Edit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\diskraid.exe
MZ? ÿÿ ¸ @ ð º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ µpñCñ?ñ?ñ?,îPð?,îRõ?,îQç?,îTü?ñ?¡?,îLå?,îUð?,îVð?,îSð?Richñ? PE L ùFPT à ` @ ? E) @Á à ³ 41 ? @ @ P ô6 à Ø? \ 0 0 .text ?ÿ `.data ( @ À.idata ? 0 @ @.rsrc @ @ @ @.reloc ô6 P 8 @ B D 0D Ð D ?í `ò pý À à Ð À p p `! p& Ð) - `/ Ð1 02 2 °8 °g ðj o r °t w 0{ | } `? ? ð? ? ð? Ц ਠ« » `½ ?Á `7 0; ðA ?H 0^ @c Pi @n Àu x Ð~ ? ? ð? ?? ? ? ? °? ? ? 0? ?¿ °À P ÐÉ Ê àÊ ÀÚ ?Ü ?ß á ?ã ? ` ? ? ? @3 Ð7 ?: Ð= E 0H àS ÀX `[ ðq w z Ð} @? p? `? à© P± °´ àñ Pö `û ð 0 ` ? Ð ° @ p ùFPT % 4? 4? D `D uåÅ?y?N¥kC_?®B¾2ùèJ¿¼_aj¦lá"Èåð¡G?βDÚVý®Ú?Ù:±xA?Ûâ´`>fQ>-TÆO?z!t$~o#??ÐÄ?N?Ö?üÉ?z?µÕ?ñyL¸lÉ ¸ÓâÎo?m?O?â¥Çʬ©Ø5gf¾ xwJ??@ø[?â?£úp Ô? Iª i?¶ªüuo4' Ð@EK?ìYÜ?È`¥o?AÁ{G?ºl8÷þ¿ iNèC?äÏD¾îÑnÙSËûßJG xy +À?_s]Ê®kÀB³òf`EÎq¤ï$ÿÞªkK??ꦢ?Ç0§µ`ß6D?§WiâÑÿ¤Ç©@5æA¨@?ºl,?Ø5§³åû??I?qC?ÙîoËËu?Nk?M£Mºf»F^ùÓ³TùA¶xqD:fâEmÚj@»`?å4øZëãº_|:3¡H©?3ÁW?Íãd| ?µ®E¸j,,Ƥ g?§á.]»J??Ä?è¾!8?I¡?ì?J¤{ÿi Í4UP?ªå?ÌKªs?6¨I?øõþÝ£6K¿(çÝàEÅ?Ϩ,?³¨K? "f]?PóîëÚ#?íG¢¹ÎÌâ¡®39àÔ??J«qé¶qî')¨-²¶ùçK´?À??ZÉÚ?6Á 41ÆG¡|Fi!h¾6àû×>N?é¥ÿ?ÿu½*Q(?I?GÒ¨?ÖÊÔí°?@D??£?UMÅ«© 8È|?F¬(½ÃÚ¸¿?ûCIº¦?ì CS ConvertCommandToArgumentList %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x %d argument(s) parsed: [%ws] CheckForCommandMatch User Entry:[%ws] matches Table Entry:[%ws] Exact:%d ExecuteCommand Ambiguous command %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x %s Command not found Command implementation No command or subtable matches GetNextCommand DoCommandLoop Processing command: [%ws] Done processing command [%ws] Errors encountered; exiting from script mode aí8?eÕ(G®îÈ RðìÞCN ConvertNewlinesToSpaces ConvertChapSecret Could not convert secret Could not allocate secret WSAStartup failed GetDwordFromString GetUlongFromString GetUlonglongFromString GetSizeFromString GetBooleanFromString T R U E F A L S E GetObjectListFromString GetControllerAtIndex GetDriveAtIndex GetLunAtIndex GetTPortalAtIndex GetTargetAtIndex GetLunPlexIdAtIndex GetObjectAtIndex GetObjectIdAtIndex GetPathIdAtIndex GetPortAtIndex InitialisePortIndexCache GetPortIdAtIndex GetTPGroupAtIndex InitialiseTPGroupIndexCache GetIndexForObject C o n t r o l l e r P o r t D r i v e L u n P l e x T P o r t a l T a r g e t T P G r o u p O b j e c t ( T y p e : % d ) %ws Index:%d GUID:{%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x} DrpGetIndexForPath Path Index:%d Path ID: %I64u RemoveObjectIdFromList AddObjectIdToList PopFromObjectIdList AddObjectPropertyToList PopFromObjectPropertyList AddObjectPropertyToList2 PopFromObjectPropertyList2 DrpAddPathInfoToList PopFromPathInfoList GetSizeDisplayString GetSizeDisplayString-2 GetPathStatusString GetString GetIpAddressString WSAAddressToString failed RtlIpv6AddressToStringEx failed [ % s ] : % h u DrDoMaintenanceOp B E E P B L I N K P I N G S P I N U P S P I N D O W N C O U N T InitialisePathIndexCache pLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLunMpio pLunMpio->GetPathInfo Errant provider--returned S_OK with a NULL pointer pLunMpio->GetLoadBalancePolicy Errant provider--returned S_OK with a NULL pointer or number of paths returned is inconsistent Errant provider--path does not have corresponding path policy GetIndexForPath ListFcPathLbpLine % - 3 l u FindIndexForPort PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_PATH_LBP_FC_LINE) ListFcPathLine PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_PATH_FC_LINE_FIRST) PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_PATH_FC_LINE_NEXT) ListIscsiPathLbpLine FindIndexForTPortal PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_PATH_LBP_ISCSI_LINE) ListIscsiPathLine PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_PATH_ISCSI_LINE_FIRST) PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_PATH_ISCSI_LINE_NEXT) ListInitiatorLine PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_INITIATOR_LINE) DrpGetLunFromLunNumber DrpGetULongDisplayString % l u DrpGetBusTypeDisplayString DrpGetBusTypeFromString S C S I A T A P I A T A 1 3 9 4 S S A F I B R E U S B R A I D I S C S I S A S S A T A S D M M C DrpGetVdsHintsFromVdsHints2 DrpGetDriveProperties2FromDriveProperties DrpGetDriveProperties pDrive->QueryInterface pDrive2->GetProperties2 pDrive->GetProperties DrpGetSubsystemProperties2FromSubsystemProperties DrpGetSubsystemProperties pSubsystem->QueryInterface pSubsystem2->GetProperties2 pSubsystem->GetProperties EmptyDiskProperties CO SetSelectedController Changing controller selection from %d to %d Currently selected HbaPort:%d IAdapter:%d IPortal:%d Provider:%d Subsystem:%d Controller:%d Port:%d Drive:%d Lun:%d TPortal:%d Target:%d TPGroup:%d EmptyControllerProperties InitialiseControllerIndexCache %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pSubsystem->QueryControllers, pSubsystem: %p pEnumController->Next pUnknown->QueryInterface IID_IVdsController pController->GetProperties ListControllerLine SetControllerStatus No controller selected %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pSelectedController->SetControllerStatus(%d) ListControllers %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Argument [%ws] present where none was expected No subsystem selected pController->QueryAssociatedLuns pEnumLuns->Next DetailController pSelectedController->GetProperties GetProperties failed GetPortProperties pSelectedController->GetPortProperties pSelectedController->QueryAssociatedLuns pUnknown->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLun pLun->GetProperties pLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsDisk pDisk->GetProperties SelectController GetDwordFromString for new controller index ControllerMaintenanceOp pSelectedController->QueryInterface IID_IVdsMaintenance DoMaintenanceOp OnlineController DoMaintenanceOp VDS_CS_ONLINE OfflineController SetControllerStatus VDS_CS_OFFLINE ResetController pSelectedController->Reset FlushControllerCache C O N T R O L L E R First argument must be CONTROLLER pSelectedController->FlushCache InvalidateControllerCache pSelectedController->InvalidateCache PO SetSelectedPort Changing port selection from %d to %d EmptyPortProperties pController->QueryInterface IID_IVdsControllerControllerPort pController->QueryControllerPorts pEnumPort->Next pUnknown->QueryInterface IID_IVdsControllerPort pPort->GetProperties InitialiseAllPortIndexCaches DetailPortListAssociatedLuns pPort->QueryAssociatedLuns DetailPortListPaths pSelectedSubsystem->QueryLuns pEnumLun->Next EmptyLunProperties ListPortLine ListPorts DetailPort No port selected pSelectedPort->GetProperties SelectPort PrintMessage(MSG_INFO_NO_SELECTED_PORT) PrintMessageWithArguments GetDwordFromString for new controller port index ResetPort pSelectedPort->Reset PortMaintenanceOp pSelectedPort->QueryInterface IID_IVdsMaintenance %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: ENTER %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x LEAVE %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: VOID LEAVE DI ChangeMode Changing diskraid mode from 0x%x to 0x%x OpenInputScriptFile r Opening script file [%ws] OpenDebugLogFile w CloseInputScriptFile CloseDebugLogFile ---- End diskraid log: Level %d [%02hd:%02hd:%02hd.%02hd %04hd/%02hd/%02hd] ---- ParseCommandLineArguments d e b u g l e v e l d e b u g f i l e ---- Start diskraid log: Level %d [%02hd:%02hd:%02hd.%02hd %04hd/%02hd/%02hd] ---- .OCP LaunchVds CoCreateInstance pLoader->LoadService WaitForServiceReady LoadAndInitialiseHardwareProviders pService->QueryProviders pEnumProvider->Next QueryInterface: IID_IVdsProvider QueryInterface: IID_IVdsHwProvider NULL interface pointer %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Added provider index 0, pNode: %p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Added provider index %d %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pNode: %p A VDS hardware provider failed to initialize LoadAndInitialiseHbaPorts QueryInterface: IID_IVdsServiceHba pServiceHba->QueryHbaPorts pEnumHbaPort->Next QueryInterface: IID_IVdsHbaPort %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Added HBA port index 0, pNode: %p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Added HBA port index %d LoadAndInitialiseInitiator QueryInterface: IID_IVdsServiceIscsi pServiceIscsi->QueryInitiatorAdapters pEnumIAdapter->Next QueryInterface: IID_IVdsIscsiInitiatorAdapter %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Added initiator adapter index 0, pNode: %p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Added initiator adapter index %d pNewAdapterNode->pVdsIAdapter->QueryInitiatorPortals pEnumIPortal->Next QueryInterface: IID_IVdsIscsiInitiatorPortal %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Added initiator portal index 0, pNode: %p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Added initiator portal index %d Initialize InitialiseStoragePools InitialiseSubsystems PrintWelcomeMessage 6 . 3 GetExitCode %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Converting hResult to exit code %d wmain CoInitializeEx RegisterApplicationRestart DrpPrintWelcomeMessage DrpInitialize DrpDoCommandLoop C : \ d i s k r a i d . l o g DR SetSelectedDrive Changing drive selection from %d to %d EmptyDriveProperties GetDriveFreeSpace pDrive->QueryExtents Drive Extents Reported (Drive ID: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extent %d: LunId:{%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x} ullSize:%I64lu bUsed:%ws InitialiseDriveIndexCache pSubsystem->QueryDrives pEnumDrive->Next pUnknown->QueryInterface GetDriveFlagDisplayString GetDriveFlagDisplayStringDetail IncreaseDriveContributionInLunList LUN not found DetailDriveListAssociatedLuns ListDriveLine2 ListDriveLine PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_DRIVE_LINE) SetDriveStatus No drive selected %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pSelectedDrive->SetStatus(%d) ListDrives DetailDrive SelectDrive GetDwordFromString for new drive index SetDriveFlag H O T S P A R E %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Unrecognised flag [%ws] %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pSelectedDrive->SetFlags(0x%08x) %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pSelectedDrive->ClearFlags(0x%08x) DriveMaintenanceOp pSelectedDrive->QueryInterface IID_IVdsMaintenance ReplaceDrive D R I V E First argument must be DRIVE GetDwordFromString for target drive index Source and Target drives ought to be different pSelectedSubsystem->ReplaceDrive OnlineDrive SetDriveStatus VDS_DRS_ONLINE OfflineDrive ReenumerateDrives pSubsystem->Reenumerate HB SetSelectedHbaPort Changing HBA Port selection from %d to %d FindIndexForHbaPort GetHbaPortAtIndex GetHbaPortStatusString GetHbaPortTypeString GetWwnString % . 2 x % . 2 x % . 2 x % . 2 x % . 2 x % . 2 x % . 2 x % . 2 x GetPortSpeedString , DetailHbaPortListPaths %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pHardwareProvider->QuerySubSystems ProviderIndex:%d pEnumSubsystem->Next pSubsystemUnk->QueryInterface IID_IVdsSubSystem GetIndexForSubsystem pSubsystem->QueryLuns pLunUnk->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLun ListHbaPortLine SetHbaPortPathsStatus No HBA port selected DrpGetHbaPortAtIndex %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pVdsHbaPort->SetAllPathStatuses %d ListHbaPorts %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pVdsHbaPort->GetProperties, HBA Port Index: %d DetailHbaPort SelectHbaPort OnlineHbaPort SetHbaPortAllPathStatusStatus VDS_MPS_ONLINE First argument must be HBAPORT, 1 H B A P O R T First argument must be HBAPORT, 2 SetHbaPortAllPathStatusStatus VDS_MPS_STANDBY IA SetSelectedIAdapter Changing initiator adapter selection from %d to %d FindIndexForIAdapter GetIAdapterAtIndex DetailIAdapterListPaths ListIAdapterLine ListIAdapters %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pVdsIAdapter->GetProperties, Initiator Adapter Index: %d DetailIAdapter No initiator adapter selected DrpGetIAdapterAtIndex SelectIAdapter IP SetSelectedIPortal Changing initiator portal selection from %d to %d GetIPortalAtIndex DetailIPortalListPaths ListIPortalLine ListIPortals %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pVdsIPortal->GetProperties, Initiator Portal Index: %d DetailIPortal No initiator portal selected DrpGetIPortalAtIndex DrpGetIpAddressString SelectIPortal T P O R T A L S E T %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Unrecognised argument [%ws] LU SetSelectedLun Changing LUN selection from %d to %d DrpGetLunCachingPolicyDisplayString ; DrpGetLunFlagsDisplayString InitialiseLunPlexIndexCache pLun->QueryPlexes pEnumLunPlex->Next pUnknown->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLunPlex pLunPlex->GetProperties InitialiseLunIndexCache pLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLunNumber pLunNumber->GetLunNumber GetLunTypeString GetLoadBalancePolicyString IncreaseDriveContributionInList Drive not found DetailLunListContributingDrives pEnumLunPlexes->Next pLunPlex->QueryExtents DetailLunListAssociatedControllers pLun->QueryActiveControllers pEnumControllers->Next DetailLunListAssociatedPorts pLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLunControllerPorts pLunControllerPorts->QueryActiveControllerPorts pEnumPorts->Next pPort->GetController DrpDetailLunListAssociatedTargets GetProviderType GetSupportedInterconnects pLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLunIscsi pLunIscsi->QueryAssociatedTargets pEnumTargets->Next pUnknown->QueryInterface IID_IVdsIscsiTarget pTarget->GetProperties pTarget->QueryAssociatedLuns ListTargetLine DetailLunListPaths GetInputLunType r a i %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Lun type [%ws] is not recognised DrpGetInputLbpType %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Load balance policy type [%ws] is not recognised ListLunLine2 PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_LUN_LINE_2) ListLunLine ListLunLineLunNumber DetailLunVerboseListPlex DetailLunVerbose No LUN selected AutomagicApplyHintsToLun pSelectedLun2->ApplyHints2 pSelectedLun->ApplyHints AssociateControllersToLun pSelectedLun->QueryActiveControllers Controller is not associated with the lun Unable to allocate controller ID array Mismatched active controller count pSelectedSubsystem->QueryControllers pEnumControllers->Reset Unable to allocate inactive controller ID array Mismatched inactive controller count pSelectedLun->AssociateControllers AssociatePortsToLun pSelectedLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLunControllerPorts pSelectedLunControllerPorts->QueryActiveControllerPorts pPortUnk->QueryInterface IID_IVdsControllerPort Controller port is not associated with the lun Unable to allocate port ID array Mismatched active port count pControllerUnk->QueryInterface IID_IVdsControllerControllerPort pControllerControllerPort->QueryControllerPorts Unable to allocate inactive controller port ID array Mismatched inactive port count pSelectedLunControllerPorts->AssociatePorts AssociateTargetsToLun pSelectedLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLunIscsi pSelectedLunIscsi->QueryAssociatedTargets Unable to allocate target ID array Mismatched active target count pSelectedLunIscsi->AssociateTargets SetLunStatus %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pSelectedLun->SetStatus %d ListLuns pSelectedSubsystem->GetProperties DetailLun V E R B O S E pSelectedLun->GetProperties pSelectedLun->QueryInterface pSelectedLunNumber->GetLunNumber SelectLun N U M B E R The provider doesn't support LUN number The LUN number passed in was not found %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Argument [%ws] is invalid CreateLun S I Z E SIZE= specified multiple times D R I V E S POOL= and DRIVES= are both specified DRIVE= specified multiple times S T R I P E S I Z E Size greater than ULONG_MAX STRIPE= specified multiple times N O E R R NOERR specified multiple times B U S GetBusTypeFromString Invalid Bus Type BUS= specified multiple times P O O L GetProviderAtIndex Provider is not selected GetStoragePoolIdAtIndex POOL= specified multiple times Either SIZE or the DRIVES or the POOL parameter must be present For automagic LUNs, SIZE is required, NOERR is optional, anything else is an error. pProviderNode is NULL pHwProvider is NULL pHwProvider->QueryInterface The provider does not support storage pools pHwProviderStoragePool->CreateLunInStoragePool Unable to allocate Drive ID array Mismatched drive count pSelectedSubSystem->QueryInterface pSelectedSubsystem2->CreateLun2 pSelectedSubsystem->CreateLun %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pAsync->Wait hResult2:0x%x pLun->GetSubsystem DrpGetIndexForSubsystem DrpSetSelectedSubsystem Overwriting error to S_FALSE--NOERR specified DeleteLun U N I N S T A L L UNINSTALL specified multiple times pService->QueryInterface IID_IVdsServiceUninstallDisk pSelectedLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsDisk pServiceUninstallDisk->UninstallDisks pServiceUninstallDisk->UninstallDisks hResult2 pSelectedLun->Delete Overwriting error to S_FALSE: NOERR was specified AddLunPlex L U N GetDwordFromString to get LUN index Plex to be added must be different from current LUN Second argument must be LUN= pLunToAdd->GetProperties pSelectedLun->AddPlex BreakLunPlex P L E X GetDwordFromString to get plex index First input must be PLEX pSelectedLun->RemovePlex Overwriting hResult to S_FALSE: NOERR specified ExtendLun First argument must be LUN SIZE= value not specified Either SIZE or the DRIVES parameter must be present pSelectedLun->Extend RecoverLun pSelectedLun->Recover ShrinkLun pSelectedLun->Shrink LunMaintenanceOp pSelectedLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsMaintenance OnlineLun SetLunStatus VDS_LS_ONLINE OfflineLun SetLunStatus VDS_LS_OFFLINE A D D List of controllers absent ChangeLunControllerAssociations DissociateControllersFromLun List of ports absent ChangeLunPortAssociations DissociatePortsFromLun List of targets absent ChangeLunTargetAssociations DissociateTargetsFromLun DrUnmaskLun A L L * N O N E W W N WWN can only be specified for FC or SAS connected LUNs, 1 No WWN specified after keyword WWN I N I T I A T O R INITIATOR can only be specified for iSCSI LUNs, 1 No initiators specified after keyword INITIATOR WWN can only be specified for FC or SAS connected LUNs, 2 ; TARGET can only be specified for iSCSI LUNs, 2 WWNs or initiators must be specified after ADD %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pSelectedLun->SetMask(%ws) NameLun pSelectedLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLunNaming pSelectedLunNaming->SetFriendlyName Name too long LbpSetLun pSelectedLun->QueryInterface IID_IVdsLunMpio pSelectedLunMpio->GetLoadBalancePolicy T Y P E GetInputLbpType Invalid TYPE argument TYPE= specified multiple times P A T H S Invalid PATHS argument Invalid path ID in PATHS argument P R I M A R Y Invalid path weight in PATHS argument PATHS= specified multiple times Either TYPE or the PATHS parameter must be present pSelectedLunMpio->SetLoadBalancePolicy MI DisplayAutomagicFlags SetAutomagicFlags F C R FCR specified more than once F T L FTL specified more than once M S R MSR specified more than once O S R OSR specified more than once O S W OSW specified more than once R B V RBV specified more than once R M P RMP specified more than once W T C WTC specified more than once Y N K YNK specified more than once M X D MXD specified greater than maximum allowed (ULONG_MAX) MXD specified more than once M X S EMX specified more than once O R A ORA specified greater than maximum allowed (ULONG_MAX) ORA specified more than once O R S ORS specified greater than maximum allowed (ULONG_MAX) ORS specified more than once O W A OWA specified greater than maximum allowed (ULONG_MAX) OWA specified more than once O W S OWS specified greater than maximum allowed (ULONG_MAX) OWS specified more than once R B P RBP specified greater than maximum allowed (VDS_REBUILD_PRIORITY_MAX) RBP specified more than once S T S STS specified greater than maximum allowed (ULONG_MAX) STS specified more than once A H S AHS specified more than once U M C UMC specified more than once R C E RCE specified more than once W C E WCE specified more than once M S E MSE specified more than once C C E CCE specified more than once BUS specified more than once Unrecognised argument [%ws]: expected automagic hint ClearAutomagicFlags ALL specified with additional parameters MSP specified more than once HandleAutomagicFlags C L E A R A P P L Y Unrecognised argument [%ws]: expected <none>, SET, CLEAR or APPLY Initiator pService->QueryInterface IID_IVdsServiceIscsi ChapInitiator Either SET or REMEMBER must be specified S E C R E T T A R G E T GetDwordFromString for target index pServiceIscsi->SetInitiatorSharedSecret SECRET must be specified R E M E M B E R TARGET must be specified pServiceIscsi->RememberTargetSharedSecret CommandHelp ? Rem Exit PT LogOutputString [***%ws***] PrintString PR SetSelectedProvider Changing provider selection from %d to %d SetSelectedSubsystem(-1) SetSelectedStoragePool(-1) GetProviderSupportString ListProviderLine pHardwareProvider->QueryInterface pHwProviderType2->GetProviderType2 pHwProviderType->GetProviderType GetProviderSupport ListProviders %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pVdsProvider->GetProperties, Provider Index: %d DetailProvider No provider selected DrpGetProviderAtIndex SelectProvider DrRefreshProvider %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pHardwareProvider->Refresh, Provider Index: %d ReenumerateSubsystems %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pHardwareProvider->Reenumerate, Provider Index: %d SU SetSelectedSubsystem Changing subsystem selection from %d to %d SetSelectedController(-1) SetSelectedDrive(-1) SetSelectedLun(-1) SetSelectedTarget(-1) SetSelectedTPortal(-1) InitialiseTargetIndexCache InitialiseTPortalIndexCache Unable to allocate new node for subsystem Subsystem Index:%d GUID:{%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x} GetSubsystemAtIndex %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x No subsystem at index %d %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pProvider->QuerySubSystems ProviderIndex:%d pUnknown->QueryInterface IID_IVdsSubSystem GetStripeSizesDisplayString % l u % s GetSubsystemCapabilitiesDisplayString DrpGetSupportedLunTypesDisplayString %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pDrState=%p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x dwIndex=%d %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pulSupportedInterconnects=%p pSubsystemInterconnect->GetSupportedInterconnects GetSupportedInterconnectsDisplayString InitialiseSubsystemIndexCache %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x InitialiseSubsystemIndexCache ProviderIndex:%d SetSelectedProvider(-1) ListSubsystemLine PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_SUBSYSTEM_LINE) SetSubsystemStatus %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pSubsystem->SetStatus %d ListSubsystems DetailSubsystem pSubsystem->QueryControllers pEnum->Next SelectSubsystem PrintMessage(MSG_INFO_NO_SELECTED_SUBSYSTEM) PrintMessage(MSG_INFO_SELECTED_SUBSYSTEM) GetDwordFromString for subsystem index PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_SELECTED_SUBSYSTEM) SubsystemMaintenanceOp pSubsystem->QueryInterface IID_IVdsMaintenance OnlineSubsystem SetSubsystemStatus VDS_SSS_ONLINE OfflineSubsystem SetSubsystemStatus VDS_SSS_OFFLINE NameSubsystem pSelectedSubsystem->QueryInterface IID_IVdsSubSystemNaming pSelectedSubsystemNaming->SetFriendlyName pSelectedSubsystem->QueryInterface IID_IVdsSubSystemIscsi ImportTarget S U B S Y S T E M First argument must be SUBSYSTEM pSelectedSubsystem->QueryInterface IID_IVdsSubSystemImportTarget failed pSelectedSubsystem->QueryInterface IID_IVdsSubSystemImportTarget pSelectedSubsystemImportTarget->GetImportTarget pSelectedSubsystemImportTarget->GetImportTarget, VDS_E_NO_IMPORT_TARGET pSelectedSubsystemImportTarget->GetImportTarget, failed PopFromObjectPropertyList, S_FALSE Second argument must be TARGET No target selected pSelectedTarget->GetProperties pSelectedSubsystemImportTarget->SetImportTarget T P G R O U P C O N T R O L L E R S P O R T S T A R G E T S I A D A P T E R I P O R T A L P O R T P R O V I D E R H B A P O R T S I A D A P T E R S I P O R T A L S L U N S P R O V I D E R S S U B S Y S T E M S T P G R O U P S T P O R T A L S P O O L S A S S O C I A T E A U T O M A G I C B R E A K C H A P C R E A T E D E L E T E D E T A I L D I S S O C I A T E E X I T E X T E N D F L U S H C A C H E H E L P I M P O R T T A R G E T I N V A L I D A T E C A C H E L B P O L I C Y L I S T L O G I N L O G O U T M A I N T E N A N C E N A M E O F F L I N E O N L I N E R E C O V E R R E E N U M E R A T E R E F R E S H R E M R E M O V E R E P L A C E R E S E T S E L E C T S E T F L A G S H R I N K S T A N D B Y U N M A S K S I M P L E S P A N S T R I P E M I R R O R R A I D 2 R A I D 3 R A I D 4 R A I D 5 R A I D 6 R A I D 0 1 R A I D 0 3 R A I D 0 5 R A I D 1 0 R A I D 1 5 R A I D 3 0 R A I D 5 0 R A I D 5 1 R A I D 5 3 R A I D 6 0 R A I D 6 1 F A I L O V E R R O U N D R O B I N S U B S E T R O U N D R O B I N D Y N L Q D W E I G H T E D L E A S T B L O C K S V E N D O R S P E C I F I C M A N U A L P E R S I S T E N T B O O T O N E W A Y M U T U A L TA SetSelectedTarget Changing target selection from %d to %d SetSelectedTPGroup(-1) EmptyTargetProperties %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pSubsystemIscsi->QueryTargets, pSubsystem: %p pEnumTarget->Next DetailTargetListAssociatedLuns DetailTargetListConnectedInitiators pTarget->GetConnectedInitiators DrpGetInputLoginType %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Login type [%ws] is not recognised DrpGetInputChapType %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x CHAP type [%ws] is not recognised PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_Target_LINE) ListTargets DetailTarget SelectTarget GetDwordFromString for new target index CreateTarget No subsystem pointer NAME= specified multiple times I S C S I N A M E ISCSINAME= specified multiple times NAME parameter must be present pSelectedSubsystemIscsi->CreateTarget DeleteTarget %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x Argument [%ws] present where none or NOERR was expected pSelectedTarget->Delete LoginTarget No args First argument must be TARGET IADAPTER= not specified GetInputLoginType GetInputChapType CHAP= specified multiple times pTPortalToUse->GetProperties TPORTAL= specified multiple times pVdsIPortal->GetProperties IPORTAL= specified multiple times I P S IPS specified multiple times E M P EMP specified multiple times E H D EHD specified multiple times E D D EDD specified multiple times pVdsIAdapter->LoginToTarget LogoutTarget pVdsIAdapter->LogoutFromTarget NameTarget pSelectedTarget->SetFriendlyName ChapTarget pSelectedTarget->SetSharedSecret INITIATOR must be specified pSelectedTarget->RememberInitiatorSharedSecret PG SetSelectedTPGroup Changing target portal group selection from %d to %d EmptyTPGroupProperties pTarget->QueryPortalGroups pEnumTPGroup->Next pUnknown->QueryInterface IID_IVdsIscsiPortalGroup pTPGroup->GetProperties DetailTPGroupListAssociatedTPortals pTPGroup->QueryAssociatedPortals pEnumTPortals->Next pUnknown->QueryInterface IID_IVdsIscsiPortal pTPortal->GetProperties pTPortal->QueryAssociatedPortalGroups pEnumAssocTPGroups->Next pAssocTPGroup->GetTarget DrpGetIndexForObject DrpAddObjectPropertyToList ListTPGroupLine ListTPGroups DetailTPGroup No target portal group selected pSelectedTPGroup->GetProperties SelectTPGroup PrintMessage(MSG_INFO_NO_SELECTED_TPGROUP) GetDwordFromString for new target portal group index CreateTPGroup pSelectedTarget->CreatePortalGroup DeleteTPGroup pSelectedTPGroup->Delete AddTPGroupTPortal Second argument must be TPORTAL=, 1 GetDwordFromString to get target portal index Invalid index Second argument must be TPORTAL=, 2 pTPortalToAdd->GetProperties pSelectedTPGroup->AddPortal RemoveTPGroupTPortal First input must be TPORTAL=, 1 First input must be TPORTAL=, 2 pTPortalToRemove->GetProperties pSelectedTPGroup->RemovePortal TP SetSelectedTPortal Changing target portal selection from %d to %d EmptyTPortalProperties %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pSubsystemIscsi->QueryPortals, pSubsystem: %p pEnumTPortal->Next DetailTPortalListAssociatedTPGroups pEnumTPGroups->Next pTPGroup->GetTarget pEnumAssocTPortals->Next DetailTPortalListPaths GetTPortalIdAtIndex ListTPortalLine PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_TPORTAL_LINE) ListTPortals DetailTPortal No target portal selected pSelectedTPortal->GetProperties SelectTPortal GetDwordFromString for new target portal index SP GetStoragePoolTypeString %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x lpszTypeString=%p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x cchTypeString=%d GetRaidTypeString SetSelectedStoragePool %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pStoragePool=%p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pDrState->SelectionInfo.dwSelectedStoragePoolIndex=%d %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pDrState->SelectionInfo.pSelectedStoragePool=%p Changing storage pool selection from %d to %d EmptyStoragePoolProperties %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pStoragePoolProperties=%p GetIndexForStoragePool %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x lpdwIndex=%p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pProvider=%p Unable to allocate new node for storage pool StoragePool Index:%d GUID:{%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x} %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pProviderNode=%p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pStoragePoolId=%p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x No storage pool at index %d GetStoragePoolAtIndex %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x ppStoragePool=%p The HW provider interface pointer is not set in the cache %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pHwProviderStoragePool->QueryStoragePools ProviderIndex:%d pEnumStoragePool->Next pUnknown->QueryInterface IID_IVdsStoragePool pStoragePool->GetProperties InitialiseStoragePoolIndexCache %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pHwProviderStoragePools->QueryStoragePools ProviderIndex:%d %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x InitialiseStoragePoolIndexCache ProviderIndex:%d ListStoragePoolLine PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_LIST_STORAGEPOOL_LINE) DetailPoolListLun %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pVdsLunProperties=%p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x dwLunIndex=%d %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x dwSubSystemIndex=%d PrintMessage DetailPoolListDrive %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pDriveExtent=%p PrintPoolAttributes pStoragePool->GetAttributes GetBusTypeDisplayString PrintPoolContributingDrives pStoragePool->QueryDriveExtents Drive not found in the cache PrintPoolAllocatedPools %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pParentStoragePool=%p pParentStoragePool->QueryAllocatedPools pEnumAllocatedLuns->Next LUN not found in the cache pEnumAllocatedPools->Next ListStoragePools %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x lpArguments=%p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pbErrorMessageDone=%p %s%04dL%02d %-20.20s: 0x%08x pbDone=%p SelectStoragePool PrintMessage(MSG_INFO_NO_SELECTED_STORAGEPOOL) PrintMessage(MSG_INFO_SELECTED_STORAGEPOOL) GetDwordFromString for storage pool index PrintMessageWithArguments(MSG_INFO_SELECTED_STORAGEPOOL) DetailStoragePool No storage pool selected PrintPoolAllocatedLuns StoragePoolMaintenanceOp pStoragePool->QueryInterface IID_IVdsMaintenance \ D p?@ 01D @ p 5 RSDS?Ý ìCK?<ÙSßY? diskraid.pdb @ ?Òtf?ù t f?ù ëf?ù tf?ù tf?ù=tf?Ét3ÀÃ3À@ÃÌÌÌÌÌ?ÿU?ì?ì4SVW?Eü?MôP3ÿ?MÐh?@ h?@ j2?÷?}ø?}ì?}ð?}üè⣠?Uô·r?ø t?ø u&F?þ réÇEüW ??uü?MÐè¤ _?Æ^[?å] ?rÇEè"