Edit C:\Windows\PLA\Rules\en-US\Rules.System.CPU.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <StringTable> <String ID="Error" loc.comment="Only used in WDC Console">Error</String> <String ID="Warning" loc.comment="Only used in WDC Console">Warning</String> <String ID="Information" loc.comment="Only used in WDC Console">Information</String> <String ID="GroupSystem" loc.comment="Only used in WDC Console">System</String> <String ID="RuleHideMultiCpu" loc.comment="Only used in WDC Console">Hide Multi-CPU tables on Single CPU</String> <String ID="RuleInterrupts" loc.comment="Only used in WDC Console">High Per-Processor Interrupt Rate</String> <String ID="RuleSingleImageCpu" loc.comment="Only used in WDC Console">High Single Image CPU consumption</String> <String ID="RuleServices">Service Table</String> <String ID="LOC_IntHighValue" loc.comment="Interrupt Rule">High average interrupts / processor. This machine has {numprocessors} processors and {numnics} network cards. Total Interrupts/sec on the machine is {totalinterrupt}. The average interrupts per processor per sec is {averageinterrupts}.</String> <String ID="PerformanceDiagnosis">Performance Diagnosis</String> <String ID="LOC_HSingleImageCPU" loc.comment="Process has high CPU">Process {processname} [ProcessId: {processid}] has a high CPU consumption of {cpuusage}%.</String> </StringTable>
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