Edit C:\Windows\PLA\Reports\en-US\Report.System.Disk.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <StringTable> <String ID="TopicDisk" loc.comment="Topic Name for Disk Tables in Report">Physical Disk</String> <String ID="physicalDiskCounters" loc.comment="Table name for counters related to physical disks in Report">Physical Disk Counters</String> <String ID="physicalDiskIdle" loc.comment="Table name for counters related to physical disks in Report">Physical Disk Percent Idle Time</String> <String ID="physicalDiskAveDiskSec" loc.comment="Table name for counters related to physical disks in Report">Physical Disk Average Second Counters</String> <String ID="NoteWhyDiskIdle" loc.comment="Explain value of this table in the report">Idle time is a good indicator of disk activity. Disk subsystems sustain various I/O rates and the Idle counter normalized this data to show when the disk likely to be busy. The counter value gets smaller as the disk gets busier.</String> <String ID="NoteWhyDiskAvg" loc.comment="Explain value of this table in the report">Average seconds per operation is a good indicator of disk activity and health. An I/O is expected to take under .015 ms on a health disk sub-system. Values greater than this, especially if the Idle time is high or the disk I/O rate is low, suggest the disk is having trouble reading or writing. Use any of the suggested Disk diagnostic tests if the later situation exists.</String> <String ID="TableNTFSPerformance" loc.comment="Table name for file system performance seen in report">Performance Settings</String> <String ID="TableWorkstationServices" loc.comment="Name of table lists the workstation service seen in report">Workstation Service</String> <String ID="TopicNTFSPerformance" loc.comment="Topic name for file system performance seen in report">NTFS Performance</String> </StringTable>
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