Edit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\modrqflt.dll
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RequestDoWork CHttpModule::OnBeginRequest CHttpModule::OnPostBeginRequest CHttpModule::OnAuthenticateRequest CHttpModule::OnPostAuthenticateRequest CHttpModule::OnAuthorizeRequest CHttpModule::OnPostAuthorizeRequest CHttpModule::OnResolveRequestCache CHttpModule::OnPostResolveRequestCache CHttpModule::OnMapRequestHandler CHttpModule::OnPostMapRequestHandler CHttpModule::OnAcquireRequestState CHttpModule::OnPostAcquireRequestState CHttpModule::OnPreExecuteRequestHandler CHttpModule::OnPostPreExecuteRequestHandler CHttpModule::OnExecuteRequestHandler CHttpModule::OnPostExecuteRequestHandler CHttpModule::OnReleaseRequestState CHttpModule::OnPostReleaseRequestState CHttpModule::OnUpdateRequestCache CHttpModule::OnPostUpdateRequestCache CHttpModule::OnLogRequest CHttpModule::OnPostLogRequest CHttpModule::OnEndRequest CHttpModule::OnPostEndRequest CHttpModule::OnSendResponse CHttpModule::OnMapPath CHttpModule::OnReadEntity CHttpModule::OnCustomRequestNotification This module subscribed to event CHttpModule::OnAsyncCompletion but did not override the method in its CHttpModule implementation. Please check the method signature to make sure it matches the corresponding method. System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\modrqflt Failed to create config object - error 0x%08x. DoBeginRequest inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\iis70\requestfiltering\requestfiltering.cxx DAV CheckForLongUrl failed - error 0x%08x. Not Found CheckForDoubleEscapedUrl failed - error 0x%08x. CheckForHighBitChars failed - error 0x%08x. CheckForUrlSequences failed - error 0x%08x. CheckForHiddenSegments failed - error 0x%08x. CheckForAllowedFileExtension failed - error 0x%08x. QUERY_STRING CheckForLongQueryString failed - error 0x%08x. CheckForQueryStringSequences failed - error 0x%08x. CheckForAllowedVerb failed - error 0x%08x. CheckForLargeContentLength failed - error 0x%08x. Request Entity Too Large CheckForHeaderRestrictions failed - error 0x%08x. Request Header Fields Too Large ALL_RAW Internal Server Error URL '%S' exceeds %d chars and will be rejected. CheckForLongUrl QueryString '%S' exceeds %d chars and will be rejected. CheckForLongQueryString Double escaped URL. '%S' CheckForDoubleEscapedUrl Found high bit char '%C' in URL '%S'. CheckForHighBitChars Found denied verb '%s'. CheckForAllowedVerb Verb '%s' is not specifically allowed and will be rejected. URL '%S' contains denied sequence '%S'. CheckForUrlSequences QUERY_STRING '%S' contains denied sequence '%S'. CheckForQueryStringSequences URL '%S' contains segment '%S', which is hidden. CheckForHiddenSegments . Found denied file extension '%S'. CheckForAllowedFileExtension File extension '%S' is not specifically allowed and will be rejected. Content-Length %d exceeds %d and will be rejected. CheckForLargeContentLength The value of header '%s' exceeds %d characters. CheckForHeaderRestrictions URL '%S' is always allowed. QueryAlwaysAllowedUrl QueryString '%S' is always allowed. QueryAlwaysAllowedQueryString s y s t e m . w e b S e r v e r / s e c u r i t y / r e q u e s t F i l t e r i n g GetConfigSection failed on %S - 0x%08x. REQUEST_FILTER_CONFIG::Create inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\iis70\requestfiltering\config.cxx a l l o w D o u b l e E s c a p i n g GetBooleanProperty failed on %S - 0x%08x a l l o w H i g h B i t C h a r a c t e r s u n e s c a p e Q u e r y S t r i n g f i l e E x t e n s i o n s GetElementProperty failed on %S - 0x%08x. a l l o w U n l i s t e d a p p l y T o W e b D A V GetDefaultCollection failed on %S - error 0x%08x. GetElementCount failed on %S - error 0x%08x. GetElementByIndex failed on %S - error 0x%08x. f i l e E x t e n s i o n GetStringProperty failed on %S, iteration %d. Error 0x%08x a l l o w e d GetBooleanProperty failed on %S, iteration %d. Error 0x%08x r e q u e s t L i m i t s m a x A l l o w e d C o n t e n t L e n g t h m a x U r l m a x Q u e r y S t r i n g h e a d e r L i m i t s h e a d e r s i z e L i m i t v e r b s v e r b h i d d e n S e g m e n t s s e g m e n t / \ a l w a y s A l l o w e d U r l s u r l a l w a y s A l l o w e d Q u e r y S t r i n g s q u e r y S t r i n g d e n y U r l S e q u e n c e s s e q u e n c e d e n y Q u e r y S t r i n g S e q u e n c e s f i l t e r i n g R u l e s n a m e s c a n U r l s c a n Q u e r y S t r i n g s c a n A l l R a w d e n y U n e s c a p e d P e r c e n t s c a n H e a d e r s r e q u e s t H e a d e r a p p l i e s T o d e n y S t r i n g s s t r i n g Rule '%S' found string '%S' in URL '%S'. FILTERING_RULE::Evaluate Rule '%S' found unescaped percent in query string '%S'. Rule '%S' found string '%S' in query string '%S'. Rule '%S' found unescaped percent in ALL_RAW '%S'. Rule '%S' found string '%S' in ALL_RAW '%S'. 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