Edit C:\Windows\PLA\Rules\fr-FR\Rules.System.Configuration.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <StringTable> <String ID="GroupContent">Signaler le contenu</String> <String ID="RuleWmi">RĂ©duire les tables WMI</String> <String ID="RuleServer">Masquer les compteurs de serveur</String> <String ID="RuleHideCollectionInfo">Masquer la table dâ??informations de collecte</String> <String ID="RuleHideConfig">Masquer les tables de configuration</String> <String ID="GroupHwClasses" loc.comment="Group name seen in WPDC">VĂ©rifier lâ??Ă©tat des classes de matĂ©riel</String> <String ID="RuleInsertHwClasses" loc.comment="Insert rule name seen in WPDC">InsĂ©rer des classes de matĂ©riel</String> <String ID="RuleHwOnlyListInsert" loc.comment="Insert rule name seen in WPDC">Liste dâ??insertion de rĂ©sumĂ© des règles du matĂ©riel</String> <String ID="RuleHwOnlyListUpdate" loc.comment="Update rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat dâ??Ă©chec de la mise Ă jour du rĂ©sumĂ© des règles du matĂ©riel</String> <String ID="RuleConfigController" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">PĂ©riphĂ©rique de contrĂ´leur configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleConfigCooling" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Refroidissement configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleConfigInput" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">EntrĂ©e configurĂ©e</String> <String ID="RuleConfigStorage" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Dispositif de stockage configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleConfigMemory" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">PĂ©riphĂ©rique de mĂ©moire configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleConfigMotherboard" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">PĂ©riphĂ©rique de carte mère configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleConfigNetwork" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">RĂ©seau configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleConfigPlugAndPlay" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">PĂ©riphĂ©rique Plug-and-Play configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleConfigPort" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">PĂ©riphĂ©rique de port configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleConfigPower" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">PĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??alimentation configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleConfigPrinting" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">PĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??impression configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleConfigVideo" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">PĂ©riphĂ©rique vidĂ©o configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleStatusController" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat du pĂ©riphĂ©rique de contrĂ´leur</String> <String ID="RuleStatusCooling" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat de refroidissement</String> <String ID="RuleStatusInput" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat dâ??entrĂ©e</String> <String ID="RuleStatusStorage" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat du dispositif de stockage</String> <String ID="RuleStatusMemory" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat du pĂ©riphĂ©rique de mĂ©moire</String> <String ID="RuleStatusMotherboard" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat du pĂ©riphĂ©rique de carte mère</String> <String ID="RuleStatusNetwork" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat du rĂ©seau</String> <String ID="RuleStatusPlugAndPlay" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat du pĂ©riphĂ©rique Plug-and-Play</String> <String ID="RuleStatusPort" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat du pĂ©riphĂ©rique de port</String> <String ID="RuleStatusPower" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat du pĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??alimentation</String> <String ID="RuleStatusPrinting" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat du pĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??impression</String> <String ID="RuleStatusVideo" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Ă?tat du pĂ©riphĂ©rique vidĂ©o</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigController" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de contrĂ´leur configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigCooling" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs du refroidissement configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigInput" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??entrĂ©e configurĂ©e</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigStorage" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de dispositif de stockage configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigMemory" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de mĂ©moire configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigMotherboard" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de carte mère configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigNetwork" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de rĂ©seau configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigPlugAndPlay" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique Plug-And-Play configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigPort" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de port configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigPower" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??alimentation configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigPrinting" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??impression configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumConfigVideo" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique vidĂ©o configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusController" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de contrĂ´leur configurĂ©</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusCooling" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de refroidissement</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusInput" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat dâ??entrĂ©e</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusStorage" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de statut de dispositif de stockage</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusMemory" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de mĂ©moire</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusMotherboard" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de carte mère</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusNetwork" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de rĂ©seau</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusPlugAndPlay" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de pĂ©riphĂ©rique Plug-And-Play</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusPort" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de statut de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de port</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusPower" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de statut de pĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??alimentation</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusPrinting" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de pĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??impression</String> <String ID="RuleSumStatusVideo" loc.comment="Testing rule name seen in WPDC">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de statut de pĂ©riphĂ©rique vidĂ©o</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryGroupHwOnlyDesc" loc.comment="Rule summary table description of this group">VĂ©rifications de pĂ©riphĂ©rique matĂ©riel et de pilote</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryHwOnlyDesc" loc.comment="Rule summary table description of this group">Inspection des pĂ©riphĂ©riques pris en charge par lâ??infrastructure de gestion Windows (WMI).</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigController" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de contrĂ´leur configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigCooling" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs du refroidissement configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigInput" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??entrĂ©e configurĂ©e</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigStorage" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de dispositif de stockage configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigMemory" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de mĂ©moire configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigMotherboard" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de carte mère configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigNetwork" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de rĂ©seau configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigPlugAndPlay" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique Plug-And-Play configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigPort" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de port configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigPower" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??alimentation configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigPrinting" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??impression configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumConfigVideo" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique vidĂ©o configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusController" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de contrĂ´leur configurĂ©</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusCooling" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de refroidissement</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusInput" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat dâ??entrĂ©e</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusStorage" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de statut de dispositif de stockage</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusMemory" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de mĂ©moire</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusMotherboard" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de carte mère</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusNetwork" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de rĂ©seau</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusPlugAndPlay" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de pĂ©riphĂ©rique Plug-And-Play</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusPort" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de statut de pĂ©riphĂ©rique de port</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusPower" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de statut de pĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??alimentation</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusPrinting" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs dâ??Ă©tat de pĂ©riphĂ©rique dâ??impression</String> <String ID="LOC_RuleSumStatusVideo" loc.comment="Label for rule in Basic System Checks summary table">Nombre dâ??Ă©checs de statut de pĂ©riphĂ©rique vidĂ©o</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoController" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques de contrĂ´leur.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoCooling" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques de refroidissement.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoInput" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques dâ??entrĂ©e.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoStorage" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">Dispositifs de stockage.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoMemory" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques de mĂ©moire.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoMotherboard" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques de carte mère.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoNetwork" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques de rĂ©seau.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoPlugAndPlay" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques Plug-and-Play.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoPort" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques de port.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoPower" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques dâ??alimentation.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoPrinting" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques dâ??impression.</String> <String ID="LOC_SummaryInfoVideo" loc.comment="Rule summary child item seen in report">PĂ©riphĂ©riques vidĂ©o.</String> <String ID="RuleDocConfigErrCode" loc.comment="Replacement rule name seen in WPDC">Codes dâ??erreur de gestionnaire de configuration de document</String> <String ID="NotePlugAndPlayTable" loc.comment="Mark Plug and Play table with static comment.">La classe WMI Win32_PnPEntity reprĂ©sente les propriĂ©tĂ©s dâ??un pĂ©riphĂ©rique Plug and Play. Les entitĂ©s Plug and Play sont prĂ©sentĂ©es comme des entrĂ©es dans le Gestionnaire de pĂ©riphĂ©riques du Panneau de configuration. Voir la documentation en ligne Microsoft pour obtenir les descriptions des champs individuels sous chacun des pĂ©riphĂ©riques ci-dessous.</String> <String ID="LOC_Failed" loc.comment="Text to display when a rule or group of rules failed">Ă?chec</String> <String ID="LOC_Passed" loc.comment="Text to display when a rule or group of rules passed">RĂ©ussi</String> <String ID="WarnConfig10_symptom" loc.comment="Symptom string for warning message: WarnConfig10">{warnerror}</String> <String ID="WarnConfig10_cause" loc.comment="Cause string for warning message: WarnConfig10">Un pĂ©riphĂ©rique prĂ©sente un problème de configuration, qui lâ??empĂŞche de dĂ©marrer correctement.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig10_details" loc.comment="Details string for warning message: WarnConfig10">Le pĂ©riphĂ©rique, {warndescrip}, ne peut pas dĂ©marrer correctement. Le bon pilote nâ??est peut-ĂŞtre pas installĂ© ou il peut subir un incident matĂ©riel. Lâ??ID Plug and Play de ce pĂ©riphĂ©rique est {warndeviceid}.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig10_res1" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfig10">1. VĂ©rifiez que le pilote appropriĂ© est installĂ©.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig10_res2" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfig10">2. Essayez de mettre Ă jour les pilotes Ă lâ??aide de Windows Update.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig10_res3" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfig10">3. VĂ©rifiez si le fabricant propose un pilote mis Ă jour.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig10_res4" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfig10">4. Tentez de dĂ©sinstaller, puis de rĂ©installer le pĂ©riphĂ©rique Ă lâ??aide du Gestionnaire de pĂ©riphĂ©riques.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig10_related1" loc.comment="First resolution detail string for warning message: WarnConfig10">Explication des codes dâ??erreur gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par le Gestionnaire de pĂ©riphĂ©riques</String> <String ID="WarnConfig10_related2" loc.comment="Second resolution detail string for warning message: WarnConfig10">GĂ©rer des pĂ©riphĂ©riques dans Windows</String> <String ID="WarnConfig22_symptom" loc.comment="Symptom string for warning message: WarnConfig22">{warnerror}</String> <String ID="WarnConfig22_cause" loc.comment="Cause string for warning message: WarnConfig22">Un pĂ©riphĂ©rique est dĂ©sactivĂ©, ce qui lâ??empĂŞche de fonctionner correctement.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig22_details" loc.comment="Details string for warning message: WarnConfig22">Le pĂ©riphĂ©rique, {warndescrip}, est dĂ©sactivĂ©. Si ce pĂ©riphĂ©rique nâ??est plus utilisĂ©, il peut avoir Ă©tĂ© dĂ©sactivĂ© intentionnellement. Lâ??ID Plug and Play pour ce pĂ©riphĂ©rique est {warndeviceid}.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig22_res1" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfig22">1. DĂ©terminez si vous avez besoin du pĂ©riphĂ©rique.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig22_res2" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfig22">2. Si vous avez besoin du pĂ©riphĂ©rique, activez-le dans le Gestionnaire de pĂ©riphĂ©riques.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig22_res3" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfig22">3. Si vous nâ??utilisez pas le pĂ©riphĂ©rique, vous pouvez le laisser dĂ©sactivĂ©.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig22_related1" loc.comment="First resolution detail string for warning message: WarnConfig22">Explication des codes dâ??erreur gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par le Gestionnaire de pĂ©riphĂ©riques</String> <String ID="WarnConfig22_related2" loc.comment="Second resolution detail string for warning message: WarnConfig22">GĂ©rer des pĂ©riphĂ©riques dans Windows</String> <String ID="WarnConfig28_symptom" loc.comment="Symptom string for warning message: WarnConfig28">{warnerror}</String> <String ID="WarnConfig28_cause" loc.comment="Cause string for warning message: WarnConfig28">Un pilote nâ??a pas Ă©tĂ© installĂ© pour ce pĂ©riphĂ©rique, ce qui empĂŞche ce dernier de fonctionner correctement.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig28_details" loc.comment="Details string for warning message: WarnConfig28">Le pilote de pĂ©riphĂ©rique pour {warndescrip} nâ??a pas Ă©tĂ© installĂ©. Ce pĂ©riphĂ©rique ne sera pas disponible tant que le pilote de pĂ©riphĂ©rique appropriĂ© nâ??aura pas Ă©tĂ© installĂ©.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig28_res1" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfig28">1. Essayez dâ??installer les pilotes Ă lâ??aide de Windows Update.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig28_res2" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfig28">2. Installez les pilotes qui se trouvent sur le support dâ??installation fourni avec le pĂ©riphĂ©rique.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig28_res3" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfig28">3. VĂ©rifiez si le fabricant propose un pilote mis Ă jour.</String> <String ID="WarnConfig28_related1" loc.comment="First resolution detail string for warning message: WarnConfig28">Explication des codes dâ??erreur gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par le Gestionnaire de pĂ©riphĂ©riques</String> <String ID="WarnConfigGeneric_symptom" loc.comment="Symptom string for warning message: WarnConfigGeneric">{warnerror}</String> <String ID="WarnConfigGeneric_cause" loc.comment="Cause string for warning message: WarnConfigGeneric">Un pĂ©riphĂ©rique prĂ©sente un problème de configuration qui compromet son bon fonctionnement.</String> <String ID="WarnConfigGeneric_details" loc.comment="Details string for warning message: WarnConfigGeneric">Le pĂ©riphĂ©rique, {warndescrip}, signale « {warnerror} ». Ce pĂ©riphĂ©rique ne sera pas disponible tant que le problème nâ??aura pas Ă©tĂ© rĂ©solu. Lâ??ID Plug and Play de ce pĂ©riphĂ©rique est {warndeviceid}.</String> <String ID="WarnConfigGeneric_res1" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfigGeneric">1. VĂ©rifiez que le pilote appropriĂ© est installĂ©.</String> <String ID="WarnConfigGeneric_res2" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfigGeneric">2. Essayez de mettre Ă jour les pilotes Ă lâ??aide de Windows Update.</String> <String ID="WarnConfigGeneric_res3" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfigGeneric">3. VĂ©rifiez si le fabricant propose un pilote mis Ă jour.</String> <String ID="WarnConfigGeneric_res4" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnConfigGeneric">4. Tentez de dĂ©sinstaller, puis de rĂ©installer le pĂ©riphĂ©rique Ă lâ??aide du Gestionnaire de pĂ©riphĂ©riques.</String> <String ID="WarnConfigGeneric_related1" loc.comment="First resolution detail string for warning message: WarnConfigGeneric">Explication des codes dâ??erreur gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par le Gestionnaire de pĂ©riphĂ©riques</String> <String ID="WarnConfigGeneric_related2" loc.comment="Second resolution detail string for warning message: WarnConfigGeneric">GĂ©rer des pĂ©riphĂ©riques dans Windows</String> <String ID="WarnStatusGeneric_symptom" loc.comment="Symptom string for warning message: WarnStatusGeneric">{warnerror}</String> <String ID="WarnStatusGeneric_cause" loc.comment="Cause string for warning message: WarnStatusGeneric">Un pĂ©riphĂ©rique a signalĂ© un statut « Non prĂŞt ».</String> <String ID="WarnStatusGeneric_details" loc.comment="Details string for warning message: WarnStatusGeneric">Le pĂ©riphĂ©rique, {warndescrip}, indique une valeur dâ??Ă©tat incorrecte. Ce pĂ©riphĂ©rique ne sera pas disponible tant que le problème nâ??aura pas Ă©tĂ© rĂ©solu. Lâ??ID Plug and Play de ce pĂ©riphĂ©rique est {warndeviceid}.</String> <String ID="WarnStatusGeneric_res1" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnStatusGeneric">1. VĂ©rifiez que le pilote appropriĂ© est installĂ©.</String> <String ID="WarnStatusGeneric_res2" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnStatusGeneric">2. Essayez de mettre Ă jour les pilotes Ă lâ??aide de Windows Update.</String> <String ID="WarnStatusGeneric_res3" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnStatusGeneric">3. VĂ©rifiez si le fabricant propose un pilote mis Ă jour.</String> <String ID="WarnStatusGeneric_res4" loc.comment="Resolution string for warning message: WarnStatusGeneric">4. Tentez de dĂ©sinstaller, puis de rĂ©installer le pĂ©riphĂ©rique Ă lâ??aide du Gestionnaire de pĂ©riphĂ©riques.</String> <String ID="WarnStatusGeneric_related1" loc.comment="First resolution detail string for warning message: WarnStatusGeneric">Explication des codes dâ??erreur gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par le Gestionnaire de pĂ©riphĂ©riques</String> <String ID="WarnStatusGeneric_related2" loc.comment="Second resolution detail string for warning message: WarnStatusGeneric">GĂ©rer des pĂ©riphĂ©riques dans Windows</String> </StringTable>
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