Edit C:\Windows\PLA\Reports\fr-FR\Report.System.NetDiagFramework.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <StringTable> <String ID="tracerptNetworkDiag" loc.comment="Section Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Diagnostics du réseau</String> <String ID="TableNetDiagResults" loc.comment="Title of Table with cummulative Network Diagnostic Results">Résultats des diagnostics du réseau</String> <String ID="netdiagframework" loc.comment="Topic Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Cadre de Diagnostic réseau</String> <String ID="activityid" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">ID dâ??activité</String> <String ID="start" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Démarrage des diagnostics</String> <String ID="numberofattributes" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Nombre dâ??attributs</String> <String ID="helperclassattributes" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Attributs de la classe dâ??assistance</String> <String ID="stopsuccessdiag" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Diagnostic réussi</String> <String ID="stopsuccessrepair" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Réparation réussie</String> <String ID="stopfaildiag" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Ã?chec du diagnostic</String> <String ID="stopfailrepair" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Ã?chec de la réparation</String> <String ID="stopcanceldiag" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Diagnostic annulé</String> <String ID="stopcancelrepair" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Réparation annulée</String> <String ID="resulthr" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Résultat - HR</String> <String ID="failinframework" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Ã?chec de lâ??infrastructure</String> <String ID="failinhelper" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Ã?chec de la classe dâ??assistance</String> <String ID="diagsuccess" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Diagnostics réussis</String> <String ID="diagsuccessnp" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Diagnostics réussis - Aucun problème</String> <String ID="diagfail" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Ã?chec des diagnostics</String> <String ID="repairoption" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Option de réparation</String> <String ID="repairguid" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">GUID de réparation</String> <String ID="secondsrequired" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Secondes nécessaires</String> <String ID="sidtyperequired" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Type de SID nécessaire</String> <String ID="validationsuccess" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Validation réussie</String> <String ID="validationfail" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Ã?chec de la validation</String> <String ID="repairfail" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Ã?chec de la réparation</String> <String ID="repairoptfail" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Ã?chec de lâ??opération de réparation</String> <String ID="helperclassoperationalinfo" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Informations opérationnelles de la classe dâ??assistance</String> <String ID="helperclassadmininfo" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Informations dâ??administration de la classe dâ??assistance</String> <String ID="helperclassdebuginfo" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Informations de débogage de la classe dâ??assistance</String> <String ID="helperclassname" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Nom de la classe dâ??assistance</String> <String ID="eventdescription" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Description de lâ??événement</String> <String ID="eventverbosity" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Détails de lâ??événement</String> <String ID="diagnosticsdebug" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Débogage de diagnostics</String> <String ID="hypothesisdebug" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Débogage dâ??hypothèse</String> <String ID="repairdebug" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Débogage de réparation</String> <String ID="validationdebug" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Débogage de validation</String> <String ID="cachehitdebug" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Débogage dâ??accès au cache</String> <String ID="registrydebug" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Débogage du Registre</String> <String ID="unclassifieddebug" loc.comment="Table Name for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Débogage non classifié</String> <String ID="debugmessage" loc.comment="Column Header for Network Diagnostics Events Table">Message de débogage</String> <String ID="diagstopstate" loc.comment="Title for column in Network Diagnostics Results Table">Ã?tat final de lâ??exécution des diagnostics du réseau</String> <String ID="diagstarttime" loc.comment="Title for column in Network Diagnostics Results Table">Heure de début</String> <String ID="diagendtime" loc.comment="Title for column in Network Diagnostics Results Table">Heure de fin</String> <String ID="diagstep" loc.comment="Title for column in Network Diagnostics Results Table">Ã?vénement/étape des diagnostics du réseau</String> <String ID="diagstepproperty" loc.comment="Title for column in Network Diagnostics Results Table">Propriété dâ??événement des diagnostics du réseau</String> <String ID="diagstepvalue" loc.comment="Title for column in Network Diagnostics Results Table">Valeur dâ??événement des diagnostics du réseau</String> </StringTable>
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