } } Uri TryPostUrl { get { if (postUrl == null) { if (HttpPostOperationBinding == null) return null; Port port = FindPort(HttpPostOperationBinding.Binding); if (port == null) return null; HttpAddressBinding httpAddress = (HttpAddressBinding)port.Extensions.Find(typeof(HttpAddressBinding)); HttpOperationBinding httpOperation = (HttpOperationBinding)HttpPostOperationBinding.Extensions.Find(typeof(HttpOperationBinding)); if (httpAddress == null || httpOperation == null) return null; postUrl = new Uri(httpAddress.Location + httpOperation.Location); } return postUrl; } } void WriteHttpReturnPart(XmlQualifiedName elementName) { if (elementName == null || elementName.IsEmpty) { Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); WriteLine(); WriteValue("xml"); } else { xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); WriteTopLevelElement(elementName, 0, false); } } XmlSchemaType GetPartType(MessagePart part) { if (part.Element != null && !part.Element.IsEmpty) { XmlSchemaElement element = (XmlSchemaElement)schemas.Find(part.Element, typeof(XmlSchemaElement)); if (element != null) return element.SchemaType; return null; } else if (part.Type != null && !part.Type.IsEmpty) { XmlSchemaType xmlSchemaType = (XmlSchemaType)schemas.Find(part.Type, typeof(XmlSchemaSimpleType)); if (xmlSchemaType != null) return xmlSchemaType; xmlSchemaType = (XmlSchemaType)schemas.Find(part.Type, typeof(XmlSchemaComplexType)); return xmlSchemaType; } return null; } void WriteTopLevelElement(XmlQualifiedName name, int depth, bool soap12) { WriteTopLevelElement((XmlSchemaElement)schemas.Find(name, typeof(XmlSchemaElement)), name.Namespace, depth, soap12); } void WriteTopLevelElement(XmlSchemaElement element, string ns, int depth, bool soap12) { WriteElement(element, ns, XmlSchemaForm.Qualified, false, 0, depth, false, soap12); } class QueuedType { internal XmlQualifiedName name; internal XmlQualifiedName typeName; internal XmlSchemaForm form; internal int id; internal int depth; internal bool writeXsiType; } void WriteQueuedTypes(bool soap12) { while (referencedTypes.Count > 0) { QueuedType q = (QueuedType)referencedTypes.Dequeue(); WriteType(q.name, q.typeName, true, q.form, q.id, q.depth, q.writeXsiType, soap12); } } void AddQueuedType(XmlQualifiedName name, XmlQualifiedName type, int id, int depth, bool writeXsiType) { AddQueuedType(name, type, XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified, id, depth, writeXsiType); } void AddQueuedType(XmlQualifiedName name, XmlQualifiedName typeName, XmlSchemaForm form, int id, int depth, bool writeXsiType) { QueuedType q = new QueuedType(); q.name = name; q.typeName = typeName; q.form = form; q.id = id; q.depth = depth; q.writeXsiType = writeXsiType; referencedTypes.Enqueue(q); } void WriteType(XmlQualifiedName name, XmlQualifiedName typeName, int id, int depth, bool writeXsiType, bool soap12) { WriteType(name, typeName, true, XmlSchemaForm.None, id, depth, writeXsiType, soap12); } void WriteType(XmlQualifiedName name, XmlQualifiedName typeName, bool encoded, XmlSchemaForm form, int id, int depth, bool writeXsiType, bool soap12) { XmlSchemaElement element = new XmlSchemaElement(); element.Name = name.Name; element.MaxOccurs = 1; element.Form = form; element.SchemaTypeName = typeName; WriteElement(element, name.Namespace, encoded, id, depth, writeXsiType, soap12); } void WriteElement(XmlSchemaElement element, string ns, bool encoded, int id, int depth, bool writeXsiType, bool soap12) { XmlSchemaForm form = element.Form; if (form == XmlSchemaForm.None) { XmlSchema schema = schemas[ns]; if (schema != null) form = schema.ElementFormDefault; } WriteElement(element, ns, form, encoded, id, depth, writeXsiType, soap12); } void WriteElement(XmlSchemaElement element, string ns, XmlSchemaForm form, bool encoded, int id, int depth, bool writeXsiType, bool soap12) { if (element == null) return; int count = element.MaxOccurs > 1 ? maxArraySize : 1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { XmlQualifiedName elementName = (element.QualifiedName == null || element.QualifiedName.IsEmpty ? new XmlQualifiedName(element.Name, ns) : element.QualifiedName); if (encoded && count > 1) { elementName = new XmlQualifiedName("Item", null); } if (IsRef(element.RefName)) { WriteTopLevelElement(element.RefName, depth, soap12); continue; } if (encoded) { string prefix = null; if (form != XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified && elementName.Namespace.Length > 0) { prefix = xmlWriter.LookupPrefix(elementName.Namespace); if (prefix == null) prefix = "q" + nextPrefix++; } if (id != 0 && !soap12) { // intercept array definitions XmlSchemaComplexType ct = null; if (IsStruct(element, out ct)) { XmlQualifiedName typeName = element.SchemaTypeName; XmlQualifiedName baseTypeName = GetBaseTypeName(ct); if (baseTypeName != null && IsArray(baseTypeName)) typeName = baseTypeName; if (typeName != elementName) { WriteType(typeName, element.SchemaTypeName, true, form, id, depth, writeXsiType, soap12); return; } } } xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(prefix, elementName.Name, form != XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified ? elementName.Namespace : ""); } else xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(elementName.Name, form != XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified ? elementName.Namespace : ""); XmlSchemaSimpleType simpleType = null; XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = null; if (IsPrimitive(element.SchemaTypeName)) { if (writeXsiType) WriteTypeAttribute(element.SchemaTypeName); WritePrimitive(element.SchemaTypeName); } else if (IsEnum(element.SchemaTypeName, out simpleType)) { if (writeXsiType) WriteTypeAttribute(element.SchemaTypeName); WriteEnum(simpleType); } else if (IsStruct(element, out complexType)) { if (depth >= maxObjectGraphDepth) WriteNullAttribute(encoded, soap12); else if (encoded) { if (id != 0 || soap12) { // id == -1 means write the definition without writing the id if (id > 0 || soap12) { WriteIDAttribute(id, soap12); } WriteComplexType(complexType, ns, encoded, depth, writeXsiType, soap12); } else { int href = hrefID++; WriteHref(href, soap12); AddQueuedType(elementName, element.SchemaTypeName, XmlSchemaForm.Qualified, href, depth, true); } } else { WriteComplexType(complexType, ns, encoded, depth, false, soap12); } } else if (IsByteArray(element, out simpleType)) { WriteByteArray(simpleType); } else if (IsSchemaRef(element.RefName)) { WriteXmlValue("schema"); } else if (IsUrType(element.SchemaTypeName)) { WriteTypeAttribute(new XmlQualifiedName(GetXmlValue("type"), null)); } else { if (debug) { WriteDebugAttribute("error", "Unknown type"); WriteDebugAttribute("elementName", element.QualifiedName.ToString()); WriteDebugAttribute("typeName", element.SchemaTypeName.ToString()); WriteDebugAttribute("type", element.SchemaType != null ? element.SchemaType.ToString() : "null"); } } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; } } bool IsArray(XmlQualifiedName typeName) { return (typeName.Namespace == soapEncNs && typeName.Name == "Array"); } bool IsPrimitive(XmlQualifiedName typeName) { return (!typeName.IsEmpty && (typeName.Namespace == XmlSchema.Namespace || typeName.Namespace == msTypesNs) && typeName.Name != urType); } bool IsRef(XmlQualifiedName refName) { return refName != null && !refName.IsEmpty && !IsSchemaRef(refName); } bool IsSchemaRef(XmlQualifiedName refName) { return refName != null && refName.Name == "schema" && refName.Namespace == XmlSchema.Namespace; } bool IsUrType(XmlQualifiedName typeName) { return (!typeName.IsEmpty && typeName.Namespace == XmlSchema.Namespace && typeName.Name == urType); } bool IsEnum(XmlQualifiedName typeName, out XmlSchemaSimpleType type) { XmlSchemaSimpleType simpleType = null; if (typeName != null && !typeName.IsEmpty) { simpleType = (XmlSchemaSimpleType)schemas.Find(typeName, typeof(XmlSchemaSimpleType)); if (simpleType != null) { type = simpleType; return true; } } type = null; return false; } bool IsStruct(XmlSchemaElement element, out XmlSchemaComplexType type) { XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = null; if (!element.SchemaTypeName.IsEmpty) { complexType = (XmlSchemaComplexType)schemas.Find(element.SchemaTypeName, typeof(XmlSchemaComplexType)); if (complexType != null) { type = complexType; return true; } } if (element.SchemaType != null && element.SchemaType is XmlSchemaComplexType) { complexType = element.SchemaType as XmlSchemaComplexType; if (complexType != null) { type = complexType; return true; } } type = null; return false; } bool IsByteArray(XmlSchemaElement element, out XmlSchemaSimpleType type) { if (element.SchemaTypeName.IsEmpty && element.SchemaType is XmlSchemaSimpleType) { type = element.SchemaType as XmlSchemaSimpleType; return true; } type = null; return false; } XmlQualifiedName ArrayItemType(string typeDef) { string ns; string name; int nsLen = typeDef.LastIndexOf(':'); if (nsLen <= 0) { ns = ""; } else { ns = typeDef.Substring(0, nsLen); } int nameLen = typeDef.IndexOf('[', nsLen + 1); if (nameLen <= nsLen) { return new XmlQualifiedName(urType, XmlSchema.Namespace); } name = typeDef.Substring(nsLen + 1, nameLen - nsLen - 1); return new XmlQualifiedName(name, ns); } void WriteByteArray(XmlSchemaSimpleType dataType) { WriteXmlValue("bytes"); } void WriteEnum(XmlSchemaSimpleType dataType) { if (dataType.Content is XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList) { // "flags" enum -- appears inside a list XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList list = (XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList)dataType.Content; dataType = list.ItemType; } bool first = true; if (dataType.Content is XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction) { XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction restriction = (XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction)dataType.Content; foreach (XmlSchemaFacet facet in restriction.Facets) { if (facet is XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet) { if (!first) xmlWriter.WriteString(" or "); else first = false; WriteXmlValue(facet.Value); } } } } void WriteArrayTypeAttribute(XmlQualifiedName type, int maxOccurs, bool soap12) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(type.Name); sb.Append("["); sb.Append(maxOccurs.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append("]"); string prefix = DefineNamespace("q1", type.Namespace); if (soap12) { XmlQualifiedName typeName = new XmlQualifiedName(type.Name, prefix); xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("itemType", soap12EncNs, typeName.ToString()); xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("arraySize", soap12EncNs, maxOccurs.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { XmlQualifiedName typeName = new XmlQualifiedName(sb.ToString(), prefix); xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("arrayType", soapEncNs, typeName.ToString()); } } void WriteTypeAttribute(XmlQualifiedName type) { string prefix = DefineNamespace("s0", type.Namespace); xmlWriter.WriteStartAttribute("type", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); xmlWriter.WriteString(new XmlQualifiedName(type.Name, prefix).ToString()); xmlWriter.WriteEndAttribute(); } void WriteNullAttribute(bool encoded, bool soap12) { if (encoded && !soap12) xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("null", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace, "1"); else xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("nil", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace, "true"); } void WriteIDAttribute(int href, bool soap12) { if (soap12) { xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("id", soap12EncNs, "id" + objectId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); objectId++; } else { xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("id", "id" + href.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } void WriteHref(int href, bool soap12) { if (soap12) { xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("ref", "id" + href.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("href", "#id" + href.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } void WritePrimitive(XmlQualifiedName name) { if (name.Namespace == XmlSchema.Namespace && name.Name == "QName") { DefineNamespace("q1", "http://tempuri.org/SampleNamespace"); WriteXmlValue("q1:QName"); } else WriteXmlValue(name.Name); } XmlQualifiedName GetBaseTypeName(XmlSchemaComplexType complexType) { if (complexType.ContentModel is XmlSchemaComplexContent) { XmlSchemaComplexContent content = (XmlSchemaComplexContent)complexType.ContentModel; if (content.Content is XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction) { XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction restriction = (XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction)content.Content; return restriction.BaseTypeName; } } return null; } internal class TypeItems { internal XmlSchemaObjectCollection Attributes = new XmlSchemaObjectCollection(); internal XmlSchemaAnyAttribute AnyAttribute; internal XmlSchemaObjectCollection Items = new XmlSchemaObjectCollection(); internal XmlQualifiedName baseSimpleType; } TypeItems GetTypeItems(XmlSchemaComplexType type) { TypeItems items = new TypeItems(); if (type == null) return items; XmlSchemaParticle particle = null; if (type.ContentModel != null) { XmlSchemaContent content = type.ContentModel.Content; if (content is XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension) { XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension extension = (XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension)content; items.Attributes = extension.Attributes; items.AnyAttribute = extension.AnyAttribute; particle = extension.Particle; } else if (content is XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction) { XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction restriction = (XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction)content; items.Attributes = restriction.Attributes; items.AnyAttribute = restriction.AnyAttribute; particle = restriction.Particle; } else if (content is XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension) { XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension extension = (XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension)content; items.Attributes = extension.Attributes; items.AnyAttribute = extension.AnyAttribute; items.baseSimpleType = extension.BaseTypeName; } else if (content is XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction) { XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction restriction = (XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction)content; items.Attributes = restriction.Attributes; items.AnyAttribute = restriction.AnyAttribute; items.baseSimpleType = restriction.BaseTypeName; } } else { items.Attributes = type.Attributes; items.AnyAttribute = type.AnyAttribute; particle = type.Particle; } if (particle != null) { bool sort = false; if (particle is XmlSchemaGroupRef) { XmlSchemaGroupRef refGroup = (XmlSchemaGroupRef)particle; XmlSchemaGroup group = (XmlSchemaGroup)schemas.Find(refGroup.RefName, typeof(XmlSchemaGroup)); if (group != null) { items.Items = group.Particle.Items; sort = group.Particle is XmlSchemaChoice || group.Particle is XmlSchemaAll; } } else if (particle is XmlSchemaGroupBase) { items.Items = ((XmlSchemaGroupBase)particle).Items; sort = particle is XmlSchemaChoice || particle is XmlSchemaAll; } if (sort) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < items.Items.Count; i++) { list.Add(items.Items[i]); } list.Sort(new XmlSchemaObjectComparer()); XmlSchemaObjectCollection sortedItems = new XmlSchemaObjectCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { sortedItems.Add((XmlSchemaObject)list[i]); } items.Items = sortedItems; } } return items; } internal class XmlSchemaObjectComparer : IComparer { public int Compare(object o1, object o2) { return string.Compare(NameOf((XmlSchemaObject)o1), NameOf((XmlSchemaObject)o2), StringComparison.Ordinal); } internal static string NameOf(XmlSchemaObject o) { if (o is XmlSchemaElement) { return ((XmlSchemaElement)o).Name; } else if (o is XmlSchemaAny) { return "*"; } else { return "**"; } } } void WriteComplexType(XmlSchemaComplexType type, string ns, bool encoded, int depth, bool writeXsiType, bool soap12) { bool wroteArrayType = false; bool isSoapArray = false; TypeItems typeItems = GetTypeItems(type); if (encoded) { /* Check to see if the type looks like the new WSDL 1.1 array delaration: <xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfInt"> <xsd:complexContent mixed="false"> <xsd:restriction base="soapenc:Array"> <xsd:attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="xsd:int[]" /> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> */ XmlQualifiedName itemType = null; XmlQualifiedName topItemType = null; string brackets = ""; XmlSchemaComplexType t = type; XmlQualifiedName baseTypeName = GetBaseTypeName(t); TypeItems arrayItems = typeItems; while (t != null) { XmlSchemaObjectCollection attributes = arrayItems.Attributes; t = null; // if we don't set t after this stop looping if (baseTypeName != null && IsArray(baseTypeName) && attributes.Count > 0) { XmlSchemaAttribute refAttr = attributes[0] as XmlSchemaAttribute; if (refAttr != null) { XmlQualifiedName qnameArray = refAttr.RefName; if (qnameArray.Namespace == soapEncNs && qnameArray.Name == "arrayType") { isSoapArray = true; XmlAttribute typeAttribute = refAttr.UnhandledAttributes[0]; if (typeAttribute.NamespaceURI == wsdlNs && typeAttribute.LocalName == "arrayType") { itemType = ArrayItemType(typeAttribute.Value); if (topItemType == null) topItemType = itemType; else brackets += "[]"; if (!IsPrimitive(itemType)) { t = (XmlSchemaComplexType)schemas.Find(itemType, typeof(XmlSchemaComplexType)); arrayItems = GetTypeItems(t); } } } } } } if (itemType != null) { wroteArrayType = true; if (IsUrType(itemType)) WriteArrayTypeAttribute(new XmlQualifiedName(GetXmlValue("type") + brackets, null), maxArraySize, soap12); else WriteArrayTypeAttribute(new XmlQualifiedName(itemType.Name + brackets, itemType.Namespace), maxArraySize, soap12); for (int i = 0; i < maxArraySize; i++) { WriteType(new XmlQualifiedName("Item", null), topItemType, 0, depth+1, false, soap12); } } } if (writeXsiType && !wroteArrayType) { WriteTypeAttribute(type.QualifiedName); } if (!isSoapArray) { foreach (XmlSchemaAttribute attr in typeItems.Attributes) { if (attr != null && attr.Use != XmlSchemaUse.Prohibited) { if (attr.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified && attr.QualifiedName != null) xmlWriter.WriteStartAttribute(attr.Name, attr.QualifiedName.Namespace); else xmlWriter.WriteStartAttribute(attr.Name, null); XmlSchemaSimpleType dataType = null; // special code for the QNames if (attr.SchemaTypeName.Namespace == XmlSchema.Namespace && attr.SchemaTypeName.Name == "QName") { WriteXmlValue("q1:QName"); xmlWriter.WriteEndAttribute(); DefineNamespace("q1", "http://tempuri.org/SampleNamespace"); } else { if (IsPrimitive(attr.SchemaTypeName)) WriteXmlValue(attr.SchemaTypeName.Name); else if (IsEnum(attr.SchemaTypeName, out dataType)) WriteEnum(dataType); xmlWriter.WriteEndAttribute(); } } } } XmlSchemaObjectCollection items = typeItems.Items; foreach (object item in items) { if (item is XmlSchemaElement) { WriteElement((XmlSchemaElement)item, ns, encoded, 0, depth + 1, encoded, soap12); } else if (item is XmlSchemaAny) { XmlSchemaAny any = (XmlSchemaAny)item; XmlSchema schema = schemas[any.Namespace]; if (schema == null) { WriteXmlValue("xml"); } else { foreach (object schemaItem in schema.Items) { if (schemaItem is XmlSchemaElement) { if (IsDataSetRoot((XmlSchemaElement)schemaItem)) WriteXmlValue("dataset"); else WriteTopLevelElement((XmlSchemaElement)schemaItem, any.Namespace, depth + 1, soap12); } } } } } } bool IsDataSetRoot(XmlSchemaElement element) { if (element.UnhandledAttributes == null) return false; foreach (XmlAttribute a in element.UnhandledAttributes) { if (a.NamespaceURI == "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" && a.LocalName == "IsDataSet") return true; } return false; } void WriteBegin() { writer = new StringWriter(); xmlSrc = new MemoryStream(); xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(xmlSrc, new UTF8Encoding(false)); xmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; xmlWriter.Indentation = 2; referencedTypes = new Queue(); hrefID = 1; } string WriteEnd() { xmlWriter.Flush(); xmlSrc.Position = 0; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(xmlSrc, Encoding.UTF8); writer.Write(HtmlEncode(reader.ReadToEnd())); return writer.ToString(); } string HtmlEncode(string text) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i<text.Length; i++) { char c = text[i]; if (c == '&') { string special = ReadComment(text, i); if (special.Length > 0) { sb.Append(Server.HtmlDecode(special)); i += (special.Length + "<!--".Length + "-->".Length - 1); } else sb.Append("&"); } else if (c == '<') sb.Append("<"); else if (c == '>') sb.Append(">"); else sb.Append(c); } return sb.ToString(); } string ReadComment(string text, int index) { if (dontFilterXml) return String.Empty; if (string.Compare(text, index, "<!--", 0, "<!--".Length, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { int start = index + "<!--".Length; int end = text.IndexOf("-->", start); if (end < 0) return String.Empty; return text.Substring(start, end-start); } return String.Empty; } void Write(string text) { writer.Write(text); } void WriteLine() { writer.WriteLine(); } void WriteValue(string text) { Write("<font class=value>" + text + "</font>"); } void WriteStartXmlValue() { xmlWriter.WriteString("<!--<font class=value>"); } void WriteEndXmlValue() { xmlWriter.WriteString("</font>-->"); } void WriteDebugAttribute(string text) { WriteDebugAttribute("debug", text); } void WriteDebugAttribute(string id, string text) { xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(id, text); } string GetXmlValue(string text) { return "<!--<font class=value>" + text + "</font>-->"; } void WriteXmlValue(string text) { xmlWriter.WriteString(GetXmlValue(text)); } string DefineNamespace(string prefix, string ns) { if (ns == null || ns == String.Empty) return null; string existingPrefix = xmlWriter.LookupPrefix(ns); if (existingPrefix != null && existingPrefix.Length > 0) return existingPrefix; xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", prefix, null, ns); return prefix; } Port FindPort(Binding binding) { foreach (ServiceDescription description in serviceDescriptions) { foreach (Service service in description.Services) { foreach (Port port in service.Ports) { if (port.Binding.Name == binding.Name && port.Binding.Namespace == binding.ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace) { return port; } } } } return null; } OperationBinding FindBinding(Type bindingType) { OperationBinding nextBestMatch = null; foreach (ServiceDescription description in serviceDescriptions) { foreach (Binding binding in description.Bindings) { object ext = binding.Extensions.Find(bindingType); if (ext == null) continue; foreach (OperationBinding operationBinding in binding.Operations) { string messageName = operationBinding.Input.Name; if (messageName == null || messageName.Length == 0) messageName = operationBinding.Name; if (messageName == operationName) { if (ext.GetType() != bindingType) continue; else return operationBinding; } } } } return nextBestMatch; } OperationBinding FindHttpBinding(string verb) { foreach (ServiceDescription description in serviceDescriptions) { foreach (Binding binding in description.Bindings) { HttpBinding httpBinding = (HttpBinding)binding.Extensions.Find(typeof(HttpBinding)); if (httpBinding == null) continue; if (httpBinding.Verb != verb) continue; foreach (OperationBinding operationBinding in binding.Operations) { string messageName = operationBinding.Input.Name; if (messageName == null || messageName.Length == 0) messageName = operationBinding.Name; if (messageName == operationName) return operationBinding; } } } return null; } Operation FindOperation(OperationBinding operationBinding) { PortType portType = serviceDescriptions.GetPortType(operationBinding.Binding.Type); foreach (Operation operation in portType.Operations) { if (operation.IsBoundBy(operationBinding)) { return operation; } } return null; } string GetLocalizedText(string name) { return GetLocalizedText(name, new object[0]); } string GetLocalizedText(string name, object[] args) { ResourceManager rm = (ResourceManager)Application["RM"]; string val = rm.GetString("HelpGenerator" + name); if (val == null) return String.Empty; return String.Format(val, args); } void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Application["RM"] == null) { lock (this.GetType()) { if (Application["RM"] == null) { Application["RM"] = new ResourceManager("System.Web.Services", typeof(System.Web.Services.WebService).Assembly); } } } operationName = Request.QueryString["op"]; // Slots filled on HttpContext: // "wsdls" A ServiceDescriptionCollection representing what is displayed for .asmx?wsdl // "schemas" An XmlSchemas object containing schemas associated with .asmx?wsdl // "wsdlsWithPost" Wsdls the same as "wsdls", plus bindings for the HttpPost protocol. // "schemasWithPost" Schemas corresponding to "wsdlsWithPost". // The objects stored at "wsdlsWithPost" and "schemasWithPost" are available if // the HttpPost protocol is turned on in config. // Obtain WSDL contract from Http Context XmlSchemas schemasToUse; serviceDescriptions = (ServiceDescriptionCollection) Context.Items["wsdlsWithPost"]; if (serviceDescriptions != null) { requestIsLocal = true; schemasToUse = (XmlSchemas) Context.Items["schemasWithPost"]; } else { serviceDescriptions = (ServiceDescriptionCollection) Context.Items["wsdls"]; schemasToUse = (XmlSchemas) Context.Items["schemas"]; } schemas = new XmlSchemas(); foreach (XmlSchema schema in schemasToUse) { schemas.Add(schema); } foreach (ServiceDescription description in serviceDescriptions) { foreach (XmlSchema schema in description.Types.Schemas) { schemas.Add(schema); } } SortedList methodsTable = new SortedList(StringComparer.Ordinal); operationExists = false; foreach (ServiceDescription description in serviceDescriptions) { foreach (PortType portType in description.PortTypes) { foreach (Operation operation in portType.Operations) { string messageName = operation.Messages.Input.Name; if (messageName == null || messageName.Length == 0) messageName = operation.Name; if (messageName == operationName) operationExists = true; if (messageName == null) messageName = String.Empty; methodsTable[messageName] = operation; } } } bool checkClaims = ((WsiProfiles)Context.Items["conformanceWarnings"] & WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1) != 0; if (checkClaims) { warnings = new BasicProfileViolationCollection(); WebServicesInteroperability.CheckConformance(WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1, serviceDescriptions, warnings); } MethodList.DataSource = methodsTable; // Databind all values within the page Page.DataBind(); } </script> <head runat=server> <link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" href='<%#Uri.EscapeUriString(Request.Path).Replace("#", "%23") + "?disco"%>'/> <style type="text/css"> BODY { <%#GetLocalizedText("StyleBODY")%> } #content { <%#GetLocalizedText("Stylecontent")%> } A:link { <%#GetLocalizedText("StyleAlink")%> } A:visited { <%#GetLocalizedText("StyleAvisited")%> } A:active { <%#GetLocalizedText("StyleAactive")%> } A:hover { <%#GetLocalizedText("StyleAhover")%> } P { <%#GetLocalizedText("StyleP")%> } pre { <%#GetLocalizedText("Stylepre")%> } td { <%#GetLocalizedText("Styletd")%> } h2 { <%#GetLocalizedText("Styleh2")%> } h3 { <%#GetLocalizedText("Styleh3")%> } ul { <%#GetLocalizedText("Styleul")%> } ol { <%#GetLocalizedText("Styleol")%> } li { <%#GetLocalizedText("Styleli")%> } font.value { <%#GetLocalizedText("Stylefontvalue")%> } font.key { <%#GetLocalizedText("Stylefontkey")%> } font.error { <%#GetLocalizedText("StylefontError")%> } .heading1 { <%#GetLocalizedText("Styleheading1")%> } .button { <%#GetLocalizedText("Stylebutton")%> } .frmheader { <%#GetLocalizedText("Stylefrmheader")%> } .frmtext { <%#GetLocalizedText("Stylefrmtext")%> } .frmInput { <%#GetLocalizedText("StylefrmInput")%> } .intro { <%#GetLocalizedText("Styleintro")%> } </style> <title><%#ServiceName + " " + GetLocalizedText("WebService")%></title> </head> <body> <div id="content"> <p class="heading1"><%#ServiceName%></p><br> <span visible='<%#ShowingMethodList && ServiceDocumentation.Length > 0%>' runat=server> <p class="intro"><%#ServiceDocumentation%></p> </span> <span visible='<%#ShowingMethodList%>' runat=server> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("OperationsIntro", new object[] { EscapedFileName + "?WSDL" })%> </p> <asp:repeater id="MethodList" runat=server> <headertemplate> <ul> </headertemplate> <itemtemplate> <li> <a href="<%#EscapedFileName%>?op=<%#EscapeParam(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Key").ToString())%>"><%#XmlConvert.DecodeName((string)DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Value.Name"))%></a> <span visible='<%#((string)DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Key")) != (string)DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Value.Name") %>' runat=server> <br>MessageName="<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Key")%>" </span> <span visible='<%#((string)DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Value.Documentation")).Length>0%>' runat=server> <br><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Value.Documentation")%> </span> </li> <p> </itemtemplate> <footertemplate> </ul> </footertemplate> </asp:repeater> </span> <span visible='<%#!ShowingMethodList && OperationExists%>' runat=server> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("LinkBack", new object[] { EscapedFileName })%></p> <h2><%#OperationName%></h2> <p class="intro"><%#SoapOperationBinding == null ? "" : SoapOperation.Documentation%></p> <h3><%#GetLocalizedText("TestHeader")%></h3> <% if (!showPost) { if (!ShowingHttpGet) { %> <%#GetLocalizedText("NoHttpGetTest")%> <% } else { if (!ShowGetTestForm) { %> <%#GetLocalizedText("NoTestNonPrimitive")%> <% } else { %> <%#GetLocalizedText("TestText")%> <form target="_blank" action='<%#TryGetUrl == null ? "" : TryGetUrl.AbsoluteUri%>' method="GET"> <asp:repeater datasource='<%#TryGetMessageParts%>' runat=server> <headertemplate> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" frame="box" bordercolor="#dcdcdc" rules="none" style="border-collapse: collapse;"> <tr visible='<%# TryGetMessageParts.Length > 0%>' runat=server> <td class="frmHeader" background="#dcdcdc" style="border-right: 2px solid white;"><%#GetLocalizedText("Parameter")%></td> <td class="frmHeader" background="#dcdcdc"><%#GetLocalizedText("Value")%></td> </tr> </headertemplate> <itemtemplate> <tr> <td class="frmText" style="color: #000000; font-weight:normal;"><%# XmlConvert.DecodeName(((MessagePart)Container.DataItem).Name) %>:</td> <td><input class="frmInput" type="text" size="50" name="<%# XmlConvert.DecodeName(((MessagePart)Container.DataItem).Name) %>"></td> </tr> </itemtemplate> <footertemplate> <tr> <td></td> <td align="right"> <input type="submit" value="<%#GetLocalizedText("InvokeButton")%>" class="button"></td> </tr> </table> </footertemplate> </asp:repeater> </form> <% } } } else { // showPost if (!ShowingHttpPost) { if (requestIsLocal) { %> <%#GetLocalizedText("NoTestNonPrimitive")%> <% } else { %> <%#GetLocalizedText("NoTestFormRemote")%> <% } } else { if (!ShowPostTestForm) { %> <%#GetLocalizedText("NoTestNonPrimitive")%> <% } else { %> <%#GetLocalizedText("TestText")%> <form target="_blank" action='<%#TryPostUrl == null ? "" : TryPostUrl.AbsoluteUri%>' method="POST"> <asp:repeater datasource='<%#TryPostMessageParts%>' runat=server> <headertemplate> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" frame="box" bordercolor="#dcdcdc" rules="none" style="border-collapse: collapse;"> <tr visible='<%# TryPostMessageParts.Length > 0%>' runat=server> <td class="frmHeader" background="#dcdcdc" style="border-right: 2px solid white;"><%#GetLocalizedText("Parameter")%></td> <td class="frmHeader" background="#dcdcdc"><%#GetLocalizedText("Value")%></td> </tr> </headertemplate> <itemtemplate> <tr> <td class="frmText" style="color: #000000; font-weight: normal;"><%# XmlConvert.DecodeName(((MessagePart)Container.DataItem).Name) %>:</td> <td><input class="frmInput" type="text" size="50" name="<%# XmlConvert.DecodeName(((MessagePart)Container.DataItem).Name) %>"></td> </tr> </itemtemplate> <footertemplate> <tr> <td></td> <td align="right"> <input type="submit" value="<%#GetLocalizedText("InvokeButton")%>" class="button"></td> </tr> </table> </footertemplate> </asp:repeater> </form> <% } } } %> <span visible='<%#ShowingSoap%>' runat=server> <h3><%#GetLocalizedText("SoapTitle")%></h3> <p><%#GetLocalizedText("SoapText")%></p> <pre><%#GetSoapOperationInput(false)%></pre> <pre><%#GetSoapOperationOutput(false)%></pre> </span> <span visible='<%#ShowingSoap12%>' runat=server> <h3><%#GetLocalizedText("Soap1_2Title")%></h3> <p><%#GetLocalizedText("Soap1_2Text")%></p> <pre><%#GetSoapOperationInput(true)%></pre> <pre><%#GetSoapOperationOutput(true)%></pre> </span> <span visible='<%#ShowingHttpGet%>' runat=server> <h3><%#GetLocalizedText("HttpGetTitle")%></h3> <p><%#GetLocalizedText("HttpGetText")%></p> <pre><%#HttpGetOperationInput%></pre> <pre><%#HttpGetOperationOutput%></pre> </span> <span visible='<%#ShowingHttpPost%>' runat=server> <h3><%#GetLocalizedText("HttpPostTitle")%></h3> <p><%#GetLocalizedText("HttpPostText")%></p> <pre><%#HttpPostOperationInput%></pre> <pre><%#HttpPostOperationOutput%></pre> </span> </span> <span visible='<%#ShowingMethodList%>' runat=server> <span visible='<%#Warnings.Count > 0%>' runat=server> <hr> <h3><font class="error"><%#GetLocalizedText("ServiceConformance")%></font></h3> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("ServiceConformanceDetails")%></p> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("ServiceConformanceConfig")%></p> <pre><configuration> <system.web> <webServices> <conformanceWarnings> <<font class=value>remove name='BasicProfile1_1'</font>/> </conformanceWarnings> </webServices> </system.web> </configuration></pre> <h3><%#GetLocalizedText("ServiceConformanceList")%></h3> <asp:repeater datasource='<%#Warnings%>' runat=server> <itemtemplate> <br><font class=error><%#((BasicProfileViolation)Container.DataItem).NormativeStatement%></font>: <%#((BasicProfileViolation)Container.DataItem).Details%> <asp:repeater datasource='<%#((BasicProfileViolation)Container.DataItem).Elements%>' runat=server> <itemtemplate> <br> - <%#Container.DataItem%> </itemtemplate> </asp:repeater> <span visible='<%#((BasicProfileViolation)Container.DataItem).Recommendation != null%>' runat=server> <br><font class=key><%#GetLocalizedText("Recommendation")%>:</font> <%#((BasicProfileViolation)Container.DataItem).Recommendation%> </span> <br> </itemtemplate> </asp:repeater> <br> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("ServiceConformanceHelp")%></p> </span> </span> <span visible='<%#ShowingMethodList && ServiceNamespace == "http://tempuri.org/"%>' runat=server> <hr> <h3><%#GetLocalizedText("DefaultNamespaceWarning1")%></h3> <h3><%#GetLocalizedText("DefaultNamespaceWarning2")%></h3> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("DefaultNamespaceHelp1")%></p> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("DefaultNamespaceHelp2")%></p> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("DefaultNamespaceHelp3")%></p> <p class="intro">C#</p> <pre>[WebService(Namespace="http://microsoft.com/webservices/")] public class MyWebService { // <%#GetLocalizedText("Implementation")%> }</pre> <p class="intro">Visual Basic</p> <pre><WebService(Namespace:="http://microsoft.com/webservices/")> Public Class MyWebService ' <%#GetLocalizedText("Implementation")%> End Class</pre> <p class="intro">C++</p> <pre>[WebService(Namespace="http://microsoft.com/webservices/")] public ref class MyWebService { // <%#GetLocalizedText("Implementation")%> };</pre> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("DefaultNamespaceHelp4")%></p> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("DefaultNamespaceHelp5")%></p> <p class="intro"><%#GetLocalizedText("DefaultNamespaceHelp6")%></p> </span> <span visible='<%#!ShowingMethodList && !OperationExists%>' runat=server> <%#GetLocalizedText("LinkBack", new object[] { EscapedFileName })%> <h2><%#GetLocalizedText("MethodNotFound")%></h2> <%#GetLocalizedText("MethodNotFoundText", new object[] { Server.HtmlEncode(OperationName), ServiceName })%> </span> </body> </html>
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