Edit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\iscomlog.dll
MZ? ÿÿ ¸ @ à º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ gÜ?#j²Ú#j²Ú#j²Úþ?Ú"j²Úþ?|Ú.j²Ú#j³Ú`j²Úþ?yÚ*j²Úþ?xÚ"j²Úþ?aÚ+j²Úþ?{Ú"j²Úþ?~Ú"j²ÚRich#j²Ú PE L n?R à ! 4 8 P ?\ ? P§ @ à? ? ø` d p @ ? x ? \ ` ø .text e2 4 `.data ? P 8 @ À.idata þ ` : @ @.rsrc @ p B @ @.reloc x ? H @ B ;??\ 6?\ n?R % ä ä P?\pP?\ À F À Fi s c o m l o g . d l l iscomlog.dll Unable to Create Debug Print Object System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters ComLogDllStartup [Count is %d] ComLogDllStartup inetsrv\iis\svcs\infocomm\log\comlog\comlogex.cpp ComLogDllCleanUp [Count is %d] ComLogDllCleanUp Log context %x not terminated by server %s Unable to open MB path %s[err %x] COMLOG_CONTEXT::LoadPluginModules inetsrv\iis\svcs\infocomm\log\comlog\context.cpp Logging disabled Buff Too Small[%d] need[%d] Error getting pluginOrder[err %x] Got Logging clsid %s {FF16065B-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0} ODBC logging not allowed for NTW Cannot convert string to CLSID: %s Cannot create instance: %s Unable to get the Extended or the Standard Plugin Interface. {FF160663-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0} Logging Extended[%d] <Server>