Edit C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\SQL\fr\SqlWorkflowInstanceStoreLogic.sql
set ansi_nulls on set quoted_identifier on set nocount on go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertRunnableInstanceEntry]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertRunnableInstanceEntry] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertRunnableInstanceEntry] @surrogateInstanceId bigint, @workflowHostType uniqueidentifier, @serviceDeploymentId bigint, @isSuspended bit, @isReadyToRun bit, @pendingTimer datetime, @surrogateIdentityId bigint AS begin set nocount on; set transaction isolation level read committed; set xact_abort on; declare @runnableTime datetime if (@isSuspended = 0) begin if (@isReadyToRun = 1) begin set @runnableTime = getutcdate() end else if (@pendingTimer is not null) begin set @runnableTime = @pendingTimer end end if (@runnableTime is not null and @workflowHostType is not null) begin insert into [RunnableInstancesTable] ([SurrogateInstanceId], [WorkflowHostType], [ServiceDeploymentId], [RunnableTime], [SurrogateIdentityId]) values( @surrogateInstanceId, @workflowHostType, @serviceDeploymentId, @runnableTime, @surrogateIdentityId) end end go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[RecoverInstanceLocks]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[RecoverInstanceLocks] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[RecoverInstanceLocks] as begin set nocount on; set transaction isolation level read committed; set xact_abort on; set deadlock_priority low; declare @now as datetime set @now = getutcdate() insert into [RunnableInstancesTable] ([SurrogateInstanceId], [WorkflowHostType], [ServiceDeploymentId], [RunnableTime], [SurrogateIdentityId]) select top (1000) instances.[SurrogateInstanceId], instances.[WorkflowHostType], instances.[ServiceDeploymentId], @now, instances.[SurrogateIdentityId] from [LockOwnersTable] lockOwners with (readpast) inner loop join [InstancesTable] instances with (readpast) on instances.[SurrogateLockOwnerId] = lockOwners.[SurrogateLockOwnerId] where lockOwners.[LockExpiration] <= @now and instances.[IsInitialized] = 1 and instances.[IsSuspended] = 0 delete from [IdentityOwnerTable] with (readpast) where [IdentityOwnerTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] in ( select [SurrogateLockOwnerId] from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LockOwnersTable] lockOwners where [LockExpiration] <= @now and not exists ( select top (1) 1 from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InstancesTable] instances with (nolock) where instances.[SurrogateLockOwnerId] = lockOwners.[SurrogateLockOwnerId] ) ) delete from [LockOwnersTable] with (readpast) from [LockOwnersTable] lockOwners where [LockExpiration] <= @now and not exists ( select top (1) 1 from [InstancesTable] instances with (nolock) where instances.[SurrogateLockOwnerId] = lockOwners.[SurrogateLockOwnerId] ) end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[RecoverInstanceLocks] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[RecoverInstanceLocks] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.WorkflowActivationUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ParseBinaryPropertyValue]') and type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT')) drop function [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ParseBinaryPropertyValue] go create function [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ParseBinaryPropertyValue] (@startPosition int, @length int, @concatenatedKeyProperties varbinary(max)) returns varbinary(max) as begin if (@length > 0) return substring(@concatenatedKeyProperties, @startPosition + 1, @length) return null end go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetExpirationTime]') and type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT')) drop function [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetExpirationTime] go create function [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetExpirationTime] (@offsetInMilliseconds bigint) returns datetime as begin if (@offsetInMilliseconds is null) begin return null end declare @hourInMillisecond bigint declare @offsetInHours bigint declare @remainingOffsetInMilliseconds bigint declare @expirationTimer datetime set @hourInMillisecond = 60*60*1000 set @offsetInHours = @offsetInMilliseconds / @hourInMillisecond set @remainingOffsetInMilliseconds = @offsetInMilliseconds % @hourInMillisecond set @expirationTimer = getutcdate() set @expirationTimer = dateadd (hour, @offsetInHours, @expirationTimer) set @expirationTimer = dateadd (millisecond,@remainingOffsetInMilliseconds, @expirationTimer) return @expirationTimer end go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertDefinitionIdentity]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertDefinitionIdentity] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertDefinitionIdentity] @identityMetadata xml = null as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; if (@identityMetadata is not null) begin insert into [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DefinitionIdentityTable] ( [DefinitionIdentityHash], [DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash], [Name], [Package], [Build], [Major], [Minor], [Revision] ) select T.Item.value('DefinitionIdentityHash[1]', 'uniqueidentifier'), T.Item.value('DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash[1]', 'uniqueidentifier'), T.Item.value('Name[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), T.Item.value('Package[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), T.Item.value('Build[1]', 'bigint'), T.Item.value('Major[1]', 'bigint'), T.Item.value('Minor[1]', 'bigint'), T.Item.value('Revision[1]', 'bigint') from @identityMetadata.nodes('/IdentityMetadata/IdentityCollection/Identity') as T(Item) end end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertDefinitionIdentity] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateLockOwner]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateLockOwner] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateLockOwner] @lockOwnerId uniqueidentifier, @lockTimeout int, @workflowHostType uniqueidentifier, @enqueueCommand bit, @deleteInstanceOnCompletion bit, @primitiveLockOwnerData varbinary(max), @complexLockOwnerData varbinary(max), @writeOnlyPrimitiveLockOwnerData varbinary(max), @writeOnlyComplexLockOwnerData varbinary(max), @encodingOption tinyint, @machineName nvarchar(128), @identityMetadata xml = null as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; begin transaction declare @lockAcquired bigint declare @lockExpiration datetime declare @now datetime declare @result int declare @surrogateLockOwnerId bigint declare @workflowIdentityFilter tinyint set @result = 0 exec @lockAcquired = sp_getapplock @Resource = 'InstanceStoreLock', @LockMode = 'Shared', @LockTimeout = 10000 if (@lockAcquired < 0) begin select @result as 'Result' set @result = 13 end if (@result = 0) begin -- insert the list of identity to the DefinitionIdentityTable exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertDefinitionIdentity] @identityMetadata if (@identityMetadata is not null) begin select @workflowIdentityFilter = T.Item.value('WorkflowIdentityFilter[1]', 'tinyint') from @identityMetadata.nodes('/IdentityMetadata') as T(Item) end if @workflowIdentityFilter is null set @workflowIdentityFilter = 0 --Create Lock Owner entry set @now = getutcdate() if (@lockTimeout = 0) set @lockExpiration = '9999-12-31T23:59:59'; else set @lockExpiration = dateadd(second, @lockTimeout, getutcdate()); insert into [LockOwnersTable] ([Id], [LockExpiration], [MachineName], [WorkflowHostType], [EnqueueCommand], [DeletesInstanceOnCompletion], [PrimitiveLockOwnerData], [ComplexLockOwnerData], [WriteOnlyPrimitiveLockOwnerData], [WriteOnlyComplexLockOwnerData], [EncodingOption], [WorkflowIdentityFilter]) values (@lockOwnerId, @lockExpiration, @machineName, @workflowHostType, @enqueueCommand, @deleteInstanceOnCompletion, @primitiveLockOwnerData, @complexLockOwnerData, @writeOnlyPrimitiveLockOwnerData, @writeOnlyComplexLockOwnerData, @encodingOption, @workflowIdentityFilter) set @surrogateLockOwnerId = scope_identity() -- insert identity collection with its lock owner. if (@identityMetadata is not null) begin insert into [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[IdentityOwnerTable] ( [SurrogateIdentityId], [SurrogateLockOwnerId] ) select [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DefinitionIdentityTable].[SurrogateIdentityId], @surrogateLockOwnerId from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DefinitionIdentityTable] where [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DefinitionIdentityTable].[DefinitionIdentityHash] in ( select T.Item.value('DefinitionIdentityHash[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') from @identityMetadata.nodes('/IdentityMetadata/IdentityCollection/Identity') as T(Item) ) end else begin insert into [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[IdentityOwnerTable] ( [SurrogateIdentityId], [SurrogateLockOwnerId] ) select [SurrogateIdentityId], @surrogateLockOwnerId from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DefinitionIdentityTable] where [DefinitionIdentityHash] = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' end end if (@result != 13) exec sp_releaseapplock @Resource = 'InstanceStoreLock' if (@result = 0) begin commit transaction select 0 as 'Result', @surrogateLockOwnerId end else rollback transaction end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateLockOwner] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateLockOwner] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.WorkflowActivationUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteLockOwner]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteLockOwner] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteLockOwner] @surrogateLockOwnerId bigint as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set deadlock_priority low set xact_abort on; begin transaction declare @lockAcquired bigint declare @result int set @result = 0 exec @lockAcquired = sp_getapplock @Resource = 'InstanceStoreLock', @LockMode = 'Shared', @LockTimeout = 10000 if (@lockAcquired < 0) begin select @result as 'Result' set @result = 13 end if (@result = 0) begin update [LockOwnersTable] set [LockExpiration] = '2000-01-01T00:00:00' where [SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId end if (@result != 13) exec sp_releaseapplock @Resource = 'InstanceStoreLock' if (@result = 0) begin commit transaction select 0 as 'Result' end else rollback transaction end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteLockOwner] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteLockOwner] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.WorkflowActivationUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ExtendLock]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ExtendLock] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ExtendLock] @surrogateLockOwnerId bigint, @lockTimeout int as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; begin transaction declare @now datetime declare @newLockExpiration datetime declare @result int set @now = getutcdate() set @result = 0 if (@lockTimeout = 0) set @newLockExpiration = '9999-12-31T23:59:59' else set @newLockExpiration = dateadd(second, @lockTimeout, @now) update [LockOwnersTable] set [LockExpiration] = @newLockExpiration where ([SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId) and ([LockExpiration] > @now) if (@@rowcount = 0) begin if exists (select * from [LockOwnersTable] where ([SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId)) begin exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteLockOwner] @surrogateLockOwnerId set @result = 11 end else set @result = 12 end select @result as 'Result' commit transaction end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ExtendLock] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ExtendLock] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.WorkflowActivationUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[AssociateKeys]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[AssociateKeys] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[AssociateKeys] @surrogateInstanceId bigint, @keysToAssociate xml = null, @concatenatedKeyProperties varbinary(max) = null, @encodingOption tinyint, @singleKeyId uniqueidentifier as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; declare @badKeyId uniqueidentifier declare @numberOfKeys int declare @result int declare @keys table([KeyId] uniqueidentifier, [Properties] varbinary(max)) set @result = 0 if (@keysToAssociate is not null) begin insert into @keys select T.Item.value('@KeyId', 'uniqueidentifier') as [KeyId], [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ParseBinaryPropertyValue](T.Item.value('@StartPosition', 'int'), T.Item.value('@BinaryLength', 'int'), @concatenatedKeyProperties) as [Properties] from @keysToAssociate.nodes('/CorrelationKeys/CorrelationKey') as T(Item) option (maxdop 1) select @numberOfKeys = count(1) from @keys insert into [KeysTable] ([Id], [SurrogateInstanceId], [IsAssociated]) select [KeyId], @surrogateInstanceId, 1 from @keys as [Keys] if (@@rowcount != @numberOfKeys) begin select top 1 @badKeyId = [Keys].[KeyId] from @keys as [Keys] join [KeysTable] on [Keys].[KeyId] = [KeysTable].[Id] where [KeysTable].[SurrogateInstanceId] != @surrogateInstanceId if (@@rowcount != 0) begin select 3 as 'Result', @badKeyId return 3 end end update [KeysTable] set [Properties] = [Keys].[Properties], [EncodingOption] = @encodingOption from @keys as [Keys] join [KeysTable] on [Keys].[KeyId] = [KeysTable].[Id] where [KeysTable].[EncodingOption] is null end if (@singleKeyId is not null) begin InsertSingleKey: update [KeysTable] set [Properties] = @concatenatedKeyProperties, [EncodingOption] = @encodingOption where ([Id] = @singleKeyId) and ([SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId) if (@@rowcount != 1) begin if exists (select [Id] from [KeysTable] where [Id] = @singleKeyId) begin select 3 as 'Result', @singleKeyId return 3 end insert into [KeysTable] ([Id], [SurrogateInstanceId], [IsAssociated], [Properties], [EncodingOption]) values (@singleKeyId, @surrogateInstanceId, 1, @concatenatedKeyProperties, @encodingOption) if (@@rowcount = 0) goto InsertSingleKey end end end go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CompleteKeys]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CompleteKeys] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CompleteKeys] @surrogateInstanceId bigint, @keysToComplete xml = null as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; declare @badKeyId uniqueidentifier declare @numberOfKeys int declare @result int declare @keyIds table([KeyId] uniqueidentifier) set @result = 0 if (@keysToComplete is not null) begin insert into @keyIds select T.Item.value('@KeyId', 'uniqueidentifier') from @keysToComplete.nodes('//CorrelationKey') as T(Item) option(maxdop 1) select @numberOfKeys = count(1) from @keyIds update [KeysTable] set [IsAssociated] = 0 from @keyIds as [KeyIds] join [KeysTable] on [KeyIds].[KeyId] = [KeysTable].[Id] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId if (@@rowcount != @numberOfKeys) begin select top 1 @badKeyId = [MissingKeys].[MissingKeyId] from (select [KeyIds].[KeyId] as [MissingKeyId] from @keyIds as [KeyIds] except select [Id] from [KeysTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId) as MissingKeys select 4 as 'Result', @badKeyId return 4 end end end go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[FreeKeys]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[FreeKeys] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[FreeKeys] @surrogateInstanceId bigint, @keysToFree xml = null as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; declare @badKeyId uniqueidentifier declare @numberOfKeys int declare @result int declare @keyIds table([KeyId] uniqueidentifier) set @result = 0 if (@keysToFree is not null) begin insert into @keyIds select T.Item.value('@KeyId', 'uniqueidentifier') from @keysToFree.nodes('//CorrelationKey') as T(Item) option(maxdop 1) select @numberOfKeys = count(1) from @keyIds delete [KeysTable] from @keyIds as [KeyIds] join [KeysTable] on [KeyIds].[KeyId] = [KeysTable].[Id] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId if (@@rowcount != @numberOfKeys) begin select top 1 @badKeyId = [MissingKeys].[MissingKeyId] from (select [KeyIds].[KeyId] as [MissingKeyId] from @keyIds as [KeyIds] except select [Id] from [KeysTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId) as MissingKeys select 4 as 'Result', @badKeyId return 4 end end end go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateInstance]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateInstance] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateInstance] @instanceId uniqueidentifier, @surrogateLockOwnerId bigint, @workflowHostType uniqueidentifier, @serviceDeploymentId bigint, @surrogateInstanceId bigint output, @result int output as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; set @surrogateInstanceId = 0 set @result = 0 declare @surrogateIdentityId bigint select @surrogateIdentityId = [SurrogateIdentityId] from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DefinitionIdentityTable] where [DefinitionIdentityHash] = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and [DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash] = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and [Name] is null and [Package] is null and [Build] is null and [Major] is null and [Minor] is null and [Revision] is null if @surrogateIdentityId is null begin goto Error end else begin begin try insert into [InstancesTable] ([Id], [SurrogateLockOwnerId], [CreationTime], [WorkflowHostType], [ServiceDeploymentId], [Version], [SurrogateIdentityId]) values (@instanceId, @surrogateLockOwnerId, getutcdate(), @workflowHostType, @serviceDeploymentId, 1, @surrogateIdentityId) set @surrogateInstanceId = scope_identity() end try begin catch if (error_number() != 2601) begin goto Error end end catch end goto Done Error: set @result = 99 select @result as 'Result' Done: end go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LockInstance]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LockInstance] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LockInstance] @instanceId uniqueidentifier, @surrogateLockOwnerId bigint, @handleInstanceVersion bigint, @handleIsBoundToLock bit, @surrogateInstanceId bigint output, @lockVersion bigint output, @result int output as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; declare @isCompleted bit declare @currentLockOwnerId bigint declare @currentVersion bigint TryLockInstance: set @currentLockOwnerId = 0 set @surrogateInstanceId = 0 set @result = 0 update [InstancesTable] set [SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId, @lockVersion = [Version] = case when ([InstancesTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] is null or [InstancesTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] != @surrogateLockOwnerId) then [Version] + 1 else [Version] end, @surrogateInstanceId = [SurrogateInstanceId] from [InstancesTable] left outer join [LockOwnersTable] on [InstancesTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] = [LockOwnersTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] where ([InstancesTable].[Id] = @instanceId) and ([InstancesTable].[IsCompleted] = 0) and ( (@handleIsBoundToLock = 0 and ( ([InstancesTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] is null) or ([LockOwnersTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] is null) or ( ([LockOwnersTable].[LockExpiration] < getutcdate()) and ([LockOwnersTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] != @surrogateLockOwnerId) ) ) ) or ( (@handleIsBoundToLock = 1) and ([LockOwnersTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId) and ([LockOwnersTable].[LockExpiration] > getutcdate()) and ([InstancesTable].[Version] = @handleInstanceVersion) ) ) if (@@rowcount = 0) begin if not exists (select * from [LockOwnersTable] where ([SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId) and ([LockExpiration] > getutcdate())) begin if exists (select * from [LockOwnersTable] where [SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId) set @result = 11 else set @result = 12 select @result as 'Result' return 0 end select @currentLockOwnerId = [SurrogateLockOwnerId], @isCompleted = [IsCompleted], @currentVersion = [Version] from [InstancesTable] where [Id] = @instanceId if (@@rowcount = 1) begin if (@isCompleted = 1) set @result = 7 else if (@currentLockOwnerId = @surrogateLockOwnerId) begin if (@handleIsBoundToLock = 1) set @result = 10 else set @result = 14 end else if (@handleIsBoundToLock = 0) set @result = 2 else set @result = 6 end else if (@handleIsBoundToLock = 1) set @result = 6 end if (@result != 0 and @result != 2) select @result as 'Result', @instanceId, @currentVersion else if (@result = 2) begin select @result as 'Result', @instanceId, [LockOwnersTable].[Id], [LockOwnersTable].[EncodingOption], [PrimitiveLockOwnerData], [ComplexLockOwnerData] from [LockOwnersTable] join [InstancesTable] on [InstancesTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] = [LockOwnersTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] where [InstancesTable].[SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @currentLockOwnerId and [InstancesTable].[Id] = @instanceId if (@@rowcount = 0) goto TryLockInstance end end go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[UnlockInstance]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[UnlockInstance] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[UnlockInstance] @surrogateLockOwnerId bigint, @instanceId uniqueidentifier, @handleInstanceVersion bigint as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; begin transaction declare @pendingTimer datetime declare @surrogateInstanceId bigint declare @workflowHostType uniqueidentifier declare @serviceDeploymentId bigint declare @enqueueCommand bit declare @isReadyToRun bit declare @isSuspended bit declare @now datetime declare @surrogateIdentityId bigint set @now = getutcdate() update [InstancesTable] set [SurrogateLockOwnerId] = null, @surrogateInstanceId = [SurrogateInstanceId], @workflowHostType = [WorkflowHostType], @serviceDeploymentId = [ServiceDeploymentId], @pendingTimer = [PendingTimer], @isReadyToRun = [IsReadyToRun], @isSuspended = [IsSuspended], @surrogateIdentityId = [SurrogateIdentityId] where [Id] = @instanceId and [SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId and [Version] = @handleInstanceVersion exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertRunnableInstanceEntry] @surrogateInstanceId, @workflowHostType, @serviceDeploymentId, @isSuspended, @isReadyToRun, @pendingTimer, @surrogateIdentityId commit transaction end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[UnlockInstance] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DetectRunnableInstances]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DetectRunnableInstances] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DetectRunnableInstances] @workflowHostType uniqueidentifier, @surrogateLockOwnerId bigint = null as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; set deadlock_priority low declare @nextRunnableTime datetime declare @workflowIdentityFilter tinyint if (@surrogateLockOwnerId is not null) begin select @workflowIdentityFilter = [WorkflowIdentityFilter] from [LockOwnersTable] where [LockOwnersTable].SurrogateLockOwnerId = @surrogateLockOwnerId end if (@workflowIdentityFilter is null) set @workflowIdentityFilter = 0 if (@workflowIdentityFilter = 1) begin -- Any Identity select top 1 @nextRunnableTime = [RunnableInstancesTable].[RunnableTime] from [RunnableInstancesTable] with (readpast) where [WorkflowHostType] = @workflowHostType order by [WorkflowHostType], [RunnableTime] end else if (@workflowIdentityFilter = 2) begin --AnyRevision declare @AnyRevisionFilter table ( DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash uniqueidentifier UNIQUE (DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash) ) insert into @AnyRevisionFilter select distinct [DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash] from [DefinitionIdentityTable] as IdentityTable, [IdentityOwnerTable] as IdentityOwnerTable where IdentityOwnerTable.[SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId and IdentityTable.[SurrogateIdentityId] = IdentityOwnerTable.[SurrogateIdentityId] select top 1 @nextRunnableTime = RunnableInstance.[RunnableTime] from [RunnableInstancesTable] as RunnableInstance with (readpast) inner loop join ( select IdentityTable.[SurrogateIdentityId] as IdentityId from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DefinitionIdentityTable] as IdentityTable, @AnyRevisionFilter as AnyRevision where IdentityTable.[DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash] = AnyRevision.DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash ) as FilteredIdentities on RunnableInstance.[SurrogateIdentityId] = FilteredIdentities.IdentityId where RunnableInstance.[WorkflowHostType] = @workflowHostType order by [WorkflowHostType], [RunnableTime] end else begin -- default to Exact if (@surrogateLockOwnerId is null) begin declare @surrogateIdentityId bigint select @surrogateIdentityId = [SurrogateIdentityId] from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DefinitionIdentityTable] where [DefinitionIdentityHash] = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and [DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash] = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and [Name] is null and [Package] is null and [Build] is null and [Major] is null and [Minor] is null and [Revision] is null select top 1 @nextRunnableTime = RunnableInstances.[RunnableTime] from [RunnableInstancesTable] as RunnableInstances with (readpast) where [WorkflowHostType] = @workflowHostType and [SurrogateIdentityId] = @surrogateIdentityId order by [WorkflowHostType], [RunnableTime] end else begin select top 1 @nextRunnableTime = RunnableInstances.[RunnableTime] from [RunnableInstancesTable] as RunnableInstances with (readpast) inner loop join ( select [SurrogateIdentityId] as IdentityId from [IdentityOwnerTable] where [SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId ) as FilteredIdentities on RunnableInstances.[SurrogateIdentityId] = FilteredIdentities.IdentityId where [WorkflowHostType] = @workflowHostType order by [WorkflowHostType], [RunnableTime] end end select 0 as 'Result', @nextRunnableTime, getutcdate() end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DetectRunnableInstances] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetActivatableWorkflowsActivationParameters]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetActivatableWorkflowsActivationParameters] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetActivatableWorkflowsActivationParameters] @machineName nvarchar(128) as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; set deadlock_priority low declare @now datetime set @now = getutcdate() select 0 as 'Result' select top(1000) serviceDeployments.[SiteName], serviceDeployments.[RelativeApplicationPath], serviceDeployments.[RelativeServicePath] from ( select distinct [ServiceDeploymentId], [WorkflowHostType] from [RunnableInstancesTable] with (readpast) where [RunnableTime] <= @now ) runnableWorkflows inner join [ServiceDeploymentsTable] serviceDeployments on runnableWorkflows.[ServiceDeploymentId] = serviceDeployments.[Id] where not exists ( select top (1) 1 from [LockOwnersTable] lockOwners where lockOwners.[LockExpiration] > @now and lockOwners.[MachineName] = @machineName and lockOwners.[WorkflowHostType] = runnableWorkflows.[WorkflowHostType] ) end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetActivatableWorkflowsActivationParameters] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetActivatableWorkflowsActivationParameters] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.WorkflowActivationUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LoadInstance]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LoadInstance] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LoadInstance] @surrogateLockOwnerId bigint, @operationType tinyint, @handleInstanceVersion bigint, @handleIsBoundToLock bit, @keyToLoadBy uniqueidentifier = null, @instanceId uniqueidentifier = null, @keysToAssociate xml = null, @encodingOption tinyint, @concatenatedKeyProperties varbinary(max) = null, @singleKeyId uniqueidentifier, @operationTimeout int as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; set deadlock_priority low begin transaction declare @result int declare @lockAcquired bigint declare @isInitialized bit declare @createKey bit declare @createdInstance bit declare @keyIsAssociated bit declare @loadedByKey bit declare @now datetime declare @surrogateInstanceId bigint set @createdInstance = 0 set @isInitialized = 0 set @keyIsAssociated = 0 set @result = 0 set @surrogateInstanceId = null exec @lockAcquired = sp_getapplock @Resource = 'InstanceStoreLock', @LockMode = 'Shared', @LockTimeout = @operationTimeout if (@lockAcquired < 0) begin set @result = 13 select @result as 'Result' end if (@result = 0) begin set @now = getutcdate() if (@operationType = 0) or (@operationType = 2) begin MapKeyToInstanceId: set @loadedByKey = 0 set @createKey = 0 select @surrogateInstanceId = [SurrogateInstanceId], @keyIsAssociated = [IsAssociated] from [KeysTable] where [Id] = @keyToLoadBy if (@@rowcount = 0) begin if (@operationType = 2) begin set @result = 4 select @result as 'Result', @keyToLoadBy end set @createKey = 1 end else if (@keyIsAssociated = 0) begin set @result = 8 select @result as 'Result', @keyToLoadBy end else begin select @instanceId = [Id] from [InstancesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId if (@@rowcount = 0) goto MapKeyToInstanceId set @loadedByKey = 1 end end end if (@result = 0) begin LockOrCreateInstance: exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LockInstance] @instanceId, @surrogateLockOwnerId, @handleInstanceVersion, @handleIsBoundToLock, @surrogateInstanceId output, null, @result output if (@result = 0 and @surrogateInstanceId = 0) begin if (@loadedByKey = 1) goto MapKeyToInstanceId if (@operationType > 1) begin set @result = 1 select @result as 'Result', @instanceId as 'InstanceId' end else begin exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateInstance] @instanceId, @surrogateLockOwnerId, null, null, @surrogateInstanceId output, @result output if (@result = 0 and @surrogateInstanceId = 0) goto LockOrCreateInstance else if (@surrogateInstanceId > 0) set @createdInstance = 1 end end else if (@result = 0) begin delete from [RunnableInstancesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId end end if (@result = 0) begin if (@createKey = 1) begin select @isInitialized = [IsInitialized] from [InstancesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId if (@isInitialized = 1) begin set @result = 5 select @result as 'Result', @instanceId end else begin insert into [KeysTable] ([Id], [SurrogateInstanceId], [IsAssociated]) values (@keyToLoadBy, @surrogateInstanceId, 1) if (@@rowcount = 0) begin if (@createdInstance = 1) begin delete [InstancesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId end else begin update [InstancesTable] set [SurrogateLockOwnerId] = null where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId end goto MapKeyToInstanceId end end end else if (@loadedByKey = 1 and not exists(select [Id] from [KeysTable] where ([Id] = @keyToLoadBy) and ([IsAssociated] = 1))) begin set @result = 8 select @result as 'Result', @keyToLoadBy end if (@operationType > 1 and not exists(select [Id] from [InstancesTable] where ([Id] = @instanceId) and ([IsInitialized] = 1))) begin set @result = 1 select @result as 'Result', @instanceId as 'InstanceId' end if (@result = 0) exec @result = [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[AssociateKeys] @surrogateInstanceId, @keysToAssociate, @concatenatedKeyProperties, @encodingOption, @singleKeyId -- Ensure that this key's data will never be overwritten. if (@result = 0 and @createKey = 1) begin update [KeysTable] set [EncodingOption] = @encodingOption where [Id] = @keyToLoadBy end end if (@result != 13) exec sp_releaseapplock @Resource = 'InstanceStoreLock' if (@result = 0) begin select @result as 'Result', [Id], [SurrogateInstanceId], [PrimitiveDataProperties], [ComplexDataProperties], [MetadataProperties], [DataEncodingOption], [MetadataEncodingOption], [Version], [IsInitialized], @createdInstance from [InstancesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId if (@createdInstance = 0) begin select @result as 'Result', [EncodingOption], [Change] from [InstanceMetadataChangesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId order by([ChangeTime]) if (@@rowcount = 0) select @result as 'Result', null, null select @result as 'Result', [Id], [IsAssociated], [EncodingOption], [Properties] from [KeysTable] with (index(NCIX_KeysTable_SurrogateInstanceId)) where ([KeysTable].[SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId) if (@@rowcount = 0) select @result as 'Result', null, null, null, null end commit transaction end else if (@result = 2 or @result = 14) commit transaction else rollback transaction end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LoadInstance] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[TryLoadRunnableInstance]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[TryLoadRunnableInstance] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[TryLoadRunnableInstance] @surrogateLockOwnerId bigint, @workflowHostType uniqueidentifier, @operationType tinyint, @handleInstanceVersion bigint, @handleIsBoundToLock bit, @encodingOption tinyint, @operationTimeout int as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; set deadlock_priority -6 begin tran declare @instanceId uniqueIdentifier declare @now datetime set @now = getutcdate() declare @workflowIdentityFilter tinyint select @workflowIdentityFilter = [WorkflowIdentityFilter] from [LockOwnersTable] where [LockOwnersTable].SurrogateLockOwnerId = @surrogateLockOwnerId if (@workflowIdentityFilter = null) set @workflowIdentityFilter = 0 if (@workflowIdentityFilter = 1) begin -- Load any Runnable instances of specified WorkflowHostType select top (1) @instanceId = instances.[Id] from [RunnableInstancesTable] runnableInstances with (readpast, updlock) inner loop join [InstancesTable] instances with (readpast, updlock) on runnableInstances.[SurrogateInstanceId] = instances.[SurrogateInstanceId] where runnableInstances.[WorkflowHostType] = @workflowHostType and runnableInstances.[RunnableTime] <= @now end else if (@workflowIdentityFilter = 2) begin declare @AnyRevisionFilter table ( DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash uniqueidentifier UNIQUE (DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash) ) insert into @AnyRevisionFilter select distinct [DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash] from [DefinitionIdentityTable] as IdentityTable, [IdentityOwnerTable] as IdentityOwnerTable where IdentityOwnerTable.[SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId and IdentityTable.[SurrogateIdentityId] = IdentityOwnerTable.[SurrogateIdentityId] -- Load Runnables instances of specified WorkflowHostType and ignore revision field on supported identities. select top (1) @instanceId = instances.[Id] from [RunnableInstancesTable] runnableInstances with (readpast, updlock) inner loop join [InstancesTable] instances with (readpast, updlock) on runnableInstances.[SurrogateInstanceId] = instances.[SurrogateInstanceId] inner loop join ( select IdentityTable.[SurrogateIdentityId] as IdentityId from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DefinitionIdentityTable] as IdentityTable, @AnyRevisionFilter as AnyRevision where IdentityTable.[DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash] = AnyRevision.DefinitionIdentityAnyRevisionHash ) as FilteredIdentities on runnableInstances.SurrogateIdentityId = FilteredIdentities.IdentityId where runnableInstances.[WorkflowHostType] = @workflowHostType and runnableInstances.[RunnableTime] <= @now end else begin -- Load Runnable instances of specified WorkflowHostType and the supported identities select top (1) @instanceId = instances.[Id] from [RunnableInstancesTable] runnableInstances with (readpast, updlock) inner loop join [InstancesTable] instances with (readpast, updlock) on runnableInstances.[SurrogateInstanceId] = instances.[SurrogateInstanceId] inner loop join ( select [SurrogateIdentityId] as IdentityId from [IdentityOwnerTable] where [SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId ) as FilteredIdentities on runnableInstances.[SurrogateIdentityId] = FilteredIdentities.IdentityId where runnableInstances.[WorkflowHostType] = @workflowHostType and runnableInstances.[RunnableTime] <= @now end if (@@rowcount = 1) begin select 0 as 'Result', cast(1 as bit) exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LoadInstance] @surrogateLockOwnerId, @operationType, @handleInstanceVersion, @handleIsBoundToLock, null, @instanceId, null, @encodingOption, null, null, @operationTimeout end else begin select 0 as 'Result', cast(0 as bit) end if (@@trancount > 0) begin commit tran end end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[TryLoadRunnableInstance] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteInstance]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteInstance] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteInstance] @surrogateInstanceId bigint = null as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; delete [InstancePromotedPropertiesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId delete [KeysTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId delete [InstanceMetadataChangesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId delete [RunnableInstancesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId delete [InstancesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteInstance] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.triggers where object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteInstanceTrigger]')) drop trigger [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteInstanceTrigger] go create trigger [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteInstanceTrigger] on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[Instances] instead of delete as begin if (@@rowcount = 0) return set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; declare @surrogateInstanceIds table ([SurrogateInstanceId] bigint primary key) insert into @surrogateInstanceIds select [SurrogateInstanceId] from deleted as [DeletedInstances] join [InstancesTable] on [InstancesTable].[Id] = [DeletedInstances].[InstanceId] delete [InstancePromotedPropertiesTable] from @surrogateInstanceIds as [InstancesToDelete] inner merge join [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InstancePromotedPropertiesTable] on [InstancePromotedPropertiesTable].[SurrogateInstanceId] = [InstancesToDelete].[SurrogateInstanceId] delete [KeysTable] from @surrogateInstanceIds as [InstancesToDelete] inner loop join [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[KeysTable] on [KeysTable].[SurrogateInstanceId] = [InstancesToDelete].[SurrogateInstanceId] delete from [InstanceMetadataChangesTable] from @surrogateInstanceIds as [InstancesToDelete] inner merge join [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InstanceMetadataChangesTable] on [InstanceMetadataChangesTable].[SurrogateInstanceId] = [InstancesToDelete].[SurrogateInstanceId] delete [RunnableInstancesTable] from @surrogateInstanceIds as [InstancesToDelete] inner loop join [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[RunnableInstancesTable] on [RunnableInstancesTable].[SurrogateInstanceId] = [InstancesToDelete].[SurrogateInstanceId] delete [InstancesTable] from @surrogateInstanceIds as [InstancesToDelete] inner merge join [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InstancesTable] on [InstancesTable].[SurrogateInstanceId] = [InstancesToDelete].[SurrogateInstanceId] end go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateServiceDeployment]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateServiceDeployment] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateServiceDeployment] @serviceDeploymentHash uniqueIdentifier, @siteName nvarchar(max), @relativeServicePath nvarchar(max), @relativeApplicationPath nvarchar(max), @serviceName nvarchar(max), @serviceNamespace nvarchar(max), @serviceDeploymentId bigint output as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; --Create or select the service deployment id insert into [ServiceDeploymentsTable] ([ServiceDeploymentHash], [SiteName], [RelativeServicePath], [RelativeApplicationPath], [ServiceName], [ServiceNamespace]) values (@serviceDeploymentHash, @siteName, @relativeServicePath, @relativeApplicationPath, @serviceName, @serviceNamespace) if (@@rowcount = 0) begin select @serviceDeploymentId = [Id] from [ServiceDeploymentsTable] where [ServiceDeploymentHash] = @serviceDeploymentHash end else begin set @serviceDeploymentId = scope_identity() end select 0 as 'Result', @serviceDeploymentId end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateServiceDeployment] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[SaveInstance]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[SaveInstance] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[SaveInstance] @instanceId uniqueidentifier, @surrogateLockOwnerId bigint, @handleInstanceVersion bigint, @handleIsBoundToLock bit, @primitiveDataProperties varbinary(max), @complexDataProperties varbinary(max), @writeOnlyPrimitiveDataProperties varbinary(max), @writeOnlyComplexDataProperties varbinary(max), @metadataProperties varbinary(max), @metadataIsConsistent bit, @encodingOption tinyint, @timerDurationMilliseconds bigint, @suspensionStateChange tinyint, @suspensionReason nvarchar(max), @suspensionExceptionName nvarchar(450), @keysToAssociate xml, @keysToComplete xml, @keysToFree xml, @concatenatedKeyProperties varbinary(max), @unlockInstance bit, @isReadyToRun bit, @isCompleted bit, @singleKeyId uniqueidentifier, @lastMachineRunOn nvarchar(450), @executionStatus nvarchar(450), @blockingBookmarks nvarchar(max), @workflowHostType uniqueidentifier, @serviceDeploymentId bigint, @operationTimeout int, @identityMetadata xml = null as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; declare @currentInstanceVersion bigint declare @deleteInstanceOnCompletion bit declare @enqueueCommand bit declare @isSuspended bit declare @lockAcquired bigint declare @metadataUpdateOnly bit declare @now datetime declare @result int declare @surrogateInstanceId bigint declare @pendingTimer datetime declare @definitionIdentityHash uniqueidentifier declare @surrogateIdentityId bigint set @result = 0 set @metadataUpdateOnly = 0 exec @lockAcquired = sp_getapplock @Resource = 'InstanceStoreLock', @LockMode = 'Shared', @LockTimeout = @operationTimeout if (@lockAcquired < 0) begin select @result as 'Result' set @result = 13 end set @now = getutcdate() if (@primitiveDataProperties is null and @complexDataProperties is null and @writeOnlyPrimitiveDataProperties is null and @writeOnlyComplexDataProperties is null) set @metadataUpdateOnly = 1 LockOrCreateInstance: if (@result = 0) begin exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[LockInstance] @instanceId, @surrogateLockOwnerId, @handleInstanceVersion, @handleIsBoundToLock, @surrogateInstanceId output, @currentInstanceVersion output, @result output if (@result = 0 and @surrogateInstanceId = 0) begin exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CreateInstance] @instanceId, @surrogateLockOwnerId, @workflowHostType, @serviceDeploymentId, @surrogateInstanceId output, @result output if (@result = 0 and @surrogateInstanceId = 0) goto LockOrCreateInstance set @currentInstanceVersion = 1 end end if (@result = 0) begin select @enqueueCommand = [EnqueueCommand], @deleteInstanceOnCompletion = [DeletesInstanceOnCompletion] from [LockOwnersTable] where ([SurrogateLockOwnerId] = @surrogateLockOwnerId) if (@isCompleted = 1 and @deleteInstanceOnCompletion = 1) begin exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteInstance] @surrogateInstanceId goto Finally end if @identityMetadata is not null begin select @definitionIdentityHash = T.Item.value('DefinitionIdentityHash[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') from @identityMetadata.nodes('/IdentityMetadata/IdentityCollection/Identity') as T(Item) if (@definitionIdentityHash is null) begin set @result = 15 goto Finally end else begin if not exists ( select 1 from [DefinitionIdentityTable] where [DefinitionIdentityHash] = @definitionIdentityHash ) begin --insert the new identity exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertDefinitionIdentity] @identityMetadata end select @surrogateIdentityId = [SurrogateIdentityId] from [DefinitionIdentityTable] where ([DefinitionIdentityHash] = @definitionIdentityHash) end end update [InstancesTable] set @instanceId = [InstancesTable].[Id], @workflowHostType = [WorkflowHostType] = case when (@workflowHostType is null) then [WorkflowHostType] else @workflowHostType end, @serviceDeploymentId = [ServiceDeploymentId] = case when (@serviceDeploymentId is null) then [ServiceDeploymentId] else @serviceDeploymentId end, @pendingTimer = [PendingTimer] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 1) then [PendingTimer] else [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetExpirationTime](@timerDurationMilliseconds) end, @isReadyToRun = [IsReadyToRun] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 1) then [IsReadyToRun] else @isReadyToRun end, @isSuspended = [IsSuspended] = case when (@suspensionStateChange = 0) then [IsSuspended] when (@suspensionStateChange = 1) then 1 else 0 end, [SurrogateLockOwnerId] = case when (@unlockInstance = 1 or @isCompleted = 1) then null else @surrogateLockOwnerId end, [PrimitiveDataProperties] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 1) then [PrimitiveDataProperties] else @primitiveDataProperties end, [ComplexDataProperties] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 1) then [ComplexDataProperties] else @complexDataProperties end, [WriteOnlyPrimitiveDataProperties] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 1) then [WriteOnlyPrimitiveDataProperties] else @writeOnlyPrimitiveDataProperties end, [WriteOnlyComplexDataProperties] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 1) then [WriteOnlyComplexDataProperties] else @writeOnlyComplexDataProperties end, [MetadataProperties] = case when (@metadataIsConsistent = 1) then @metadataProperties else [MetadataProperties] end, [SuspensionReason] = case when (@suspensionStateChange = 0) then [SuspensionReason] when (@suspensionStateChange = 1) then @suspensionReason else null end, [SuspensionExceptionName] = case when (@suspensionStateChange = 0) then [SuspensionExceptionName] when (@suspensionStateChange = 1) then @suspensionExceptionName else null end, [IsCompleted] = @isCompleted, [IsInitialized] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 0) then 1 else [IsInitialized] end, [DataEncodingOption] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 0) then @encodingOption else [DataEncodingOption] end, [MetadataEncodingOption] = case when (@metadataIsConsistent = 1) then @encodingOption else [MetadataEncodingOption] end, [BlockingBookmarks] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 0) then @blockingBookmarks else [BlockingBookmarks] end, [LastUpdated] = @now, [LastMachineRunOn] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 0) then @lastMachineRunOn else [LastMachineRunOn] end, [ExecutionStatus] = case when (@metadataUpdateOnly = 0) then @executionStatus else [ExecutionStatus] end, @surrogateIdentityId = [SurrogateIdentityId] = case when (@identityMetadata is null) then [SurrogateIdentityId] else @surrogateIdentityId end from [InstancesTable] where ([InstancesTable].[SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId) if (@@rowcount = 0) begin set @result = 99 select @result as 'Result' end else begin if (@keysToAssociate is not null or @singleKeyId is not null) exec @result = [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[AssociateKeys] @surrogateInstanceId, @keysToAssociate, @concatenatedKeyProperties, @encodingOption, @singleKeyId if (@result = 0 and @keysToComplete is not null) exec @result = [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[CompleteKeys] @surrogateInstanceId, @keysToComplete if (@result = 0 and @keysToFree is not null) exec @result = [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[FreeKeys] @surrogateInstanceId, @keysToFree if (@result = 0) and (@metadataUpdateOnly = 0) begin delete from [InstancePromotedPropertiesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId end if (@result = 0) begin if (@metadataIsConsistent = 1) begin delete from [InstanceMetadataChangesTable] where [SurrogateInstanceId] = @surrogateInstanceId end else if (@metadataProperties is not null) begin insert into [InstanceMetadataChangesTable] ([SurrogateInstanceId], [EncodingOption], [Change]) values (@surrogateInstanceId, @encodingOption, @metadataProperties) end end if (@result = 0 and @unlockInstance = 1 and @isCompleted = 0) exec [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertRunnableInstanceEntry] @surrogateInstanceId, @workflowHostType, @serviceDeploymentId, @isSuspended, @isReadyToRun, @pendingTimer, @surrogateIdentityId end end Finally: if (@result != 13) exec sp_releaseapplock @Resource = 'InstanceStoreLock' if (@result = 0) select @result as 'Result', @currentInstanceVersion return @result end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[SaveInstance] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go if exists (select * from sys.triggers where object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteServiceDeploymentTrigger]')) drop trigger [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteServiceDeploymentTrigger] go create trigger [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[DeleteServiceDeploymentTrigger] on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ServiceDeployments] instead of delete as begin if (@@rowcount = 0) return set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; declare @lockAcquired bigint declare @candidateDeploymentIdsPass1 table([Id] bigint primary key) exec @lockAcquired = sp_getapplock @Resource = 'InstanceStoreLock', @LockMode = 'Exclusive', @LockTimeout = 25000 if (@lockAcquired < 0) return insert into @candidateDeploymentIdsPass1 select [ServiceDeploymentId] from deleted except select [ServiceDeploymentId] from [InstancesTable] delete [ServiceDeploymentsTable] from [ServiceDeploymentsTable] join @candidateDeploymentIdsPass1 as [OrphanedIds] on [OrphanedIds].[Id] = [ServiceDeploymentsTable].[Id] exec sp_releaseapplock @Resource = 'InstanceStoreLock' end go if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertPromotedProperties]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertPromotedProperties] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertPromotedProperties] @instanceId uniqueidentifier, @promotionName nvarchar(400), @value1 sql_variant = null, @value2 sql_variant = null, @value3 sql_variant = null, @value4 sql_variant = null, @value5 sql_variant = null, @value6 sql_variant = null, @value7 sql_variant = null, @value8 sql_variant = null, @value9 sql_variant = null, @value10 sql_variant = null, @value11 sql_variant = null, @value12 sql_variant = null, @value13 sql_variant = null, @value14 sql_variant = null, @value15 sql_variant = null, @value16 sql_variant = null, @value17 sql_variant = null, @value18 sql_variant = null, @value19 sql_variant = null, @value20 sql_variant = null, @value21 sql_variant = null, @value22 sql_variant = null, @value23 sql_variant = null, @value24 sql_variant = null, @value25 sql_variant = null, @value26 sql_variant = null, @value27 sql_variant = null, @value28 sql_variant = null, @value29 sql_variant = null, @value30 sql_variant = null, @value31 sql_variant = null, @value32 sql_variant = null, @value33 varbinary(max) = null, @value34 varbinary(max) = null, @value35 varbinary(max) = null, @value36 varbinary(max) = null, @value37 varbinary(max) = null, @value38 varbinary(max) = null, @value39 varbinary(max) = null, @value40 varbinary(max) = null, @value41 varbinary(max) = null, @value42 varbinary(max) = null, @value43 varbinary(max) = null, @value44 varbinary(max) = null, @value45 varbinary(max) = null, @value46 varbinary(max) = null, @value47 varbinary(max) = null, @value48 varbinary(max) = null, @value49 varbinary(max) = null, @value50 varbinary(max) = null, @value51 varbinary(max) = null, @value52 varbinary(max) = null, @value53 varbinary(max) = null, @value54 varbinary(max) = null, @value55 varbinary(max) = null, @value56 varbinary(max) = null, @value57 varbinary(max) = null, @value58 varbinary(max) = null, @value59 varbinary(max) = null, @value60 varbinary(max) = null, @value61 varbinary(max) = null, @value62 varbinary(max) = null, @value63 varbinary(max) = null, @value64 varbinary(max) = null as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; declare @surrogateInstanceId bigint select @surrogateInstanceId = [SurrogateInstanceId] from [InstancesTable] where [Id] = @instanceId insert into [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InstancePromotedPropertiesTable] values (@surrogateInstanceId, @promotionName, @value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7, @value8, @value9, @value10, @value11, @value12, @value13, @value14, @value15, @value16, @value17, @value18, @value19, @value20, @value21, @value22, @value23, @value24, @value25, @value26, @value27, @value28, @value29, @value30, @value31, @value32, @value33, @value34, @value35, @value36, @value37, @value38, @value39, @value40, @value41, @value42, @value43, @value44, @value45, @value46, @value47, @value48, @value49, @value50, @value51, @value52, @value53, @value54, @value55, @value56, @value57, @value58, @value59, @value60, @value61, @value62, @value63, @value64) end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InsertPromotedProperties] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go if exists (select 1 from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N'[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetWorkflowInstanceStoreVersion]') and type in (N'P', N'PC')) drop procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetWorkflowInstanceStoreVersion] go create procedure [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetWorkflowInstanceStoreVersion] as begin set nocount on set transaction isolation level read committed set xact_abort on; select Major ,Minor ,Build ,Revision from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[SqlWorkflowInstanceStoreVersionTable] end go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetWorkflowInstanceStoreVersion] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers] go grant execute on [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[GetWorkflowInstanceStoreVersion] to [System.Activities.DurableInstancing.WorkflowActivationUsers] go
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